Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still time for voters to wake up

"It would be bad enough if the Stalinesque stench engulfing the messiah's campaign were limited merely to its efforts to elect him. But what we fear is that these campaign tactics are of a piece with his policy agenda and his vision for America.

"Sincerely intending no melodrama here, it's hard not to conclude that Obama aims to change America in fundamental ways, the common denominator of which would be to diminish individual liberties, the most distinguishing feature of the unique American system. Sadly, most Obama supporters have no clue what Obama is ultimately about or how his innocuous-sounding ideas could permanently destroy our freedoms."


"Just as alarming as the Obama left's direct assaults on the electoral process are their totalitarian tactics to chill their opponents' political speech. Don't think it's just Democratic attorneys in St. Louis misusing their power and the law as speech-suppressing weapons. Investor's Business Daily's editorial writers bullet point a number of egregious examples.

"Lawyers for Obama wrote intimidating letters to television and radio stations that aired National Rifle Association ads in Pennsylvania detailing Obama's anti-gun record.

"The Obama campaign complained to the Department of Justice when the American Issues Project had the audacity to run an ad tying Obama to violent revolutionary William Ayers, which scared some stations out of airing the spot.

"Obama's army of supporters inundated radio station WGN with harassing phone calls and e-mails to disrupt its interviews of conservative writers investigating Obama's sordid background. This was the Obama campaign's chosen alternative to sending a representative to debate the conservatives, which they were invited to do.

"As IBD points out, this is just a glimpse of what's in store for free conservative speech in an Obama administration, starting with the resurrection of the Fairness Doctrine, which is designed to emasculate conservative radio, the last best hope to prevent a full-blown socialist revolution."

I wonder when they will send me my "cease and desist" letter....

Farrakhan's 'Savior'

"'Brothers and sisters,' Farrakhan said, "Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."

"Farrakhan points out that the man Nation of Islam followers refer to as 'the Savior,' Fard Muhammad, had a black father and a white mother, just as Obama did.

"'A black man with a white mother became a savior to us,' he said. 'A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.'"

According to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, white people are "devils."

I guess half a devil is better than none.

We'll survive Obama – before a President Palin

"If the majority of voters want an empty shell who can read from a teleprompter, based on their visceral contempt for President Bush, so be it. If the voters are willing to cast their ballot for an ignominious human being with a chronicled history of communist and anarchist alliances – who is a consummate charade – I say let them have their wish."

Hanged for being a Christian in Iran

"Eighteen years ago, Rashin Soodmand's father was hanged in Iran for converting to Christianity. Now her brother is in a Mashad jail, and expects to be executed under new religious laws brought in this summer. Alasdair Palmer reports."

Terrified Christian Families Flee Iraq's Mosul

"'The Christians were subjected to abduction attempts and paid ransom, but now they are subjected to a killing campaign,' Kashmoula said, adding he believed 'Al Qaeda' elements were to blame and called for a renewed drive to root them out."

Elections board testimony: ACORN pestered me into registering multiple times

"Two Cleveland men who each signed multiple registration cards as part of a national voter registration drive told the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections today they did so to help ACORN canvassers keep their jobs.

"One of the men said he was sometimes offered a cigarette or a dollar bill by workers with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

"'They would come up with a sob story when they needed a signature,' said Freddie Johnson."

Obama believes women should register for draft

From the Lack of Judgement department:

"'I think that if women are registered for service … I think it will help to send a message to my two daughters that they've got obligations to this great country as well as boys do,' said Obama in a debate last year.

"Obama's comments at the July 23, 2007, CNN/YouTube debate also suggested that while he doesn't support a draft and doesn't 'necessarily' see women in combat roles, he does see restricting women from the battlefront as a breach of equality."

I will bet there are many young female Obama supporters who are saying, "No we ain't" instead of "Yes we can!" I wonder if Paris Hiton would go for that.


"'He came in on 9/30 and Mr. Nash again registered to vote at [someone else's] address, and he cast a ballot,' said board official Jane Platten."

Why Obama is like Coca-Cola

Obama is like Coca-Cola:
  • He has color
  • He can be cold (even ice cold -- consider his opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act)
  • He is packaged very well
  • He has fizz
  • He can keep you awake (caffeine)
  • He can be addicting
  • He has taste
  • He is marketed very well all over the world
  • He once had cocaine
  • He has no substance