Thursday, April 2, 2009

Man detained and harassed at airport for carrying CASH!

They are Dropping Like Flies

"I was talking to a friend of mine today about what's going on in the world (she voted for Obastard) and she admitted that she was very uncomfortable with a lot of the moves he's made since usurping taking office. I didn't utter an I told you so because I'll be honest, I'm so incredulous at this point, I don't think it's a good idea to waste time with 'I told you so's'. So, I've just been gently taking inventory to see where some Obot heads are and let me tell you, the buyer's remorse is kicking in big time. My friend that I spoke with earlier today said she was really concerned about the AIG news and she was especially concerned about Obama essentially forcing GM's CEO to step down. I told her, 'that is some dictator s**t! That is not what's supposed to happen in this country!' I whipped her up into such a frenzy, she was damn near about to start cursing Obama like he was Bush. I loved it!"

A friend who voted for Obama is now calling him a Long-Legged Mack Daddy.

PM Brown: 'A New World Order Is Emerging'

MUST READ: The world loves Obama and hates Jesus

"Matthew 24:24, '…if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.' We should recognize that we can be deceived. We humans must admit how we can look upon something and be totally misguided and will buy total disaster because it looks like a great opportunity. We cannot depend upon our wisdom, feelings, hopes, desires or leadership. The government is far too important to leave to politicians.

"Since we know we can be deceived, what should we do? I am going to scripture to get some indication of when I should pause and pray.

"One thing is clear; the world loves Obama. 'If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.'(John 15:18-19 ESV) From foreign leaders to massive crowds in France and Germany, the world truly loves him. That is enough to give me pause. If the world hates Christ and loves Barrack, should that worry you? It does me."

Coming government takeover of food

"Small farmers and food processors (jams and jelly folks, for example) would be out of business if these bills are passed into law. Ditto farmers' markets, and, potentially any individual who sells or even shares the bounty of a home garden.

"If these bills pass into law, Big Ag Biz would increase its stranglehold on the food business, and big government would expand its swarm of officers bedeviling every private pursuit of happiness.

"The M.O. for this government takeover of 'food' for the benefit of bigger government and big business is certainly familiar – it is playing out in energy and health care, too."


"This proposal is not about saving money. It is about controlling it. By, in effect, transferring at least $11 billion a year from private philanthropy to government spending, Obama empowers the public sector at the expense of the voluntary one.

"President Obama’s recommended reduction in the tax deduction for charitable giving reflects his fundamental belief that only the government can or should help the poor. He wants to keep the impoverished directly dependent on the government - and the Democratic Party - for their daily bread.

"The voluntary sector has always been the backbone of compassion in the United States. Our charitable donations dwarf those of any other country. And our system of tax deductions for giving permits us to decide what charities are worthy of our generosity - a decision Obama will transfer to the politicians under his program."

It Was All A Smokescreen

"While Obama had the media focused on the AIG bonuses, the Federal Reserve System was quietly buying $1.15 Trillion in debt from the US Treasury. The whole AIG scandal was nothing but a smokescreen.

"The military has used smokescreens for generations. When I was in the Marine Corps I was taught to use smoke grenades to screen the movement of our unit from the enemy. The Navy has long used smokescreens to cover ship movements.

"Obama and Company made masterful use of the AIG smokescreen to distract America’s attention from a sneak attack on our prosperity. The AIG executive bonuses, while they inflamed America’s populist sensibilities, amounted to exactly 1.27% of the money we have poured down the AIG drain. But according to economist Walter Zimmerman, the long-term effects of the Fed action will be devastating. These include the destruction of the US dollar and further erosion of our nation’s position as the leading economy in the world.

"What possible reason could Obama have for weakening the dollar and our economy?

"It’s simple. Obama is not a patriot; he is an internationalist. He is firmly committed to seeing the United States as just another part of a world government. But the American people will never accept that as long as we are the strongest nation in the world. Obama is in the process of weakening us from within, so that eventually he can generate enough fear to make us accept domination by the handful of powerful people who plan to run the world."

The American Form of Government

The Ship is Sinking: Quick, Add Water

"President Obama has reminded us countless times that he inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit. Even if he were about to propose the most responsible, prudent, visionary budget imaginable, that complaint would still be petulant and unseemly. But considering what Obama’s own spending will do to the deficit, it’s jaw-droppingly galling. He now proposes to increase that deficit to $7 trillion in ten years. And that $7 trillion is probably a low estimate (the Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will be $2.3 trillion higher). When the new spending for programs like Pell grants, education for handicapped children, and so forth comes up for renewal in a few years, Congress is not going to let it lapse. So, to review, it was terrible for President Bush and the Democratic Congress (the president neglects to mention the latter) to saddle him with all this debt. His answer is to triple it. That’s showing ‘em!"

'Stimulus' tab: $12.8 trillion and climbing

"The tally works out to $42,105 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. and 14 times the $899.8 billion of currency in circulation. The nation's gross domestic product was $14.2 trillion in 2008.

"The combined commitment has increased by 73 percent since November, when Bloomberg first estimated the funding, loans and guarantees at $7.4 trillion.

"Federal Reserve officials project the economy will keep shrinking until at least mid-year, which would mark the longest U.S. recession since the Great Depression."

Education in America: A Study in Stupid

"Technology has enabled business to outsource most employment. Technical call centers, tax preparation, journalism, medical consulting, sales, diagnostics, unit purchasing, artwork, computer graphics, architectural design, and photo printing make up just a small fraction of the labors that can all be handled by workers hundreds or thousands of miles away. There are few geographic barriers remaining for employment.

"To date most of the outsourcing of jobs has been in the low skilled or unskilled category. At the same time eight out of ten new jobs becoming available are demanding high skilled workers. As this is taking place, almost half of our present and future work force cannot qualify for the new positions being offered and since the American workforce is unavailable, those jobs are being offered either abroad or to immigrants brought in to fill particular needs.

"We only have ourselves to blame. We have allowed parents to abandon their children, expecting an army of educational union activists to take over parental duties. We have allowed work-place rules and regulations to keep sub-standard teachers on the job long after they should have been banned from every campus. Most of all, we have failed to motivate our children to work."

And they said it wasn't a 'holy war'

"We so quickly forget incidents such as that in 2003, when Sgt. Asan Akbar, a Muslim, of the 101st Airborne Division, killed Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert by lobbing a grenade into a tent when their battalion was stationed in Kuwait. Right now, there are several cases in America being prosecuted or in which fugitives are being sought in connection with 'honor killings' of women and children. These crimes are all cases in which Islamic sensibilities dictated the perpetrator's actions.

"Over the weekend, it was disclosed that the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group is smuggling guns, drugs and people into the U.S. across our border with Mexico. A noteworthy development, to say the very least, but I will be astounded if we hear word one about it from our president. "

More missing bills

"Another pair of bills have managed to garner President Obama’s signature without that fact being published on the White House website or announced to the press."

I thought we all were going to get transparency and honesty. I wonder what the media would have done if Bush, who I never voted for, acted this way.

First Black President Grovels To Virulently Racist Royal Family

"Prince Philip asks Obama 'Can you tell foreign leaders apart?'"

Prince Philip makes a faux pas

Keep the Love Speech Coming in Folks!

"I read her response to you. She is filled with hate and misinformation.
Perhaps she is so hateful because she was born into slavery-- Oh wait! Booker T. Washington WAS born into slavery, and he wrote: 'I have long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the Southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race. No one section of our country was wholly responsible for its introduction, and, besides, it was recognized and protected for years by the General Government. Having once got its tentacles fastened on to the economic and social life of the Republic, it was no easy matter for the country to relieve itself of the institution. Then, when we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look facts in the face, we must acknowledge that, notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, the ten million Negroes inhabiting this country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of American slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful condition, materially, intellectually, morally, and religiously, than is true of an equal number of black people in any other portion of the globe. This is so to such an extend that Negroes in this country, who themselves or whose forefathers went through the school of slavery, are constantly returning to Africa as missionaries to enlighten those who remained in the fatherland. This I say, not to justify slavery — on the other hand, I condemn it as an institution, as we all know that in America it was established for selfish and financial reasons, and not from a missionary motive — but to call attention to a fact, and to show how Providence so often uses men and institutions to accomplish a purpose.'
"If a great man like this were alive today, I would feel better for my child."

Keep the Hate Speech Coming in Folks!

From Keilyn:

"You are not black or from the hood. You are a devil. If blacks were to continue murdering eachother at the same rate for the next 400 years it STILL would not compare to the death and destruction caused by whites on the black community! There isnt enough time in a day to document the crimes of whites across the planet for centuries so I wont even dignify your ignorance, I'll just allow you to continue excusing white supremacy like the coward you are. Who is responsible for the crack infested 80's? I guess you can blame it on the black man too, although we dont collectively own a plane or a boat to import these "goods." Where are all these guns coming from? Bet you cant answer that either, genius. Am I supposed to feel sorry for these devils because one of the seeds they grew came up "rotten?" This is only the beginning and more whites will die. Karma is a universal law even whites cant weasel out of. RIP Lovelle Mixon. P.S. Whites bombed Malcolm X's house genius, thats not even muslim style. Besides, who killed Malcolm's father? We know the CIA was behind his assassination too, by the way, you're just slow. Go to hell, devil"

Gerald Celente expect World Riots Ghost Malls and a Revolution in This Country