Monday, April 20, 2009
Obama's 100-Day Hope Check
Miss California loses for supporting marriage between a man and woman
A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else
Blame America First
"The left is rejoicing at the apparent instant friendship between President Obama and thug Chavez, celebrating the vindication of their long-held belief that dialogue is better than war and that apologizing for America is a cool way to win friends and influence people.
"Mea culpa is now official U.S. policy. In Mexico earlier last week, Obama took the occasion to blame America for all the gun violence in Mexico. Despite the fact that the report he was echoing has been thoroughly discredited, Obama stoically echoed the ‘fake but accurate’, theme made popular by the likes of (discredited) Dan Rather, (discredited Nobel prize winning author) Rigoberta Menchu, (discredited sex researcher) Kinsey..., well, you get the idea.
"President Obama promised he would reach out to the rest of the world. One of his main campaign pledges was a vow to make everyone like us. Never mind that that kind of thinking is usually seen only among school kids. Obama wants us to be popular. And now we are. Just as long as we’re humble and continue kowtowing to despots.
"The problem is, our new best friends are not very savory characters. From Castro to Kim Jong Il to Ahmadinejad to Chavez, these guys are the school yard bullies. They routinely kill their own citizens, they impose law by fiat, they jail or kill any dissidents and generally impose their will on all citizens unfortunate enough to reside in their countries. But hey, it works for them.
"Liberals, oops, progressives, hold the belief that dialogue, not guns, will cause third world dictators to realize and then remedy the error of their ways. Totally absent from their equation is any recognition of past history. Namely, the last 20 or so years that produced lots of words and dialogue yet spectacularly failed to influence or change any actions or policies.
"Believing that his charm can trump reality, President Obama remains intent on changing the world. But first, America has to be brought down to size. We must acknowledge yet again the sins of our past and, like celebrities who hit bottom, apologize profusely and publicly and then enter rehab to assure the world we are, indeed, sorry."
Love This Comment From Yet Another Satisfied Obama Voter
Story behind the story: The left erupts
It seems like the "left" had a one-night stand with the Obama campaign and not happy marriage.
And more comments
"Shame on anyone--especially the President of the United States--who chooses to give immunity to government officials who violated American and international law. For the President to say that we don't want to "dwell on the past" is to ignore the very conduct that Americans rejected (and led directly to his election, accomplished--in part--by his implying that he would treat criminality as criminality, i.e., by prosecuting it). That the President and Holder say that prosecution of operatives who relied upon (outrageously incorrect) legal opinions would be inappropriate is evocative of 'I was only following orders,' which the Allies repudiated at Nuremberg. If we stand for anything, we are supposed to stand for the rule of law. Shame on President Obama for 'Watergating' waterboarding...shame on our country for committing war crimes and ignoring them. Where is the 'Change We Can Believe In'?"
Comments and more coments
"What's with all these czars Obama is naming. He shows what he wants to be King Obama instead of president Obama. If he can't do anything without his teleprompter or someone telling him what to do aka Pelosi."
"I want be a czar ! Everyone else is and I deserve a place at the public money trough! Obama are you listening?"
"Im glad to see Obama actually doing something. In my short life, this is the first President I've seen do something real. And I really don't care how much money he spends, as long as it will get us out of the mess we were in. And no matter who he picks for his executive team, I'm positive it's a good choice. Give Obama a break! He's only been in office for about 4 months. It's going to take a long time to recover.
Change Has Come." (Clueless. This person does not care how much money Obama spends to get us out of the mess we are in? Does she put out fires with water or gasoline? Also too she does not care about the money because it is not her money. She probably gets a tax refund. She will need change for the laundromat.)
Obama Administration: No Prosecution of Officials for Bush-Era Torture Policy
Tale of Two Bows
Still love those comments!:
"I am sure glad I wasn't so dumb as to vote for Obama. People who voted for him are sure the laughing stock of society now. All over my city they are being made fun of that they fell for the 'hope' message. Well, he didn't fool me."
"First he bowed, then he lied. Obama sounds good, but so far all we really have is more war, more debt, more corporate welfare, and we still have torture, wiretapping and the patriot act. Plus more taxes, and no help from Europe or the UN. Now think about his campaign. Just continuing Bush Policies for the Empire. But I guess as long as Demotard is office no one will complain about this anymore. Those who voted for this clown got played. Obama is pathetic."
