"Race hustlers like Rep. Hastings have mastered the art of Marxist class warfare rhetoric. These techniques have made him and his colleagues in the CBC very powerful and influential leaders of the black community.
"However, here is CBC's Faustian bargain with the devil: Black Democrat leaders at every level of government, including "community activists" like young Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, are only of use to the Democrat Party if they can keep the overwhelming majority of voting blacks on the liberal Democratic plantation.
"Black leaders have achieved this monopoly with ruthless efficiency since the days of FDR in the early 1930s and in virtually every election since obtained 90-95 percent of the black vote for the Democratic Party. Therefore, the Democratic Party (blacks and whites) have a vested interest in continuing to foster black anger, mis-education, pathology, victimhood and dependency. It is the currency of liberal Democratic politics."
"Until Republicans get out of their country clubs, put away their golf clubs, stop trying to compromise with Democrats and get a coherent, consistent, substantive vision to win the hearts and minds of Jews, blacks, Hispanics and Americans of every ethnic group, then I predict that another generation of angry, brainwashed, dependent socialist voters will continue to elect poverty pimps like Alcee Hastings to be the warden of their own voluntary prison."