Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama's Banking Committee Confusion

Logic dictates that you cannot claim to be a part of something that you are not a part of.

Watch the video....

Planetary President Obama

"Senator Obama could well become our first planetary president."


The Democratic Party's platform (authored by Senator Obama's policy director) reads like a planetary manifesto for a new global order."

Barack O'Bonaparte, Man of Destiny

"Lenin had it, Napoleon had it, and George S. Patton had it . Probably Ahmadinejad has it, too. They have no humility, and they feel justified in sacrificing others for the higher good they are convinced they know."

The Rich Support McCain, the Super-Rich Support Obama

"More than three quarters of those worth $1 million to $10 million plan to vote for Sen. McCain. Only 15% plan to vote for Sen. Obama (the rest are undecided). Of those worth more than $30 million, two-thirds support Sen. Obama, while one third support Sen. McCain."

A Liberal Supermajority

"The commitments would start slow, so as not to cause immediate alarm. But as U.S. health-care spending flowed into the default government options, taxes would have to rise or services would be rationed, or both. Single payer is the inevitable next step, as Mr. Obama has already said is his ultimate ideal."


"Union supremacy. One program certain to be given right of way is 'card check.' Unions have been in decline for decades, now claiming only 7.4% of the private-sector work force, so Big Labor wants to trash the secret-ballot elections that have been in place since the 1930s. The 'Employee Free Choice Act' would convert workplaces into union shops merely by gathering signatures from a majority of employees, which means organizers could strongarm those who opposed such a petition."


"(T)he Fairness Doctrine is likely to be reimposed either by Congress or the Obama FCC. A major goal of the supermajority left would be to shut down talk radio and other voices of political opposition."


"In both 1933 and 1965, liberal majorities imposed vast expansions of government that have never been repealed, and the current financial panic may give today's left another pretext to return to those heydays of welfare-state liberalism. Americans voting for 'change' should know they may get far more than they ever imagined."

It’s Americanism vs. Socialism on November 4th

"At a recent campaign rally, along what is called 'the rope line,' Senator Barack Obama was asked a question by a young prospective business owner about taxes and how Obama’s economic plan would affect him, his family and his business. Obama’s response – his unscripted, from the heart, authentic, no-spin, off-the-teleprompter response – was something that would have made Karl Marx proud. Make no mistake, “my friends,” this election is about Americanism vs. Socialism, and little else."

Another step toward socialism and the public doesn’t blink an eye

"In true socialist fashion the government with tax payer’s money now nationalizes a huge segment of our economy. In this country this is being called 'taking a position' in the banks; in Europe, more familiar with the practice, it’s called 'nationalizing.' This is not right. If we want the government to assist the banks in some way, it shouldn't be by driving us further toward socialism."

Exploding The Myths of “Predatory Lending”

How can I be greedy if I loan to people who I know may not be able to pay back the loan?

If I were greedy I would look for people I could soak with lots of money.

The Brownshirts are at the Gate

"I worry that Obama is close to becoming a demigod—I think he already is one to far-far-left liberals."


"Sadly for America, all of the above leads to the subject of this article—those nefarious associates and unholy alliances who played such an abominable role in Hitler’s infamous rise to dictatorship—his Socialist cronies and enforcers know as 'brownshirts,' and their twenty-first century equivalents. Who are today’s brownshirts? The answer many of the following: the fascist far left wing of the Democrat party; some members of the national news media; and those who publish and—attack blogs that care nothing about the truth, only about spreading propaganda; as well as those elected and appointed government officials who abuse their Constitutional authority to suppress criticism of their candidate, while doing nothing to prevent slanderous and libelous statements about the other side."


"When Mr. Kurtz (a conservative who had been researching Mr. Obama's relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers in Chicago Annenberg Challenge papers in the Richard J. Daley Library in Chicago) appeared on the Milt Rosenberg show on WGN radio in Chicago, brownshirts jammed WGN's phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest e-mails. See the complete article in The Washington Times. Senator Obama’s involvement with Ayres and his wife has been ignored by the mainstream liberal news media."


"The race card has been and continues to be played by the brownshirts. Apparently there are two sets of rules: one set for the brownshirts, that allows them to do and say whatever they want to; and a restrictive set for the rest of us. Black and white brownshirts can preach hate for America and whites from church and bully pulpits, while the rest of us dare not criticize them for doing so. Preachers in black churches can preach political sermons, but white preachers can’t. Brownshirts can attack, with false accusations, the family of the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, while mention of the Democratic Presidential nominee’s socialistic leanings, questionable friends, association with ACORN, college records, employment, and place of birth is off limits."


