Sunday, October 12, 2008


"O'jahnae Smith is ready and registered to vote this November.

"There's only one problem: She's 7 years old.

"The Connecticut girl is 11 years too young - and nobody in her family knows how she ended up on a voter registration form submitted by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now."


Voter registration fraud complaints like these continue to mount for the group, already under scrutiny in 11 states where hundreds, if not thousands, of new registrations are being questioned.

"ACORN volunteers have been found to register dead people and even put members of the Dallas Cowboys on Nevada lists."

How can this fraud be justified?

A President Barack Obama

"Mark Siegel, a former Democratic National Committee executive director, says Obama will want to make it immediately clear to America and to the world that 'there's a new sheriff in town.' He expects Obama to make that point dramatically by issuing several executive orders."

Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool.

Intimidation by ObamaNation

"The Obama campaign also dispatched its thought police to silence the free speech rights of opponents on radio and internet.

"First aimed at internet blogs supporting Hillary Clinton, Obama supporters swamp certain unfriendly blogs with "spam" complaints. When those complaints reach a threshold, Google's Blogger platform renders the blog inoperable. Bloggers must then wait for Google to make an individual determination whether or not each accused blog is legitimate.

"A more sinister intimidation befell journalists probing Obama's background in Chicago politics, as well as radio stations that provided a platform for those reports. The Chicago Tribune reported that Obama's campaign used its database 'listing contact information for millions of people" not only for raising money but "to beat back media messages it does not like.'"


Even liberal commentator Andrew Sullivan called the Obama tactics 'a disgraceful attempt to intimidate journalists trying to get at the facts.'"

Obama's Kool-Aid

"However, the prospect of an Obama presidency is not just scary, it is sad. Obama talks of hope, but it begs the question: Are we so morally depleted as a society that we need government to inspire us and give us hope? Has anyone gone into the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Post Office lately? That is government; it is long lines and instant coffee. And there is nothing wrong with that. As James Madison recognized, government is is also not to be trusted. It certainly should not inspire. American ideals should inspire. Parents should inspire. The kid down the street who is serving in Iraq should inspire. Not government."


"The first thing we heard earlier this year was that thousands of homes had gone into foreclosure due to the subprime loans affecting the liquidity of financial institutions. The Community Reinvestment Act required banks to make loans in all areas of their communities, even the lowest income ones. This egalitarian Act turned banks into charitable institutions or arms of the welfare state. Banking lobbyists did nothing to stop it because they feared being labeled 'racist' by the 'civil rights’ groups.[1] I wrote back in February 2007 that America was insolvent."

The Democrats' Missing History

"The DNC Web site section labeled 'Party History,' linked here, is in fact scrubbed clean of the not-so-little dirty secret that fueled Democrats' political successes for over a century and a half and made American life a hell on earth for black Americans. Literally, the DNC official history, which begins with the creation of the party in 1800, gets to the creation of the DNC itself in 1848 and then--poof!--the next sentence says: 'As the 19th Century came to a close, the American electorate changed more and more rapidly.' It quickly heads into a riff on poor immigrants coming to America.

"In a stroke, 52 years of Democratic history vanishes. Disappeared faster than the truth in the Clinton administration. Why would this be? Allow me to sketch in a few facts from those missing 52 years. For that matter, lets add in the facts from the party history before and after those 52 years, since they aren't mentioned by the Democrats' National Committee either."

Whitewash The racist history the Democratic Party wants you to forget by BRUCE BARTLETT

"Slavery among the whites was an improvement over independence in Africa. The very progress that the blacks have made, when--and only when--brought into contact with the whites, ought to be a sufficient argument in support of white supremacy--it ought to be sufficient to convince even the blacks themselves."

--William Jennings Bryan, 1923
Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, 1896, 1900 and 1908
Appointed Secretary of State by Woodrow Wilson in 1913
His statue stands in the U.S. Capitol.

Democrats refuse to apologize to blacks

"Rather than do what is right and apologize for the horrendous acts of racism committed by the Democratic Party against black Americans, Democrats have shamefully shifted their guilt onto another party, the Republican Party. When confronted with unassailable historical evidence about their racist past, Democrats resort to the politics of personal destruction and attack the character of anyone who dares to tell the truth."

Will Republicans Wimp Out On Race?

