Saturday, April 25, 2009

The knock at the door

"I have to laugh at those Republicans who actually saw Obama's choice of Robert Gates as defense secretary as wise. Again, I actually predicted Obama would choose Gates as defense secretary long before he was elected. Gates is indeed a very bright man. He is also the architect of the 'civilian national security force' idea, which suggests to me he is also a very authoritarian man – one who sees few limits to the wonders government can accomplish.

"Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes of the past have created such 'civilian national security forces' to serve their interests – to squelch dissent, to spy on the people, to intimidate and to police.

"They have often been used to bolster party dictatorships and authoritarian cults of personality.
That's the threat that such legislation poses – if not immediately, at some time in the future. Once a bureaucracy like this is created, it can always be changed, amended, its powers expanded and its purpose perverted.

"It is extremely dangerous legislation in any form."

President Pinocchio

"And as his nose and ears grow and reshape, our President Pinnochio is cavorting wildly, unrestrained by Congress, spending and committing trillions of dollars to programs and reckless bailouts. He and his associates appear to have arrived in their Pleasure Island determined not to 'waste a crisis' but to shove universal health care, liberal education policies and virtual socialism into place, utterly without any approval of the American people – and with no regard for who gets hurt or the consequences of the actions.

"Always articulate and reasonable sounding, this young, inexperienced president seems high on his newfound power and unprecedented authority; he can do virtually anything he wants, please the interest groups who elected him and forget about the campaign promises he made to religious groups who believed he was not the most liberal senator – and president – ever elected.

"Though he soothed the apprehensions of Catholics and pro-life people with expressed intentions to enact policies that would greatly reduce abortions, he has already committed hundreds of millions to Planned Parenthood groups worldwide! Not just in our country, but internationally.

"He is forming his own 'Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships' Advisory Council, composed of personal choices like Harry Knox, a militant homosexual activist who, just last month, called Pope Benedict XVI and certain Catholic bishops 'discredited leaders' for opposing same-sex marriage. While giving this council a pious name, he's stacking the 25-member board with like-minded leftists inclined to allocate its funds to liberal, secular causes.

"Though he vowed publicly that, if elected, he would personally veto every 'pork' earmark in federal appropriation bills, the very first one he approved has 10,000 pet projects that will cost $19.6 billion! This in his first year that is projecting a $1.8 trillion deficit! And he has announced a $10 trillion agenda for the next four years! And again, without as much as a nod to the citizens of this democratic republic.

"Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio was a fable. This Pinocchio has somehow become our president. Truth – truly, and perhaps ruinously – is stranger than fiction."

Here she comes, Miss Integrity

"The influence of the Thought Police is nearly universal now, so to have Miss California spewing her hateful truths is not only dangerous, it's subversive. We simply can't have innocent bystanders, like the pageant audience and television viewers, hearing this stuff. It's a good thing Perez Hilton slapped her down before anyone could take her seriously. Perez is right; it's imperative that we shut this woman up and discredit her as strongly as possible before anyone falls for her moral intolerance.

"I am guessing it's driving Mr. Hilton nuts that Miss Prejean is receiving all sorts of favorable media attention from a bunch of dimwit conservative talk-show hosts and bloggers. How dare these people applaud this woman? He's the one responsible for her loss. He should get the attention, not her."

"Evidently Mr. Hilton is clueless that Miss Prejean may have lost the battle, but she sure as heck won the war. And kept her integrity."

Thou shall not lie

"Why is there not a single Republican with the courage and the intellect to call a weekly 5 p.m. press conference in the alcove of the U.S. Capitol and, line by line, precept by precept, lie by lie, state what Obama has promised – transparency, bipartisanship, reasonable policies, truth – versus what Obama has delivered in his first 100 days in office – obstructionism, Saul Alinsky partisanship, Marxist economic policy, genocidal abortion policy and giving away for free our most sensitive interrogation techniques to Osama bin Laden.

"Indeed, Obama is a pathological liar. Every speech, every domestic and foreign policy, every executive order, every economic policy, every political appointee and every future Supreme Court nominee … all LIES!"