Friday, March 27, 2009

Government Intervention, Regulatory Policy, and the Financial Crisis

Barack W. Bush?

Welcome to Obama's Amerika

"In my post-election analysis of what kind of president King Obama, Lord and Savior of Big Media (the BM for short) might be, I postulated that the worst scenario would be for Obama to turn out to be the next Woodrow Wilson. Well, hello Mr. Wilson!"

Democrats vs. Democrats

"House Minority Leader John A. Boehner snarled at moderate Democrats Wednesday, but the real bite came from liberal groups frustrated by centrist opposition to Barack Obama’s budget priorities.

"As Boehner accused Blue Dog Democrats of being 'lap dogs' for Obama, and Americans United for Change, the labor-backed organization that serves as the White House’s chief third-party operation, began airing ads Wednesday urging moderate Democrats in both the House and the Senate to get on board with the president’s budget.

"Among the targets of Americans United for Change is Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), who declared the ads 'not very helpful.'”