Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Still Love Those Comments

"By going along with Secretary Duncan’s plan to hollow out the D.C. voucher program this president, who has spoken so passionately about the importance of education, is playing rank politics with the education of poor children. It is an outrage…" -- Juan Williams


"Unlike Juan, this black man was not ecstatic the night of Obama’s election. Quite the contrary. However, I understand why Juan and others would feel that way. The mere fact that a black man, any black man had assumed the highest office in not only America but the world, would most definitely engender pride and yes, ecstacy in most black people. But after the euphoria comes the reality. And the reality with Obama is that neither race nor ideology nor whatever could match the massive ego of this man. Everything is about him; Barack Hussien Obama. A choice between the rich and powerful NEA and black kids in DC will see Obama coming down squarely on the side of the NEA, everytime! Obama does, and will always do what’s good for Obama. About Juan Williams. This is not the first time he stood up to the so-called black power structure. In his book 'Enough' he shredded Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, The NAACP and most every other race hustler in America. So, to me anyway, this article taking Obama to task and exposing him as the lying little weasel that he is is not a surprise."

"All public officials should be forced to send their children/grandchildren to public schools. Then we will see how quickly they fix our failing schools."

"Education President? You mean the guy that spent $160 million with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, for no change in test scores? You gotta be kidding! Vouchers let parents control their children’s education–but only Big Brother Barack is wise enough to control education. Winston Smith, report to Room 101, immediately."

"Well better late than never Juan. Now that you are awake why don’t you fully open your eyes, open them, rub out the unicorn dust and see what is really happening. The DC voucher program was killed because it worked - not that it raised test scores - but it got parents involved… yes parents, the real enemy of the union and the administration. For generations the NEA and the Department of Education have worked to take over the role of parenting, and completely demoralize a whole sub-section of society (the poor). Vouchers showed the potential to empowered and change that class in a single generation. A simple program that would have lifted whole families out of poverty, illiteracy, crime and hopelessness. And at no additional cost to tax payers, in fact in a cost outcome it probably saves us all money. The program was killed to preserve the voting class the Democrats depend on - the Dependant class."

"You have to see things the media’s way to understand this. The amount of tax money spent on a project is the sole indicator of its success. What the project actually does, or fails to do, is irrelevant. The other things people might have done with that tax money are invisible. The alternatives to spending tax money range from unthinkable to absurd. What a different view of these government boondoggles the public might have, if news stations were required to display the actual results of a program in an on-screen text box. During the campaign, Obama could have been boasting of how the (Chicago) Annenberg Challenge is the crown jewel of his resume, and a box could have appeared next to him that said '$160 million spent with no improvement in test scores.' Or every appearance by a teacher’s union shill could be accompanied by a bar graph tracking increase in funding for the Department of Education versus the decline in test scores. Advocates of increased welfare benefits could be forced to share the screen with a running tally of how much money was spent on the War on Poverty, with no reduction in poverty. As it stands, a dollar spent on education by private citizens is meaningless, but place it into the hands of the government and it magically changes into thirty highly significant cents, radiant with caring and wisdom."

Best Comment of the Day

"I posted this yesterday. It's worth posting again. The stock market is toast and Obama is engineering a freight train towards national bankruptcy and the demise of the dollar. The outcome was never more certain.

"A warning to the credulous who think this economy has bottomed or is near it.

"1. No nation ever advanced its real economy by creating more units of paper money. Real wealth can only be created by savings and production.

"2. No nation ever advanced its real economy by holding interest rates below their natural market rate. In every case, it launches a credit expansion that continues until the level of debt becomes unsustainable. Then it crashes. In essence, it's one massive Ponzi Scheme.

"3. No nation ever advanced its real economy by deficit spending. Eventually, the debts become unmanageable. That's the path Obama is careening towards.

"4. The GDP is at $14 Trillion and and bonded debt, $11 Trillion. A 1:1 ratio brings the US in line with third world nations.

"5. From the time the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the cost of gold went from $20 to $900, a 98% depreciation. 2% to go before the dollar is worthless.

"Sorry Obamamaniacs. Jesus hasn't returned in the form of Obama to save you. You're on your own."

Where is Your Savior Now Obamunists?

" In general the points these fans try to make are:

  • Obama will never nationalize banks
  • Obama will never cozy up to brutal dictators or their murderous flunkies
  • The Democrats won’t start a lie-filled campaign to take our guns
  • Obama and the Democrats won’t abandon Israel
  • The economy will turn around under his genius guidance

"Frankly all of this was premised on the messianic image Obama cultivated, so I’d say to all those people in light of recent events: where is your savior now?"

Obama single handedly saves Captain Phillips!!!!

Obama and the "World Hood"

Obama has Violated International Law on Torture

Tempest in a Tea Bag? Not If Mainstream Media and Obama White House Are Against Free Speech

"Never once did the media or the Democrat Party impugn the motives of anti-war-riors. In fact, white supremacist David Duke and much of the out-of-power white-power movement similarly rallied against the Iraq war. But the anti-war movement was not maligned, Napolitano-style, using guilt by association.

