Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life will not go on

"Altogether, this means we are fooling ourselves if we think the United States is still a Christian nation. Its people just elected a barbarian as president, authorized the killing of both its youngest and sickest, rejected scientific fact that human life begins at conception, blocked parental intervention of abortions of young girls, and voted down the wording of an abortion ban they said only two years ago they would support."


"It is your responsibility, pastor and church leaders, to teach your people that abortion is abominable, and before that to teach chaste living. And before that, at the risk of making my Protestant friends flip, to teach that the contraceptive/sterilization mentality, which considers children bad, not blessings, is also a component of the sexual demise of our country.

"This election may have prompted a turning point on the Catholic front. We had in Obama a pro-abortion presidential candidate set apart from Clinton or Kerry, who both expressed reticence about their abortion support – 'safe, legal and rare,' and all that.

"Obama was confident, categorically supporting unfettered abortion for all nine months of pregnancy and beyond."

What Now, Barack?

"You have inherited a down economy, which means that you really can’t implement the platform of tax increases for 'the rich' or the tax cuts for the suffering middle class or the handouts to those who don’t pay income taxes without making the economy worse.

"You’ve got to be very careful, Mr. President-Elect, because the people you must depend upon to help you with the economic problem—the liberals in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and the rest—are the ones whose idiotic philosophy is most responsible for getting us into this mess to begin with.

"You can’t really implement the cap and trade system for greenhouse gas emissions that will so dramatically punish the coal industry upon which we depend for so much of our electricity without sending energy prices through the roof, hurting the middle class that you say you want so badly to help, and damaging the economy of coal-producing states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Wyoming, Texas and Montana that depend to such a large degree on coal mining.

"And that’s just the beginning. More potholes remain in the road to fame or infamy.

"Proceed cautiously."

Tavis Smiley vows to hold Obama accountable

"You can critique people and want the best for them. You don't get a pass with me just because you're black, but it doesn't mean I'm opposed to you. It doesn't mean I'm a hater, or a traitor. or a sellout, or an Uncle Tom, or that I'm jealous of Obama. I want the guy to do well, but I want to hold him accountable."

Hymn to Hitler

Yet with my last breaths I warn every Christian and Jew now in the name of the Lord, Unless your course of the church in America is spiritually changed now, returning to the Lord, there are new horrors yet to come.

I trembled last night when I heard the voices of American children raised in song, praising the name of Obama, the charismatic fellow who claims he is the American Messiah.

Yet I have heard what this man Obama says about abortion and the 'mercy killing' of tiny babies who are not wanted.

There are so few of us left to warn you. I have heard that there are 69 million Catholics in America and 70 million Evangelical Christians.

Where are your voices? Where is your outrage? Where is passion and your vote? Do you vote based on an abortionist's empty promises and economics? Or do you vote according to the Bible? Thus says the Lord about every living child still in the womb,

"'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.'

"I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth. I see them again now.

"Christians! Unless you stand up now, you will lose your freedom of religion. In America priests and preachers have already lost their freedom to speak openly from their pulpits of moral danger in political candidates. They cannot legally instruct you of which candidate holds fast to the precepts of scripture! American law forbids this freedom of speech to conservative pastors or they will lose their 'tax exempt' status.

"And yet I have heard the words of Obama's pastor Damning America! I have heard the words of Obama damning and mocking all of you in small towns because you 'Cling to your religion.'

"But I am a woman whose name is unknown. My life is recorded as a work of fiction. I have no fear of reprisal when I speak truth to you from the pages of a book. (Though the Zion Covenant books are mocked and condemned by the Left in America.)

"I am an old woman and will soon go to be with my Lord. I have no fear for myself, but for all of you and for your children, I tremble.

"I tremble at the hymns to a political leaders which your children will sing at school. (Though even now a hymn or a prayer to God and our Lord Jesus is against the law in public school!)

"Your vote must put a stop to what will come upon America if Barrack Obama is elected. I pray you will personally heed this warning for the sake of your children and your grandchildren. Do not be deceived.

"The Lord in Jeremiah 1:7-8 commands every believer to speak up!

"'Do not say, "I am only a youth," for to all whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them for I am with you, declares the Lord!'

"I am in Prayer for you, and for the Church! Spoken to you in the authority of Jesus the Christ, the Name Above All Names,
Lori Kalner"


"It's easy to get depressed over last Tuesday. Don't. That's what the shadow government wants. We are warriors, not cry babies. I know the rage is blowing out there like a hot furnace, but the fight is not over. We're entering the next phase: the electors. We're also entering the most dangerous time in this nation's history since Lexington and Concord. Now isn't the time to throw in the towel. Now is the time to fight."

A Hater

Sent to Radarsite:

"I'm sending this via email because it's obvious that most of you conduct your love chats here instead of out in the open where the light shines. The election is over (thank God!) and our citizens have spoken in volumes by the way they voted. Your time is now over - after 28 years or more if we count the destruction Reagan did to our middle class.

"The god with a small 'g' that you pretend to follow doesn't exist. The real God never had any interest in politics or countries or bestowing special blessings to any one country as most of you, especially Roger, believe. John 3:16 begins by saying 'for God so loved the WORLD'. That's the entire world and not just the white anglo saxon part of it in America.

"You people are an embodiment of pure evil. I know this probably shocks you just like the Nazis were surprised at the hatred expressed towards their deeds but I can't say it any other way. God, country, and flag have always been the ingredients of despots living in fear and hate. You feed off of hate. You require hate in order to justify your own pitiful lives. Your blogs speak for themselves along with everything you've written concerning President-Elect Obama, Muslims, victims of our torture techniques, the illegal invasion of Iraq, victims of the Katrina flood, et. al.

"I grew up around evil so I believe I can speak on a little bit of authority regarding how true evil works. It hides behind religiousity, patriotism, individualism without any social programs, hatred of anyone who is different, and a host of other facades. Evil will always have a crusade or burning issue to raise in order to hide from reality and the real issues that face mankind. You people fit the definition of 'evil' perfectly.

"Well, your time is over so I think it's only proper for you to slink back into your caves or wherever else you dwell. Rational Americans like me do, however, owe you a debt of thanks. You've taught us a very valuable lesson. The lesson is that right wing religionists will NEVER take over this country again! You've been exposed for what you really represent - a parasitic host. To put it more bluntly, you're a boil on the ass of history. And, the American electorate has lanced that boil!

"I can now say unabashedly, God bless America! This country will NEVER be the same again and I say thank God! Now that the racial divide has been breached with Barack Obama's election, some day the gender divide or perhaps the sexual orientation divide or any other man made divide will finally be eliminated.

"One last thing - concerning your blogs. I think it would be a good idea if you closed your blogs down since you'll have nothing to write about any more. If you decide to keep them active I have to tell you that I, and others, will be monitoring your blogs. Any threats or seditious comments will be turned over to the proper authorities. This shouldn't surprise you because you ought to know by now that when Mark Harvey threatened to 'slit the throat' of any war protestor he met in Washington during his trip there, I turned the comments along with the blog site over to the FBI who checked it out.

"But, it's up to you. This will be my last direct comment to you. I have to admit that every time I've ever encountered anything you've written I've gotten the urge to take a scalding shower. You are the most vile group of people I've ever known. I think that deep down inside you 're aware of this sad fact. We, on the Left, have been vindicated. America will finally heed the real teachings of Christ who said we should feed the hungry and take care of the poor. (Translation: America will be forced to give their money to others, and let the abortions continue -- Ed.)

"graciously yours,

When Character Is No Longer King

"The worst scenario would be to find ourselves with a man who tries to fulfill the image of Obama-as-Savior. With a 'righteous wind' at his back, and fanatically adoring enthusiasts in both the United States and around the world, it isn’t hard to envision the rise of The One who has the uncanny ability to persuade people to get lockstep behind him, turning voters into followers and followers into worshippers. There is no need to list historical examples that should serve as constant warnings against this sort of thing, is there? Any major disaster can push a popular leader toward authoritarianism or worse. It would be naïve to pretend it can’t happen again, or can’t happen in America."

Geeze, I Miss Hillary

Don't you?

Big-City Socialist Voters Now Own America

"Watch as more legislation to stop drilling for oil anywhere in the U. S., including offshore, is passed into law. Watch as huge government subsidies are applied to alternative energy, like inefficient wind, solar power or biofuels. Watch as more limits are placed on coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power plants, such that none will get built and others currently operating will be forced out of business by increased regulations. Watch as more limits will be heaped on the car companies to get better fuel standards, when the trade-off for better fuel standards will be more dead people from smaller, weaker cars.

"Watch as unions gain greater power and a larger foothold in American businesses. Watch as the dollar shrinks and prices rise. Watch as your assets in the markets evaporate or go up in smoke. Watch the national debt soar into the stratosphere with no chance of ever paying it off. Foreign countries will own our debt and thus own us. Our collateral for those loans could very well be our national heritages and land that government has been locking up for many, many years. Our government will have to sell off America a little piece at a time, just to satisfy the national debt.

"Watch as further attempts are made by government to blend America into multi-culturalism and the one world order, or perhaps even the North American Union, or worse, a European model of socialism. Watch as 12 to 20 million illegal aliens will be given amnesty and then vote for the party that gave it to them. More votes purchased with our money, with the price being our freedom, liberty and higher taxes.

"Watch as more legislation is passed to further corrupt the public school curriculum for the sole purpose of brainwashing and indoctrinating our children into the ways of socialism and collectivism. Watch as our foreign policy will become one of appeasement, instead of from a position of strength. Watch as our military power is stripped to the bone to pay for social programs, leaving us vulnerable to foreign invasion."

Reparations Movement RIP

Many supporters of reparations for American slavery who supported Barack Obama might as well talk about the "good old days."

In 2004, Obama publicly stated that he was against reparations. He still has not changed that stance.

Now when you ask for reparations from the U.S. Government, in which your president is black and said he does not support it, what do you think you will get?

Jesse Wept

"I was wondering if Jesse wasn’t weeping because he knew that Obama’s election put an end to his ability to blackmail corporations to support his Operation PUSH while claiming that blacks in America needed special treatment and extra help to get ahead and succeed.

"This suspicion was confirmed as I talked to an assistant to a high ranking Wall Street financial consultant. She is black and an immigrant from Haiti who came to America believing that 'hard work' was all it would take to achieve the American dream. She was disdainful of American blacks 'who used the excuse of racism.' As far as she was concerned, her skin color had been neither an obstacle nor a limitation."


"Lastly, there is something blacks have to fear. It is the backlash that is sure to come when President Obama does not make good on his promises. He is, after all, a politician no matter the color of his skin.

"Worse for blacks will be an economy in free-fall where jobs disappear, investment dries up, and other troubles are laid at the feet of The One who says he intends to change America and the world. When that happens, they will have cause to think something has gone terribly wrong."