Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Obama's educational hypocrisy
"Of the 1,700 students, starting in kindergarten, in this private-school voucher program, 90 percent are black and 9 percent are Hispanic. First the House and then the Senate inserted into the $410 billion omnibus spending bill language that will eliminate the $7,500 annual scholarships for these poor children after the next school year. It could only be reauthorized by the same Democrat-controlled Congress and the anti-voucher District of Columbia Council.
"Fat chance!
"A key executioner in the Senate of the OSP was Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois. I have written admiringly of Durbin's concern for human rights abroad and his trenchant criticism of the CIA's rendition-to-torture history. How about education rights in the nation's capital?
"Andre J. Coulson, director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom, supplies the answer. (I am a senior fellow, specializing in civil liberties and education at Cato.) Wrote Coulson in the Feb. 26 New York Post:
"'Because they saw it as a threat to their political power, Democrats in Washington appear willing to extinguish the dreams of a few thousand poor kids to protect their political base.' Teachers' unions are a vital part of that base, many of whose members fear competition. Not all of them. Randi Weingarten, who is also head of New York's United Federation of Teachers, has started UFT charter schools in that state. But, like Obama, she is silent about stripping these OSP kids of their alternatives. And the largest teachers union, the National Education Association, urged Congress to kill the D.C. program.
"Two of these children, Sarah and James Parker, attend Washington's prestigious Sidwell Friends School. At the end of the next school year and the end of their scholarships, among the classmates they'll be leaving are Sasha and Malia Obama – who, of course, do not need voucher money."
Global warming is running out of hot air
"President Obama is being pressured by James McCarthy, head of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, to rush his carbon tax through Congress before the American people discover the lie in Obama's promise that '95 percent of working families' will not see their taxes rise by 'a single dime.' In fact, his own budget shows that taxes will rise for 100 percent of Americans for the sake of global warming.
"The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change plans to use a treaty to reduce America's use of energy and therefore our standard of living, while forcing us to subsidize energy production in other countries and close our eyes to the omission of China and India from any obligation.
"There has been virtually no overall global warming since 2001. Christopher Monckton, a former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, reminded the conference that temperatures 'have been plummeting at a rate equivalent to 11 Fahrenheit degrees per century throughout the four years since Gore launched his mawkish, sci-fi comedy horror B-movie.'"
Capping salaries? Start with Hollywood
More Illegals in Illinois than California
Rosanna: “[From] ‘Police exchange men and ideas with Mexico department’ by Jeanne Hovanec Staff Writer: Carpentersville - Stop signs in Mexico look a lot like they do around here. But unlike in America, where stopping is mandatory, Mexicans look at the sign as an option to stop, explains police Officer Manny Figueroa. It’s a small cultural difference but one Figueroa and other members of his delegation took home with them in the five days they spent in Zacatecas, Mexico and Police exchange program offers valuable education: Belvidere and Boone County law enforcement personnel have an extraordinary opportunity to improve policing through an exchange program with a friendly city in Mexico. Local Hispanic business owners are eager to help. In fact, in McHenry County, local business owners and Hispanic groups footed most of the bill for a model program. The business people have paid for police officers from Zacatecas, Mexico, to spend time here observing how police agencies operate. In addition, the business owners have paid for McHenry County officers to travel to Zacatecas to see how policing is done there.
“They now approach our Latino community with much more compassion and understanding,” McHenry County Sheriff Keith Nygren said about the officers who participated. The understanding is important, but so is getting new immigrants up to speed on laws of this land that may differ from back home.
“We need to educate our people to respect and follow the laws in this country,” said Javier Lara, an advocate for Hispanic residents of Boone County. Among the differences on opposite sides of the border:
“· In Mexico, it is not illegal for drivers to roll through stop signs if there is no traffic at or near the intersections. Police officers hand out tickets for that here.
· It is customary for Mexicans to avoid eye contact with officers as a show of respect and humility. It is not necessarily an indication that they are hiding something, as some American officers might suspect.
“The goal is to enhance understanding among local police so that they are more effective in both helping and policing the local Mexican immigrant population, which is growing at a rapid rate.
