Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama's Internet tyranny

If you were the President and you did not like blogs, such as this one, exposing you with facts that are available 24/7, what would you do???

"WorldNetDaily reported on Saturday that a pair of recently introduced Senate bills would give the President sweeping powers to control the Internet, including a complete shut-down of this all-important network of networks for 'cyber emergencies.' If you are not now hearing the warning wail of the sirens of tyranny, you should be. Obama's dystopian, socialist, tyrannical agenda has only just begun, using the current 'economic crisis' as both rationalization and rationale for an increase in government control over our private lives that has been unequaled since FDR's day.

"In Technocracy, we have discussed the dangers of lack of net neutrality and the implementation of thoughtcrime that results when governments attempt to constrain what you may read (and therefore what you may think). The battle to control the Internet is this battle to establish thoughtcrime writ large. It is the culmination of every lesser attempt by governments and private entities alike to control some portion of what you access online, because it addresses the medium rather than the media it carries.

"We tread a very fine line between the rights to freedom of speech and to assembly, which are natural rights, and a claim of access to others' venues. You have the right to speak, but not the guarantee to be heard; you have the right to assemble, but not on your neighbor's property. The Internet, as a curious shared resource that is at once both public and private, is arguably a public necessity (as a component of infrastructure) but one that is privately owned (as brought to you through paid service providers, to whose equipment you don't have a right of access or ownership). What is easily discerned, however, is the difference between private citizens exchanging information and data of their own free will, and invasive government interference with that activity. The former is protected by the First Amendment. The latter is an unconstitutional violation of your civil rights, of the type in which the Obama administration has indicated it is only too willing to engage.

"If we refuse to fight this battle for the Internet, we allow private and public entities to turn us into thought-criminals by robbing us of our civil rights. I have no desire to live in Orwell's dystopia as interpreted by Barack Hussein Obama."

McCain warned us about Obama’s Plans

"John McCain was extremely inciteful in his predictions that Sen. Obama if elected would raise taxes on everyone, increase spending in the hundreds of billions all the while Sen Obama lied and denied the accusations. Now, only 2 months into his presidency, Obama is proving McCain right, and showing himself to be a liar."

AFGHANISTAN: Conyers Calls Obama ‘Embarrassingly Naive’

Am I reading right?

"With Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.) calling Obama’s almost $80 billion ask 'embarrassingly naive,' continuing that Obama 'occasionally gets bad advice and makes mistakes. This is one of those instances.'”


"Take Keith Olbermann for example. He has not been holding back on expressing outrage over the Obama administration's claim that the Patriot Act provides sovereign immunity to the federal government in civil lawsuits brought by victims of illegal wiretapping conducted by the Bush administration. (He even said "good luck" to one plaintiff -- Robert) Another example of a disillusioned Obama supporter is MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, who has been fretting over the President's plan to up the stakes for success in Afghanistan by increasing our troop commitment there and settling in to fight the good fight for as long as it takes.

(Do I feel sorry for you guys? No. Ever hear of "buyer's remorse? -- Robert)

"Nothing has broken the spirits of Obama supporters more than his administration's latest bank bailout scheme -- a/k/a the Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP or "pee-pip"). Although Treasury Secretary 'Turbo' Tim Geithner has been the guy selling this plan to Congress and the public, the 'man behind the curtain' who likely hatched this scam is Larry Summers. Summers is the economist whom Obama named director of the National Economic Council. At the time of that appointment, many commentators expressed dismay, since Summers, as Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretary, supported repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. It is widely accepted that the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act helped bring about the subprime mortgage crisis and our current economic meltdown. On the November 25, 2008 broadcast of the program, Democracy Now, author Naomi Klein made the following remark about Obama's appointment of Summers: 'I think this is really troubling.' She was right. It was recently reported by Jeff Zeleny of The New York Times that Summers earned more than $5 million last year from the hedge fund, D. E. Shaw and collected $2.7 million in speaking fees from Wall Street companies that received government bailout money. Many economists are now voicing opinions that the Geithner-Summers Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) is 'really troubling', as well. Nobel laureates Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz have been vocal critics of this plan. As James Quinn reported for London's Telegraph: Professor Stiglitz said that the plan is 'very flawed' and 'amounts to robbery of the American people.'"

