Sunday, April 12, 2009

America's Left and the Double Standard Over Gays in Cuba

"The Hollywood and liberal elites in places such as New York and Washington have championed the rights of gays and want to ban groups such as the Boy Scouts, but when it comes to monsters such as Fidel Castro, they are silent.

"I witnessed this liberal hypocrisy in October 1984, during the only showing of the late Oscar-winning cinematographer Nestor Almendros' documentary "Improper Conduct" at the Washington Blade's Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in Washington, D.C.

"While the film accurately portrayed Castro's brutal treatment of gays, outside the theater a group of gay and lesbian members of the Workers World Party bitterly protested the film.

"It was a paradox to me, knowing the systematic state repression that gays and lesbians have been receiving in Cuba since 1959.

"But it is a paradox we have witnessed time and again with liberal activists from Jane Fonda to Barbra Streisand arguing for closer relations with Cuba and railing against states such as Colorado for unfairly treating gay people.

"I was so shocked by the protest by the Workers party outside the theater, and the outrageous reaction of these seemingly ignorant fanatics of the realities of gays in Cuba, that I felt compelled to write an answer in the Washington Blade newspaper to the diatribe of two women against the film in the issue of Oct. 19, 1984.

"I wrote, 'I remember these two women distributing propaganda pamphlets at the entrance of the Biograph the evening "Improper Conduct" opened the festival, as well as their hysterical reaction during the film and when it was over. Thanks to people and organizations [Workers World Party] like these, the truth about Cuba has been kept from the American people and the world, thereby directly contributing to the oppression and hell-like existence under which the Cuban people have been condemned to live, under the totalitarian dictatorship of Fidel Castro.

"'Obviously the Workers World Party is not advocating human rights for the gay people of Cuba. Their reactionary attitude is as detrimental to Cuban gays as the oppressive government there.'"

The Mythology Of Cuban Medical Care

"For those who support or sympathize with Fidel Castro and his dictatorship of Cuba, no argument comes up more frequently than the supposedly marvelous health-care system that Castro has created for the Cubans. They routinely credit him with managing to deliver world-class facilities and treatment, equally for all Cubans, far surpassing even the United States in egalitarianism and effectiveness. For some people, that level of medical care outweighs Castro's oppression, which would be ludicrous even if they were right about the medical system they espouse.

"Unfortunately, that system is a myth, as Val Prieto points out in Babalublog. Val points out a March 6th article in Gentunio, translated partially here, which has a number of pictures of Clinico Quir�rgico in Havana. Here's what Fidel Castro said about Clinico Quir�rgico in 1989:

"'Now, the old hospital has turned into one of the most modern and best ones in the capital. I should explain that this hospital provided services to a large number of people who live at the other side of the Almendares River." ... "Not only did the number of beds increase, with blocks and civil construction spreading throughout almost 30,000 square meters of construction, but the power unit is totally new-boilers, electric power generators, etc.[']"

"Reporters from Gentiuno managed to get into the actual hospital with a camera, and they found a much different situation. For example, this is what they found in the emergency room:" CAUGHT BARACK OBAMA LYING!

It should be illegal to make Obama look bad with the truth.

Love Those Comments!:

"I voted for Obama but I'll never make that mistake again. He flat lied to us! I will never vote for Obama again. He's a one term failure. 10 times worse than Carter."
"Same here... I should have voted for Ron Paul."

Real Gunfighter Lance Thomas on Justic Files

It is really a shame that he had to blow away 5 thugs who were only doing their jobs.

Hey You (Help Stop Marxism, Help Stop Obamanation)

Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation

This is really sick. You can call me an "Uncle Tom" if you want. If you like this you are brainwashed. Yes you can.