Saturday, October 25, 2008

Will Obama Supporters Spread the Wealth?

Rev. Wayne Perryman
October 25, 2008
One of Obama’s primary campaign themes is to give tax relief to the middle class while taxing the rich so that we can spread the wealth. This is a very noble endeavor and similar to a work that I started as a teenager to feed the poor during the holiday season. Since millions of Obama followers share his concern for the less fortunate and middle class, I suggest the following:
Before we turn this concept into law, let the Obama supporters voluntarily put this concept into practice. I would recommend that all millionaire entertainers, athletes, business owners, and liberal millionaires in Congress who supports Obama’s share the wealth concept start by giving away at least 80% of their wealth to those in the inner-city, in the Appalachian region, and the poor in the rural areas of the South. In addition to using this money to build free medical clinics, new homes and new businesses in those communities, I will assist by getting a list of the poor from churches in these communities so we can distribute some of this money directly to poor families.
For all the churches that are supporting “the share the wealth” concept, as a minister of the gospel I will help each church establish a fund where 50% of the church’s total income will go to the poor in their communities. And if there are any poor that remains after this voluntary effort from our liberal millionaires and churches, we will tax the remaining rich who refuses to give voluntarily. To those that believe in Obama and his share the wealth concept - they will have no problem donating their wealth for this most worthy cause.
Obama should also start a matching gift fund to share the wealth. He should require that everyone who attended one of his $5,000 a plate fund raising dinners or his $20,000 per person events, must donate that same amount to a fund to help the poor and middle class. He has a list of all those donors, so we should have no problem tracking who they were.
Regarding the Other Countries that Support Obama
Obama should require that every country that support his candidacy, show their support by returning the Foreign Aid that American taxpayers have paid to them during the past 50 years, so that we can strengthen America through Obama’s sharing the wealth program. We know these countries love Obama and that they have our best interest in mind and will jump at the opportunity to be part of his share the wealth program. He should ask them to also remove any tariffs on our imported products and that they no longer accept jobs that American companies have shipped overseas so our people will have more jobs. Additionally, as part of the share the wealth program we ask each country that benefited from the wars that we fought on their behalf, to pay America $5,000 for every American soldier that gave their lives to secure and protect their country. The money will be used to share the wealth in America. I know that the Obama millionaires and the foreign citizens of other countries that support his candidacy will line up to participate in this wonderful worthwhile program.

Have you noticed that Warren Buffet, George Soros or the fact that none of the millionaire Obama supporters who believe in speading the wealth, have returned the tax cut checks that Bush sent out nor have anyone seen them visiting and voluntarily giving their wealth to the inner-cities across America or to the poor in the rural south areas or those in the Appalachain region.

Rev. Wayne Perryman
P.O. Box 256
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 860-6880

'I've lost faith in The Messiah': How EDWARD HEATHCOAT AMORY lost his Obama-mania

And Stella lost her groove....

"It was a rather remarkable contest, in that Obama was elected unopposed. And the reason for that was that he had found a way to have all the other candidates removed from the ballot, including the incumbent.

"If you want to run for a U.S. state senate seat, you need the backing - ie, the signatures - of a minimum of 757 ordinary electors within your district.

"Obama employed a special consultant, Ronald Davis, to look at each of the 1,600 signatures that the sitting senator, Alice Palmer, a member of his own party, had gathered. And Mr Davis found problems with so many that Palmer was dropped from the ballot, and for good measure he managed to have the other three candidates ditched as well.

"According to a local newspaper, problems included 'printing registered voters name [sic] instead of writing, a female voter got married after she registered to vote and signed her maiden name'.

"It was a legal electoral tactic, but a little odd from the man who had run 'Project Vote' - a campaign to persuade the disenfranchised to vote for the first time. Yet here was Obama disenfranchising those same voters in another way, using the toughest of political tactics to deny them a choice at the election.

"Asked about it later, he said: 'If you can win, you should win, and get to work doing the people's business.'

"The next telling aspect to the case against Obama is his attitude towards the corrupt politics of Cook County, the five-million-strong council area that includes Chicago.

"Until recently, Cook County was run by John Stroger, the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. And he ran an extraordinary political machine, in which a full 50 per cent of all the campaign contributions he received came from either employees on the county payroll, or contractors doing work for the county.

"A federal investigation found that jobs were handed out not on merit, but thanks to personal connections with the Stroger machine. If you were a 'soldier for Stroger', you would get a job. And then, allegedly, you would in return contribute campaign funds to re- elect your political patron.

"What's that got to do with Obama? Well, as a local state senator and then as a U.S. senator for Illinois, he was in a prime position to speak out against this appalling corruption. Instead, he did nothing.