"When the racial shoe is on the other political foot, however, white liberals and the media do not sing the same 'they must be racists' tune."

An Open Letter To Obama From Black Republicans

Read the full letter....

"If Obama refuses to condemn the Democrats for their racist past and current race-baiting against black Republicans, then what right does Obama have to preemptively accuse Republicans of using racism against him?"

Lewis, A Lazy Media, And Their Race Cards

"It's ironic that Congressman Lewis cites Alabama Governor George Wallace… a segregationist, racist DEMOCRAT."

In Chicago, black Democrats never refer to the white Democrats as white Democrats. They are refered to as "white folks."

A Comment

A comment from

"Obama is an aroma of soul food for black people, but the actual meal you will get is Euro-American. The democratic party does not serve soul food any longer…..just the aroma of soul food so black folks can buy into the white liberal meal."

The Obama ACORN connections

"With Obama's brotherhood of community organizers, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, more commonly known 'ACORN'" caught trying to steal the election and helping to bring about the financial crisis, Obama tries to distance himself from the extreme left-wing activists on his so-called anti-smear web site."


"If I was Obama and my past as a community organizer was as closely tied to ACORN, and all it's fraudulent activities, as Obama's is, I'd try to hide it too."

Registering dead voters in Indiana

"An investigation into the 'hundreds of voter registrations bearing fictitious signatures or the names of dead'"

CNN's Lou Dobbs blames financial crisis on The Democrats and ACORN

"Dobbs failed to share the blame with Obama, the Democrats' community organizer in chief, who says pushing mortgages on folks who couldn't afford the loans was a 'good idea.'"

More shame on the Democrats and their community organizers

"Watch as Andrew Cuomo, Clinton's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, admits the Clinton administration forced banks to make bad loans families would not have qualified for without the wrongheaded loan 'affirmative action.' Continue to watch and see how ACORN "community organizers" and the Democrats' community organizer in chief, Barack Obama helped bring us this financial crisis...."

An ACORN presidency?

"Before I even get inaugurated, during the transition we are going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. We're going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America."

Obama tried to sway Iraqis on Bush deal

"Mr. Obama's conversations with the Iraqi leaders, confirmed to The Washington Times by his campaign aides, began just two weeks after he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June and stirred controversy over the appropriateness of a White House candidate's contacts with foreign governments while the sitting president is conducting a war.

"Some of the specifics of the conversations remain the subject of dispute. Iraqi leaders purported to The Times that Mr. Obama urged Baghdad to delay an agreement with Mr. Bush until next year when a new president will be in office - a charge the Democratic campaign denies."


"'In the conversation, the senator urged Iraq to delay the [memorandum of understanding] between Iraq and the United States until the new administration was in place,' said Samir Sumaidaie, Iraq's ambassador to the United States.

"He said Mr. Zebari replied that any such agreement would not bind a new administration. 'The new administration will have a free hand to opt out,' he said the foreign minister told Mr. Obama.

No Wonder Obama Will Sit Down With Rogue Nations Who Support Terrorists

"Now I understand why Obama was willing to sit down with terrorists supporting rogue nations without any preconditions. Clearly he has had no issues sitting down and working with unrepentant American terrorists, so it would be natural for him to reach out across the battle lines to our enemies outside the nation as he has with our enemies inside this great country."

Obama Doesn’t Understand Why Americans Can Question His Judgement

"Character and Judgement are the final pieces of the puzzle for this election. We are at war and the world is facing a financial meltdown that no one seems to be able to control. Do we go with the young and vague unknown kid from Chicago or the scrappy, seasoned fighter pilot who has a solid reputation for ignoring partisans? That is the choice.

"And dems are making it worse! Whines of racism are signs of bad judgement and an inability to debate the topic. These cries instead indicate someone running for cover and blaming others for their retreat. Trying to connect Palin and McCain to ‘radical right wing groups’ is now too late. Maybe when Rev Wright was big news that may have worked. But now, unless you find a connection to people who bombed the White House or Pentagon, someone on the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted list, someone who targeted a military dance in an effort to kill hundreds, the attempts look foolish and emphasize the impression Obama is trying to hide something."


