Sunday, October 5, 2008

A presidential debate, the Chicago Way

"How, for example, could change agent Obama endorse the boss of the Chicago machine, Mayor Richard Daley, after Daley's friends and drinking buddies, white guys with mob connections, received $100 million in city affirmative action contracts, a crime that sent one of them to federal prison?

"The mayor said there is no such thing as a machine. Does Obama truly believe there is no machine that runs Chicago and Cook County? Then he should declare it. And, if so, then how does he explain the Daley hacks sitting in federal prison for rigging thousands of city jobs?"

DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate

"Despite assertions by the Washington Post, and other organizations that Obama has produced a certified Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg told WND he remains '99.99 percent sure' that the certificate is a fake and he wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity."

Obama served on board with Ayers

"Sen. Hillary Clinton then piled on.

“'I also believe that Senator Obama served on a board with Mr. Ayers for a period of time, the Woods Foundation, which was a paid directorship position. And, if I’m not mistaken, that relationship with Mr. Ayers on this board continued after 9/11 and after his reported comments, which were deeply hurtful to people in New York and, I would hope, to every American, because they were published on 9/11, and he said that he was just sorry they hadn’t done more.'”

Believe it or Not: Black Slaveowners

"When Carter G. Woodson declared that 'the majority of Negro owners of slaves were such from the point of view of philanthropy,' he failed to consider that there were so-called benevolent masters who freed one slave and sold another slave for profit. Woodson's perceptions of free black slaveholding were partially correct; however, when the totality of the institution is examined, his assumptions are revealed to be erroneous. . . .

"Many black masters were firmly committed to chattel slavery and saw no reasons for manumitting their slaves. To those colored masters, slaves were merely property to be purchased, sold or exchanged. Their economic self-interest overrode whatever moral concerns or guilt they may have harbored about slavery. Since the black masters benefited from slavery, they rationalized that because the institution was profitable, they could not relinquish their valuable property without being reimbursed. So black masters continued to own slaves even when the Union army was preparing to invade South Carolina in 1864. . . ."

How to make sure the patient does not get well

Certainly, nobody had a clearer insight into what these people were up to than did Booker T. Washington who, in 1911, accused self-interested blacks of purposely emphasizing race, in order to get an easy ride for themselves. 'There is a class of colored people,' declared Washington, "who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. . . . Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. . . . There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well . . . ' And, indeed, 82 years later, the patient has not gotten well, but the booming race business is healthier than ever--now buttressed by a flowering of other 'victims' and oppressed groups."


"Read political mailings and the letters to the editor and you will realize how so many want the state to pay for things that they do not want to pay for themselves. We demand the state to provide for cheaper health insurance, better educational institutions, free mental health services, better homes for less money, and cheaper fuel. Businessmen want the politicians to help their particular business with handouts from the treasury (in exchange for campaign donations for their re-election, of course.) We want more free milk from the governments teats, financed at the expense of everybody else. And if the taxpayers cannot afford the handouts we demand, then we borrow it and make our posterity pay it back with interest."

Barack Obama & The "Opressed African / Black Community"

"Barack Obama bought into every one of the charges made by the angry question asker without attempting to refute or redirect the CONSPIRACIES behind any of the claims."

This is an interesting comment:
Tom said...

The Uhuru Movement does not speak for the "oppressed African/Black Community" where I live and they maintain two community buildings.
I have been to their meetings and listened with an open mind. I was surprised to see a large majority of them are white. The few blacks I saw seemed to be on the payroll of white radicals who want to destroy our neighborhood in a violent "uprising". The majority of people I met seemed to be white liberals who came to help the poor. The people in charge were a small group of white communists who had a different agenda. One confided in me that he hoped a revolution to destroy the state would start with riots here in south St. Pete.

They have made powerful friends in the political establishment. In recent years they have received over a quarter million in government grants and a half a million in gifts to renovate their main building. Jeb Bush gave their leader a pardon for his felony conviction so that he could run for mayor and help split the Democratic vote.

