Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hate speech hypocrisy

"The latest assault on the integrity of free speech is being perpetrated by Democrats in Congress who are thinking that they’ve found a loophole in their self-appointed role as champions of free speech. They appear to believe that labeling conservative speech as, 'messages of bigotry or hatred, creating a climate of fear and inciting individuals to commit hate crimes,' will then allow them to silence and infringe the speech of their political foes."

A comprehensive argument against Barack Obama (Update)

"If you're still committed to 'The One' and are not a Kool-Aid drinking liberal and therefore still apply reason, truth, and facts to your decision-making process in the voting booth, be sure you clink over to 'Closing the Deal' before election day. "

An interesting image: 'Obama's web'

Go to the link for an enlarged image.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive." -- Andrew "Andy" Taylor, Former Sherriff, Mayberry, North Carolina

From the O CRAP! department

"Will William Ayers be secretary of education in a Barack Obama administration? All parents should ponder that possibility before making their choice for president on Nov. 4.

"After all, Ayers is a friend of Obama, and professor Ayers's expertise is training teachers and developing public school curriculum. That's been his mission since he gave up planting bombs in government buildings (including the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon) and assaulting police officers."

Anyplace Ayers is in the government would be dangerous.

God help us.

Why Colin Powell is wrong

"Let's pretend Barack Obama, rather than running for president, was applying for a job at the FBI. In the background check, it is learned that he received money from a leader of the Weather Underground, which bombed the Capitol, the Pentagon and dozens of other targets in the 1970s. A San Francisco policeman was killed in one of these attacks, believed to have been carried out personally by Ayers' wife, Bernardine Dohrn. Another officer was severely injured in that attack, left partially blinded.

"Let's also stipulate that in this FBI background check, it is learned that prospective FBI agent Barack Obama served on two foundation boards with Ayers, giving away millions of dollars to programs designed to radicalize American elementary school, middle school and high school students. The two men served on these boards for years together. In addition, Michelle Obama worked together with Dohrn at a law firm and invited Ayers to speak at a conference she organized.

"For the moment, let's say that's all we know about the relationship between Obama and Ayers, who still, to this day, shows no remorse for his violent actions of the 1970s nor his commitment to worldwide communism.

"My question is this: Do you think these associations would raise some questions about Obama's fitness to serve in the FBI?

"I certainly hope they would – or our law enforcement and national security apparatus is even shakier than I think.

"Do you suppose the FBI leadership would want to know much more about these associations before placing Obama in a sensitive law enforcement position?

"I certainly hope so."

I'm going through this process right now and I will be held to a much higher standard.

O's agenda is so 'gay'

"So, let's break it down. If elected, Obama has promised to sign radical thought-crimes legislation into law, effectively criminalizing respect for biblical morality. These laws would punish those who oppose sexual behaviors that every major world religion, thousands of years of history and uncompromising human biology have coldly rejected.

"ENDA and "hate-crimes" legislation will unconstitutionally compel Christians and other people with traditional values to abandon those beliefs and adopt – under penalty of law – the postmodern 'anything goes' view of human sexuality. Such 'sexual orientation' laws have been the precursor to even more oppressive 'hate-speech' laws in Canada, Great Britain and throughout Europe. But as Obama has signaled, these laws will not remain confined to his beloved Europe. There is little doubt that such laws will be similarly enforced here in the U.S under his administration. If you happen to believe that God created human sexuality to be shared between husband and wife within the bonds of marriage, you'd better not say so or you'll suffer very real consequences."

The United States of America -- b. 1776, d. 2009

Obama caught on tape arguing against giving medical attention to aborted babies

"But a pro-life sleuth has found a short audio clip on the Chicago Tribune website of Obama arguing on the IL Senate floor on April 4, 2002, against Senate Bill B1663, a companion bill to the Born Alive Infants Protection Act that would have required an abortionist to call a second physician to assess a baby aborted alive."