"In fact, when a well-qualified liberal challenger, Forrest Claypool, stood against Stroger with support from both Democrats and Republicans, again Obama did nothing.

"And when Stroger had a stroke, and his unqualified son, Todd Stroger, was nominated by the machine to replace him, again Obama did nothing.

"Worse, he issued a statement saying that: 'Todd Stroger is a good progressive Democrat who will bring those values and sensibilities to the job.'

"Young Stroger won that election, and since his victory he has continued with his father's patronage politics. For example, he gave his cousin, the county's chief financial officer, a 12 per cent pay increase to $160,000 (£92,500), hired his best friend's wife on $126,000 (£73,000), and appointed a childhood pal as his official spokesman.

"Hardly the 'good progressive Democrat' whom Obama supported. But that was by no means Obama's only connection with tainted political empires.

"Obama has also enthusiastically endorsed Richard Daley, mayor of Chicago. Daley managed to cling to office despite a federal investigation into a widespread system of political patronage over which he presided.

"Two of his aides were convicted in 2006 for running this system, and rewarding the mayor's allies with jobs and promotions. One job applicant was actually in Iraq on the day that his supposed 'interview' took place, but still managed to score a perfect five out of five to secure a coveted position.

"Yet in 2007, Obama endorsed Daley's campaign for re-election as Chicago's mayor, saying 'the city overall has moved in a positive direction'.

"This should come as no surprise, since Obama has inherited his chief spokesman and political adviser directly from Mayor Daley. David Axelrod worked for Daley for 15 years and has consistently defended him, arguing at the time that Daley's men were about to go to jail: 'The so-called machine doesn't exist any more.'

"Obama said earlier this year: 'I think I have done a good job in rising politically in this environment without becoming entangled in some of the traditional problems of Chicago politics.' The evidence, unfortunately, suggests otherwise.

"Freddoso's case against Obama then moves on to his time in the U.S. Senate. Obama hasn't been there long, but one of his much-trumpeted-achievements was the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, 2006.

"This helped expose, and therefore limit, the system of 'earmarking', where legislators direct national funds to parochial local projects, often as part of dodgy deals to get their support for national legislation.

"So it is doubly disappointing that in 2007, Senator Obama 'earmarked' $1 million for the University of Chicago medical centre. The vice-president of the centre is his own wife, Michelle Obama.

"Indeed, she had received a pay rise of $200,000 (£115,500) at the very same time that Obama first became a senator - and thus able to organise earmarks. Coincidence? Or something more sinister? Obama insists the former, but it certainly doesn't look good.

"Then the book moves on to Obama's single most disappointing decision. In the wake of Nixon's Watergate scandal, state funding for Presidential elections was introduced as an option.

"Under the terms of the deal, candidates can choose to receive a fixed sum of $84 million from U.S. taxpayers to pay their election expenses, but then can't spend any more of their own money. Alternatively, they can opt to raise all their funds independently with no fixed ceiling.

"Progressives have long argued for mandatory state funding, since it's intended to make newly elected presidents less indebted to the donors who paid their way to the White House. So it was no surprise when, in 2006, Obama said he 'strongly supported' state funding.

"In 2007, he promised to ' aggressively pursue' a deal with McCain, under which both candidates would opt for central funding rather than private donations. But then he realised how much money he could raise on his own - perhaps as much as half a billion dollars.

"So he promptly dumped his commitment to state funding. He said the decision 'wasn't an easy one' but that the system was 'broken'. This is rubbish. It's just that he has a better chance of beating McCain - who has accepted the $84 million state funding deal - if he can massively outspend him.

"Like the time he had all his fellow candidates eliminated from the ballot in 1996, he wanted to win, more than he wanted to hang on to his principles.

"Next, the book has a look at Obama's long-term relationship with the Church of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who believes that the American government has been deliberately infecting black people with the HIV virus.

"Freddoso points out that the Church's 'vision statement' says it is founded on the writings of Dr James Cone. Dr Cone argues, among other things, that ' Christianity and Whiteness' are opposites.

"Obama left Wright's Church only earlier this year - when the Reverend accused him of 'political posturing'. This is well-worn territory, of course. Obama's critics never tire of criticising his links to Wright. But they are no less disturbing for that.

"Finally, Freddoso looks at Obama's relationships with a series of property developers, including Tony Rezko, who recently went to jail for fraud.

"When Obama bought his house in 2005 for $300,000 (£173,000) less than the market value, Rezko bought the plot next door. When challenged about their connections, Obama claimed: 'I've never done any favours for him.'

"Not quite true, apparently. The two were friends and Obama wrote a series of letters supporting Rezko's successful attempts to get state subsidy to build affordable housing in Chicago.

"Unfortunately, Rezko's 30 buildings have subsequently run into financial difficulties, which is a bit tough for their tenants as living conditions have deteriorated. Rezko even turned off the heating in the middle of winter to save money.