"Ancient Romans became engrossed with their internal pleasures and ignored the barbarians at their gate until it was too late. Will we elect more brownshirts in November and send them to sack Washington and the U.S.?

"If Obama is elected president, along with a Democratic controlled Congress and Senate, the U.S. may well follow Germany into socialism."

Girl called racist for wearing Palin t-shirt

This is insane!

Colin Powell might endorse Obama

This is the unkindest cut of all.

Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded

"The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled 'kill him' when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded."

Obama to Declare Carbon Dioxide Dangerous Pollutant (Update1)

"Barack Obama will classify carbon dioxide as a dangerous pollutant that can be regulated should he win the presidential election on Nov. 4, opening the way for new rules on greenhouse gas emissions.

"The Democratic senator from Illinois will tell the Environmental Protection Agency that it may use the 1990 Clean Air Act to set emissions limits on power plants and manufacturers, his energy adviser, Jason Grumet, said in an interview. President George W. Bush declined to curb CO2 emissions under the law even after the Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the government may do so.

"If elected, Obama would be the first president to group emissions blamed for global warming into a category of pollutants that includes lead and carbon monoxide. Obama's rival in the presidential race, Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, has not said how he would treat CO2 under the act."

You and I are dangerous because we expel that dangerous gas CO2 constantly.

Barack Obama expels hot air.

The Democrats 'had' to know that the subprime regulations would bring down the American economy

"There's simply no other way to explain what the Democrats did in forcing banks, with the help of "Barack Obama-trained" ACORN and their affiliates, to loan money to homebuyers who had no chance in hell of ever paying the mortgages back: Either their real goal was the destruction of the American economy or the 'socialist' Democrats (might I say "Marxist?) are far too stupid to be legislators. So, which one is it?"


"They, the Dems, actually defended what was going on. These people are either very very stupid, very very crooked, or, more likely, both. These are the kind of disgusting idiots that Obama surrounds himself with."

Incredibly shocking and revealing report on Michelle Obama from African Press International

I am Barack Obama. You can verify that by clicking on my name at the top of this message and see that it goes to my official web site.

The telephone call was a fake. That was not Michelle Obama, it was an actress who tried out for Saturday Night Live as a Michelle Obama impersonator. She is bitter because Tina Fey was selected instead. SNL thought that Sarah Palin would be much more of a joke than Michelle Obama. This failed actress vowed to show the world how good an impersonator she can be, and this hoax telephone call was the result.

(Saturday Night Live did not believe in Affirmative Action? -- Ed.)

A telephone call is just an anonymous voice. You can trust this message is from me because it bears my name.

("And while we are on the subject of me..." -- Ed.)

Phillip Berg is playing into my hands by distracting all of the McCain supporters who are spending time hunting for nonexistent proof that I was born in Kenya instead of helping McCain's campaign. With a few easy delaying tactics I can ignore the court case, concentrate on winning the election, then produce my Hawaii birth certificate any time after November 5.

If you aren't supporting me, please put as much energy and time as you can into ranting on the Internet about how Barack Obama is not really a native born US citizen. I don't mind. I will still work for you as I will work for all Americans as your President for the next eight years.

"I'm asking you to believe"

Barack Obama

Senator Obama, I wish I can get a job the way you are trying to be president. I would go to a job interview and tell the employer "I'm asking you to believe." He or she would say "I'm asking you to leave."

By the way, it would have been clever to claim that an impersonator made the call if Michelle really did make the call. That would be a great way to clean up after her mess.

Global Cooling: Alaskan Glaciers Grow For First Time In 250 Years

"Plans to implement a worldwide carbon tax in the name of saving the planet from global warming have taken another blow after it was revealed that Alaskan glaciers have grown for the first time in 250 years after an abnormally cool summer.

"Temperatures 3 degrees below average caused winter snow to remain for longer, prompting the increase in glacial mass, reports the Daily Tech."


"Michael Savage in his book The Savage Nation said some leftists don’t understand that they are the battering ram against the moral underpinnings of America. They don’t understand that they will be among the first to go when our self-appointed liberators (from capitalism) take over. There will be no 'rights groups' of any kind tolerated in a future New World Order, for, just as under Brother Stalin, Elder Adolf, and Uncle Mao, all 'rights' will be decided for us. If you think you have any special 'rights,' you will be eliminated as an enemy of the people or at least committed to re-education camps. The same goes for the 'femanists,' terrorist apologists, the cougar-cuddlers, the race-baiters, and the other leg-crossers on the evening news, says Savage.