"People can connect these dots: Obama sues banks to make bad loans for ACORN, these bad loans are bought by his buddies running Fannie Mae, the money from these bad loans goes into the pockets of those same buddies with a percentage off the top going into the Obama campaign, who sends the bad loan money to ACORN to fill the voter registrations with fake voters. And recall the Democrats (including Obama) wanted to send MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to ACORN as part of the financial bailout package. Americans may hate policy math but they can figure that one out easily."

ACORN and Obama (from disgruntled ex-Obama supporter on Obama-Biden Community Blogs)


By K from Portland, OR - Oct 9th, 2008 at 3:11 am EDT
Comments | Mail to a Friend | Report Objectionable Content Tags: disappointment

"There is so much talk within this campaign, by Biden, Obama and supporters, about the lies and comments coming from the McCain campaign regarding Ayres and Acorn. I have investigated both topics, and at this point have been unable to identify any lies out of the McCain camp. Indeed, there is a great deal of information tying Obama to Ayres, and to the corrupt company Acorn. Today the FBI announced raids on many Acorn offices - within Obama's target states. Since Obama has paid that company $800,000 to hire Acorn to register people in these same states, what are we to think about the connection between Obama and Acorn? What are we to think about the 'increases' in registration, when Directors of Elections in various states, and the FBI report hundreds of thousands false forms having been filed by Acorn (and they have been shown on the news).

"We now have the problem of questioning 1) voter registration and actual voting in these states; 2) Obama's responses to criticism. And if we have to question all of that, then how can we take at face value anything this ticket says?"

Someone is awake.

Ref Nothing there? That is the point!

"Thou shalt not diss Obama."

New York Teachers Want To Campaign For Obama In Classroom

"On the other hand, damn, what's wrong with these people; have they no conscience, sense of responsibility, or an iota of professionalism? Once upon a time, many years ago before the Democratic party was taken over by the far-left and public school teachers didn't subscribe to the same educational theories as William Ayers, there was at least the appearance of proper decorum and common sense in our public school systems. That's obviously all out the window now."

Obama goes in, but God, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer stays out.

Are You Going To Allow Socialist Obama To Come To Power, America!

"Once before, such similar societal turmoil and financial upheavals have been taken advantage of, in the past, by power-hungry totalitarian despots in order to be able to take over the fate a nation, using the electoral power of a misguided and ill-informed 'populist fiat' to rise to power... such as with Lenin in Russia, and Hitler in the ill-fated German elections of 1933, as with Hugo Chavez presently in Venezuela - busy dismantling the Venezuelan Constitution and furiously making of that country a Castro-styled Marxist hell-hole, or as with defiant Marxist Bolivian president Evo Morelos who recently swore he will stay in power in Bolivia whether he gets voted out of Office or not! Is Obama walking in their footsteps???

"For one thing , even before he has come to power, and we are already witnessing how Obama, and his partisans, are already busy abusing prosecutorial power and using their influence, to suppress, coerce, threat, and intimidate any opposition to the 'Obamamessiah,' with blatant disdain for our 'Freedom of Speech' and our First Amendment rights, and how they actively try to stiffle, silence, and suppress all criticism of "The One", of his socilaist leanings, and of his dubious radical, terrorist, Islamist, and Marxist connections, acquanintances and personal relations! Michael Barone wrote a must-read piece about it on, where he remarks about Obama's admoniton to his followers at a rally in Elko, Nevada, quote: 'I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.' (You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. -- Ed.) As Barone poignantly points out, '....Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people's faces. They seem determined to shut people up.' Is this but an inkling of what is to come? Apparently, as in Cuba, the former USSR, China, and other 'Communist Paradises of the Proletariat,' with Obama and his leftist followers 'dissent' will not be tolerated! We are to become compliant 'Obamaborgs'...of course, it's for our 'own good'"!


Obama's Dance of Avoidance

"Mr. Obama has a remarkable set of alliances with unusual people. One is a former unrepentant domestic terrorist who is now a professor; one has been convicted of fraud and money laundering; one is a professor who is pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel; three are racist and /or anti-America clergymen; and there’s the political involvement in Kenya with his politician cousin Raila Odinga.

"It is safe to say most Americans have none of these sorts of people as their friends."