Robbery is the plan, simple as that.

Brother, can you spare $83,400,000,000?

"President Barack Obama asked the U.S. Congress for an additional $83.4 billion to fund the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan on Thursday, saying the security situation along the Afghan-Pakistan frontier was urgent."

Who is saying that money could have gone to schools now?

Obama declines comment on US hostage crisis in Somalia

"Originally Posted by TStrong_06 View Post
The president has mouthpieces just for these moments.

"The Navy is engaging in gunpoint diplomacy, and the Secretary of State has commented.

"What more do you want to hear?

"Not good enough. Did Reagan leave his Secretary of State to comment on hostage situations without him commenting?(God I hate using Reagan to make a point) No. I find this non committal attitude of Obama indicative of his prior flip flops and refusal to take a stand.

"If this was an isolated incident I maybe able to buy some of the reasons why he is not speaking. Yet coupled what we know of the man his no comment policy is an odious sign.

"The blinders are off this former Obama supporter and what I see is truly disturbing."

Obama administration seems to share the Bush administration's love of secrecy.

"When I said that I hoped, with all of my heart, that it would only be small things that I disagreed with. Perhaps a cabinet position, or the language used in a speech, or the kind of dog the Obama's got for their kids.

"But sadly I am finding the very same things that I despised within the Bush administration occurring in this new, more 'liberal' administration.

"Defending wiretapping? Expanding the power of the government to keep it from being sued by the people whose civil rights have been trampled on? This not the change I voted for.

"I have listened to Howard Fineman's explanation twice now but it simply does not hold water for me. I voted my heart out so that these policies would be changed, that we our rights would be protected, and that those who disrespected them would be brought to justice.

"Clearly that is not going to happen.

"These are not small disappointments in the eyes of the people who voted for Barack Obama.

"Defending the claim of 'state secrets' is like a slap in the face to all of us who worked so hard to put this administration into place. Promises were made, and now they are being broken.

That is not 'change we can believe in'. That is the same old broken politic promises that we have all been subjected to time and time again."

“Is Obama Breaking His Vow Of Transparency?”

"The White House claims that President Obama’s administration will be 'the most open and transparent in history,' and announced on Friday it will convene a conference on March 12 to ensure 'transparency' in the way money from last month’s massive spending bill is distributed.

"This would be a change from the secretive way that bill rocketed into law. As a candidate for office, Mr. Obama promised he would 'not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.'

"That didn’t happen. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, better known as the stimulus bill, was approved by the Senate on a Thursday. Mr. Obama signed it on a Monday, just three days later.

"Mr. Obama also signed the CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization) bill and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act without waiting the promised five days.

"Were those all 'emergency' bills? Probably not. Even the Democrat-controlled Congressional Budget Office estimates that only 8 percent of the “stimulus” spending comes in budget year 2009. If setting government spending levels in 2010, 2011, and 2012 qualifies as an emergency, it’s hard to imagine what doesn’t.

"This came after Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders rushed the 1,027-page stimulus conference report to a vote and gave their colleagues only hours to read it. (A few days earlier, the House had unanimously approved a non-binding, pro-transparency measure that assured members they would have 48 hours to read the bill.)

"Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) told that none of his Senate colleagues would 'have the chance' to read the final version before the vote. A Rasmussen Reports poll conducted at the time found that only 24 percent of respondents believed Congress will understand what they’re voting on.

"For an administration that promised to be the most 'transparent in history,' and for a House speaker who promised the 'most open' Congress in history, this may not be the most auspicious beginning."

What Now? I Thought We Were Going to See Change?

Love those comments:

"Well, well, well. Just a few weeks into our 'new' government of 'change', and it looks like it’s business as usual in Washington DC.

"CNN (among others) is reporting that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner (AKA Mr. Bean) 'asked' Sen. Chris Dodd (D) to include an executive pay provision in El Supremo Obama’s stimulus bill, opening a loophole that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to pay out $165 million in bonuses.

"Sen. Dodd (Dem. chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs) admitted he'd sneaked in the controversial provision after a 'Treasury official' pushed for it. In keeping with the highest of Washington ethics, earlier in the week Dodd had said he had not played any role in the addition of the loophole.

"IMO Two things will now happen…

"1. Much rhetoric, speech, belly-aching, accusations, and passing of gas will emanate from the Halls of Government about how Mr. Bean should quit, or be fired for allowing the thieves at AIG to profit from their crimes, and because he has damaged his credibility beyond repair. There will be calls from our “leaders” demanding that Obama should fire Bean if he does not quit.
Of course, that will not happen because in keeping with more long standing Washington traditions an excuse will be made for him by the guy/gal(s) who hired him…Obama, and gang.

"2. Sen. Dodd (D), being a senator and thus no credibility in the first place, will go on with his career, serving the American citizen, and suckling at the Public Teat, in spite of being a liar. He will be defended vigorously by his peers.

"Yep, tradition is alive and well in Washington,DC. Friends helping friends.

"So much for the forces of change, and the audacity of hope."

"Don't you see it, we got our change, all the names are different and they are worse than the former group, thats the 'change'

"All we have to wait for now is the 'hope' and I 'hope' they all get voted out ASAP."

"middleview, you're retarded right? So, when you post stuff, do you wear a bike helmet at the computer? Like when you're walking? What's it like riding that short bus to school? I've allways wanted to know."


Obama Accountability Does Not Equal Hateration

Come on Jeff. Did you attend the Tavis Smiley School of Hateration?

You know you are a hater against our blessed redeemer President. Blessed is he that cometh from the Potomac.

"People criticized the fact that I suggested we hold President Obama accountable as the equivalent of being a 'hater' or subscribing to the crabs in the barrel methodology. I think it is not only troubling, but also dangerous that any community, specifically the African American community would feel that they should give up their right and responsibility, when appropriate and prudent, to hold accountable their president on issues of concern.

"The election of the first black president did not somehow remove the laundry list of pressing social and political matters facing rural, urban, poor, wealthy, educated and uneducated members of the very diverse black community. The same black community that blamed and challenged President Bush on almost every decision he made from the gate. This is a community that despite the very high approval ratings of President Clinton, also challenged him on issues of federal mandatory minimum drug policy past under his watch. This is a community during much of its history in this country has engaged president after president about issues of equal access and even human dignity when too many others would not. Why now would we even imply that President Obama should get a pass because he is black and we are still celebrating his election?

"I am not suggesting that today we begin to rally the Nation of Islam, NAACP, Urban League, and the membership of all of America's black churches and historically black colleges and universities to the steps of the White House to ask President Obama why he has not cut reparations checks. I agree with Americans in and outside of the black community that want to give our new president the opportunity to walk out his administration's plans for turning around the political version of the titanic. The historical implications and the magnitude of the economic, educational, and environmental position we are in as a nation require that we allow for some time. However, the way we make government better is through an active and not a passively appreciative approach; by making sure that lawmakers (at all levels) know we are watching and responding to the moves they make on our behalf. The president and his administration have created a more open environment for accountability to take place and thus met with many black leaders. We also must hold these black leaders also accountable to use those meetings for more than photo ops, but rather opportunities to discuss real strategy to transform communities around the country.

"Two truths about the current political climate make the desire by some to condemn accountability in the name of history making celebration, well...foolish.

"One of the values that the African American community used to lift high was the notion that as a race of people in America we had to be twice as good because of the lens of white supremacy we are being judged with. Why now, that one of our own has made history, proving that this work ethic and way of thinking still works would we spit in the face of our history and lower the expectation because it's the first 100 days, because he is black, or because we are lazy citizens that have forgotten what it means to truly engage."

Hater, hater, hater. Why you want to diss Brotha President?

Love those comments:

"You all are acting like sheep. You are doing exactly what he is talking about.
Great article Jeff.
You all keep saying, 'he's only been in office for a month, then 2, now 3'.
He has been moving at breakneck speed and should be held accountable EVERYDAY.
It matters not, how long he has been in office. It only took 1 day to spend 3.6 Trillion.
It only took days to appear to be a liar on so many issues.
2. WAR
My bad. Hes only been in office for 3 months.
Wake Up people! We have been had!"

Where is The Collective Alternative Voice?

Where is The Collective Alternative Voice?
By Rev. Wayne Perryman

While Republicans prepare to spend hundreds of millions on yard signs for the 2010 congressional and local races, the popularity of their party continues to decline and their conservative message continues to fall on deaf ears. What’s going on? Where is the collective alternative voice to challenge the changes that’s taking place?

Some may say, Rush, Newt, Hannity, Beck, Coulter and Ingraham are speaking out. But they fail to realize that the only ones who listen to these individuals are persons who either love them or love to hate them. While the conservatives are preaching to their choir, the liberals are preaching to the masses - in the general population.

1. When President Obama said that we are not a Christian nation, where was the collective alternative voice to give the President and our nation a history lesson on how the Christian faith shaped our nation, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?

2. When President Obama apologized to Europe for America’s past mistakes, where was the collective alterative voice to remind him and the general population of the millions U.S. soldiers (both young and old) who fought for Europe’s freedom and/or the black soldiers who gave their lives for the same but were denied equal rights when they returned home?

3. When President Obama removed (lifted) the ban that placed a limitation on Stem Research, where was the collective alternative voice to remind the general population that our current Stem Cell research, has not proven to cure any of the diseases that people are hoping for?

4. When various states approved same sex marriages, where was the collective alternative voice (particularly from leaders like TD Jakes, Bishop Charles Blake, Joel Osteen and Rick Warren) speaking out against this type of legislation?

5. When President Obama said we are not at war with the Muslim faith, where was the collective alternative voice to tell the world that we are against those who use their Muslim faith to kill others or that we were the ones who sent our young men and women to Bosnia and spent billions of our tax dollars to defend and die for the Muslims who were being slaughtered through ethnic cleansing.

6. When President Obama and Governor Paterson of New York said they wanted a special tax to go after the millionaires, where was the collective alternative voice to tell the hip hop artists, rock stars, Hollywood stars, the MBA Players, the NFL Players, and Major League Baseball Players that this means the government is coming after them, not just a few rich Republicans?

7. When President Obama said he wanted the government to partner with the automobile industry, the banking industry, the health care industry and Wall Street to assure their success, where was the collective alternative voice to tell the general population that the government needs to first focus on all of the inefficiencies and cost over-runs within its own government agencies before they try straighten out or help out private industry.

The problem that Conservatives face today is that they have no strong collective alternative voice to speak to the general population. Conservatives speak to each other in e-mails and private conservations and our conservative talk show hosts speak to their constituency on radio and cable T.V., but none of us are reaching those who need to hear what we have to say. Over the years, we have spent billions on yard signs and posters that we either burn or recycle after the elections, we do so without recognizing that the yard signs only identify who not to vote for- they do not provide the critical messages that the people need to hear.

If only one person is speaking publicly, while the other is speaking privately - only one voice will be heard by the general population.

The coward conservative, must take on courage and collectively speak up and speak out or they will have no voice at all.

