Friday, October 24, 2008
Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber
Ayers apparent: Is Obama set to realize his mentor's communist takeover plan?
"But Ayers' underlying political world-view (i.e. communism) has remained the same.
"Ayers has assumed the role of mentor, guide, and facilitator for Obama's career, adopting the promising but unpolished youngster and playing an instrumental role in his cultivation as a political leader."
Joe Biden gets muzzled for talking out of school
"Campaign sources confirm Senator Biden is off the campaign trail today despite the election only being two weeks away.
"The puppet masters hate it when the puppets begin to speak for themselves."
Remember the Reichstag fire.
Colin Powell said something will happen January 21 or 22. These people cannot keep a secret.
Welfare Payments Can Be Given to Employees
Obama Advisor Changes the Definition of “Welfare”: Free Money Handouts Are No Longer Enough
Welfare Payments Can Be Given to Employees
WASHINGTON, DC— Supporters of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) are sometimes accused of megalomaniacal messianism when it comes to their policy objectives. Yesterday, though, chief Obama economic advisor Austan Goolsbee went too far when he attempted to alter the English language itself:
"Our thing has never been welfare," said Goolsbee. "It was always our intention that there was a work requirement."
Goolsbee correctly noted that Obama's other refundable tax credits were clearly tied to work. An individual must work in order to qualify for Obama's making-work-pay credit, an individual must have earnings from a job in order to benefit from Obama's saver's credit, parents must work in order to benefit from Obama's refundable child care tax credit, and college students must perform community service in order to benefit from Obama's college tax credit.
October 21, 2008, ABC News, “Political Radar” blog
Actually, recipients of free money from the government can have a job, be unemployed, etc. It makes no difference. “Welfare” means the government gives you a check paid for by stealing it from someone else.
Here’s the point: if the Obama camp redefines “welfare” to exclude anyone who has a job or does “community service,” the handouts will never end. It’s like saying you’re not going to eat sweets except at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s absurd. It makes the term meaningless.
A New Welfare State
"When called on this, Obama's answer is that those 38 percent still pay payroll taxes, so he's rebating part of those payments. But that actually puts him deeper into the socialist hole. Here's why."
Messiah Deficit Disorder
"Instantly, hundreds of people were out of their cars. Directly in front of me, a group of supporters -- evident by their bumper stickers -- jumped out with cameras, cell phones and banners. They began chanting: "The messiah! He's coming! Obama is coming!" The shouting only intensified as the candidate and his entourage -- motorcycles, police cars, black Secret Service Chevy Suburbans, and buses -- roared past us.
("Hosanna, heysanna, sanna, sanna ho, sanna hey sanna hosanna." Remember that from Jesus Christ Superstar?)
"What I found so disturbing was seeing so many of my countrymen who apparently think -- or believe or hope -- that the next president of the United States will save us from ourselves. Sen. Obama has said we cannot 'wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.' He would do well to remember that unfulfilled expectations are the greatest cause of anger on the planet. That's true whether it is between husbands and wives, students and teachers, employers and employees or leaders and the led. He also might recall that humility is a virtue that has distinguished our greatest leaders.
("And they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong." Remember that from Jesus Christ Superstar?")
What all this means to the future of this republic, I don't know. I'm a military historian, not a prophet. But I do know the first name of the Messiah. It's not Mike. And it isn't Barack, either.
("And they'll hurt you if they think you've lied." Remember that from Jesus Christ Superstar?)
Sanna hosanna hey Superstar!
Obamanomics Abhors the Free Market
"For Obama Kool-Aid guzzlers who believe Joe the Plumber was a premeditated Republican plant to trap Obama into admitting his communist inclinations (even though Obama approached Joe, not the other way around), I refer you to Obama's history of similar utterances in favor of soaking the rich."
"Son of Frankenstein," Starring Barack Obama
"Obama has gone so far as to vow that if this movie succeeds at the box office, if the grosses are large enough on November 4th, he intends to raise ticket prices, otherwise known as taxes.
"The scariest thing of all is that there are millions of Americans who think he’s so darn convincing in the role of president that in spite of the fact that he has no prior acting experience, he deserves an Oscar."
How to pray for the election
America at the tipping point in 2008
"It is by no means severe to point out that if leftists were wise and rational, they would not be leftists. Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union's first dictator and an icon of the left, aptly described its devotees as 'useful idiots,' owing to their enthusiastic and mindless devotion to causes that invariably would lead to their own destruction. Furthermore, it must be constantly reiterated that such minions only remain 'useful' to the leadership as long as they remain, well, idiots."
Don't be an idiot.
God's judgment has already settled upon America
Blindly we go -- down the path of socialism
Obama & his comrades' campaign is being run backwards!
"Increasingly, extreme arrogance is being replaced by utter exasperation and impatience with anyone too stupid to see the Obama is the messiah this nation has been waiting for. We see PBS documentaries where the reporter asks some smirking elderly liberal why anyone would not vote for the chosen one and he answers that some people still make their decisions out of fear of change, tired biases and simple ignorance."
America will weep
Barack Obama and the end of the republic
"At a recent Obama Ohio rally in the hometown of Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (dubbed 'Joe the plumber'), Wurzelbacher asked candidate Obama 'your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?' Obama replied: 'It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. (What are you talking about? -- Ed.) My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up (I think he meant from the top down -- Ed.), it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around [AKA Marxist wealth redistribution], it's good for everybody." With that comment, Obama had let slip his true intentions to the American people and Joe the Plumber has now been trashed and vilified by both Obama and his media for having asked the question that forced Obama's truthful answer. Just as the founder of Communism Karl Marx taught, Obama will implement redistribution of wealth. That means that Obama will take from the most able who produce and give to those who are not and don't. The problem with this, of course, is that under Communist and/or Socialist regimes, most of that money — yours and my money — ends up in the pockets of the ruling elite and their friends. That is what Obama wants for the USA. And the end of the Republic — in place of a totalitarian regime — is what he and his campaigners plan. Note: A lighted match has now been applied to the US Constitution.
"For the first time in history, US voters are being asked to choose between continuing the Republic or bending to the will of a totalitarian Communist candidate. It would seem to be a 'no-brainer' but, with the great4est voter fraud in US history being perpetrated it just might happen."