"A Howard Stern audio clip of someone from his staff interviewing people in Harlem on October 1 has been making the rounds. With the exception of one voting for McCain, nearly all were voting for Obama. I suspect Stern was selective of the three he thought the best. (Of course he was -- Ed.) I notice Devvy Kidd has the clip on her article, you might want to close your ears for the first few seconds because Stern uses foul language. For those who have friends without computers or Internet access, following is a synopsis that you might like to print out for them.

"In the opening, the interviewer said, 'Some people speculate that blacks are voting for Obama simply because he’s black and not because of his policies so we took McCain’s policies and pretended they were Obama’s.'

"The first was a man. He was voting for Obama because he didn’t think McCain knew what he was doing. He agreed with Obama’s pro-life position and he agreed with Obama that the troops should stay in Iraq to finish the job. (Remember, these are all McCain’s positions) and he would have no problem with Sarah Palin being Obama’s Vice President.

"The second was also a man who is voting for Obama because he doesn’t agree with McCain’s policies. Although he didn’t have a clue about stem cell research, he’s OK with Obama’s anti-stem cell position and he didn’t mind Sarah Palin being Obama’s Vice President if he wins.

"The third was a woman who is voting for Obama because 'McCain doesn’t sound like he has enough (I think she meant brains but switched gears) – like he’s uneducated because when both presidents (are) speaking, McCain didn’t sound like he knew what he was talking about so much whereas Obama had facts and information when he was speaking.' She supports Obama because she likes his pro-life position and because he wants to keep troops in Iraq to finish the job and she says 'Yup,' she’s glad Obama selected Sarah Palin to be his Vice President running mate.”


"Huntley Brown, a concert pianist, man of God and black, writes 'Why I Can’t Vote for Obama.' He lists many reasons and adds: In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to lead a nation, it meant one thing – judgment. Then he refers to I Samuel 8 with emphasis on v. 18: When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the Lord will not answer you."

One thing Obama and I agree on

"The Democrat recovered somewhat when he said that though he supported gay civil unions, marriage was a 'sacred union' between a man and a woman."

But when he ran for the U.S. Senate he called the Defense of Marriage Act "monsterous."

"I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will appeal any proposal to amend the U.S. constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying. I know how important the issue of equal rights is to the LGBT community. I share your sense of urgency." ( Source: In His Own Words, edited by Lisa Rogak, p. 52 Mar 27, 2007) From

What is the Defense of Marriage Act? "The federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws, and provides that states need not recognize a marriage from another state if it is between persons of the same sex. Forty states have their own Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMAs)." (

Barack Obama is my inspiration, says lost brother

"George Hussein Obama, 26, was discovered this week living in a shack on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. He told The Daily Telegraph that although he had hardly spoken to his half-brother, the Democratic candidate's book Dreams Of My Father was providing the inspiration to lift himself out of poverty.

"'When you have a brother who wants to be the number one most important person in the world, it obviously gives you a lot of inspiration,' Mr Obama, 26, said at his corrugated tin shack in a Nairobi slum."

Barack, help a brother out.

Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama

"Although identified only as Frank in Mr Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father, it has now been established that he was Frank Marshall Davis, a radical activist and journalist who had been suspected of being a member of the Communist Party in the 1950s."


"Barack Obama may be the most radically-left major-party presidential nominee in our nation’s history. A recent analysis of voting records – not words but actions – showed that the senator owned the most left-wing record in the Senate in 2007, placing him ahead of even that body’s one avowed socialist, Vermont senator Bernie Sanders. Now, if Sanders proclaims himself a socialist, and Obama is to the left of Sanders, what do you call Obama?"

Part Two: My Counter-Attack On A Pro-Obama Christian

"Dick, you closed your rant with the statement that you are a 'fiscal conservative.' Since you're obviously not voting for McCain, you must be voting third party, because as a fiscal conservative, you of course recognize Obama's tax policy as a wealth redistribution plan. He plans to provide a 'tax cut' to 95% of Americans - yet fails to acknowledge that 30% of Americans do not pay taxes. That means that millions of non-tax paying Americans will receive a 'tax credit' or 'refundable' (ludicrously labeled since they pay no taxes to begin with) - which will be paid from the higher taxes collected from that nasty, evil 5% (like the Thiess Family). Obama also fails to admit that millions of small businesses make over $250k/year and will be footing the bill on this massive transfer of wealth. Small business owners like my husband Andy. But I guess the more taxes we pay, the more patriotic we are, right? Who knew?"