They have a distinctly different following in the streets of the hood. Their protests and anti police propaganda keeps the neighborhood in turmoil and undermine police effectiveness. Criminals are concentrated in these drug holes where fear keeps law abiding residents from calling police. Here they are making plans to incite a riot. This may come within weeks. The day a police officer is cleared in the recent and tragic death of a young black man will be the day they make their move. After dark criminals will assume that police will be ineffective and go on a rampage. The media will report this as a grass roots uprising against white oppression. Liberals will call for more social spending and the upwardly mobile will continue to flea this neighborhood.
It’s such a shame. Black people have welcomed new white residents and together we work for a peaceful community.
I am not blaming you for being part of this mess but I ask you to take care with what you say about this group. The news coverage of their disruption of the Obama meeting put their banner and web site in the national news. Unfortunately the reporters merely plugged in what they saw with the narrative of the day. McCain had charged Obama with “playing the race card” so here was footage that seemed to fit.

If you want to write about this group again I ask you to spend a few minutes watching a short video of their leader brag about shooting at police. There is a lot more to them than the mainstream media tell us.

To Anonymous: "Why Are There So Many Black Men In Jail"?

"My frustration with the popular Black ideological and political machine is that as they inspect the situation they will focus on the EXTERNAL people who brought the drugs to the front door of the community; they will claim that a gang member is nothing more than a Black man, having been DENIED OPPORTUNITY from the mainstream society is a creation of society; they will make note that 'Black people don't manufacture gun.'

"As this cancer metastasizes throughout the Black community these old, tired, 'Racism Chasing', conspiracy theories DON'T DO A DAMNED THING to relieve the problem WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY."

Obama Gets Attacked From the Black Far Left

Thus when I hear some 'Speak Truth To Power' Blacks disrupt an Obama rally to challenge him on his commitment to the BLACK COMMUNITY's INTERESTS (per their version) and then see the Black Obama 'Manhood Protectors' go on the attack against people who are SAYING THE SAME THING AS THEY HAVE BEEN SAYING - I know that we are not long on this Earth."


"What we just saw was the 'Black, Politically Unattached Far Left' battle against the 'Black Democratic Beholden Progressive-Fundamentalists.' This 'Uhuru' movement seeks pan-Africanism in a manner that is unattached to an American political party - but they are no less quasi-socialist. The 'Democrats who are Black' seek development of the Black community by building a powerful Democratic party who will then redistribute the resources of this nation. Both of these groups are leftists. They only seek to accomplish their same ends though different channels.

"I have been monitoring the 'Black Nationalists' on the local independent public radio station via their shows on the weekend. They are very skeptical about Obama and the entire American political system. Don't get me wrong - they are not going to do anything to sink Obama's ship because they hate conservative Republicans even more. In assuming their role as the 'permanent opposition', however, they will remain steadfast in the one skill that they have mastered - PROTESTS!

"I don't understand how the same 'Democrats who are Black' that are supportive of leftwing protesters who disrupt President Bush and congressional testimony have a problem when their ideological brothers disrupt an Obama speech? I thought that the demand for 'CIVILITY' was no reason to remain complicit when there is a wrong going on?

"For so long it was the 'Black Conservative' who was attacked for his SILENCE as unsavory things went on that impacted Black people. It is clear that the biggest purveyors of SILENCE is the 'Democrat who is Black'."

BQPFRC - Defined In Practical Terms

"Black - They are indeed 'Black.' 'Black conscious'? Not sure.

"Quasi-Socialist - government based 'sharing plans' where the masses can VOTE their way into another man's wallet. 'Private Property' as a limit upon government confiscation? Forget about it!!! Society must PROVE to them that IT considers them EQUAL. Nothing is asked of them to SHOW their EQUALITY.

"Progressive-Fundamentalist - REGARDLESS of how much failure and destruction of human capital and potential this ideology has in its wake - if those who notice the failure don't offer PROGRESSIVE ALTERNATIVES to CONVINCE THE AGRIEVED PEOPLE that they must change before things will improve.....they are just wasting their breath. The people value GOOD INTENTIONS over GOOD RESULTS.

"RACISM-CHASER - This was added after the other words were assembled because it brings all of the rest of them together. You see Dougie - If you were an operative who is steadily achieving POWER (and they readily tell you about their POWER as compared to competing ideologies) BUT they don't want to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the

* Failed Schools
* Lack of Public Safety
* Anemic Local Economy that 'being left behind' renders them with
* Center for Disease Control 'Hot Spots' with respect to HEALTH CRISISES that their prevailing social mores of 'NON-JUDGEMENTALISM' leave in their wake.