“In Boone County, the Hispanic population made up 6.8 percent of the county’s total population in 1990. The percentage had almost doubled to 12.4 percent in the year 2000, according to U.S. Census data. In real numbers, the Boone County Hispanic population grew from 2,065 in the 1990 Census to 5,219 in the 2000 Census, a jump of almost 153 percent.
“Northern Illinois University’s Center for Governmental Studies estimates that Hispanics will make up 16 percent of Boone County’s population by 2015.
“Belvidere Police Chief Jan Noble hopes to go to Zacatecas next year to observe how police operate there. He will ask the City Council for money to help pay for the trip, which would be partially funded by Belvidere and Boone County Hispanic businesses and advocacy groups. Boone County Sheriff Duane Wirth is interested in the program but, he said, the county is strapped for funds and may not be able to afford it.
“Given the boom in the Hispanic population and the remarkable cooperation from the Hispanic business community, this program looks too good—and too useful—to pass up.”
Rosanna Pulido: Illinois congressional candidate of substance
"Ms. Pulido places the survival of the USA above the nebulous and unconstitutional 'rights' of people who are in this country illegally."
Obama administration begins the end of private enterprise?
"No folks, these are no longer conspiratorial theory rantings. They are factual. One way or another the storm is coming and it's the biggest in this country's history. I only pray I will be ready. How about you? May God be with us and the USA."
The betrayal of America by its own president
Missouri police targeting freedom of speech
"George Orwell’s 1984 is not science fiction anymore. Here are a couple of quotes from the directive that Lt. John Hotz of the Missouri State Highway Patrol says is not 'profiling' and will not cause anyone to be singled out:
"'It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material.'"
Obama Contradicts Campaign Promises – Again
"obama’s making me ill..somebody please find a remedy"
Former Obama supporter here...
Open Letter to Campbell Brown
Liars can Figure and Figures can lie, and I find it repugnant that you (and CNN) are now trying to get us to forget about the $165 Million in bonus money, trying to tell us to look at the BIG PICTURE. Big picture...
How about, for starters, $50 Billion or more of the money we gave AIG came in the front door, and went right out the back door to BANKS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES!
Big picture...lets talk about CV Starr-Starr International being set up to be the NEW AIG which has always been AIG...IE, seen how many AIG folks have been hired by Maurice Greenberg controlled companies?
Big Picture...$14 out of every $15 dollars to buy up TOXIC ASSETS is OUR MAIN STREET TAXES. You and CNN are trying to tell us, that in the long run we will or might see a return on our investment! Who are you trying to FOOL? Even if at some future date and time those investments break even or see a profit, WE WILL NEVER SEE A DIME OF IT.
Here is a CLUE...Main Street is tired of the games, and that includes the ones you people in the press are playing. IE...how come you and Rick Sanchez (as example) never do stories about the anger ON MAIN STREET at 7.5 million illegal aliens working while 12.5 million Americans are out of work. Trust me, we see Illegal Aliens as SCUM, not because they are of Latino descent, but because they are A) criminals and B) have stolen and are stealing food from our LEGAL AMERICAN FAMILIES.
How about you coming out and being honest Campbell Brown...do a story on how Obama LIED TO US about the AIG Bonus money, about how the White House wants the Senate to drop the AIG Bonus issue, and wants the press to TAMP DOWN MAIN STREET ANGER. How about doing a story about Obama and E Verify...you know, the one where he had Senator Reid kill E Verify as too many Illegal Aliens would lose their jobs before he and Congress could grant them AMNESTY!
How about a story telling Main Street Americans that we can kill the AIG Dragon by joining together and CANCELLING our business contracts with them in the form of insurance policies, by instructing our investment brokers to divest our 401 K's of anything directly or indirectly associated with AIG.
Start reporting like a reporter instead of acting as a mouth piece for the Obama Propaganda Machine. IT IS US OR THEM, and RIGHT NOW YOU ARE ACTING AND REPORTING LIKE A THEM.