Part One: The Email That Started It All

"There are so many things wrong with Dick's email, but in my reply I followed my instincts and tackled him from the perspective of the issues most important at this point in the election, and about which Obama hasn't a leg to stand on. No need to dilute my argument with tangential forays into social or religious issues. Our national sovereignty and security is under siege by domestic and international socialist forces - legions of welfare-minded masses led by socialist political elites. That is where I launched my counter-attack."

Targeted For Destruction: Black Republicans in the Age Of Obama

"The reason for my intense interest is because I come from an inter-racial family. My younger brother, a black man, is constantly barraged by black people who tell him 'how he should think' because of his color. "


"Know your history, people! How can you have so-called 'racial pride' when you don't even know your own recent history?

"Black people have been sold a pack of lies by the party of welfare - the Democrats. Welfare enslaves. You think welfare (and affirmative action) are merely hand-outs for the 'disadvantaged'. Think again, proud black people! It's a hand on your head keeping you down. It binds you to a world of need, poverty, and class warfare. And deep-down shame, that in the free-est nation on earth you can't make it on your own.

"Shame on you for pulling down James T. Harris, a black man who has broken free from that mindset - just like MLK. And shame on you for wallowing in it still. You've done nothing with the precious civil rights MLK and the Republicans fought for - except to demand more handouts, and worship those who give them to you.

"You don't even see that the Democrats have to keep you in need, for their own political power. You can't even see that the hate preached by Jeremiah Wright and black demogagues like him is meant to keep you bitter and apart from your own national community. Black people segregate themselves and angrily justify it by hating their own nation. A nation where the sky is the limit - where black leaders like James T. Harris, Michael Steele, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, JC Watts, etc., can scale the towers of power."


"And that is deserving of racial pride - not selling out to more and more socialism - taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. Obama is promising you things that should make you feel ashamed, not proud. He is catering to your self-inposed victimhood."

Actually I disagree. Obama is not promising blacks, in particular, ANYTHING.


"Identity politics is cheap and for those who won't think for themselves. So 95% of black people will vote for Obama, despite the fact that he's a radical socialist? Pathetic. Never mind that socialism is the death knell of a free nation. Oh no - that doesn't matter to you as long as he's the right color."

Be Like Tom

"What would Jefferson have thought of the Democratic Party's expansion of government, from the New Deal to the Great Society and now 'New Deal 2.0' being quietly drawn up in anticipation of their party controlling the federal government in 2009? Would it anger him that over 30 percent of the nation's income is devoted to paying taxes, forcing Americans to work nearly four months just to pay off the government? Would he have endorsed earmarks, those pernicious projects stealthily inserted into spending bills to protect the incumbency of their sponsors?

"Thomas Jefferson was a defender of the citizen's right to bear arms. In his 'commonplace book,' a scrapbook containing statements and other items of interest to the book's owner, Jefferson included the following from Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria, an Italian philosopher:

"'Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.'

"Would he endorse the Democratic Party's attempts to wrest guns from law-abiding citizens and their belief that gun owners, to paraphrase Senator Joe Biden, ought to have their heads examined or, in Senator Obama's words, are 'bitter'?"

Karl Marx Wins

"These measures, this socialism, are the worse things that have ever happened to our free market system and our fundamental freedoms. Instead of allowing the market to correct itself, the government is taking over the whole ball of wax. Adios capitalism, you served us well."

Time to Use the "C" Word

"Obama’s colleagues are shrewd; they know that they have little chance of taking over all of private enterprise by force. Instead, they want the public to hand it over to them, bit by bit."

They came for Jessica, and I will not be silent

"Jessica wrote later, 'The fact that the volunteer lied, the fact that the Secret Service came to my house to question me about my thoughts and feelings and threaten to embarrass me to my neighbors and go to court if I didn't cooperate is not the tragedy here.

"'Because that girl on the phone doesn't have the pull to send the Secret Service to my home. Someone high in the ranks of a campaign working for a man who may be the next President of the United States of America felt comfortable bringing the force of the Federal Government to bear on a private citizen on nothing but the word of a partisan volunteer.'"

Obama über alles??

The Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Presidential Candidate Ever

Robert P. George: "I hope that all of your listeners will go to and have a look at the article because the article lays out, point by point, all the evidence for my claim that Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the presidency. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the legislature of the Congress; he is the most extreme pro-abortion person ever to serve in the United States Congress. Shall I take a moment just to lay out some of my reasons for saying that?"