Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nurse Who Exposed Infanticide-Based Abortions: Obama Lied During Debate

"The Chicago-area nurse who exposed the practice of life-birth abortions that led to he bill Barack Obama repeatedly opposed in the Illinois legislature says Obama lied about his record during the final presidential debate. Jill Stanek says Obama again misrepresented his position and record before the American people."


“'He then purported several times, as recently as August 16, 2008, that the bills were not identical and he would have supported the Illinois version had it been the same as the federal version,' she said.

"Obama’s campaign finally had to recant from that position after documents from the Illinois legislature proved him wrong."

2 reports of unexpected charges by Obama campaign

"Two Missourians say they were surprised to receive credit card statements indicating they had donated to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

"Sandy Pogones of Camdenton and Steve Larman of North Kansas City each found a $2,300 charge on their credit card bills recently for the Obama for America campaign. Both say they do not support Obama and would not contribute to his campaign."

That is called "Spreading the Wealth Around."

Or is it called "theft"?

Did Ayers' wife kill policeman?

"An FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, who successfully penetrated the organization from the late summer of 1969 until April 1970, later testified to a U.S. Senate subcommittee that Ayers, then a high-ranking leader of the organization and a member of its Central Committee (but not then Dohrn's husband), told him Dohrn constructed and planted the bomb."

I actually met this woman before Obama met her. I thought she was just a lawyer at the time.

Negrophilia afflicts U.S.

"In America, minority activists and politicians seize upon any and every flimsy opportunity to play the race card. Everything from bad attitudes to urban poverty to heinous criminal activity on the part of blacks has been put down to their past treatment. Even in an environment that produces one sibling who's an honor student and another who's a spree killer, there'll be a defense attorney arguing that slavery or segregation prompted the behavior."


"Obama was unquestioningly accepted as packaged – someone who was sincere, forthright and amiable in every way. The fact that he doesn't have the ghetto-jabbering syntax of a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton most assuredly did not hurt him. It simply hasn't occurred to whites (or blacks for that matter) that Obama could even approach being the monster a white man has the potential of being. This has been reinforced by a media propaganda campaign the likes of which this nation has never seen. Indeed, if he becomes president, it will have been the press that picked him.

"The questionable associations and activities Obama has and in which he has engaged, that alternative media sources have been citing over the past 18 months, are in the dozens. All of these – including his close alliance with ACORN, an organization that has been found criminally liable for instances of voter fraud for far-left (Democrat) candidates and causes – have been ignored, avoided or denied by the establishment press.

"Throughout the campaign, despite his claim that he would not make race an issue and doing so anyway, and his opponent refusing to make race an issue, every criticism of Obama has been met with accusations of racism."

Biden routes campaign cash to family, their firms

What's wrong with that? Democrats deserve to get away with crap that Republicans can be crucified for.


"'Voting the dead' is a practice that was introduced in presidential election politics by Chicago mayor Richard Daley in 1960. Historians learned after the election that Kennedy carried both Texas and Illinois only because of the votes cast by deceased people. Kennedy carried Texas by 46 thousand votes and Illinois—a solid Democratic State controlled by the Daley political machine—by a scant 9 thousand votes. One precinct in Angelina County, Texas only 86 people claimed ballots to vote. Yet the final tally when the votes were counted gave 147 votes to Kennedy and 24 for Nixon. Fannin County had 4,895 registered voters. But 6,138 votes were cast. Kennedy got 75% of them. Republicans demanded a recount in Texas, but the Democratically-controlled Texas Election Board refused and certified what everyone knew were fraudulent results. Kennedy took Texas' 24 electoral votes. In Chicago, the media and the poll watchers witnessed so much blatantly open voter fraud that no one was surprised that the GOP filed a lawsuit challenged the votes cast in Cook County (Chicago). Nor was anyone surprised when Daley had the case assigned to Circuit Court Judge Thomas Kluczynski, his personal friend. Kluczynski dismissed the lawsuit. Kennedy later rewarded him by appointing him to the federal bench."

Democratic voter fraud in a presidential election? I thought Republicans cornered that market.

