"Watch as more legislation to stop drilling for oil anywhere in the U. S., including offshore, is passed into law. Watch as huge government subsidies are applied to alternative energy, like inefficient wind, solar power or biofuels. Watch as more limits are placed on coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power plants, such that none will get built and others currently operating will be forced out of business by increased regulations. Watch as more limits will be heaped on the car companies to get better fuel standards, when the trade-off for better fuel standards will be more dead people from smaller, weaker cars.
"Watch as unions gain greater power and a larger foothold in American businesses. Watch as the dollar shrinks and prices rise. Watch as your assets in the markets evaporate or go up in smoke. Watch the national debt soar into the stratosphere with no chance of ever paying it off.
Foreign countries will own our debt and thus own us. Our collateral for those loans could very well be our national heritages and land that government has been locking up for many, many years.
Our government will have to sell off America a little piece at a time, just to satisfy the national debt. "Watch as further attempts are made by government to blend America into multi-culturalism and the one world order, or perhaps even the North American Union, or worse, a European model of socialism.
Watch as 12 to 20 million illegal aliens will be given amnesty and then vote for the party that gave it to them. More votes purchased with our money, with the price being our freedom, liberty and higher
"Watch as more legislation is passed to further corrupt the public school curriculum for the sole purpose of brainwashing and
indoctrinating our children into the ways of socialism and collectivism. Watch as our foreign policy will become one of
appeasement, instead of from a position of strength. Watch as our military power is stripped to the bone to pay for social programs, leaving us vulnerable to foreign invasion."