Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"House" Actor Killed Off to Work for Obama

From "White Castle" to the White House:

"Kal Penn's character was killed off on FOX's medical hit 'House' Monday so that he could leave his post at the doctor drama to work for President Barack Obama's administration, Entertainment Weekly revealed Tuesday.

"Penn's character, Dr. Lawrence Kutner, shot himself to death on Monday's episode of the show. Kutner was one of the three medical interns working under Dr. Gregory House, played by the Emmy-winning Hugh Laurie.

"'Penn, who campaigned heavily for Obama during his presidential run last year, will work as the Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Liaison -- and take a serious pay cut along the way, the magazine reported.

"There's not a lot of financial reward in these jobs. But, obviously, the opportunity to serve in a capacity like this is an incredible honor,' said Penn, who's also starred in comedy hits like 'Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle' and 'National Lampoon's Van Wilder.'"

City confesses it violated pastor's rights

"The city of Wichita, Kan., has confessed it violated the civil rights of a pastor who was arrested for being on a public city sidewalk at the time a homosexual event was going on nearby, and the subsequent lawsuit has been dismissed as part of a consent decree."

The People Speak: MSNBC poll of 1.8 million: Obama earns 'F'

"With more than 1.8 million responses to a MSNBC poll, President Obama has earned a grade of 'F' for his performance in office.

"He received a failing mark in an MSNBC unscientific online survey after having spent less than three months in the White House.

"In its 'Give President Obama a Grade' survey, MSNBC asked nearly 2 million respondents, "If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get?"

"The largest number of respondents – or 43 percent – gave Obama an 'F.'"

The US President has to explain why he is sending more troops into Afghanistan and his Nato allies won't, says Irwin Stelzer

"Obama now has to explain to his pacifist Democratic Left why he is sending tens of thousands of troops into Afghanistan when his Nato allies, equally threatened – witness terrorist attacks on Madrid and London – won't. He must also explain his plan to spend billions on what looks very much like a 'surge' – a policy that dare not speak its name in the White House. Especially when that effort will shore up the regime of Hamid Karzai, who is stalling on the repeal of new laws that restrict women's rights every bit as much as did the Taliban zealots."

What Sort of Savior? What Manner of Master?

"Too many people believed Obama and his 'Hope and Change' message would 'save' them without considering what they were agreeing to be 'mastered' by. Now that the Savior is in office and is handing out orders, we’re seeing exactly the sort of Master a bit over 50% of the people in this country provided for themselves and the rest of us.

"Mortgaging our financial future, devaluing our currency, surrendering our sovereignty, bankrupting our economy, dissolving our relationships, undermining our morality, denying our rights, dividing us to conquer us - all this and more is being required of you and me. There can be no dissent or objection, not even from the people who handed power to him in the first place. And the concept of Savior permits no objection when the Master speaks.

"Except in one case. If it turns out that the Master is a harsh one with a hard burden and a heavy yoke, then it is clear he does not fulfill the proper role of Master. If he is an illegitimate Master, then he cannot be a legitimate Savior either. And if he is not the Savior … then why should we trust him at all?

"Those are the questions I find myself asking. When I consider Barack Obama, what sort of Savior is he? What manner of Master is he? I know how I have answered those questions. What say you?"

A Cute Bumper Sticker I Came Across

More Buyer's Remorse Comments

"Just another politician, working for his masters. I thought we voted for Hope and Change last Novemeber. It is starting to look like its back to business as usual in the Whitehouse. Grrrrrrrr!!!!"

“Obama Wants Soldiers for Afghanistan, Not Peace”

"Mater from the Global Peace and Justice Coalition believes that NATO should be disbanded. He adds, 'Obama is sending 17,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. He is not bringing peace.'”


"Mater argues that withdrawal was also on the agenda of the previous administration of George Bush.

“'Obama has brought withdrawal from Iraq onto the agenda, but one of his first orders has been to move 17,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. He wants all NATO member states to support the US. This shows that there has been no change in the aggressive politics of the US.'

"Mater adds, 'No one should be fooled by the withdrawal from Iraq. It will take years until the bases are dismantled. But the real war is now shifting towards Afghanistan.'”

Why Risk Threatens Obama

"If President Obama inherited the greatest recession since the Great Depression, his policies, lack of action, and wrong headed decisions have now surged the nation passed it."