Throw Him Under the Bus -- Democrats ditch Rep. Mahoney amid sex scandal

Smart to cut the Republicans off at the pass that Democrats will not be accused of giving Mahoney a pass.

Barack Obama Is No Patriot

"A patriot running for the presidency of the United States should have declined any association with, and support from, rabidly anti-American unrepentant domestic terrorist bomber Bill Ayers, should have written not a 'rave review' of his Marxist tract but rather a denunciation of it, and instead should have expressly and unequivocally denounced Ayers for the dangerous terrorist he is. Barack Obama has done none of these things!"

The PowerPuff Girls Will Be Voting for Obama

"Those who can’t stomach our actions in Iraq will spontaneously combust when Obama’s foreign policy erupts on the battlefield. People who are so blinded by their personal ideology that they can’t even consider this as the end result of giving in to your enemies, they need look no further then Chamberlain and his appeasement of Hitler. Obama’s policies and their predictable results are self-evident, even through the friendly filter of the Mainstream Media. His failure as a President is guaranteed, so why does he feel so confident about exposing himself as the Marxist liberal he really is?"


"Barack and the Democrats are not fans of the voter. Recently, liberals have championed the idea that union ballots should no longer be secret ballots. Open ballots will allow union thugs to mete out retribution against anyone who doesn’t vote their way. The policy of abolishing the secret ballot in union establishments is one that Barack said the following about:'I will make it the law of the land when I'm president of the United States.'

"While his disdain for secret ballots is an established fact, his association with ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is disturbing to say the least. ACORN has been found in over ten states committing thousands of acts of voter fraud. Obama has worked with them, for them, and funneled millions of dollars of tax payer funds to this group of election thieves. Despite their long record of felonious tampering with the electoral process, liberals wanted to divert billions of dollars from the $700 billion bailout plan to support ACORN.

"No prominent Democrat has called for an investigation into this organization despite all the taxpayer money that has gone to prop them up and the thousands of credible reports of their misdeeds. In fact, now that ACORN’s crimes are coming to light, the Democrats are circling the wagons around them in an effort to protect their most effective henchmen.

"As President, Barack will sign the laws that the Reid/Pelosi cabal sends him that makes it easier for groups like ACORN to register felons, illegal immigrants, dead people, cartoon characters, and imaginary friends as legitimate voters.

Apparently the Dallas Cowboys entire starting lineup was registered by ACORN in Nevada. Would anybody really be surprised if JabberJaw or ‘Bubbles' from the Power Puff Girls were registered to vote by Obama’s cronies? Of course the Democrats will never investigate this group, and the rampant administration sponsored, voter fraud (combined with the judges that Barack will appoint to throw out cases against ACORN) will put the liberals in full control of the electoral process; the votes of the people will no longer matter."

Just Because He’s Black

"Not only is Barack Obama the most liberal candidate ever nominated by the Democratic Party, he carries the added burden of being a black man in a party with a long and sordid history of racial oppression. While the daily tracking polls reflect a better than even chance of victory for Obama, they fail to take into account the most significant poll of all...a recent poll showing that as many as 30% of white Democrats will not vote for a black candidate.

"These are Democrats who regularly lie to pollsters about voting for Obama because, as good Democrats, they know what they’re expected to say. But what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is an entirely different matter. The racists in the party have not gone away and they have not been reformed. Other white Democrats, those of the far left, will vote for Obama, not because he’s black, but because he promises to transform America into the socialist paradise for which they have always yearned.

"But what is most alarming and disturbing...given what the two major political parties have meant to black liberation and black civil rights over the past 154 the percentage of blacks who will cast their votes for Obama, not on the basis of his background and experience or on his ability to serve as commander in chief, but...just because he’s black."

Not only is Barack Obama the most liberal candidate ever nominated by the Democratic Party, he carries the added burden of being a black man in a party with a long and sordid history of racial oppression. While the daily tracking polls reflect a better than even chance of victory for Obama, they fail to take into account the most significant poll of all...a recent poll showing that as many as 30% of white Democrats will not vote for a black candidate.

