Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Outrage over the computer game which glorifies suicide bombing

This is how far society as degenerated:

"A computer game in which players assume the role of a suicide bomber and try to kill as many men, women and children as possible has provoked outrage.

"A senior Labour MP said Kaboom: The Suicide Bombing Game, which is freely available to all age groups on the internet, ‘devalues human life’ and should be banned.

"Players move a terrorist of Arab appearance along a busy street to get as close as possible to the most civilians."

The First Sista

It is official now.

Obama Wins - Rev. Wright's Injunctions Become A Dark Reality: "God Damn America! Hallelujah!"

"We have witnessed today the fruit of forty years of insidious communist infiltration of our country come to bear. Today, the aging, white-haired, 'Fifth Columnist' Marxist radicals that waved Viet-Cong flags in front of our Capitol - who protested the Vietnam War, and brought so much divisiveness, social turmoil, and upheaval to our nation during the sixties, and who, realizing soon that a violent overthrow of our Republic was not feasible, but that to accomplish their Marxist goals they had to follow Marx's admonition of becoming unnoticed, 'underground moles' working stealthily towards their socialist ends, mingling with the rest of the populace, while like termites, they tunneled, and chewed out, weakened, and ultimately would destroy the established societal order from within the system - have won."

Ron Paul Warns Of Great Shift Toward Global Government Under Obama

"Commenting on the much touted 'International crisis' that luminaries such as Colin Powell, Joe Biden and Zbigniew Brzezinski have all guaranteed will occur within weeks of Obama entering the White House, the Congressman stated that he believes it may be a catalyst for a shift toward world government:

"'I think it's going to be an announcement of a new monetary order, and they'll probably make it sound very limited, they're not going to say this is world government, even though it is if you control the world's money and you control the military, which they do indirectly.

"'A world central bank, worldwide regulation and world control of the whole system, of all the commodities and all the natural resources, what else can you call it other than world government?

"'Obama wouldn't be there if he didn't toe the line, and when the meeting starts on November 15th for the new monetary system, this could be the beginning of the end of what's left of our national sovereignty.' Paul said, also warning that the global media are already hailing Obama as the world's leader."

Antichrist or the devil's red herring?

Fox News Angrily Smears Nader For Daring To Criticize Obama

Am I in another dimension?

"A Fox News host and his panel angrily proclaimed that Ralph Nader’s career was finished after the Independent Party candidate dared to criticize Barack Obama’s record of toadying up to corporate interests, as top liberal websites applauded Fox News for their aggressive defense of the president elect.

"The corporate media’s frightening obsession with maintaining Obama’s messianic complex now apparently extends to the so-called 'right-wing' Fox News, who have eagerly picked up the baton and are right behind the mindless fervor of Obamamania - acting in lock step with the establishment left."

Once upon a time, there was a novel but archaic concept called Freedom of Speech....

Let's Hope Obama Doesn't Keep His Promises

"Obama wants to expand the number who pay nothing by millions and enormously boost the earned income tax credit _ a form of welfare _ on top of still other tax credits. Put it all together and you’re giving up $80 billion in revenues a year while getting maybe $50 billion from new taxes on the high-income crowd, meaning an overall loss of $30 billion. How’s he going to make that up? Hard to say, hard to say."

Ron Paul: Obama won’t pull troops out of Iraq

"And, quite frankly, I am not expecting the troops, regardless of whether Obama wins, to be home in 16 months. That is just pure political talk."

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

"But Barack Obama will ride into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative, the judicial as well as widespread media support.

"This makes Obama more dangerous than Bush and certainly a damn site more dangerous than a McCain administration, because his policies for at least a year or two will enjoy universal acclaim and voices of dissent will be drowned out by a wave of droning acquiescence.

"Obama has all the political capital he needs to implement the terrifying policies that he has already announced and beef the architecture of the police state crafted by Bush."

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’

"The NRA said Obama’s judgment is as bad as his Second Amendment record."

Obama Foreign Policy May Keep Some Bush Initiatives

"In a number of areas, there is likely to be continuity with the policies of President George W. Bush."

The President We Deserve

"We elected the president we deserve because he is cool. But also because he is black. That makes us feel good. Take a look at the slouching, grinning guitarist on the Moosejaw show (Jay Leno). Seeing him strum, seeing them defiant…seeing Obama trotting up the steps…makes us feel so tolerant, filled with a smarmy hypocritical version of brotherly love to replace morals. Obama’s church was involved in only two absolutes: hate whitey and where’s the largesse for us? But media have made us forget that. Now we all feel so good about ourselves-because of him."

Obama the Messiah is going to produce profound disillusion

"There is a video clip running on YouTube at the moment which shows a black woman moved nearly to tears at an Obama rally, telling a television interviewer that all her problems will be at an end when he is elected president. She won't have to worry anymore about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage because 'he will help me.' It would be easy to find this absurd - the blind faith of an unsophisticated voter who has clearly mistaken Barack Obama for Jesus (or a boyfriend -- Ed.) - but in truth it is both sad and alarming."


"What will this mean for the future? What if, as will almost certainly be the case, the great deliverance fails to deliver? The disillusion and sense of betrayal may create divisions in American society that will be greater and deeper than any we have seen for a generation. The sense of hopelessness and bitter disappointment may well be - as Americans say - toxic. Then again, maybe American politics will simply get the grown-up message that no one mortal is the final answer: that the fulfilment of the American dream must always lie within the individual and not with the government. To be fair, Obama himself suggests this when he tells the crowds, 'It's not about me - it's about you.'"

Will Obama “Change” The Bush Police State Or Expand It?

"That’s it folks, the puppet has been rotated. Sorry to be so cynical, but the 'change' you thought you were electing is already over and done with. The color of his skin matters about as much as whether he has an R or a D next to his name. The egregious spending will continue, government will balloon in size, American soldiers will be used as cannon fodder for more interventionist wars of the military-industrial complex, U.S. citizens will continue to have their phone calls tapped and their rights curtailed, and the Federal Reserve will continue to rule the financial system with an iron fist while the middle class is squeezed out of existence.

"How can Obama claim that 'change has come to America' when he hasn’t even set foot in the White House? What specifically has Obama promised to change beside his plan to redecorate the White House?"


"Obama is no messiah, he is a representative, a public servant, for those that elected him into office. Will those that voted for him in the name of changing eight years of Bush administration malfeasance hold his feet to the fire and demand the repeal of the American police state that Bush has crafted, or will they simply go back to sleep and consider their work done simply because another Democrat is in office?

"The majority of liberals gleefully supported or simply ignored the bombing of Serbia and the genocidal sanctions against Iraq because of the cult of personality built up around Bill Clinton. Will Obama be another ideologue for the left to associate their power with or will they actually demand that he restore America to the Constitution? Will the left ninny and obsess about non-issues like gay marriage and welfare programs while allowing the Bush police state to remain in place?

"Remember, the Democrats were handed the Congress and the Senate in 2006 with a mandate for change. What has changed since that time? Nothing whatsoever. American troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Patriot Act is still in place, phone calls are still being tapped and war criminals who committed impeachable offences still go free.

"But in an attempt to avoid being labeled 'right-wing racists' and all manner of spurious labels now being carelessly heaped upon anyone who doesn’t follow the herd and bow down at the feet of Lord Obama, we’re going to remain constructive and set Obama, and by extension those that voted for him, some challenges to bring real 'change' to America and restore the country to the Constitution and the ideals of the Founders that Obama mentioned in his speech last night.

"Let’s be generous and give Obama the whole four years of his initial term to make significant progress on the following issues. Here are some questions about 'change' that we are going to be keeping track of until 2012.

- Will Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II as well as reversing Bush’s signing statement and acknowledging the repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?

- Will Obama support Dennis Kucinich’s efforts to bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for deceiving the country into a war or will he protect them against such charges like Nancy Pelosi has done?

- Will Obama bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for authorizing torture and will the torture of suspects under U.S. detention, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, cease under an Obama administration?

- Will Obama withdraw American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan without sending them away again to bomb another broken-backed third world country in the name of a UN-supported “humanitarian” war?

- Will Obama end the warrantless secret surveillance and phone-taps of American citizens?

- Will Obama follow through on his rhetorical support for the second amendment or will he seek to ban guns as he did in Illinois?

- Will Obama cease his support for the Bush-administration backed banker bailouts, hated by the majority of Americans, and target the real cause of the problem - the Federal Reserve - or will he continue to give taxpayers’ money to banks who are merely hoarding it all for themselves?

- Will Obama seek to continue the militarization of America and preparations for martial law through Northcom and the secret government or will he dismantle the police state that has been constructed over the last eight years by the Bush administration?

"There can be no excuses - either Obama will be proven to be a liar or he will, backed by Democratic control of Congress and the Senate, follow through on his mandate for 'change.'”

Barack Obama: the Banker’s Choice

"Obama, who controls nothing and is merely a front man for our enslavement, will naturally fill his administration with insiders. Others have speculated that instead of Corzine, Obama will pick former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker to head up the Treasury. Rockefeller minion Volcker is a CFR member, Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove attendee, and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission.

"As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of the banking families and their minions consists of 'nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.'”

Experts Predict Obama Supporters May Feel Let Down If He Wins

"Participants at a weekend gathering of intellectuals here predicted victory for Barack Obama but also warned that he might disappoint supporters once he becomes president."