Thursday, April 16, 2009

Love Those Comments From The Huffington Post

I hope Ms Huffington is not in a huff. Obama worshipers fall all over themselves in rapt adoration:

"What a fraud B.O. is. he blames the U.S. the most be cause he cannot afford to portray Mexicans in a negative light whatsoever, especially when he's going to try to ram amnesty down the throats of Americans this summer before all of his political capital is spent. He also needs the Hispanic vote for re-election."

"Chains we can believe in!"

"Let's hope Barry doesn't bow to another head of state on this trip. He really needs to stop this disburbing habit. He should bow to the constitution of the United States and not to foreign heads of states."

"Where's the Change We Can Believe In, Mr President? And don't you have enough wars on your hands?"