A Schism in the Black Community

"Like (Tavis) Smiley, I've been called a 'sellout' and an 'Uncle Tom.' One person who saw me on MSNBC wrote in an email, 'I think you and your colleagues, do the Black community a disservice, when you over look the positive aspects of what a Black president would mean for this country and the world, you also diminish the position that you hold as a Black journalist at a paper like the Washington Post. [sic]' Another wrote, 'You disappoint me young brother.'

"The vitriol hit its peak during the first blow-up over the sermons of Rev. Jeremiah Wright last year. One over-the-top emailer wrote, 'What kind of step-n-fetchit, house boy are you? You are DISGRACING Black people....God curse your house with tragedy, calamity, and poverty for the rest of your slimy, miserable days, you minstrel show clown.'

"I've been called a 'traitor' and 'self-hating.' One viewer wrote, 'To me, you appear to be a little self-hating, in that you are a black man, and the words that come out of your mouth are obviously not filtered through a genuinely felt lens.' Another said, 'Can you please do all of us a favor and bleach your skin white as white can get. [sic]'

"I've also been accused of forgetting where I come from. A cab driver who listened to an interview I'd just done with Andrea Mitchell yelled at me through the window, 'Mr. Capehart! Don't forget your history!' One gentleman wrote, 'Enlighten our black people when you are on cable news shows instead of bringing down Rev. Wright and Obama, let me remind you that you benefitted from the Civil Right's movement not just being a Capehart. [sic]'

"No reminding needed.

"The pride among African Americans in having one of our own as president is understandable. As Gene Robinson noted in his column last week, it just makes you feel good to see him not only represent you as a black American, but also represent the United States of America as he's done in Europe. But it does him no good and does the nation a disservice if he is not made to answer tough questions about his policies and decisions. Black reporters fought hard to get into positions from which they can hold the president to account. That cannot change now that the president himself is black."

ZoNation: Affirmative Action and Socializing the Big Three

Harvard Student Takes On Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass)

Black Millionaires Rock!

"Today these stories sound like baby steps of racial achievement as we look at the emerging business, political, and religious leadership of blacks in today’s world. The black community is changing overnight, and its leadership is finally experiencing a long awaited change. The breakthrough dynamic is manifesting in three major sectors of our community - business, politics, and religion.

"Historically, the Church has been the training ground for the nation’s strongest black leaders. While this remains true, a black upper class is being birthed. A major glass ceiling has been broken. The new leaders that are emerging are prototypes for new approaches for black engagement in the culture. The most surprising new trends are in the business and political leadership realm."

I.O.U.S.A. Movie Trailer

Eating The Rich: A Gourmet Menu

"As a public service to all those neo-socialists who consider it fitting to demand that the people rise up and 'Eat The Rich', I offer these choice morsels as appetizers. When you have finished devouring these fantastically wealthy individuals, there is a seemingly limitless supply of similar quality fare available in Hollywood.

"Or are they not quite what you had in mind…?"

Where's The 'Change' In Foreign Policy?

"Barack Obama's foreign policy is beginning to take shape. Semantically, it's a sharp repudiation of the policies of the George W. Bush administration.

"In reality, it's something like a continuation of Bush policies."

America Has a Naive President

"Here is an analogy. Imagine that the mayor of a large American city announced that it was his goal to have all the citizens of his city disarm -- what could be more beautiful than a city with no weapons? This would, of course, ultimately include the police, but with properly signed agreements, vigorously enforced, and violators of the agreement punished, it would remain an ideal to pursue.

"One has to assume that most people would regard this idea as, at the very least, useless. There would be no way to ensure that bad people would disarm; and if the police disarmed, only bad people would have weapons.

"The analogy is virtually precise -- but only if you acknowledge that America is the world’s policeman. To idealists of the left, however, the notion of America as the world’s policeman is both arrogant and misguided. A strengthened 'world community' -- as embodied by the United Nations – should be the world’s policeman.

"To the rest of us, however, the idea of the United Nations as the world’s policeman is absurd and frightening. The United Nations has proven itself a moral wasteland that gives genocidal tyrannies honored positions on human rights commissions. The weaker the U.N. and the stronger America, the greater the chances of preventing or stopping mass atrocities."

A Comment on ABC News Blog

"I used to support President Barack Obama, but Barack Obama has no spine. He spent all last week parading himself through Europe apologizing for America as America's head of state. He said it's our fault that some Muslims think we're out to get them. He says it's our fault the world is at war. He says it's our fault the world's markets collapsed. God bless Prime Minister Rasmussen for having a spine, for it is not freedom of expression that should capitulate to tyranny, it is tyranny which must capitulate to freedom of speech. It is time we had a President that watches more CNBC than ESPN. It is time for Palin '12, PUMA!"