These are Democrats who regularly lie to pollsters about voting for Obama because, as good Democrats, they know what they’re expected to say. But what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is an entirely different matter. The racists in the party have not gone away and they have not been reformed. Other white Democrats, those of the far left, will vote for Obama, not because he’s black, but because he promises to transform America into the socialist paradise for which they have always yearned.

But what is most alarming and disturbing...given what the two major political parties have meant to black liberation and black civil rights over the past 154 the percentage of blacks who will cast their votes for Obama, not on the basis of his background and experience or on his ability to serve as commander in chief, but...just because he’s black.

"It's the socialists taking over our country"

"If Obama is elected president, America will become a place that is unrecognizable. A Supreme Court stocked with radical liberalism will change the political and social landscape for more than mere decades.

"A vote for the Fifth column Democrats will cripple our country and send this nation spiraling into socialism. We will not be able to return to the days of our founding fathers who had a much different vision for our country than what we see coming.

"A vote for Democrats will bring legislation from the bench by extreme liberal judges. Everything that you hold near and dear will be challenged and changed. Even your Judeo- Christian faith will be whittled away."

We will have an Obama Nation.

This election is really a referendum on the stupidity of the American voter

"After watching the mainstream media sink to new lows of blatant favoritism, absurd bias and an almost unimaginable level of spin, I have come to the conclusion that this election will really be a measure on just how stupid the average American voter truly is."


"The group that bugs me the most are those people who are so stupid, so utterly devoid of any cerebral capacity, as to bounce around oblivious to the fact that most of the news they hear is false, twisted and outright propaganda for one side. How idiotic do you have to be to need a primer on the fact that what we call most journalists should be on the Democratic Party's payroll?"

Obama hints at communist presidency

"On Monday 13 October, Barack Obama was asked by an Ohio plumber: 'Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?' Obama answered him with: 'It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around [AKA wealth redistribution], it's good for everybody." We have to imagine that Karl Marx would be extremely proud.

"We already have the set-up for a USA-Communist government in place. The Democrats — via their organizations Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and ACORN (to be fair to other Democrats ACORN is actually almost solely Obama's group) — have pretty much brought the world's financial institutions and its people to their knees and on their way to complete destruction. Similar to what Hugo Chavez has done to Venezuela, Democrats are first going for nationalization of financial institutions, which will be followed by Democrat's takeover of other industries. Does anyone out there still remember California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters' threat to take over US oil companies?

"Electing Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America will pretty much finish the Democrats' job."

Left Decries Obama's FISA Vote

"Also, the Daily Kos, among the most prominent blogs on the political left, criticized Obama for “stabbing your allies in the back” in regard to FISA and other issues. "

What did Judas say in Jesus Christ Superstar? "And they'll hurt you if they think you lied"?

You will see what we all soon will see.

All your followers are blind....

Obama-Led Foundation Spent $49 Million But Had 'Little Impact' on Improving Chicago Schools

This is what I have been trying to tell people. I lived in Chicago before Obama got there. There was no "change" in education there.

"Despite six years and $49.2 million spent to improve schools in the Chicago area, an education reform initiative run by Barack Obama was less than effective, according to two studies, with one in particular describing the grant program as a 'failure' that had 'little impact on school improvement and student outcomes.'"

And he wants to change America when he cannot even change Chicago or Illinois?

Times Blares Bad Poll News for McCain, Says Ayers-Obama Tie Just an "Allegation"

Now you folks are lying....

The Times have proved it does not have any integrity.

"'How much have you heard or read about the allegation by the McCain campaign that Barack Obama was associated with Bill Ayers, a former member of the radical domestic group called the Weathermen -- a lot, some, not much, or nothing at all?""

Chicago Annenberg Challenge Obama was chair. Ayers founded the organization. Ayers was Obama's boss. There is no association?

So much for allegations.

“NO USA!” Chants in Carson defining moment of Election ‘08

"Obama supporters on the same scene fomenting for revolution were chanting “No USA! “No USA!”

