Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"When John Murtagh was 9 years old, Bill Ayers' friends tried to kill him.

"'I remember my mother's pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn't leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside,' wrote Murtagh in the April 2008 issue of the City Journal....To the best of John's recollection, Bernardine Dohrn, who is now Bill Ayers' wife, first claimed credit for bombing John's home -- along with other targets -- in November of 1970."


"In the Chicago establishment, which unfortunately embraced former domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers and his wife, Barack Obama was encouraged to look beyond the obvious -- John Murtagh, his family, their terror, the lawlessness, the attacks on policemen, judges, army outposts -- to embrace larger goals.

"What were these goals? How does Barack Obama come to continue to associate with a man who cannot bring himself to say to John Murtagh or to John's mother or any other kin of the attacked: 'I'm sorry. I was wrong. It was a terrible thing to do.'"

The Real Obama Part II

"Sadly, many of those who are enchanted by his rhetoric are unlikely to check out the facts. But nothing is a more real or more important issue than whether what a candidate says is the direct opposite of what he has actually been doing for years.

"The old phrase, 'a man of high ideals but no principles,' is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House."

The Real Obama

"The story of Obama's political career is not a pretty story. He won his first political victory by being the only candidate on the ballot-- after hiring someone skilled at disqualifying the signers of opposing candidates' petitions, on whatever technicality he could come up with.

"Despite his words today about 'change' and 'cleaning up the mess in Washington,' Obama was not on the side of reformers who were trying to change the status quo of corrupt, machine politics in Chicago and clean up the mess there. Obama came out in favor of the Daley machine and against reform candidates."


"Why much of the public and the media have been so mesmerized by the words and the image of Obama, and so little interested in learning about the factual reality, was perhaps best explained by an official of the Democratic Party: 'People don't come to Obama for what he's done, they come because of what they hope he can be.'"

Don't you wish you could get a job not because what I have done, but because what an employer hopes you can be?

On your job resume, write for your objective "Change and Hope" and see how that flies.

Welcome to Barackistan.

The ACORN/Obama Voter Registration "Thug Thizzle"

"Holliday interviewed another homeless man targeted by the registration drive who exulted that he was voting for Obama because 'I want him to do his thang. You know, do his thug thizzle.'"

ABC, NBC and CBS want to keep Obama's secrets

"Major broadcast networks ABC, NBC and CBS have decided to help Barack Obama hide his real agenda by refusing to accept advertisements for 'The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values,' claims the new book's author, media expert Brad O'Leary."