--Obamacrat for Palin

Obama: Islam Has Shaped the U.S.A. But How??

"Did Muslims play a role in the great struggle over slavery that defined so much of our contemporary understandings of the nature of this republic and of the rights of the individual within it? They did not. Did the Islamic faith shape the way the United States responded to the titanic challenges of the two World Wars, the Great Depression, or the Cold War? It did not. Did the Islamic faith, with its legal apparatus that institutionalizes discrimination against non-Muslims, shape the civil rights movement in the United States? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandated equality of access to public facilities – a hard-won victory that came at a great cost, and one that Muslim groups have tried to roll back in the United States recently. One notable example of such attempts was the alcohol-in-cabs controversy at the Minneapolis-St. Paul international airport, when Muslim cabdrivers began to refuse service to customers who were carrying alcohol, on Islamic religious grounds. The core assumption underlying this initiative – that discrimination on the basis of religion is justified – cut right to the heart of the core principle of the American polity, that 'all men are created equal,' that is, that they have a right to equal treatment in law and society."

Stimulus job creation numbers questioned

"'It's an open question whether or not the stimulus is a good deal for New Hampshire,' said Fred Tausch, a Nashua businessman and former Obama supporter who founded STEWARD, which stands for Save the Economy without Accumulating Record Debt, earlier this year to oppose the administration's stimulus package.

"The study, conducted by PolEcon research of Dover and unveiled Monday, said the largest portion of New Hampshire's allocation will simply replace existing state education and Medicaid spending with federal money. Because these funds do not represent new spending, the study concluded, it 'will not increase aggregate demand or stimulate job creation.'"

The Messiah Cometh To Save You

"Yes, bow to the Messiah and he will protect and save you!

(Hosanna, heysanna, sanna sanna, ho -- Robert)

"Let’s correct a problem with President Obama’s statements shall we? First of all it was liberals (both Republican and Democrat) like Obama that put the bankers in this position in the first place. First by pushing them to make unwise loans that a first year finance student could tell were problematic. Second by offering to bail them out once the chickens came home to roost. And third by feigning ignorance about bonuses that they signed into law and that Obama opted not to veto while rushing through a bill we were told there was no time to read.

"So how can the same people that caused the problem solve it you ask? They can’t. But they can make enough people angry at the bankers while taking none of the blame themselves. Remember, Obama was in the Senate for two whole years while everything was blowing up and did nothing to stop it. Sure, the fact is that he didn’t have the foggiest idea how to solve the problems but that only underscores the point here.

"Better watch it Obama. While your hordes are marching on the banks with their pitchforks and torches because they live to serve you, a whole other group of patriots is forming up with their own pitchforks and torches to march on Washington and your home."

Communities print their own currency to keep cash flowing

"A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their own money.

"Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses.

"The systems generally work like this: Businesses and individuals form a network to print currency. Shoppers buy it at a discount — say, 95 cents for $1 value — and spend the full value at stores that accept the currency."

CEObama: The Car Czar

"It’s ironic that President Obama is now hinting that GM and Chrysler could end up in bankruptcy court. After all, that’s the very solution some of us suggested even before the government poured billions of tax dollars into the companies.

"Americans don’t need government in the business of building cars, or telling us what type of cars we can buy. GM and Chrysler should go into bankruptcy, reorganize and return as smaller but healthier organizations—and do so without any additional taxpayer dollars. The bureaucrats in Washington have plenty of other things to do, don’t they?"

Left Having A Cow Over Obama And Wiretapping

"The Obama administration, via the Justice Department, filed papers Friday in San Francisco, defending the Bush wiretapping program in response to a lawsuit filed by AT&T customers, stating disclosure of information sought by the customers, 'which concerns how the United States seeks to detect and prevent terrorist attacks, would cause exceptionally grave harm to national security.'

'Kevin Bankston of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a lawyer for the customers, said Monday the filing was disappointing in light of the Obama presidential campaign's "unceasing criticism of Bush-era secrecy and promise for more transparency."'
"Not only is Obama liking those powers, but according to Glenn Greenwald, a member of the far far left, the Obama administration is making "New and worse secrecy and immunity claims from the Obama DOJ."

