Sunday, April 5, 2009

Funny Comments from "Obama condemns N.K. missile launch"

Gee, Obama is frightening-ooh that's scary! Send ACORN to harass Korea that'll work.

obama, quick, send North Korea one of your YouTube videos right away! That'll stop'em.


With Obama at the helm, America has NO teeth!

Maybe his pansied-arse can summon a group of his angry followers to chant terse rhymes at North Korea. Then they can all go back to their computers and type angry diatribes on their personal blogs and MySpace pages!

Obama to North Korea: “STOP IT-- or we will say STOP IT again!”

Why Tea Parties? The Trillion Dollar Question

Antiwar activists split over Obama's Afghanistan policy

"The anti-war movement shifted into low gear after Obama's election. Funding and staffing for most groups dropped, in some cases precipitously. Code Pink activists – a highly visible presence at war hearings and protests in the Bush years – have shifted their target from war to Wall Street.

"Some elements of the anti-Iraq War coalition think that the buildup in Afghanistan is warranted, even essential.

"'Americans have more business in Afghanistan than they ever did in Iraq, Bosnia, Lebanon, Somalia, Panama, or Grenada,' says Jon Soltz, chairman and cofounder of, which rallied veterans against the war in Iraq in the Bush years.

"The reason the US is in Afghanistan is that we were attacked, he adds. 'As someone who fought in Iraq, I don't think people are as ready to give up on President Obama as they were on George Bush. I'm biased to think that we give this president a chance.'"

Bush + War + Surge = Bad

Obama + War + Surge = Good

We were not attacked by the country of Afghanistan. We were attacked by unknown elements. These same people contend that we were not attacked by the country of Iraq and used that as a reason to protest Bush.


It was only a matter of time: Obama Seeks Control of the Internet

"The Cybersecurity Act of 2009

"Under the auspices of 'emergency' provisions, of course. but the can of worms would be opened…

"'The bill does not only add to the power of the president. It also grants the Secretary of Commerce 'access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access.' This means he or she can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws.'"

Thank you PUMA Democrat for the information.