"Dont worry guys there are just as many BLINDLY optimistic Obama supporters as there ever were Bush supporters. The sad thing is they are going to get us in even deeper trouble than those (censored)did.I think its hysterical how they will ignore shit from Obama they would have been screaming over if Bush and his cronies had done. Like spending more in 3 months on pork barrel projects than the last a-hole did in 8 years on everything including this absurdly expensive war."
"This man is an absolute disgrace ! To think we have to put up with him for 3 and a half more years makes me sick, and scared for my country."
"I thought Obama was the chosen one, if so, should'nt they be bowing to him."
"In May 2009 Obama plans to speak publicly about immigration reform, to begin discussing possible legislation for as early as this fall. His plan is to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Obama wants illegals to keep their jobs, when millions of jobless Americans could have their jobs. Face it people, Obama is not a president for the American people. Change? That's all you will have in your pockets when Obama gets through with you."
"1. I voted for Obama
2. I wish I never did
3. It's to early for any of his decisions to have an affect
4. His stimulus package sucks. Example he is giving amtrak all this money! Why?!? They have not turned a profit in 30 years!!! Even when the economy was at a increase..
5. His foreign policies make us look weak."
Obama lied, Freedom died
"In another example of Barrack Obama’s hypocrisy, he has decided that keeping secrets is a good idea. This of course is in direct contradiction to his campaign rhetoric.
"Promises, Promises: Obama keeps some Bush (sic Government) Secrets — funny how it’s 'Bush' secrets and not 'Government' secrets. Well not really, but you can’t really expect the AP to get over their Bush derangement syndrome this soon. I am surprised they even wrote about this.
President Barack Obama’s Justice Department quietly told a federal court in Washington last week that it would not second-guess the previous administration’s decisions to withhold some information about the bureau’s Investigative Data Warehouse.
"Remember that the next time you hear that the Obama Admin wants to 'help' you. They only want to control you, and these databases will help.
'In light of all the fanfare at the highest levels of the administration about a new transparency policy, it’s remarkable that not one word of additional material has been released as a result of that new policy,' said David Sobel, the foundation’s lawyer in the case.
"The only people surprised by this are those that actually thought the Obama was telling the truth to begin with."
Who in the Hell is OUR President?
"I am done being nice. Done. I woke up this morning to see our - OUR? - president shaking hands and hamming it up with Hugo Chavez, America’s most vocal critic on this side of the Atlantic. This is the same man, who in recent years in speeches to leaders of other sworn enemies of our country has spoken gleefully, in fact - prayerfully - for America’s demise. Yep, Chavez is worthy of a little Obama chest bump. (And no, Janeane, that’s not racist - even overweight white guys like me will occasionally chest bump, too.) I know . . . I know - it will be said that the president was just being polite and cordial with Senor Chavez. It’s funny how that same sense of decorum and protocol didn’t scare the president’s recent encounters with Prime Minister Brown and President Sarkozy.
"Anyway, I digress - back to his 90 day review.
"Let’s see - how has our President done in handling our economy? Well, he’s managed to bloat the federal bureaucracy to a size never before seen in our republic’s history, to triple our country’s annual budget deficit and to burden my children’s grandchildren with such vast amounts of debt that it is distinctly possible that the American way of life, as we have known it, is but a mere dream to them. In the meantime, we have seen no significant improvement in our economy - hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs each month.
"And, the scary thing is - Obama is just getting started. Cap & Trade will raise the cost of energy for all American families by thousands of dollars per year, but we will get the privilege of saying that we are producing less CO2, while the Chinese, Indians and the Russians produce as much as they want. I thought it was global warming - maybe, our president will make wind stop.
"And, if the president doesn’t kill off long-term economic growth with America’s growing piles of debt, then we can look forward to any increases in our personal incomes being taxed away to support ever-growing entitlement programs for those who seemingly have had difficulty capitalizing communizing in our new green economy. From each according to their ability to pay and labor to each according to their need. Is it really any wonder that our president finds so much to smile about with Daniel Ortega?
"As to foreign policy, the president has been nothing short of an abject failure. Now, I know . . . he went on his Apology Tour of Europe and everyone loved him. Why? Because from the moment he landed in London until he left Baghdad, the American president did nothing but prostrate America before one foreign leader after another - literally bowing to the Saudi King, while his press spokesman excused it as simply searching for a hand to shake. What?