Not a nice man, then. But a generous supporter of Obama, collecting and donating $250,000 (£144,000) to his political patron over the years.

"So there, in essence, is Freddoso's case against Obama. But as he also says, his book doesn't demonstrate that Obama is in any way personally corrupt or even 'a bad man'. Yet it does suggest that 'he's like all the rest of them in Washington'.

"Those Americans who support him, and the billions around the world who believe that he could rebuild Brand America, would do well to remember that Obama's a politician with huge gifts, but also great flaws. He's a beacon of hope. But not now - nor ever - a political Messiah."

German citizen on Obama: "My new Messiah"

"UNIDENTIFIED MAN #2: I thought it was brilliant. My new messiah. "

Haven't you people learned your lesson about messiahs? Remember 1933 to 1945?

Venezuela's Chavez wants to jail rival

"Human rights groups say Chavez has increasingly exerted control over branches of power such as the judiciary and become intolerant of critics in almost a decade in power."

Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden

"'This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election,' wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign."

You couldn't stand the heat, could you?

Climate Alarmism's Flimsy Foundation

"When you think about it, the global warming industry is not dissimilar to the current mortgage-instigated mess the country now faces. We have a planetary heat crisis and an insufficient home ownership crisis. Government demands intervention to remedy both mistaken theories. Media joins in celebrating and promoting the new agenda. A bubbling system of artificial wealth is created. But because both foundations are shaky, they cannot hold up the continued weight placed upon them."

I think I'm commiting the crime of "Global Warming Denial." Do I get to call my Constitutional lawyer before you 1984, Big Brother environmental thought-police despots send me to jail?

Barack Obama: International Man of Mystery (as well as Messiah)

"Take ethanol. Obama appears to be trying to scrub the public record of his past support for federal corn-ethanol subsidies and mandates. In August, the Obama campaign purged several sections on corn ethanol from his online energy plan. Now it may be that Obama’s staunch support for corn ethanol during the Iowa caucuses — the primary-season victory that created his campaign’s momentum — is now regretted and abandoned. Or it may be that this summer’s big increases in food prices — boosted in part by ethanol mandates — caused him to downplay his support for Big Corn, but that he has every intention of fulfilling his campaign promises to Iowa’s farmers. We simply don’t know — because the Obama campaign won’t tell us."

What a bunch of corn!

"Jimmy Carter helped push through a windfall profits tax on oil producers in 1980. As the Tax Foundation notes, that plan 'had the effect of decreasing domestic production by 3 percent to 6 percent, thereby increasing American dependence on foreign oil sources by 8 percent to 16 percent.' Moreover, as any supply-sider could have predicted, the tax failed to meet the government’s revenue projections. Congress repealed the windfall-profits tax in 1988. Why Obama wants to reprise one of Jimmy Carter’s more notorious policy debacles is not clear — though the point may be moot now that the global economic slowdown has driven the price of oil below Obama’s arbitrary $80 threshold."

To keep America dependent upon foreign oil, right?

Yet another ghastly war

"He burns with a fervent urgency, because world news sources are reporting atrocities in India worthy of Hitler's ovens in Nazi Germany and Idi Amin's bloody ravages in Uganda. Christian missions in at least 4 giant states – Orissa, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh – are denied the right to practice their faith in any way that might tend to 'convert' these lowly, forsaken people to Christianity. This would include, in many cases, just simple humanitarian aid.

"Right now, Orissa seems the hotbed of violence at its horrific worst. In one Catholic orphanage, bloodthirsty mobs locked up a priest and a computer teacher in a house and burned it down. Many believers in Christ have been hacked to pieces and left on the road, mirroring the carnage in Rwanda. More than 5,000 Christian Dalit families have had their homes burned or destroyed. Though some police have tried to stem the violence, at least warning Christians at the last minute, they've only enabled the victims to escape with their lives, but nothing else to their names."


What Johnny learned today: 'Gay' is okay

"The greatest influence on how a child performs in school is the home from which that child comes. Take kids from already troubled homes and put them in schools where traditional values are at best taught as a footnote to a large menu of possible lifestyles, and the result is children and communities that have no future.

"Maintaining the integrity of marriage and family in California, the nation's largest state, is critical for children not just in California, but in the whole country. Let's hope that Californians vote in November to save traditional marriage and help pull our nation back from moral oblivion."

Universities of socialism

"The great English writer George Orwell, who penned the book, 'Animal Farm,' and '1984' – forgotten anti-totalitarian classics that mocked the progressive intellectuals, social engineers and secular academics of the 1920s–50s that gleefully followed the siren song of Darwin, Marx, Freud, Lenin, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and the myriad varieties of what Jonah Goldberg referred to as 'liberal fascism' – said it best: 'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.'"