Rev. Wayne Perryman

Hey Geithner, Get Your Grubby Hands Off The Venture Capital Industry

"The venture capital industry is up in arms about U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s plans to include venture firms in his plan to increase regulatory oversight over private investment vehicles of all stripes. In a strongly worded op-ed today, the Wall Street Journal lays out the argument against lumping in venture capital with hedge funds and the whole Madoff crew on Wall Street that got us into this economic pickle in the first place."

Love the comments:

"Exactly. No complaining if you voted for Obama. We tried to warn you this kind of thing would happen."

"White House control over other private industries is good but get your hands off my industry?I always wondered why folks in the business world supported Obama. Now maybe it is going to bit them in the butt."

"I voted for Obama and, for the most part, still strongly support him. But he’s decided to adopt Bush’s economic strategy and it’s now obvious that neither trickle-down nor trickle-up economics works. The best market regulator is the threat of failure; none of this nonsense — no-doc loans, option ARM’s, credit-card loan balances to 90 year-olds with no income — would have happened if GSE’s and the large banks were sure we’d have let them end up like Lehman." (Where is the change???)

"Funny how a guy who doesn’t pay his own taxes wishes more regulation on others."

"I hate how we are born into countries where we are forced to conform to rules and laws that are already in place. I feel like humans are similar to sheep, with a small ruling class, the rest of us suffer and pay taxes. The world is so corrupt, the law makers do not have to obey the same laws that they make, money buys you out of problems, and for the most part society suffers."

"even better than that, the government continues to make it more and more difficult to make money."

"Thanks to TC for pointing out this information. As more and more of our economy and businesses are being controlled by Washington, can regulation of our personal affairs be far behind? Recall the words of Alexis de Tocqueville in 1848: 'La democratie etend la sphere de l’independance individuelle, le socialisme la resserre. La democratie donne toute sa valeur possible a chaque homme, le socialism fait de chaque homme un agent, un instrument, un chiffre. La democratie et le socialisme ne se tienne que par un mot, l’egalite; mais remarquez la difference: la democratie veut l’egalite dans la liberte, et le socialisme veut l’egalite dans la gene et dans la servitude.'”

"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Bankers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Banker.
Then they came for the Manufacturers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Manufacturer.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
-Insert your name here"

"Obama and his central planners will fix everything and make sure no one makes too much money and that everything is distributed fairly. Him and his surrogates are far more intellectual and rational then us and as such they deserve the right to make decisions on our behalf, and to spend our money because they can do it far better than we can."

"AGREED! You keep the CHANGE i’ll keep my MONEY!"


"The economy is not growing because people are not spending money. When people do not spend money, businesses do not grow. They do not hire people to create products that people are not buying. People who are earning enough to spend see what’s going on around them and, rather than spend, spend, spend like the government wants them to do, they save, save, save. And they are right to do so! The old American economy was dependent upon the ongoing indebtedness of us all. the 'service' economy. That’s what failed. but the politicians haven’t figured it out, yet. The American people, however, have."

Global warming - an all-consuming scapegoat

"Milloy describes that agenda. 'Global warming has just, for whatever reason, been the most successful scheme the greens have ever implemented....[T]hrough global warming they can reach all of what, you know, population control has now become a global warming issue,' he contends. 'Meat production has become a global-warming issue. What color your car is? Global warming. What kind of community you can live in? -- you know they want everyone to live in urban areas versus, you know, people in the suburbs. Every aspect of our life becomes a global-warming'"

Hey Genius!

"Obama climate plan: Blot out the sun"

Let’s Honor These Students!

"Every once in awhile, though, we discover a video posted by young Americans who have the courage to buck the trend towards Obama worship. The following video, which is a good example, made us smile. Maybe there is hope, yet…"

A Revelation

Liberals love mass murderers such as Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin, Mao, Che Guevara, etc.

They also love other mass murderers -- abortionists.

Am I on to something here?

Anti-War Obamabots' Flaky Position

"When President Bush announced an escalation to the Iraq War, the anti-war left couldn't contain their opposition. They condemned the war (while supporting the troops) and vilified Bush as a warmonger and Hitler clone. President Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan and where's the liberal outrage?