"Home for a week, lift travel restrictions with communist Cuba, and then off to Latin America to play buddy, buddy with socialist Chavez and stand mute during a nearly hour long tongue lashing from communist Ortega. Hard to think of Reagan at Reykjavik and Obama at Trinidad in the same breath, isn’t it?"
Torture, Mr. President?
By Rev. Wayne Perryman
Torture? I’m so glad you brought up the subject. Mr. President and Attorney General Holder, Conservative African Americans have been waiting a lifetime to have this conversation. But before you and the sensitive members of the Democratic Party start with the Bush Administration, why don’t we review the torture tactic of the Democratic Party.
The chronicles of history reveal that in areas controlled by Democrats, Democrats used every form of torture to keep blacks in their place. Lynching, whippings, murder, intimidation, assassinations and mutilations were commonplace in jurisdictions where Democrats were in control. In addition to individual torture entire black communities were destroyed and burned to the ground in such places like: Wilmington, North Carolina, Rosewood, Florida, and the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to name a few. The one thing that all of these communities had in common, is what realtors often say: location, location, location. They were all located in states and counties controlled by Democratic officials. According to the renowned African American history professor, John Hope Franklin, the atrocities committed against African Americans in these regions, “were so varied and so numerous as to defy classification or enumeration.”
The Encyclopaedia Britannica reported that from the beginning, “Democrat resentment [of black freedom and equality under Reconstruction] led to the formation of the secret terroristic organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knight of the White Camelia. The use of fraud, violence and intimidation helped Southerns... regain control of their state governments, by the time the last federal troops had been withdrawn in 1877, the Democratic Party was back in power.”[1]
Other noted history professors also wrote about these atrocities, including:
a. Professor James McPherson of Princeton University
b. Professor David Herbert Donald of Harvard University
c. Professor Allen W. Trelease of North Carolina University
d. Professor Howard O. Lindsey of DePaul University.
Professor Allen Trelease said: “Klansmen in disguise rode through Negro neighborhoods at night warning Negroes either to cast Democratic ballots or stay away from the poll. The Klan also sent notices to Republican office holders, warning them of death and telling them to either resign or leave the vicinity. Similar notices went to active Republicans of both races and often to the teachers of Negro schools as well. Klan activities created a reign of terror in many localities and sometimes had the desired effect of demoralizing Negroes and Republicans…. Republicans of both races were threatened, beaten, shot, and murdered with impunity. In some areas Negroes stopped voting or voted the Democrat ticket as the Klan demanded. “Democrats by a kind of tortured reasoning, sometimes accused Negroes and Republicans of attacking each other so that the crimes would be blamed on the Democrats; investigations revealed that Democrats had committed the acts themselves.”
Professors John Hope Franklin and Alfred Moss, authors of From Slavery To Freedom tells us that, “The Camelias and the Klan were the most powerful of the secret orders. Armed with guns, swords, or other weapons, their members patrolled some parts of the South day and night. They used intimidation, force, ostracism in business and society, bribery at the polls, arson, and even murder to accomplish their deed. Depriving the Negro of political equality became, to them, a holy crusade in which a noble end justified any means. Negroes were run out of communities if they disobeyed orders to desist from voting; and the more resolute and therefore insubordinate blacks were whipped, maimed, and hanged. In 1871 several Negro officials in South Carolina were given fifteen days to resign and they were warned that if they failed to do so, then retributive justice will as surely be used as night follows day. For many white Southerners violence was still the surest means of keeping the Negroes politically impotent, and in countless communities they were not allowed, under penalties of reprisals, to show their faces in town on Election Day. It had looked as though the Civil War would break out anew as the Democrats resorted to every possible device to over throw the radicals.64
Professor Franklin went on to say, “It was reported that in North Carolina the Klan was responsible for 260 outrages, including 7 murders and the whipping of 72 whites and 141 Negroes. In one county in South Carolina 6 men were murdered and more than 300 were whipped during the first six months of 1870. The personal indignities inflicted upon individual white and Negroes were so varied and so numerous as to defy classification or enumeration.”[2]
In his book, The Abolitionist Legacy, Professor James McPherson reported, “In 1873, Louisiana became almost a synonym for chaos and violence. When Grant sent federal troops to install Kellogg in office [as governor], Louisiana Democrats were infuriated. They formed White Leagues which attacked black and white Republicans and took scores of lives.”[3]
From his book entitled; Charles Sumner, Harvard Professor, David Hebert Donald reached the following conclusion: “Congress could give the Negro the vote, but all over the South the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist organizations systematically intimidated the freedmen, flogged or slaughtered their leaders and drove whites who worked with them into exile. Congress could require federal troops to supervise the registration of voters, but Negroes were waylaid and butchered on the roads to the registration offices. Congress could suppress outright violence by military force, but it could do nothing to protect Negroes from landlords who told them bluntly: If you vote with that Yankee [Republican] party you shall not live on our land.”[4]
Professor Howard O. Linsay, the author of, A History of Black Americans says, “Blacks and sympathetic Whites were attacked and threatened. African Americans were discouraged from seeking elected office and even from trying to vote. Any and all means were used from threats to violence to outright murder.”[5]
The following is what happened to Sam Hose and Mary Turner:
After a mob murdered Mary Turner’s husband, she threatened to swear out warrants against his killers. Several hundred men decided to teach her a lesson. They took this eight month pregnant woman from her home and after tying her ankles together, they hung her from a tree, head downward, dousing her clothes with gasoline, and burned them [the clothes] from her body. While she was still alive, someone used a knife ordinarily reserved for splitting hogs to cut open the woman’s abdomen. The baby fell from her womb to the ground and cried briefly, whereupon a member of the mob crushed the baby’s head beneath his heel. Then hundreds of bullets were fired into Mary Turner’s body.” [Page 14, Without Sanctuary – Foreword written by Democratic Congressman John Lewis].
These forms of torture were common in regions controlled by Democrats. The following is what they did to Sam Hose after falsely accusing him.
“After stripping Hose of his clothes and chaining him to a tree, the self-appointed executioners stacked kerosene-soaked wood high around him. Before saturating Hose with oil and applying the torch, they cut off his ears, fingers, and genitals, and skinned his face. While some in the crowd plunged knives into the victims flesh, others watched with unfeigning satisfaction, the contortions of Sam Hose’s body as flames rose, distorting his features, causing his eyes to bulge out of their sockets and rupturing his veins. The only sounds that came from the victim’s lips, even as his blood sizzled in the fire. were, “Oh my God! Oh, Jesus.” Before Hose’s body had even cooled, his heart and liver were removed and cut into several pieces and his bones were crushed into small particles. The crowd fought over these souvenirs. Shortly after the lynching, one of the participants reportedly left for the state capitol, hoping to deliver a slice of Sam Hose’s heart to the Democratic governor of Georgia, who would call Sam Hose’s deeds, “the most diabolical in the annals of crime.” [Page 15, ‘Without Sanctuary”]
After the brutal hanging, it was proven that Mr. Hose was innocent of the allege charges. They took parts of his body and displayed them in store windows, which was a common practice in towns, cities, counties and states controlled by Democrats.
I haven’t even scratched the surface. Time and space would not permit me to tell you about Dred Scott, the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, Plessy v. Ferguson, the Senate investigations of 1871, or the letters written by blacks in Kentucky in 1871 Louisiana in 1872, Alabama in 1874. From the New York riots of during the Civil War, to 1963 when the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed as Condoleezza Rice was preparing to go to Sunday School, wherever Democrats were in control, blacks have been tortured, intimidated and mutilated by Democrat officials and members of the Democratic Party. Senator Tillman of South Carolina said lynching blacks was justified. He went on to say: “Southern women will not submit to the black man gratifying his lust on our wives and daughter without lynching him.” This same Democratic Senator said: “We reorganized the Democratic Party with one plank and only one plank, namely that this is a white man’s country and white men must govern it.”
Now tell me Mr. President and Mr. Holder, how many detainees were beaten, hung, raped, cut into pieces bombed and burned to death under Bush Administration? Before we start condemning the Bush Administration for their handling of the allege terrorist from foreign countries, why don’t we first review the Democratic Party who tortured the black citizens from their own country. Oh, one more thing. Mr. Holder, it was the Bush Administration that finally prosecuted the person that was responsible for the 16th Baptist Church bombing. Black conservatives are looking forward to hearings on torture.
Rev. Wayne Perryman
P.O. Box 256
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 860-6880
[1] 1992 Encyclopaedia Britannica pp. 979
64 Reconstruction – The Great Experience, pp. 226-233
[2] Reconstruction After The Civil War, p. 157
[3] The Abolitionist Legacy, p.40
[4] Charles Sumner, p. 420
[5] A History of Black Americans, pp. 88-89
The Obama Administration Is Criminalizing Dissent? Intimidating Its Ideological Opponents? You Must Be Joking
"I'm still digging out of my various pre-election hate mail piles — you know, 'How could say Obama is a socialist who will redistribute wealth just because he used to be a member of a socialist party and criticized the Warren Court for failing to order the redistribution of wealth?'; 'How could you say Obama is a Left-wing radical rather than a centrist moderate just because he made common cause with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Mike Klonsky, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, et al?'; 'How could you say Obama would be an extremist on abortion and other life issues just because he supported infanticide as a Chicago legislator?'; 'How could you say Obama would be anti-Israel in his governance and appointments just because he pals around with Rashid Khalidi?'; 'How could you say an Obama administration would turn TARP into a Big Government slush fund just because he managed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge as a Big Lefty slush fund?'; 'How could you say Obama will be soft on Iran just because Obama is soft on Iran?'; etc. But I note that I got plenty for this one, too:
"I’ll be blunt: Sen. Obama and his supporters despise free expression, the bedrock of American self-determinism and hence American democracy. What’s more, like garden-variety despots, they see law not as a means of ensuring liberty but as a tool to intimidate and quell dissent....
"[I]n St. Louis, local law-enforcement authorities, dominated by Democrat-party activists, [are] threatening libel prosecutions against Obama’s political opposition. County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, abetted by a local sheriff and encouraged by the Obama campaign, warned that members of the public who dared speak out against Obama during the campaign’s crucial final weeks would face criminal libel charges — if, in the judgment of these conflicted officials, such criticism of their champion was 'false.'
"The chill wind was bracing. The Taliban could not better rig matters. The Prophet of Change is only to be admired, not questioned. In the stretch run of an American election, there is to be no examination of a candidate for the world’s most powerful office — whether about his radical record, the fringe Leftism that lies beneath his thin, centrist veneer, his enabling of infanticide, his history of race-conscious politics, his proposals for unprecedented confiscation and distribution of private property (including a massive transfer of American wealth to third-world dictators through international bureaucrats), his ruinous economic policies that have helped leave Illinois a financial wreck, his place at the vortex of the credit market implosion that has put the U.S. economy on the brink of meltdown, his aggressive push for American withdrawal and defeat in Iraq, his easy gravitation to America-hating activists, be they preachers like Jeremiah Wright, terrorists like Bill Ayers, or Communists like Frank Marshall Davis. Comment on any of this and risk indictment or, at the very least, government harassment and exorbitant legal fees.
Nor was this an isolated incident.
Item: When the American Issues Project ran political ads calling attention to Obama’s extensive ties to Ayers, the Weatherman terrorist who brags about having bombed the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, the Obama campaign pressured the Justice Department to launch an absurd criminal prosecution.
"Item: When commentator Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center was invited on a Chicago radio program to discuss his investigation of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an “education reform” project in which Obama and Ayers (just 'a guy who lives in my neighborhood') collaborated to dole out over $100 million, the Obama campaign issued an Internet action alert. Supporters, armed with the campaign’s non-responsive talking points, dutifully flooded the program with calls and emails, protesting Kurtz’s appearance and attempting to shout him down.
"Item: Both Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, have indicated that an Obama administration would use its control of the Justice Department to prosecute its political opponents, including Bush administration officials responsible for the national security policies put in effect after nearly 3000 Americans were killed in the 9/11 attacks.
"Item: There is a troubling report that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Section, top officials of which are Obama contributors, has suggested criminal prosecutions against those they anticipate will engage in voter 'intimidation' or 'oppression' in an election involving a black candidate (read "black Democratic candidate -- Robert) . (Memo to my former DOJ colleagues: In a system that presumes innocence even after crimes have undeniably been committed, responsible prosecutors don’t assume non-suspects will commit future law violations — especially when doing so necessarily undermines the First Amendment freedoms those prosecutors solemnly swear to uphold.) [Emphasis added.]"