Press Release from Electron Frontier Foundation:

April 6th, 2009

Obama Administration Embraces Bush Position on Warrantless Wiretapping and Secrecy

Says Court Must Dismiss Jewel v. NSA to Protect 'State Secrets'

San Francisco - The Obama administration formally adopted the Bush administration's position that the courts cannot judge the legality of the National Security Agency's (NSA's) warrantless wiretapping program, filing a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA late Friday.

In Jewel v. NSA, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is challenging the agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans. The Obama Justice Department claims in its motion that litigation over the wiretapping program would require the government to disclose privileged "state secrets." These are essentially the same arguments made by the Bush administration three years ago in Hepting v. AT&T, EFF's lawsuit against one of the telecom giants complicit in the NSA spying.

"President Obama promised the American people a new era of transparency, accountability, and respect for civil liberties," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "But with the Obama Justice Department continuing the Bush administration's cover-up of the National Security Agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of Americans, and insisting that the much-publicized warrantless wiretapping program is still a 'secret' that cannot be reviewed by the courts, it feels like deja vu all over again."

Why did people hate Bush again?

Socialism Results in Loss of Freedom


“There was a Chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Prof noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country’s government and install a new communist government. In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question.

"He asked, ‘Do you know how to catch wild pigs?’ The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke. ‘You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how To forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

"The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms- just a little at a time."

San Francisco Examiner Editorial: Banana republic budgeting should shame Obama, Congress

"[...] It was surely an act of hubris for President Obama to ask Congress to approve a $3.6 trillion federal budget for 2010 that runs a trillion-dollars worth of red ink its first year and then projects half-trillion deficits every year thereafter for a decade. Congress has never before been asked to consider spending of such magnitude, not even during wartime. Obama's budget proposal also included provisions committing the nation to far-reaching policy changes that are certain to drive federal taxes higher, send gasoline and electricity costs soaring, socialize doctors and patients by putting Washington bureaucrats in charge of health care, and make Uncle Sam the Daddy Warbucks of college tuition for everybody. The ultimate result will be a doubling of the national debt, a burden that will fall on our children and grandchildren. In short, this was a budget proposal of historic significance to every living American and for millions yet to be born.

"So how did Congress deal with this landmark legislation? The House of Representatives gave opponents exactly 20 minutes to present an alternative, then gaveled the Obama measure to approval. The Senate approved it after considering a handful of amendments. But note that even before the 2010 budget was approved, this Congress had approved spending more than $1.2 trillion, or $24 billion per day. That's $1 billion every hour since the 111th Congress convened in January."

Phoenix police raid home of blogger whose writing is highly critical of them

"In what should send a frightening chill down the spine of every blogger, writer, journalist and First Amendment advocate in the United States, Phoenix police raided the home of a blogger who has been highly critical of the department.

"Jeff Pataky, who runs Bad Phoenix Cops, said the officers confiscated three computers, routers, modems, hard drives, memory cards and everything necessary to continue blogging.

"The 41-year-old software engineer said they also confiscated numerous personal files and documents relating to a pending lawsuit he has against the department alleging harassment - which he says makes it obvious the raid was an act of retaliation."

Just like in a dictatorship.

Freedom for Dr. Biscet in Cuba!

Dr. Biscet's daughter tells us about her father

My Father, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet was born on July 20, 1961 in Havana, Cuba. My father is Founder and President of Lawton Foundation. This organization is considered illegal by the Cuban government. My father, Oscar is a Cuban physician and is a very spiritual man. I feel that he follows the same philosophies as Dr. Martin Luther King and Thoreau. Oscar was unjustly sentenced to three years in prison on February 26, 1999 for a crime of flying the Cuban flag upside down, which is an International recognized symbol of distress. Before his sentence Oscar had been arbitrarily detained twenty six times in eighteen months. On February 1998, he was then expelled from the Cuban National Health System. He and his family were evicted from their home. My father is presently in prison right now because he continues to defend the Human Rights in Cuba. The Cuban prison is a place where no one wants to be. It is a place where persons are restrained from any personal freedom.