"The freak show that was Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink was elevated by the media and elected Democratic officials despite their ties to well-heeled partisans and extremists.

"George Soros took down currencies and countries in his pursuit of even more billions, but the media never called him on it. The radical left was given a pass for isolating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) and small-money donors (and California Black Christians -- Robert) for public attack after Proposition 8 passed in California.

"Norm and his fellow protesters and armed forces veterans join fellow everyday Americans like Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber in the Democratic playbook’s strategy of destruction by media. For years, this unholy alliance has gotten away with this and hurt our democracy.

"I’m glad that the Democrat Media Complex took the tax day tea party protest personally. It should have. Its days are numbered.

Obama's Habeas Corpus Hypocrisy

"Now that he is president, Barack Obama has changed his mind, oh not about Gitmo, he is looking forward to welcoming those terrorists onto American Soil. But at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan terrorists sit in a prison without the right of Habeas Corpus. Honestly for America its a good thing they are being held in prison, on the other hand it is just another example of Barack Obama lying to the American People."

L.A. jobless line up for hope, but change not seen

"Deriding the grass-roots movement as 'teabagging,' which is a slang word for a particular sexual practice that seems to be well-known to media commentators, the coverage hit its low point when Keith Olbermann let failed radio host Janeane Garofalo deride tax protesters as ignorant, racist, mentally defective and sexually deviant, charges that would no doubt surprise the many participants at Los Angeles-area demonstrations, who came from all ethnicities, backgrounds and political persuasions.

"Despite the claims of low-rated talk show hosts and other supporters of President Obama, the protesters were correct about runaway spending, as figures show the Obama administration is projected to run the highest budget deficit in history this year -- three times what the Bush administration left the new commander in chief. Also, the government's unemployment numbers, so-called 'U3' figures or 'headline unemployment,' are heavily massaged to paint a rosier picture of joblessness across the land than reality.

"The numbers do not include people who have been unemployed long-term, former workers who have given up looking for jobs in the belief there are none to be had, or people who have been forced to take part-time jobs for lack of full-time work.

"When those classes of people are factored back in, the national unemployment rate is somewhere around 15 percent and climbing, not the 8 percent that gets reported. In Los Angeles, the actual number has been estimated to be closing in on 20 percent.

"As the federal government adds a projected $1.6 trillion to this year's deficit to keep Wall Street dandies in their corner offices, and the state of California is jacking up the sales tax and promoting a raft of new tax hikes and borrowing on the ballot, voters are starting to notice the free-spending ways of their politicians, from their local representatives up to their president.

"Despite a few bones -- like Obama's $25 a week increase in jobless benefits or dollar-a-day payroll tax cut for workers -- tossed to the public, many people are starting to believe that real help is not coming soon. A recent Rasmussen poll found that two-thirds of Americans believe Obama will raise taxes on those making under $250,000 a year, with almost half strongly believing he will do so, and only 18 percent doubting it."

EPA ignores fact that runaway global warming is a no-show

"As Dennis Avery explains at RWN, instead of global warming, the planet is experiencing cooling, yet the Environmental Protection Agency is declaring CO2 a human health hazard in an effort to regulate global warming under the Clean Air Act."

Pentagon official blames U.S. for al-Qaida attacks Worked for George Soros, argued for government control of media

"Last week, FoxNews.com highlighted Brook's departing column in which she argued for more 'direct government support for public media" and government licensing of the news.

"Wrote Brooks: 'Years of foolish policies have left us with a choice: We can bail out journalism, using tax dollars and granting licenses in ways that encourage robust and independent reporting and commentary, or we can watch, wringing our hands, as more and more top journalists are laid off.'

"In response, L. Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, countered, 'The day that the government gets involved in the news media you see the end of the democratic process, because an independent news media is absolutely essential to the success of a democracy.'"

Rap Group Public Enemy Warn Of “The Obama Deception”

"The L.A. Times reports that Public Enemy member Professor Griff, who himself appears in the film, 'made repeated references to the “Obama deception,” during the concert in California at which Paul McCartney, Morrissey, the Cure and Leonard Cohen also performed.'"

Tennessee Planned Parenthood Covers Up Rape

"Much like its counterpart in Arizona, Planned Parenthood in Memphis, Tennessee, encourages a girl who says her adult boyfriend knocked her up to lie about it."

A Pleasant Repsonse

"Mr. Oliver, Janeane Garofalo is completely clueless. Her comments are dispicable, but she is cheered in the liberal groups.

"As a white, 50 year old conservative Republican, I am sorry that you have had to endure all that you have suffered at the hands of Democrats/liberals. Everything that they put their hands to, they destroy - they are haters!

"Thank you for your bravery to call her and that disgusting Keith Olbemann out. You are a patriot, sir!"

-- Katie-O

From The “You Must Be Joking” File

"The mother of a teenage alleged pirate held over the hostage-taking of a US sea captain this month has appealed to US President Barack Obama to free him.

"Adar Abdurahman Hassan told the BBC her son, Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse, was innocent and just 16 years old.

"He was held over the seizure off Somalia of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama cargo ship.

"While her son was allegedly negotiating on a US warship, naval snipers shot dead three pirates holding the captain."

The First Puppy’s Inaugural Address

"Bo, the new presidential pooch, confirms that the White House has gone to the dogs."

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

"The subsequent appointments by the president are classic example of Obama saying one thing to large crowds and doing quite another in office. He has named many officials who have had to drop out of consideration or who have had clouds of ethical controversies hanging over their head before they even stepped foot into their new offices.

"Twenty years ago, in early 1989, another new president was making appointments to his cabinet. That president was the first President Bush. The newly elected president nominated Senator John Tower as his secretary of defense. The media went wild over allegations of Tower’s perceived drinking and womanizing. Even Senator Ted Kennedy dared to jump in the fray, voting against Tower along party lines with every other Democrat in the Senate. It was front page news. You could not turn on a radio or TV newscast without hearing the reports.

"Although some of Obama’s appointees have similarly made the front pages of America’s papers — namely Tom Daschle — stories that aggregate the parade of nominees brought down by ethical challenges are stunningly absent from our media sources. The group that you will rarely find mentioned en masse includes:

"— Obama’s first choice for secretary of commerce, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who was forced to withdraw because he is facing a federal investigation involving allegations he pressured officials to award government contracts to campaign contributors.

"— Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who admitted he failed to pay more than $40,000 in back taxes and interest.

"— Jon Cannon, nominated to be deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency, who pulled his name after it was disclosed that EPA auditors had accused a non-profit he had governed as a board member of mismanaging $25 million in taxpayer funds.

"— Chas Freeman, an Obama nominee for chair of the National Intelligence Council, who withdrew for a host of reasons: anti-Israel comments he made, the disclosure that Saudi royals financed Freeman’s think tank, the fact that he served on the board of a Chinese state oil company, numerous extreme comments he made concerning everything from 9-11 to Chinese suppression of dissidents.

"— Attorney General Eric Holder, who recommended and supported President Clinton’s pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich. Rich was indicted in 1983 on 65 counts of tax evasion and related matters, and his ex-wife had donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to President Clinton.

"— Wall Street lawyer H. Rodgin Cohen, who was forced to withdraw from Obama’s nomination for deputy U.S. treasury secretary. Cohen was named American Lawyer magazine’s Dealmaker of the Year for his role negotiating bank bailouts. The magazine says he was in the room 'when Fannie Mae was nationalized.'

"— Obama’s new choice for chief information officer in the White House, Vivek Kundra, who took leave from his job after the FBI raided his former office where he was the city of Washington D.C.’s chief technology officer. One of his former top aides has been arrested in an investigation of a kickback scandal in his office.

"— Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who is still in office after it was disclosed that her husband had more than $6,000 in former tax liens against his business. The couple claimed they were unaware of the liens.

"— Nancy Killefer, who withdrew as Obama’s chief performance officer after it was disclosed she had a tax lien against her in Washington for failing to pay unemployment compensation taxes.

"— And last but not least, who can forget former Senate Democrat Majority Leader Tom Daschle’s scuttled nomination for health and human services secretary after the disclosure he did not pay more than $128,000 in back taxes and almost $12,000 in interest? A fascinating disclosure regarding a man who voted multiple times against tax cuts.

"Obama also vowed to end the revolving door of lobbyists. His campaign website still states, 'As president, he will close the revolving door between political appointments and K-street lobbying.' It also contains the text of a speech he gave in Spartanburg, SC, on November 3, 2007, where he said lobbyists 'won’t find a job in my White House.'

"But those words appear to be a promise that he had no intention of fulfilling, if one is to judge by his actions since he took office.

"— Ron Klain, Vice President Joe Biden’s chief of staff, is a former lobbyist from the law firm O’Melveny & Myers. His clients included Fannie Mae, the same entity that pushed the subprime loans propelling our nation into economic crisis.

"— Attorney General Eric Holder was a registered lobbyist for clients like Global Crossing. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack was a registered lobbyist for the NEA, the national teachers’ union.

"— William Lynn (deputy defense secretary), Mark Patterson (chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner), Mona Sutphen (deputy White House chief of staff), Cecilia Munoz (White House director of intergovernmental affairs), and Patrick Gaspard (White House political affairs director) are all registered lobbyists.

"The list of former registered lobbyists now working for Obama goes on and on.

"Many have pointed out that it is next to impossible to staff an administration without lobbyists. After all, some of these registered lobbyists are hired based on their expertise — in this case, promoting liberal causes on the president’s agenda.

"Still, ending that 'revolving door' was the president’s promise and the basis on which he asked for voters’ support.

"The behavior shouldn’t come as a surprise when examining Obama’s political roots in Chicago, the home of America’s most indicted and convicted political class. Obama not only endorsed impeached former Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2002 and 2006, he served as an adviser to Blagojevich in 2002. David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political strategist and a West Wing employee, worked for Blagojevich’s past campaigns. Michael Strautman, now the White House’s chief of staff to the assistant to the president, was legislative director and even legal counsel to Blagojevich while he was in Congress.

"Apparently the new era of responsibility was to begin in Washington after Mr. Obama left Illinois."