Michael Eric Dyson's Reasons Why Black Folks Should Vote For The Democrats

"This made me laugh and mad at the same time. It is important to frame this properly.
As we scan the nation and look at places where Black people are most concentrated - we see so many "majority Black school systems" that are failing. Near me, the Clayton County Public Schools which has 54,000 children, most of them Black is on the verge of losing its accreditation.

"Now follow Dyson. He says that the REPUBLICAN's have LEFT BLACK CHILDREN BEHIND. He is not going to tell you that in these significantly BLACK SCHOOL SYSTEMS......there ain't any REPUBLICANS around that are running the schools in the ground.

"Furthermore - Barack Obama proposes to raise the federal spending on public education by $18 billion across 50 states. It must be noted that evil George W Bush raised federal spending during his first budget by $12 billion over the good guy Bill Clinton. What gets me is that Dyson, like so many other people takes the 'Canvas of Obama' and paints their own picture about the WONDERFUL REFORMS that he is going to do as compared to evil Bush.

"Who is holding these people accountable WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY? Aren't you all tired of being USED yet?"


"I am prone to laugh Mr Dyson out of the building with his rather weak list of justifications. The sad part of it though is that many Black people are prone to listen to him and take the bate (sic) without expanding the debate to consider those things that Mr. Dyson is loathed to talk about.

"I often wondered how a PARTY could gain MORE POWER within a community and yet escape accountability for their results. The reasons why this is are clear. The Black press and opinion givers are operatives for the very same political machine which is gaining ground cover like barrenwort Kudzu."

Ice Cube's Obfuscation "Gangsta Rap Made Us Do It"

"In the year 2007 there were (I will round downward) 14,000 homicides in the United States of America. Of that number 7,000 Black people were the victims. Of the murderers who were identified 91% of these killers of these Black people were BLACK THEMSELVES. 7,000 people dead from a racial group in our society that is only 14% of the entire population. We focus so much on how Blacks are OVERREPRESENTED in so many of the negative portrayals in America. We what do you say when our own actions are the key force making this the case.

"I can tell from your video that you are no fan of Evil George W. Bush. Bush's Iraq/Afghanistan policy has lead to the deaths of 4,500 Americans in 5 years. It is interesting that when I listen to various Black Progressive operatives - they are more inclined to list IRAQ as a problem than they are to list BLACK ON BLACK HOMICIDE as a problem. I recently wrote a post about two different Black Progressives who noted that 'There are too many Black men on the front lines in Iraq WHO ARE BEING KILLED' and thus Iraq is at or near the top of the list of concerns for the Black community.

"Wait a minute. 4,500 dead Americans over 5 years versus 7,000 dead Black folks domestically IN ONE YEAR and you mean to tell me that IRAQ IS A GREATER THREAT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY? PLEASE!"

My Guidance To Field-Negro

"Here you are - a Black man living in the Philadelphia area. On paper you are living in ideal conditions. 85% Democratic city with only one or two evil Republicans in the city council. Democrats have been running things for decades.

"Despite this fact and your continued efforts to EXPAND this same political machine which is failing you and your people - you know as I do that you have a very empty feeling inside of you regarding how your people's best interests are being served."

Lithonia Georgia Initiates A Recall Of Its Mayor - One Thing Is For Sure

"The way things work for most Black voters:

"* A Republican failure leads to an ORGANIZED effort to purge him and his party from power over them.

"* A Republican success leads to most Black folks registering a symbolic vote of no confidence and to vote for the Democrat even though they know he's gonna get slaughtered.

"* A Democratic failure leads to the notion of "That ONE Democrat has failed. Let's replace her and put another Democrat in."

"* A Democratic success leads to them being annointed as 'Jesus' if they are Black or an Honorary Black if they are White. (That is until his wife runs again 'Jesus' then he'll be made into a Republican)

"Again I must ask - WHAT ABOUT WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY once all of this political dust settles? Are we better for it or is it the same ole same?"

An Open Letter To My Brothers and Sisters Who Are "Democrats Who Are Black"

"Today as I did my normal inspections of your antics - I was disgusted by your antics. You are now 'LampBlack White Democrats' in all that you do, coining the term from the great critic George S. Schuyler. Where as a 'Black Democrat' would centrally be focusing on the benefits that will come to our community via our electoral choices and policy preferences - you have accepted, in total all of the arguments and positions of White Democrats - their ideology and all. I continue to question the purpose of your political activism. You say that it is 'for the best interests of the Black community.' The evidence thus far, however, proves otherwise. In the cities where we are most concentrated and you have the power are also the cities where our people have the most angst and grievances.