Obama faces first protest: thousands rallied in anti war March on the Pentagon
"'Obama seems to be led somewhat by the bureaucracies. I want him to follow up on his promise to end the war,' said 66-year-old Perry Parks of Rockingham, N.C., who served in the Army for nearly 30 years, including in Vietnam. 'But the longer it goes, the more it seems like he's stalling.'"
Sounds like you all got chump change.
Obama’s War Policies Worse than Bush’s, Anti-War Activist Says
“'That’s why we called this "Operation No Change,"' said Kokesh. 'What Obama is doing with our foreign policy on a fundamental level is not change. Though we are going to re-label the troops "non-combat troops," they are still out there, and clearly they are still fighting for American interests.'”
Ecomony on the Rebound and Obama’s Gallows Humor
GIVE Mandatory Service Act Strips First Amendment of “Volunteers”
"On March 18, Rep. George Miller, a Democrat from California, tacked an amendment on H.R. 1388, entitled 'Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,' or GIVE (to government), Obama’s plan to require mandatory service for all able young people. Miller’s amendment will 'prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing,' according to GovTrack.us, a site that tracks Congress.
"In other words, Obama’s 'volunteer corps' act, passed by the House with a 321-105 margin and requiring the government to develop a plan for indentured servitude, would deny millions of people their right to oppose and organize against government legistation under the First Amendment. 'This is as close to a sedition act, a violation of 1st Amendment rights, as has been proposed in recent history. A basic right as a part of our natural, inalienable rights, is to resist government. Our founders not only knew it was a right but it was a responsibility. This legislation begins to break that down significantly,' writes Gary Wood for the Examiner."GIVE (up your rights) will conscript millions of young people, put them in uniforms and send them packing to 4-year 'public service' academies where they will be indoctrinated and trained to become 'public sector leaders.'"
Senate Rubber Stamps National Enslavement Bill
"Lee Cary of the conservative American Thinker warns that Obama’s agenda is to, 'tap into the already active volunteerism of millions of Americans and recruit them to become cogs in a gigantic government machine grinding out his social re-engineering agenda.'
"The passage of such shocking legislation with barely a whimper from political activist groups goes to show how well the corporate media has performed in camouflaging the legislation with flowery characterizations of helpful volunteerism, when in reality the bill creates the pretext for mandatory national service and the creation of a multi-million man domestic civil defense unit who will be tasked with spying on their fellow Americans under the justification of protecting the country from terrorism."
incompetence thy name is obama
"and what about The One’s broken promises to his own base about rendition, iraq, afghanistan, his dog? nope, not a peep from the moonbats.
"marinated in left wing politics all his adult life, there is nothing about obama’s background to qualify him to be potus and now we are seeing the results coming at a fast pace. he’s not just a socialist, he’s an incompetent socialist!
"obama isn’t a cool president. there is nothing cool about incompetence. and faux news alert: he isn’t the messiah!
"sadly these few months has shown that barack obama likes playing the president — remember the near daily press conferences in front of his silly little ‘office of the president-elect’ sign? however, now that inauguration has come and gone, and the business of governance is before him, he just really doesn’t know how to be a president."
He should auditioned for The West Wing and beat out Martin Sheen.
Obama's star begins to fade: The Times of India
Who makes Washington give back their bonuses?
Dodd, Chris $103,900
McCain, John $59,499
Clinton, Hillary $37,965
Baucus, Max $24,750
Romney, Mitt $20,850
Biden, Joseph R Jr $19,975
"These are the top seven recipients of AIG campaign contributions last year. You can see the rest of the list of hypocrites here."
First Father Falls For Feminist Fraud, Fails Fatherhood
"I was sure President Obama would agree that every parent deserves due process. Those parents deserve a trial with a jury of their peers, before the possibility of losing custody of their children. I wanted to show him how many fathers are absent from their children’s lives, by no fault of their own.
"But before I knew it, President Obama disappointed me. He also disappointed millions of fathers who are grieving the unjust absence of their children. Instead of making things more equal between the genders, we now have an Office on Women and Children. And we don’t have one for men and their children."