Barack O-holy-bama, I have been saved!

Hosanna heysanna sanna sanna ho....

"Since Obama has never denied his deistic status, I'll assume he's going along for the ride. There's no way of knowing if Jesus was any good as a speaker (at least without a TelePrompter), but I can overlook any of Obama's oratory shortcomings in light of his message of 'change.' I'm not quite sure what those changes are – beyond distributing our wealth and guaranteeing free health care and housing and maybe a chicken in every pot (tofu if you're a vegan) – but I'm certain I'll find out soon enough. I'm sure whatever Lord Obama (Dread Lord of the Democrats -- Ed.) has in mind will simplify my life and make it flow freely. And with less hassle too. Something like how the inhabitants of Planet Camazotz lived their lives in freedom and independence under the benign rule of IT (see Madeline L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time').

(Sanna heysanna hosanna....)

"As is proper for a deity, Obama's origins are shrouded in mystery. We don't know his country of birth, his academic credentials, his religious affiliation, or his relationship with people of wildly hateful speech, actions and mindset. Phew. Who wants to clutter up a Messiah's prophecy by knowing from whence he came?

"I dare not question Obama's messianic status, or I too might become a victim of media assassination (like Joe the Plumber) or Secret Service investigation (like Jessica Hughes). Apparently the most efficient method of establishing the credentials of the Messiah is to beat the holy crap out of any critics. This sends the message to the rest of the world that awkward and unvetted questions are bad, evil and sinful. And if the Messiah blurts out an inconvenient truth, such as telling Joe the Plumber that his modest and hard-earned wealth will be'spread around,' then the angels … er, the media, hastily covers up the mistake by assassinating Joe. Clever."

Sanna hosanna hey Superstar!

Danger Man

“The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disastrous scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn’t bail them out. But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing.”

The Honorable Barney Frank (D-MA), September 2003

This man has incredible judgement.

(Incredible meaning no credibility.)

He must have had Joe the Plumber in mind

"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."

Thomas Sowell

Obama Records: Obama Medical, College, University, Other Records Still Hidden

"The refusal of the Obama campaign to allow the public to see Obama’s records just days before the election is somewhat mystifying.

"Unless there is something in them that the campaign feels will be damaging to their efforts to win the White House.

"The spate of lawsuits popping up in state courts over the Obama birth certificate issue is a side one. Obama supporters can argue that Obama has produced an image on his website of a Certificate of Live Birth.

"Fair enough. But Obama supporters can make no case for the candidate’s refusal to release his other records. An informed electorate needs information."

Ayers, Dohrn: 'White supremacy' responsible for America's troubles

"Unrepentant terrorist William Ayers and his wife, onetime federal fugitive Bernardine Dohrn, are releasing a new book that blames whites for the problems in the U.S. since its independence from Great Britain more than two centuries ago.

"According to, the soon-to-be released book, 'Race Course Against White Supremacy,' includes personal essays 'by two veteran political activists' on 'white supremacy and its troubling endurance in American life.'

"Arguing that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days – and that it is still very much with us – the discussion points to unexamined bigotry in the criminal justice system, election processes, war policy, and education," the Amazon posting states."


"On the Free Republic forum, a contributor wrote:

"'Bill Ayers "gets it." Here's what he understands: One strategy to undermine culture is to discredit its values and history. Of course, reducing American history to a simplistic notion of 'white supremacy' is absurd, but that’s the point. The point is to slowly undermine the confidence of people about the values and history of their own culture so they'll be less willing to defend and protect it. Along the way, you've also created a structure of "them" (so-called "white" people, meaning, in this context, people from western and northern Europe) and "us" (everyone else). This creates internal conflict based on simple, easy to understand qualities like skin color.

"'Eventually, the culture becomes so disillusioned and split apart that an organized cadre of leaders can take control and establish a new kind of society – like the Bolsheviks did in 1917, or the National Socialists in 1933, or the followers of Mao in 1949,' the forum participant wrote."


It was the American criminal justice system that got Ayers off of a criminal charge on a technicality. He is enjoying freedom because of the criminal justice system that he criticizes.

Also too he and his wife are not living in a third-world neighborhood in Chicago. He is living very well amongst the white supremacists he hates so much. Why does he not teach at a black college or university?


"Thirteen campaign workers for Barack Obama yesterday yanked their voter registrations and ballots in Ohio after being warned by a prosecutor that temporary residents can't vote in the battleground state.

"A dozen staffers - including Obama Ohio spokeswoman Olivia Alair and James Cadogan, who recently joined Team Obama - signed a form letter asking the Franklin County elections board to pull their names from the rolls."

Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story

Don't say I ignored this story:

"A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter 'B' scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday."