Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sarah Palin Hates Blacks and Jews

"Hastings is insignificant in the scheme of things, but I’m curious about how much grief he’ll catch for these dumb statements. You see, a double standard applies whenever blacks or other minorities or liberals make inane and insulting statements about conservatives and Republicans. Back in 2002, white liberal Thomas V. Mike Miller, president of the Maryland senate, called Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, a black Republican, an Uncle Tom and got no flak for it. Well, except from me.

"Yes, double standards abound. Since I started blogging in 2003, I discovered that when black liberals denigrate black conservatives, white liberals see it as permission for them to follow suit. It’s happened to me, Condoleezza Rice, and probably every other black conservative you know about. (On a somewhat related note, a New York Times reporter interviewed me yesterday for a story on black conservatives and Republicans. I’m hoping it’ll be fair and balanced. No guarantees.)"