"In that moment in Carson, the difference between John McCain and Barack Obama supporters could not have been any starker."

Are you surprised? Obama's "acquaintance" who he worked for, Bill Ayers, was photographed standing on an American flag. So "No USA" does not surprise me.

I did not put that photo of Uncle Sam in cardiac arrest at the top of this page for nothing.

Should I write an obituary for the United States? Born July 4, 1776. Died November 4, 2008.

Obama Camp Rejects Jackson's Claim That He Would Diminish 'Zionist' Influence

Does Jesse Jackson need surgery to remove his foot from his mouth?

"Barack Obama's campaign stepped in quickly Tuesday to distance itself from a claim by the Rev. Jesse Jackson that 'Zionists' would lose clout under an Obama administration."

It is bad enough they have to counter Republicans. It is worse when they have to counter a Democrat "endorser"too.

Ever wonder why you NEVER saw Jesse campaigning with Barack?

Study: Big 3 networks still fixated on 'first love' Obama

"After a brief flirtation with Sarah Palin, the broadcast networks have returned to their first love: Barack Obama."

I was in love a few times and got my heart broken. The networks will get their hearts broken too.

The First Sista -- Michelle Obama calls Corsi 'evil'

"'African Press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view,' she reportedly said. 'It is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband. There is no shame in being adopted by a stepfather. All dirt has been thrown onto my husband's face and yet he loves this country. My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because some American white racists are bringing up the issue of my husband's adoption by his stepfather. The important thing here is where my husband's heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that my husband loves this country and his adoption never changed his love for this country. He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner.'

"AFI asked Michelle Obama to comment on the detention of Corsi during his visit last week to Kenya, where he was investigating the presidential

candidate's links to a controversial strongman serving as prime minister.

"'When API asked Mrs. Obama to comment on why Dr. Corsi was arrested by the Kenyan government and whether she thought Kenya's prime minister, Mr. Raila Odinga, was involved in Dr. Corsi's arrest, she got irritated and simply told API not to dig [into] that which will support evil people who are out to stop her husband from getting the presidency,' the publication reported.

"AFI also said the first lady in waiting had some clear instructions for the publication.

"'Mrs. Obama asked API to write a good story about her husband and that will earn API an invitation to the inauguration ceremony when, as she put it, her husband will be installed as the next President of the United States

of America next year,' the report said. (You scratch my back and I will scratch yours -- Ed.)

"Michelle Obama had one other point to make – regarding the endorsement of her husband by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, which she deemed 'unfortunate.'

"She reportedly told AFI that it was unfortunate that the highly controversial Farrakhan made his support known before the election."

She is not thrilled that Farrakhan endorsed her husband?

November results 'already tainted' by ACORN

"A former senator today said the November results already have been 'tainted' by actions of ACORN, and the 2008 election could be a nightmare worse than the 2000 dispute in Florida."


"But officials for the Employment Policies Institute, who have monitored ACORN's activities over the years and have published a website to publicize its problems, say the organization has a long history of exactly the same types of disputes.

"Spokeswoman Sarah Longwell told WND while most people now are just becoming familiar with ACORN, the organization has been around for years and almost invariably pops up at election time facing accusations of rampant voter fraud.

"'I think why people are paying attention now is because Obama used to work for them, and according to the Wall Street Journal, has given them $800,000.'

"She told WND the organization typically blames 'rogue' local organizers for the fraudulent names and addresses submitted to election officials. (That is because they all are a bunch of rogues. -- Ed.)

"'This is a pattern and practice these guys have every election cycle,' she said.


"The report said Obama did, in fact, work as an unpaid leader for training sessions in Chicago in the 1990s. The report said Obama also represented ACORN then in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois over voter registration issues." (But he was not on the payroll, so therefore he was not an employee. "He never worked for ACORN," they can say. Very clever. -- Ed.)

"Investor's Business Daily reported that not only has Obama worked with ACORN, he's promised to let its members have input into how he would shape an agenda for a presidency.

"A YouTube video also reveals Obama making a commitment to involve ACORN in his policy-creating process."