"Today I heard 'Democrats who are Black' quoting directly from 'The Daily KOS,' 'The Huffington Post' and other generic sources of talking points for leftists. It is interesting that you all always attack 'Black Conservatives' for 'sounding just like their masters.' It is more interesting and damning that YOU admit your sources so forthrightly."

The Greatest Fraud Committed Against A Community

"Despite all of these key and painful facts.........the OPERATIVES among them are STILL not willing to ASK QUESTIONS of their local leaders. Instead they continue to write articles such as the one that I uncovered today penned by Michael Eric Dyson entitled 'What does George W. Bush OWE Black Americans'!!!!!

"In this article Dyson PRETENDS that all of the angst that is present today IN New Orleans and IN many Black communities STARTED '8 years ago' - the term that the Democrats should seek to trademark. In truth these grievances were PRESENT during the term of Bill Clinton yet not VOCALIZED by the SELLOUTS that are the subject of this post. They had the very same problems during this time in the past (I beg you to find any comprehensive economic analysis that says otherwise) yet they were averse to attacking their PERMANENT FRIEND despite the same outcomes WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY."

Race And The Presidential Election and Residency

"Folks I am here you - this is exactly what is going on among some operatives within the Black community. I will be the snitch that lets this out to the world. One note - I am NOT a 'sellout against Black people.' I happen to have the perverted belief that support for the Democrats DOES NOT prove my 'Blackness.' In fact my goal is to have the machine that already runs our communities and which is not held accountable by the COMPLICIT Black community who continues to suffer from gaining more complete control of this country without having done what they promised to this same Black community.

"Shamefully - for the Black community it exposes some sad truths - we are less interested in advancing certain core goals within our community and hold those who have fallen short accountable than many of us are interested in having our POLITICAL PARTY and our IDEOLOGY advanced. If anyone can read my works as expressed on my 6 venues that expose my own words and find me a pattern of REPUBLICAN ADVOCACY rather than CRITIQUE OF THE POWERS THAT BE.....within the BLACK COMMUNITY - I would love to see it. I am tired of the game in which our community are the ultimate losers in the context of the grand strategy that works on behalf of those who reside outside our own community; outside of our own interests - despite the popularity as such.

"In the mind of many Black voters the Republican Party is the metaphor for 'White Supremacy' and 'White Racism' thus when they run up against the Republicans (even when they have departed various cities - Philadelphia, for example) they are fighting against their historical adversary. As we consider that which stands in the way of this nation having its 'first Black president' there again is the face of the 'White Republican' as the road block.

"There is currently a great amount of energy within the Black community - a great amount of investment in this candidate. Barack Obama - despite his tenuous connections with the Black community in his origins - these are not my words but the words of many of these very people - is now the symbol of Black America's progress in America. Where I differ greatly my statement of this is not the case. In my vocal debates with people I care for I tell of my view that 'Black progress' is exposed through the statistics regarding education, community, business and health. We have allowed symbolism and the lust for power within the American political system to overshadow a dispassionate analysis of the question if these statistics are being actually advanced under the machine that is currently administrating our communities and our 'best interests.'"

The Abortionists Scythe Of Death Shifts Toward More Black & Hispanic Women

"Although abortion rates have declined among all racial and ethnic groups, large disparities persist, with Hispanic and black women getting abortions at rates three to five times the rate of white women."

When Will The Black Community Start "Asking For Results" From The Democrats Rather Than Using It As A Vehicle For Promised Results?

"The presidential campaign is at a fevered pitch. The latest economic meltdown in the banking sector has the 'economic experts' on Black talk radio feeling vindicated that what they have been saying about the Republicans and the 'money exchangers' have been right all along. Now mind you in their arguments they can't swim away too far from the life preserver that they cleave to as they make their arguments in the context of fellow travelers who believe the same as they do. The Republicans are in control of the Executive Branch you know. The Democrats are in control over Congress but this doesn't count in their attacks. The fact is that the Republicans had control over congress for the past 6 years before the heroes in so thus the Republicans are to be held accountable. Any rational human being will vote to purge all Republicans out of office because they have failed and have hurt the country. This is the logic of the Black Democratic operative who swears upon his grandmother's grave that he is doing nothing more than pursuing the best interests of the Black community."

"The Black Community Is In Crisis"........."But I Am Still Voting For The Machine That Is Running The Show"

"Once again I was a recipient of a 'Republicans have destroyed the economy - this is an example of Republican leadership' e-mail from a co-worker of mind. I have no problem with Black folks criticizing Republicans. They deserve criticism. What I have a problem with is these same Black folks sitting through a collapse of certain institutions critical to our community - while being run by Democrats and not saying a damned thing about it.

"When Clayton County GA lost their accreditation there was not a single e-mail that rolled into my inbox telling me that the 100% Democratic school board is evidence of 'failure in governance by the Democrats'. Instead we saw what is evident within Black America: Republican failure translates into a total purge and replacement by Democrats. Democratic failure translates into that 'One Democrat' having failed and let's replace him with another Democrat."

"Thus when my friend volunteered the information that 'the Black community is in a crisis' and even pointed out how in certain metro school systems the standards have eroded - I thought for a hot minute that I had gotten through. He even agreed with me when I pointed out that a quick look at certain cities where Black folks are most concentrated shows a complete monopolization of nearly every single political office by his favored party. I struggle to understand when "We run things because this is what Black folks favor" turns into'YES we run things and we should be held accountable for the state of affairs'? Of course 'We wuz slaves' always seems to trump everything else. Especially when they are questioned as to why that little Black boy born in 2000 is behind in his reading comprehension.

"I have learned the hard way - after getting general agreement from Black folks that I dialogue with that in having such domination we need to turn from pursing power as a vehicle for CHASING after a fix for our problems into making note that people we have put into power now have the power that we entrusted into them to deliver a different set of results.....I can't beat them into seeing the contradictions that they expose in themselves. They are promoting the advancement of the very machine that already controls the situation."

How To Get Praise And How To Get Attacked As A Muckraking Reporter

"On the one hand - if a local newspaper does an extensive expose regarding how a particular section of the Black community have had more complaints about police brutality, "predatory lending", or on the job injuries - such a report is likely to receive praise from the so called "Civil Rights" community as well as peer awards in journalism. This person will be said to be 'giving voice to the voiceless" and looking out for the "best interests of the Black community.'

"If that same reporter focused on 'Black victims' but keyed in on the fact that they had been killed, assaulted or robbed by a fellow Black person - as this is the most frequent modality of such attacks; if they focused on the property loss that had occurred from home burglaries as the people were at work - noting that Black people were the offenders who were doing the stealing; if they focused the high number of Black mortgage brokers who had doctored up the paper work of those who took out what turned out to be 'predatory loans' - this same journalist would not receive any of the same invitations or awards for such advocacy of the 'Black victim.'"

How China has created a new slave empire in Africa

"Now the leader of the Patriotic Front, with a respectable chance of winning a presidential election set for the end of October, Sata says: 'The Chinese are not here as investors, they are here as invaders.

''They bring Chinese to come and push wheelbarrows, they bring Chinese bricklayers, they bring Chinese carpenters, Chinese plumbers. We have plenty of those in Zambia.'

"This is true. In Lusaka and in the Copper Belt, poor and lowly Chinese workers, in broad-brimmed straw hats from another era, are a common sight at mines and on building sites, as are better-dressed Chinese supervisors and technicians."

Reply: The Lost Generation of Black Family Research Since the Moynihan Report

"If I was a journalist who wrote an expose about how Black people are being summarily killed by police all over the country in my mission to give "voice to the voiceless" I assure you that I would win every single jounralistic and civil rights award known to man. If I, working on behalf of the 'Black victim' went into these very same Black communities and documented all assaults on Black people and thus determined that it was another Black man who was the assailant in the most common occurrence and I dared to focus too much on the systematic antics of these assailants - those same award giving bodies who were so happy at me for protecting Black folks against EXTERNAL threats....would be among those attacking me for hating myself as a Black man."

Yes, we can, can, can

Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
(Watch the video.)
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.
Yes, we can, can, can.

Thumbs Up -- At Least He Is Willing To Admit It

“Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues, I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I defended their efforts to encourage affordable homeownership, when in retrospect I should have heeded the concerns raised by their regulator in 2004. Frankly, I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit that when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong. By the way, I wish my Republican colleagues would admit that they missed the early warning signs that Wall Street deregulation was overheating the securities market and promoting dangerously lax lending practices. When it comes to the debacle in our capital markets, there is much blame to go around for both sides."

Sarah Palin Hates Blacks and Jews

"Hastings is insignificant in the scheme of things, but I’m curious about how much grief he’ll catch for these dumb statements. You see, a double standard applies whenever blacks or other minorities or liberals make inane and insulting statements about conservatives and Republicans. Back in 2002, white liberal Thomas V. Mike Miller, president of the Maryland senate, called Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a black Republican, an Uncle Tom and got no flak for it. Well, except from me.

"Yes, double standards abound. Since I started blogging in 2003, I discovered that when black liberals denigrate black conservatives, white liberals see it as permission for them to follow suit. It’s happened to me, Condoleezza Rice, and probably every other black conservative you know about. (On a somewhat related note, a New York Times reporter interviewed me yesterday for a story on black conservatives and Republicans. I’m hoping it’ll be fair and balanced. No guarantees.)"

What’s The Matter With Harry?

"All of this raises the question: are they trying to make things worse in the hopes of furthering their party’s election prospects? Similar suspicions were raised when Nancy Pelosi seemed to inflame her partisan opponents and resist any effort to whip her own caucus on the first failed bailout bill vote. Certainly as the financial crisis has intensified their electoral prospects have brightened."

Debate Impressions

"What worries me is not that Palin could not do the job of Vice President, but that Obama may well be President, a man of dubious associations, a hyper-partisan voting record, a disturbing if not vicious campaign history in Illinois, with large lacunae in his past at Columbia, and before and during Harvard, and a record of very little accomplishment if not frequent failure as an ambitious community organizer, while a politicized professor at Chicago Law School without a trace of scholarly publication. The pattern is the same: rhetoric, identity politics, and charisma substitute for accomplishment as he goes from one position to the next before the assessment of the last is in. In contrast, the mayorship in an Alaskan outback, local politics, the governorship of Alaska, at least suggest she had to perform in the give and take of rough and tumble Alaskan politics and be responsible for budgets, decisions, and hiring and firing. In that regard, Obama reminds me of a lot of the very bright people I went to graduate school with, and Palin the very independent and reliable people I farmed with."

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

"One unsettled question is how Mr. Obama, a former community organizer fresh out of law school, could vault to the top of a new foundation? In response to my questions, the Obama campaign issued a statement saying that Mr. Ayers had nothing to do with Obama's 'recruitment' to the board. The statement says Deborah Leff and Patricia Albjerg Graham (presidents of other foundations) recruited him. Yet the archives show that, along with Ms. Leff and Ms. Graham, Mr. Ayers was one of a working group of five who assembled the initial board in 1994. Mr. Ayers founded CAC and was its guiding spirit. No one would have been appointed the CAC chairman without his approval."


"Mr. Obama once conducted 'leadership training' seminars with Acorn, and Acorn members also served as volunteers in Mr. Obama's early campaigns. External partners like the South Shore African Village Collaborative and the Dual Language Exchange focused more on political consciousness, Afrocentricity and bilingualism than traditional education. CAC's in-house evaluators comprehensively studied the effects of its grants on the test scores of Chicago public-school students. They found no evidence of educational improvement."

Why I Cannot Vote for Barack Obama

"To Christians I ask is having a Black man in the White House more important than the lives of babies, including Black babies? Is having a Black man in the White House more important than moral principles based on God’s Word? What is more important to you: Black Pride or God’s Word? Which one would God want you to choose?"

Are liberal Democrats the real racists?

"Race hustlers like Rep. Hastings have mastered the art of Marxist class warfare rhetoric. These techniques have made him and his colleagues in the CBC very powerful and influential leaders of the black community.

"However, here is CBC's Faustian bargain with the devil: Black Democrat leaders at every level of government, including "community activists" like young Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, are only of use to the Democrat Party if they can keep the overwhelming majority of voting blacks on the liberal Democratic plantation.