"The night before President Obama rolled out his Afghanistan plan, staffers for Reps. Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters and Lynn Woolsey met to come up with a common position. For two hours the staffers debated over how to respond to the initiative, but they were unable to come up with a position on Obama’s 4,000-troop increase that the troika of liberal California Democrats could agree on.

"On Friday, after Obama laid out all the details of his plan, the staffs traded drafts of a joint statement. One version said the plan 'raised more questions than it answers.' But because they couldn’t agree, it never went out."

Trees Not Cooperating On Climate Crisis

"Plants and trees are growing faster because of rising carbon dioxide levels, potentially buying Earth more time to address global warming, according to scientists.

"The phenomenon has been discovered in a variety of flora, ranging from tropical rainforests to British sugar beet crops.

"It means they are soaking up at least some of the billions of tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere by humans that would otherwise be accelerating the rate of climate change."

That is terrible. Plants and trees deny global warming. We need to get rid of them!

Ford: Democrat School Choice Hypocrisy

"State Senator Robert Ford from Charleston County, South Carolina, is blasting his Democratic Party and saying it is not fair that elected politicians can exercise school choice while their constituents have to remain in the failing public schools.

"Senator Ford said: 'Whatever the amount of money that we spend on a child per year, that money is for the child — it's not for the school. So if you got a failing school, it simply means that that parent is wasting taxpayer money.' Senator Ford also says that parents should be able to use school choice vouchers to send their children to religious schools."

We Didn't See The Obama Bow We Saw

"Now, either almost everyone who saw it was delusional, or we truly have an arrogant lot in The White House that believes they can change reality just because they say so.

"The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets. 'It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah,' said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

"As Chris Rock cited a wife who caught her husband cheating, 'You know you did it. Just admit it.!'"

Was the King a short Munchkin?

  1. Ilion Says:

    We've seen not only the picture, but the video: that was a bow.

The Madness of Crowds

"Many people, especially liberal politicians, have blamed the disaster on the deregulation of the last 30 years. But they do so in order to avoid the blame’s falling where it should—squarely on their own shoulders. For the same politicians now loudly proclaiming that deregulation caused the problem are the ones who fought tooth and nail to prevent increased regulation of Fannie and Freddie—the source of so much political money, their mother’s milk.

"To be sure, there is more than enough blame to go around. Forgetting the lessons of the past, Wall Street acted as though the only direction that markets and prices could move was up. Credit agencies like Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch gave high ratings to securities that, in retrospect, they clearly did not understand. The news media did not even try to investigate the often complex economics behind the housing market.

"But remaining at the heart of the financial beast now abroad in the world are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the mortgages they bought and turned into securities. Protected by their political patrons, they were allowed to pile up colossal debt on an inadequate capital base and to escape much of the regulatory oversight and rules to which other financial institutions are subject. Had they been treated as the potential risks to financial stability they were from the beginning, the housing bubble could not have grown so large and the pain that is now accompanying its end would not have hurt so much.

"Herbert Hoover famously remarked that 'the trouble with capitalism is capitalists. They’re too greedy.' That is true. But another and equal trouble with capitalism is politicians. Like the rest of us, they are made of all-too-human clay and can be easily blinded to reality by naked self-interest, at a cost we are only now beginning to fathom."

“Change” Turns Out To Be Too Expensive and Unpopular

"We spent a trillion dollars (including interest) on a stimulus bill that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8%. We are going to have a $3.6 trillion budget. And the rest of the Obama agenda (e.g. card check, nationalized healthcare, cap-and-trade) is fiscally or politically unfeasible. So what is he going to do for the next three and a half years? (Well, other than rid the world of nuclear weapons.) Perhaps he might finally get around to spurring economic growth and job creation."

Dems ignored those Bush and McCain Warnings On Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

"How soon we tend to forget (and the Democrats chose to ignore) that the financial crisis could largely have been prevented, were it not for the destructive impact of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - whose policies resulted in 25 million junk mortgages: Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning of financial crisis:

"The Bush Administration and Senator McCain warned repeatedly about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and what thus became the 2008 financial crisis -- starting in 2002. Democrats not only resisted all reform efforts, but Barney Frank continued to declare them 'financially sound' despite clear signs of meltdown."

Bull in a foreign-policy shop

"Obama's foreign policy – keeping true to liberal Democrat tradition – has no basis in logic or common sense. Most Americans know, our current economic woes notwithstanding, that we're better off than Europeans. We've also seen the futility of appeasement as regards Islamic factions and the danger of evidencing any weakness whatsoever in their eyes."

America's wishy-washy pastors

"It's a great illustration of America's most prominent church leader equivocating and backtracking and saying almost nothing coherent so that he will offend no one.

"Let me lay it on the line: This is not the way Yeshua (Jesus) talked or behaved. It is not the example of the one whom Rick Warren claims to emulate and worship. There is nothing prophetic or biblical or courageous or principled about this kind of Christian witness."

Foundations of modern racism rooted in Darwin

"Evolutionists did the unthinkable in 1906: they put a young Congolese man, Ota Benga, in the monkey cage of the Bronx Zoo, and exhibited him as a transitional link between simians and white Europeans. (The information that follows is drawn from Ken Ham's excellent book, Darwin's Plantation.)

"At the age of 20, Ota had been bought by an African explorer at a slave auction, by which time he was already a husband and father.

"Brought to America in 1904, he was first exhibited as an 'emblematic savage' at the St. Louis World's Fair. He was studied to learn how the 'barbaric races' stacked up against intellectually defective Caucasians on intelligence tests.

"Said Scientific American in 1904, of Ota and his fellow pygmies, They are small, ape-like, elfish creatures ... while they exhibit many ape-like features in their bodies, they possess a certain alertness which appears to make them more intelligent than other Negroes ... They live by means of hunting and snaring, eking this out by means of thieving from the big Negroes ... They have seemingly become acquainted with metal only through contact with superior beings.'

"In 1906, the explorer presented Ota to Dr. Hornady, the director of the Bronx Zoological Gardens, which led to the September 9, 1906 headline in The New York Times, 'Bushman shares a cage with Bronx Park apes.'

Said the Times article, Dr. Hornady 'apparently saw no difference between a wild beast and the little black man; and for the first time in any American zoo, a human being was being displayed in a cage.'

"In the monkey cage, he was the object of stares, jeers and laughter, and was pelted with coins and stones. He was now a prisoner, as Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis says, of 'Darwin's Plantation.'

By September 10, the Times was reporting that "'from almost every corner of the garden could be heard the question, "Where is the pygmy?" The answer was, "In the monkey house."'

"Asked one German visitor, 'Ist das ein Mensch?' 'Is it a man?'

"The Times reported on September 11 that Dr. Hornady was a confirmed believer in Darwinianism and believed that there was 'a close analogy of the African savage to the apes' and that he 'maintained a hierarchical view of the races.'

By September 16, 40,000 visitors crowded the zoo. Protests came from a group of concerned black ministers that 'our race ... is depressed enough without exhibiting one of us with the apes.' The Times' response: 'The reverend colored brother should be told that evolution ... is now taught in the textbooks of all the schools, and that it is no more debatable than the multiplication table.' Smoke that, Reverend.

"The Zoo finally decided to let Ota out of his cage, but this only made things worse for him, as the following Sunday another 40,000 zoo visitors 'chased him about the grounds all day, howling, cheering, and yelling.' Added the Times, 'Some of them poked him in the ribs, others tripped him up, all laughed at him.'

"Ota was finally released from the zoo, but he spiraled downward in depression, irrationality and hostility. He finally shot himself in the heart in 1916.

"Darwin himself planted the seeds for this kind of treatment of our fellow human beings. He compared pygmies such as Ota to 'lower organisms,' and labeled them 'the low integrated inhabitants of the Andaman Islands.' He himself said he would rather be descended from a monkey than from a 'Savage' an appellation he hung on American Indians and almost every ethnic group whose physical characteristics didn't resemble that of white Europeans.

"It's no accident that the subtitle of Darwin's seminal work, Origin of Species, was The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."

Economic Hitman exposes fascism in America

"In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies."

Iraq Veteran: Why I'm Against Obama's Afghanistan

"If it was not evident before, it should be apparent by now that Obama is not our savior. He does not bring us hope of no war and he certainly is either not able or not willing to bring about real change. He is, above all, one thing: a politician, and as such he is bound by the rules of his trade. That is his livelihood, so his career rests not on the energized citizens who, inflated with the jingoism of his campaign, rushed to the phones and then to the ballot box in support of his campaign, but by his financial backers, who are already reaping the benefit of ‘bailouts’ and a newly resurrected war. And if anything is transparent it is that Obama’s administration plans to use the same bully tactics that the Bush administration used in order to subvert the will of the electorate and secure the interests of a very few while the rest of us struggle in a recession.

Yet he was elected on a ‘no war’ ticket and in this, if we know our history, he is no different than Woodrow Wilson who pulled America into World War I against the wishes of his constituency and later admitted that it was only for the benefit of capitalists. Obama stood shamelessly behind podiums and promised an end to the Iraq War, all the while planning to launch us into the good and just war against Afghanistan -- a nation that is really not one nation at all, but a heterogeneous population of many languages, tribes and cultures.'"

I Have a Dream, and Barack Obama Isn’t it

"This week, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow the Western World now stands, was elected President of the United States. This momentous occasion has come forty-years after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., and one hundred and forty years after the abolition of slavery.

"But one hundred and forty years on, this is not the end of the quest for equality. One hundred and forty years on, a black man can achieve, and still have his achievements judged by the colour of his skin. One hundred and forty years on, a man’s ethnicity is still considered first and his character second. One hundred and forty years on the Negro is still considered the Other, in spite of the power he is allowed. Today, the vision of Martin Luther King Jr. is only partly realised.

"Barack Obama’s election to the throne of the Free World is significant. He is a standard-bearer in the continuing march towards equality, from which there is no turning back. At this historic time, British commentators have asked, 'Should we appoint a black Prime Minister?' This question sweeps away a Civil Rights movement one hundred and forty years in the making."

Overtures From Despots Pose Test to Obama Administration

"Cuba's Fidel Castro, Syria's Bashar al-Assad and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may see a friendly face in Obama, but the sticking points between the U.S. and these countries are still many.

"Neil Hicks, international policy adviser for Human Rights First, said repression continues to be a serious problem in these countries and should be a 'primary concern' for the United States.

"'It's short sighted ... to build these relations and try to sweep human rights under the rug,' said Hicks. He urged the administration to use this opportunity to seek human rights reform, something the U.S. has not done with allies like Saudi Arabia."

Obama Sides With Banks Accused of Racism

"The Obama administration has opted to maintain the stance of the Bush administration-one opposed by the NAACP and other major civil rights groups."

Barbara Lee of the Congressional Black Caucus recently said "His agenda is our agenda."

Oprah and Michael J. Fox Blindsided By The Truth

"Will it change their minds about the destructive practice of growing and harvesting embryonic stems cells for research? Doubtful."

When “Transparency” Means “Opacity”

"Ever get the feeling that President Obama made that 'transparency in government' promise on Opposite Day?

"Since the inauguration,

  • The promise of five days of public review for bills before they become laws has conveniently become one day or less.
  • Unread legislation has signed into law.
  • Closed door, partisan meetings are the venue for crafting said legislation."