The Cuban Government condemned my father to twenty-five years in prison for his role in attempting to promote integrity and sovereignty to the Cuban people. His life is constantly in danger in prison. He is presently experiencing a lot of physical problems. He had lost weight since he has been incarcerated and his teeth and mouth show signs of deterioration. This is all due to the fact that he is not receiving proper medical treatment that should be provided by the military personnel. Most of the time my father is isolated in a cell as punishment. He does not participate in any Communist activities and he does not like to go to the dining hall to eat because of inadequate cleanliness. Proper healthy food is scarce in prisons. Prisoners get into fights and then the authorities issue violations. The authorities treat my father badly and of course they try to take away all of his human rights. I know that prison life is very difficult for him but, even with all of his physical problems, he seems to be coping well mentally. That is something that I am thankful for.

My father is presently serving twenty-five years in a Cuban prison. He is only allowed one visit every three months for two hours. Only two people can be chosen to visit him. This becomes difficult to choose between mother, father, brother, and wife. He tells me that all the conditions are poor, poor, poor. I do remember when I use to go visit my father in prison. I felt very disappointed about the situation and I knew that it was an unhappy place to be. I noticed that a lot of the prisoners seemed angry with their family and friends. They looked depressed and many did not want to talk about anything. There is no safety in a Cuban prison. I feel very depress about my father many times, but I know that the one good thing that I can do is to study hard and to work diligently. I know that my father will be very proud of me!

I demand the immediate release of my father so that this peaceful Human Rights Activist may continue his struggle to see his country free one day. I ask men and women of good will, Human Rights Organizations, the Press, Democratic Nations, and everyone who has a voice, to denounce the Cuban Government for the unjust incarceration of my father, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, whose only crime is to honor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in his country, Cuba.

Obama the Pitchfork Operator: A Remake of the Soviet Classic

"Community organizers were instrumental in forcing banks to give subprime loans to unqualified minority borrowers by using the 'pitchforks' tactics — protesting in front of the banks, camping on the lawns of the bankers’ family houses, intimidating families, and suing in courts. After the bankers were sufficiently roughed up, a community organizer would show up at their office to 'negotiate' the bank’s surrender in the form of bad loans and money for community organizations that pay community organizers for their 'services.'”

Is that not called racketeering?


"Once a community organizer gains control of the media and the government, the next logical step is to turn the entire nation into a mob and set them against businesses, while offering the latter government 'protection.' The subsequent takeover of the economy leaves the future society reduced to the two basic elements: an authoritarian government and a compliant mob. This may be an ideal arrangement for a community organizer, but it’s a direct opposite of what the Founding Fathers had intended.

"Most Americans will probably associate this trend with the protection racket that was rampant in Chicago in the 1930s. It follows the same pattern: the mob, in conjunction with the unions, would organize strikes and protests, do physical damage, and intimidate business owners. Then a mob representative would meet with the owner and offer 'protection' by saying 'I’m the only thing between you and the pitchforks.'”

FOUND !! Barack Obama's Severe Consequences For North Korea

President Obama's Severe Consequences for North Korea
  • A nasty letter from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. To make the punishment even more severe the letter will be placed in their permanent record.
  • The entire country of North Korea will be forced to go to bed without dinner. Wait most of them already do.
  • Fire Kim Jong-il. The president gets that power from the same place in the Constitution that allows him to fire the head of GM.
  • No Nintendo for a week.
  • Force North Korea to take Tarp funds that it doesn't need, and don't allow them to return it. That way he can control them anyway he wants, just like the banks.
  • Send Nancy Pelosi to visit North Korea for a month. If that doesn't scare them straight, nothing will.
  • Take away their Congressional Earmarks. Apparently John Murtha thinks that North Korea is part of his district.

NY Times on Obama Nuke Strategy: We Don’t Know What He’s Doing, But it Must be Good

"The New York Times must praise Obama even if it can’t figure out how what he’s done is so great. Consider, 'Obama Seizes on Missile Launch in Seeking Nuclear Cuts,' April 5, 2009, by Helene Cooper and David Sanger

"The lead tells us that following the North Korea missile test, he has 'laid out a new approach to American nuclear disarmament policy — one intended to strengthen the United States and its allies in halting proliferation.'

"So what is the strategy to halt proliferation: That the United States will reduce the number of its nuclear warheads. Just to quote the Times article is to show the irrationality of thinking there is a linkage:

“'It is a strategy based on the idea that if the United States shows it is willing to greatly shrink the size of its atomic arsenal, ban nuclear testing and cut off the worldwide production of bomb material, reluctant allies and partners around the world will be more likely to rewrite nuclear treaties and enforce sanctions against North Korea and Iran.'

"So let me get this straight, if the United States stops doing it this will encourage England, France, China, Russia and others to get tough on North Korea and Iran? Why?"