"Black leaders have achieved this monopoly with ruthless efficiency since the days of FDR in the early 1930s and in virtually every election since obtained 90-95 percent of the black vote for the Democratic Party. Therefore, the Democratic Party (blacks and whites) have a vested interest in continuing to foster black anger, mis-education, pathology, victimhood and dependency. It is the currency of liberal Democratic politics."


"Until Republicans get out of their country clubs, put away their golf clubs, stop trying to compromise with Democrats and get a coherent, consistent, substantive vision to win the hearts and minds of Jews, blacks, Hispanics and Americans of every ethnic group, then I predict that another generation of angry, brainwashed, dependent socialist voters will continue to elect poverty pimps like Alcee Hastings to be the warden of their own voluntary prison."

The Dems did it!

"The structure of disaster was almost complete. The Clinton administration directed federal agencies to expand credit, particularly home loans, to low-income buyers. ACORN and other community organizations were empowered to promote loans and encourage banks to make them, and Fannie and Freddie were instructed to buy the loans. The Federal Reserve joined the parade by reducing interest rates to help facilitate these loans.

"No wonder the housing market exploded."


"As early as 2004, the Bush administration tried to increase regulation of Fannie and Freddie, but ran into stiff opposition from Democrats, especially from Barney Frank, who was afraid that lending activities would be sacrificed in the name of market risk. Now, Frank is blaming the Republicans for failing to enact reforms that he and his party blocked."

Your scorecard for understanding mortgage scandal Find out who's who in the 'Rogues Gallery' of economic crisis

"As Congress works on a $700 billion bailout plan for the U.S. financial system, the FBI has extended fraud investigations to 26 companies involved in mortgage lending. Authorities are attempting to determine whether any of the firms have participated in accounting fraud, insider trading or inflating values of mortgage-related assets. The FBI has not disclosed a list of companies under investigation, but the following are just a few firms in distress and executives under scrutiny."

Pressured to Take More Risk, Fannie Hit a Tipping Point

"So Mr. Mudd made a fateful choice. Disregarding warnings from his managers that lenders were making too many loans that would never be repaid, he steered Fannie into more treacherous corners of the mortgage market, according to executives.

"For a time, that decision proved profitable. In the end, it nearly destroyed the company and threatened to drag down the housing market and the economy."


"Between 2005 and 2008, Fannie purchased or guaranteed at least $270 billion in loans to risky borrowers — more than three times as much as in all its earlier years combined, according to company filings and industry data.

“'We didn’t really know what we were buying,' said Marc Gott, a former director in Fannie’s loan servicing department. 'This system was designed for plain vanilla loans, and we were trying to push chocolate sundaes through the gears.'”

Lesbian demands 6-year-old be taken from mom

"'We are asking you to help us spread the word about the ongoing legal case that directly impacts the life of 6-year old child Isabella and the future of this nation,' Liberty Counsel said. 'If Vermont can declare from the bench that a legal stranger is a mommy to another woman's child and then have it enforced in a state with one of the strongest marriage amendments in the country, then, on the issues of marriage and family, our country will no longer be the United States of America but instead will be the United States according to Massachusetts, California, or Vermont.'"

Federal probe into S.F. sanctuary city policy

"A federal grand jury is investigating whether San Francisco's policy of offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants violates U.S. laws against harboring people who are in the country illegally, city officials say."

Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya

"According to Italy's Vanity Fair his two metre by three metre shack is decorated with football posters of the Italian football giants AC Milan and Inter, as well as a calendar showing exotic beaches of the world."

WND's Corsi in Kenya to probe Obama ties

"The WBBM news team interviewed on camera Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Matua, who accused Obama of meddling inappropriately in Kenyan politics.

"Matua said politely but pointedly, 'I think Obama has to look at critically where he is receiving his advice from. Just because somebody somewhere wants to run for president, and he is using Senator Obama as his stooge, as his puppet, to be able to get where he wants to get.'"

Prospect of Obama victory raises fears

"One of President Kibaki's top advisers – interviewed by WND in Nairobi yesterday under an assurance of anonymity – pointed to Fauntroy's remarks at the prayer breakfast as the type of 'inappropriate partisan comments' that continue to reveal deep racial and tribal divisions within Kenyan politics.

"Many Kikuyu politicians quietly express concerns that an Obama win in the 2008 U.S. presidential election could reverse power in Kenya, in favor of Luo tribesman such as Odinga, a perennial presidential challenger of Kikuyu presidential candidates."