"Once before, such similar societal turmoil and financial upheavals have been taken advantage of, in the past, by power-hungry totalitarian despots in order to be able to take over the fate a nation, using the electoral power of a misguided and ill-informed 'populist fiat' to rise to power... such as with Lenin in Russia, and Hitler in the ill-fated German elections of 1933, as with Hugo Chavez presently in Venezuela - busy dismantling the Venezuelan Constitution and furiously making of that country a Castro-styled Marxist hell-hole, or as with defiant Marxist Bolivian president Evo Morelos who recently swore he will stay in power in Bolivia whether he gets voted out of Office or not! Is Obama walking in their footsteps???
"For one thing , even before he has come to power, and we are already witnessing how Obama, and his partisans, are already busy abusing prosecutorial power and using their influence, to suppress, coerce, threat, and intimidate any opposition to the 'Obamamessiah,' with blatant disdain for our 'Freedom of Speech' and our First Amendment rights, and how they actively try to stiffle, silence, and suppress all criticism of "The One", of his socilaist leanings, and of his dubious radical, terrorist, Islamist, and Marxist connections, acquanintances and personal relations! Michael Barone wrote a must-read piece about it on Townhall.com, where he remarks about Obama's admoniton to his followers at a rally in Elko, Nevada, quote: 'I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.' (You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. -- Ed.) As Barone poignantly points out, '....Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people's faces. They seem determined to shut people up.' Is this but an inkling of what is to come? Apparently, as in Cuba, the former USSR, China, and other 'Communist Paradises of the Proletariat,' with Obama and his leftist followers 'dissent' will not be tolerated! We are to become compliant 'Obamaborgs'...of course, it's for our 'own good'"!