"The issue of vote fraud has been all over the news for months. The first time I ran for Congress in the '93-'94 cycle, my campaign put out 25,000 flyers on Jim Collier's book VoteScam: The Stealing of America. Vote fraud and electronic ballot machines have been one of my pet issues and crusades since 1993. I find it ironic that the ones making the most noise about this are the Democrats, bona fide experts when it comes to vote fraud."

McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fannie and Freddie

"Sen. John McCain's 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial crisis, as HUMAN EVENTS learned from the letter shown in full text below.

"McCain's letter -- signed by nineteen other senators -- said that it was '...vitally important that Congress take the necessary steps to ensure that [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac]...operate in a safe and sound manner.[and]..More importantly, Congress must ensure that the American taxpayer is protected in the event that either...should fail.'

"Sen. Obama did not sign the letter, nor did any other Democrat." WHY NOT?

School takes 1st-graders to see lesbian teacher wed

"A public school in San Francisco bused 18 first-graders to City Hall yesterday, so the youngsters could scatter rose petals in celebration of their lesbian teacher's wedding."

More Fraud in the Obama Campaign Donations

"Cathy is on the fraud like white on rice...."


"UPDATE: Footage of Obama and Odinga campaiging together in Kenya. (hat tip Bill)

"Jerome Corsi is back from Kenya and he confirms everything I have been reporting about Obama and Odinga since January 2008. Obama supported a vicious killer to overthrow the duly elected President of Kenya. The Odinga strategy exploited 'anti-Kikuyu sentiments,' clearly a racial strategy aimed at inflaming long-standing tribal animosity to gain electoral advantage for Odinga."


"Ever since Barack Obama was young, Hope has lived inside him. From the beaches of Hawaii to the streets of Chicago, from the jungles of Indonesia to the plains of Kenya, he has held on to Hope. Even as a boy, Barack knew he wasn't quite like anybody else, but through his journeys he found the ability to listen to Hope and become what he was meant to be: a bridge to bring people together.

"Do we see him with his little playmates bringing people together like Ayers, Wright playing in the backyard Rezko bought for him? Do we see him at play in the most corrupt political machine in America?"

Obama: ACORN will “Shape the Agenda” When I’m President

"Barack Hussein Obama states at a December 2007 community organizer forum that he will invite ACORN to “shape the agenda” during transition period and he will allow them to be actively involved during the first 100 days of his administration."

Clintons File RICO Suit Against Obama - ACORN Stole the Nomination Too!

"BREAKING: Word in Chicago: Patrick Fitzgerald heading RICO investigation of ACORN and BHO campaign....We’ve also heard that the Clinton campaign filed complaints to the FBI and other federal agencies over Obama’s fraud in the Iowa, Texas and other caucuses: voter intimidation, registration fraud, and other illegal activities. "

Obama's Documented Lies: 155 and remarkably still growing

And we thought Bill Clinton was the champion....

Barack "The Silencer" Obama's Gangland Assault on Free Speech

"On Monday, Obama demanded that the Justice Department stop TV stations from airing a documented, accurate independent ad spotlighting Obama's longtime working relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Obama summoned his followers to bombard stations, many of them owned by conservative-leaning Sinclair Communications, with 93,000 e-mails to squelch the commercial.

"On Tuesday, the Obama campaign sent another letter to the Justice Department demanding investigation and prosecution of American Issues Project, the group that produced the Ayers ad, as well as Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, who funded it.

"And on Wednesday, Obama exhorted his followers to sabotage the WGN radio show of veteran Chicago host and University of Chicago Professor Milt Rosenberg. Why? Because he invited National Review writer Stanley Kurtz to discuss his investigative findings about Obama's ties to Ayers and the underwhelming results of their collaboration on a left-wing educational project sponsored by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The 'Obama Action Wire' supplied Rosenberg's call-in line and talking points like this:

"'Tell WGN that by providing Kurtz with airtime, they are legitimizing baseless attacks from a smear-merchant and lowering the standards of political discourse. ... It is absolutely unacceptable that WGN would give a slimy character assassin like Kurtz time for his divisive, destructive ranting on our public airwaves.'"

Did anyone call Kurtz a liar? Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

Obama vs. Free Speech

"Obama fans jammed WGN's phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest emails. The message was clear to anyone who would follow Rosenberg's example. We will make trouble for you if you let anyone make the case against The One....In this campaign, we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy, suppressing free speech, and we may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead."