Thursday, April 16, 2009

Love Those Comments From The Huffington Post

I hope Ms Huffington is not in a huff. Obama worshipers fall all over themselves in rapt adoration:

"What a fraud B.O. is. he blames the U.S. the most be cause he cannot afford to portray Mexicans in a negative light whatsoever, especially when he's going to try to ram amnesty down the throats of Americans this summer before all of his political capital is spent. He also needs the Hispanic vote for re-election."

"Chains we can believe in!"

"Let's hope Barry doesn't bow to another head of state on this trip. He really needs to stop this disburbing habit. He should bow to the constitution of the United States and not to foreign heads of states."

"Where's the Change We Can Believe In, Mr President? And don't you have enough wars on your hands?"

Obama’s (State) Secrets

"Though Obama’s made several clear steps toward change from the previous administration — here we pause to cite elements from the now-familiar litany: closed Guantanamo and the black sites, ended the use of torture in interrogations, made public several eye-opening post-9/11 Bush Justice Department memoranda — there has also been confusion on some issues, like rendition, and in court cases Obama lawyers have increasingly invoked Bush-era arguments, or worse.

'In the last week alone, the Obama DOJ (a) attempted to shield Bush’s illegal spying programs from judicial review by (yet again) invoking the very “state secrets” argument that Democrats spent years condemning and by inventing a brand new “sovereign immunity” claim that not even the Bush administration espoused, and (b) argued that individuals abducted outside of Afghanistan by the U.S. and then “rendered” to and imprisoned in Bagram have no rights of any kind — not even to have a hearing to contest the accusations against them — even if they are not Afghans and were captured far away from any “battlefield.” These were merely the latest — and among the most disturbing — in a string of episodes in which the Obama administration has explicitly claimed to possess the very presidential powers that Bush critics spent years condemning as radical, lawless and authoritarian.'

"That’s Glenn Greenwald from Monday in Salon, in a lengthy and thorough review of the administration’s recent displeasing moves and the tide of criticism rising in response." 

Keep the Comments Coming In!

Fox new's decided to cover these event's and give them fair creedence rather than paint these folk's as anti-government and un-patriotic like the leftist outlet's have done. Also Fox has pundit's that parlay to the right just like CNN and MSNBC has those who parlay to the left.The difference is you actually get a counterpoint on Fox where you get mostly none from the other network's.

"I was at a protest in Richmond, Va. yesterday and I can tell you that as much blame was put on Republican's for this fiasco as Democrat's. One speaker wrapped up by saying Throw them out !! Throw them all out !! and the crowd reacted in kind.

"One Republican running for AG was passing out campaign flier's and was frowned upon for pandering and quickly left.

"With that said, did you attend one yesterday ? Or does Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow or Air America tell you what to think? Also are you totally convinced that all of these folk's were conservatives, because I spoke personally with several folk's who identified themselves as liberal's who were sick and tired also.One African American gentlemen was holding a sign that said I Now Know What Buyer's Remorse Is, Sorry Guy's Won't Happen Again. Another African American gentleman had a sign that said Don't Blame Me I voted For The Chic.

"I think what's stuck in your craw the most is the fact that half of America ain't rollin' over for your lord and savior. We had to hear for eight year's how dissent was patriotic even when our very flag was being burned. Now these same bozo's are saying we are un-patriotic right wing extremist's just because we don't support their guy.

Please spare me any moral equivocation you may have.


No Hope for This Change

"You can hardly pick up a paper or listen to a newscast without hearing how inflationary Uncle Sam’s bailout efforts are. 'Money out of thin air' is a phrase never so popular as it is these days. And, indeed, every bit of the money going to bail out the administration’s political cronies on Wall Street and fatten Obama's constituency everywhere else is being created out of thin air.
"The Federal Reserve recently proposed what may be the most inflationary policy in it’s history, directly buying government securities to the tune of a trillion or so. Thin air again is the well from which all the Fed’s funds are dredged up."

Again, loving those comments

"regarding Obama's 'tax break' for the middle class and economic recovery: it's not working.

"again, everyone knows 70% of our economy is driven by consumer spending, i.e. houses, cars, etc.

"I voted for Obama and have great respect and hope for him, but I'm sorry, an extra $30 in your paycheck every two weeks is useless in terms of getting the economy moving again.

"this 'savings' is eaten up by increases in gas taxes, etc. it's gone. (He's awake.)

"the middle class MUST have a much larger tax break, reduction in payroll deductions for medicare, sales tax holidays, etc., IF Obama is serious.

"throwing trillions at AIG and the banksters, while giving us pennies indicates he is not serious about fixing the problem."

-- "Superpole"

Superpole is super intelligent.  If I were president, he would be on my economic team.

He said "while giving us pennies."  Well. Obama did promise "change."

The antiwar movement has largely collapsed in the face of Obama’s victory

"The big truth is that the antiwar movement has largely collapsed in the face of Barack Obama’s victory: the massive antiwar marches that were a feature of the Bush years are a thing of the past.

(Let me rant. I used to help to organize antiwar protests in the early 90's. This dishonest faction of the antiwar movement of today that protested Bush but will not protest Obama are full of spineless, gutless, jellyfish hypocrites. Please quote me on that. They don't hate war. People are still dying and they stay home. They don't care. They just hated Bush and that is all. They are happy their guy Obama is running the wars and Bush is not. Hey you gutless Bush haters, ESPECIALLY MOVEON.ORG! Your hypocrisy is sickening.)

"Those ostensibly antiwar organizations that did so much to agitate against the Iraq War have now fallen into line behind their commander in chief and are simply awaiting orders. Take, for example, (Hypocrisy Supremacists), the online activist group that ran antiwar ads during the election — but only against Republicans — in coalition with a group of labor unions and Americans Against Escalation in Iraq. Behind AAEI stood three of Obama’s top political operatives, Steve Hildebrand, Paul Tewes, and Brad Woodhouse. Woodhouse is now the Democratic National Committee’s director of communications and research. He controls the massive e-mail list culled by the Obama campaign during the primaries and subsequently, as well as a list of all those who gave money to the presumed peace candidate. These donors are no doubt wondering what Obama is doing escalating the war in Afghanistan and venturing into Pakistan..."

The treason of the Congressional Black Caucus

"The Congressional Black Caucus is a collection of far-left blacks who embrace anything and everything that is socialistic, communistic, afrocentric (read 'racist') and Ameriphobic. While some are likely brainwashed unfortunates (they often come off as quite dull), others are vintage, hardened radicals who would indeed sooner see a government such as that in Cuba replace ours."


"The Congressional Black Caucus and the far left (most notably, certain dolts in the entertainment industry) would have us believe that the treatment of blacks in Marxist paradises such as Cuba is far superior to that which they 'suffer' here in America. However, according to Humberto Fontova, a Cuban exile and noted author, there aren't even any blacks in positions of power in the Castro government – never have been. The idea that the Cuban experiment – indeed, any communist nation – has proven a haven for blacks is pure, propagandistic pap.

"If you're black and you want to do well, the U.S. is the place to be. Case bloody closed. I'll publicly debate any member of the Congressional Black Caucus on that point, anywhere on the planet.

"On the heels of the Congressional Black Caucus' trip to Cuba, President Obama (who attended a Marxist cult church for 20 years) lifted travel restrictions for Cuban-Americans with family in Cuba, as well as restrictions upon monetary gifts they are allowed to send to them. Many Cuban-Americans, including influential ones, are outraged at this maneuver, since the Cuban government is known for confiscating such funds to use for its benefit.

"The Obama administration is aware of this, but elects to sell it to us as a way of softening relations with Cuba and 'paving a road for democracy' there. To this nonexistent end, Marxists are now going to be given quarter and legitimacy via the Congressional Black Caucus, which cannot be brought under scrutiny, lest one be branded a racist.

"The days of black pimp politicians and activists holding black Americans in thrall with abject deceit and the rhetoric of victimization have got to end. Americans – particularly black Americans – must be made to recognize their true enemies for who they are. They must grasp the reality that following putrescent vermin like those in the Congressional Black Caucus will destroy all opportunities for them and their descendants, and ultimately land blacks in a system rivaling that of the slave days in terms of misery and degradation."

What religion is Joel Osteen?

"King pointed out that many Americans are still confused about Obama's religion and asked, 'Does it matter?'

"'Well, it matters to me,' said Osteen. 'It matters to me that I know he loves the Lord, and I think it's important that he has convictions from his faith. So to me, it matters when I'm making my personal decisions.'

"Mrs. Osteen weighed in, too: 'It does. It matters to me. … I believe he is a Christian.'

"Now, let's stop right there for a moment of reflection."

Officials Say U.S. Wiretaps Exceeded Law

"WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews.

"Several intelligence officials, as well as lawyers briefed about the matter, said the N.S.A. had been engaged in 'overcollection' of domestic communications of Americans. They described the practice as significant and systemic, although one official said it was believed to have been unintentional."

Don't worry. They are watching.

No charges against CIA officials for waterboarding

"Seeking to move beyond what he calls a 'a dark and painful chapter in our history,' President Obama said Thursday that CIA officials who used harsh interrogation tactics during the Bush administration will not be prosecuted.

"The government released four memos in which Bush-era lawyers approved in often graphic detail tough interrogation methods used against 28 terror suspects. The rough tactics range from waterboarding — simulated drowning — to keeping suspects naked and withholding solid food."

What was that word again?


And you thought Bush was bad? "Bush II" now playing at the theater at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C.

Top Dem 'dumbfounded' by 'extremism' report

"The top House Democrat overseeing the Department of Homeland Security is demanding that officials there explain how and why they wrote and released a controversial report identifying veterans as potential terrorist threats.

"Rep. Bennie G. Thompson of Mississippi, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano that he was 'dumbfounded' such a report would be issued.

"'This report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans -- including war veterans,' Mr. Thompson said in the letter sent Tuesday."


Iraq air raids hit mostly women and children

(Bush’s 'Shock and Awe' was a war-crime in both Iraq and Afghanistan. If Obama insists on continuing the practice in Afghanistan and Pakistan, he is also guilty and should be impeached and prosecuted as a war criminal just like Bush before him.)

Sounds like the pitchforks and tar and feathers are being prepared.

Obama at Georgetown: The mystery of the missing sign

"When President Obama gave his economics speech at Georgetown University on Tuesday, several folks noticed something was missing.

That 'something' was an ancient monogram -- the letters IHS -- that symbolizes the name of Jesus. It was missing from a wooden archway above the dais in Gaston Hall where the president delivered his 45-minute speech.

"The gold-lettered monogram appeared near a painting of three female figures -- symbolizing morality, faith and patriotism -- and decorative edging along the wall that spelled out the Jesuit motto 'Ad majorem Dei gloriam'—'To the greater glory of God.' Georgetown was founded by the Jesuits.

"Some of them may have been turning in their graves in the cemetery across campus at the sight of the missing monogram which looked like a blacked-out space above a blue backdrop and a row of American flags flanking the nation's chief executive. Was Georgetown selling short its Catholic heritage, we wondered.

"I contacted the university this morning to ask why the monogram -- in this post-Easter season -- was hidden as its absence had been noted by several bloggers, including Dawn Eden -- formerly of the New York Post -- on her dawn patrol blog.

"Julie Bataille from the university's press office e-mailed me that the White House had asked that all university signage and symbols behind the stage in Gaston Hall be covered."

An Interesing Comment

You have to see the video.

"Currently, (Susan) Roesgen works for CNN. During the Tea Party protest on Tax Day April 15, 2009, Roesgen complained that a sign showing President Barack Obama dressed as Hitler was offensive.[1] However, in January 2006 at a protest, she joked about a protester who wore a George W. Bush mask with a Hitler moustache and devil horns.[2]

this is what susan is all about. "

First Black President Defeats U.S. Antiwar Movement

This is from a black liberal perspective.