Obama Continues To Set Records For Incompetence
"But the most important recent development involves President Obama’s proposal to have veterans wounded in combat pay with their own health insurance for their own medical care received at VA facilities. Anyone with even one-half of a non-functioning brain would know this proposal would never fly and it would be rejected almost universally by Congress, veterans’ groups and the public. When a president even proposes this kind of a dagger-in-the-back of battle-wounded veterans, the proposal should have a P.S. reading 'I’m incompetent as demonstrated by this asinine proposal.'
"Yet, Mr. Obama and his people were so incompetent as to propose this betrayal of our veterans. He not only proposed it, but also kept pushing it. For example, he had a meeting last Monday, with the national commander of the American Legion, who said, after the meeting, the President 'intended to move forward' with the proposal. Finally, on Wednesday, his press secretary announced, 'The president has instructed that its consideration be dropped.'
"The outrage at the proposal should have been easily predicted. For example, here are some of the comments found in published reports:
• Eleven veterans’ organizations, in a letter to the president, wrote the proposal is 'a total abrogation of our government’s moral and legal responsibility' to treat service-connected medical problems.
• An Amvets spokesman said the proposal 'flew in the face of the government’s covenant to care for all service-connected needs of our veterans.'
• A Congressman said, 'Our budget cannot be balanced on the backs of our nation’s combat-wounded heroes.'
"As far as I’m concerned, this proposal, backed personally and advocated personally by Mr. Obama, shows the incompetence of the White House from Mr. Obama on down."
We Need Smarter Americans
"The problem with an ego too large is that the person believes the publicity. Humility leaves and is replaced with arrogance. Slowly, the very people so public in support of candidate Obama, so willing to swallow such shallow promises of 'hope and change' as though every election is not based on those two objectives, are now waking to the reality of the man. The latest Zogby poll, for example, shows a 50/50 end result when respondents are asked to rate the new President's performance so far in office. Just two weeks ago, Obama's numbers were in the 70% approval area. And, Zogby polling is known to lean left.
"Shallow Americans looked beyond the lack of qualifications of the candidate Obama and simply believed in his ability to deliver a stirring speech - on teleprompter - and ignored the stammering human answering questions in informal settings. Shallow Americans looked beyond the absence of any experience whatsoever in decision making at the executive level and voted for the candidate with the least experience of all running, at a time of national crisis. Shallow Americans looked beyond the last of the Vietnam vets to run for President promising to handle the war on terror with military experience and confidence and instead voted for a defeatist who publicly chastised the General who won the war in Iraq using counter-terrorism strategy written himself. Shallow Americans believed government programs and the promises of all things for all people would actually work in a free republic. Self interests over love of country ruled election day.
"Campaign promise after promise has now been broken. There are blogs written listing the daily blunders of this new administration. Voters were promised such integrity, transparency and a new way of business in D.C. Even in the area of national defense, for which many of the far left voted for Obama the great diplomat, the Bush appointee Bob Gates remains. For now. Gates said he'll stay a year but makes no further commitment beyond that. Gates is a patriot. The bad guys are laughing at our new administration.
"When candidate Obama was running, he was the second top candidate to receive campaign contributions from AIG - Chris Dodd being number one. Both men now feign ignorance of any involvement. The Obama staff were so insistent that the largest spending bill ever in U.S. history be passed by a vanity target date that legislators didn't even read it before voting on it. How convenient for Obama and his agenda. Now, while all the ginned up hostility against a company like AIG generates all the news coverage, many dangerous moves are made in the White House as the public is distracted. That is the plan. Targeted 100% taxing? Census bureau manipulation in the West Wing? Close Gimo (sic) with no plan for the inmates? Write a letter to the former leader of France instead of the current one and pledge allegiance? Flim-flam on jobs created and those 'saved'? Hold weekly cocktail parties for the Washington elite in the White House? Issue an order to staff for a weekly campaign style event outside of Washington to continue a nonstop re-election campaign? Doom and gloom on the economy for two years then overnight understand that presidental (sic) tone makes a difference and do a complete flip, expecting consumers to be optimistic?
"Wake up, America. Read a history book. Form an independent opinion. Grow up."
All emphasis mine.