Campaign exposes Obama's anti-parent agenda

"'Barack Obama does not share our traditional values of defending innocent life and the sanctity of marriage. If a president is not willing to defend the most innocent of his own country, the babies in their mothers' wombs, then my question is this, who is he willing to defend? That's what inspired me to put something together,' Verastegui said."

"Frank"-ly Speaking?

"'I think at this point there needs to be a focus on an immediate increase in spending, and I think this is a time when deficit fear has to take a second seat,' Frank said.

"I do think this is a time for a kind of very important dose of Keynesianism, Frank continued, referring to 20th century British economist John Maynard Keynes' argument for government investment to counteract recession or depression.

"Yes, I believe later on there should be tax increases," Frank said. "Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money."

Obama disqualified himself from higher office in 2004

"Obama himself expressed the opinion that he wasn't qualified to run for the presidency after he was elected to the U.S. Senate from Illinois in late 2004, less than four years ago."

Hence the need for a manufactured crisis to make him look qualified. Obama told the truth about himself.

Police prepare for unrest

"Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors."

In Chicago, they riot when they are happy.

MORON ALERT: "Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black"

"McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.

"Shame on McCain and Palin."

You moron. You have a love affair with racism. Socialism was and is a white institution dominated by whites today. You must be using a microscope to find anything for socialism to mean black.

Procedurally, Obama, DNC Admit Allegations

"On September 15, as part of his federal lawsuit contending that the Illinois senator is ineligible, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, to serve as president of the United States, Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg served Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee with just such a request. Soon thereafter, on October 6, Barack Obama and the DNC acknowledged service in their motion for protective order, filed in an attempt to persuade the court to stay discovery. The Federal Rules require that a response to a request for admissions be served within the 30-day time limit, and Barack Obama and the DNC have not done so."


"On September 15, as part of his federal lawsuit contending that the Illinois senator is ineligible, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, to serve as president of the United States, Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg served Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee with just such a request. Soon thereafter, on October 6, Barack Obama and the DNC acknowledged service in their motion for protective order, filed in an attempt to persuade the court to stay discovery. The Federal Rules require that a response to a request for admissions be served within the 30-day time limit, and Barack Obama and the DNC have not done so.

"Therefore, this morning, amidst news reports that Barack Obama will be suspending his campaign for a few days so he can fly to Hawaii to visit his grandmother, who has suddenly fallen ill, (Just like an excuse to play hooky from school -- Ed.) Philip Berg will file two motions in district court in Philadelphia:

  • A motion requesting an immediate order deeming his request for admissions served upon Barack Obama and the DNC on September 15 admitted by default, and
  • A motion requesting an expedited ruling and/or hearing on Berg’s motion deeming the request for admissions served upon Obama and the DNC admitted.
"Berg contends that the failure to respond and serve the response within the time limit is 'damning,' and made two appearances overnight on Rollye James' talk radio program, the second one coming shortly after midnight, during which he disclosed the meat of today's filings and the legal and political ramifications of the defendants' failure to respond."

Obama is Bought, But Who Owns Him?

"While it is true that Obama is the kind of guy who could read Bill Clinton’s golf scorecard and make it sound convincing, simple arithmetic should have told him that $198.75 million dollars cannot be contributed by 1.47 million people in “$5, $10, or $20” amounts. Each of those 1.47 million people would have had to contribute, on average, $135 to create a pool of $198.75 million... and that simply does not happen. It has never happened before in American politics and it is not happening now."


"Now, in an October 20 article in Newsmax, writer Kenneth Timmerman provides details from Federal Election Commission records that give substantial weight to my theory. In studying Obama’s FEC filings, Newsmax found more than 2,000 donors who had given substantially more than their $4,600 limit ($2,300 in the primaries and $2,300 in the General Election). The law requires that such excess contributions must be returned to the donor within 60 days of the donor going over his/her limit. However, many of the donors contacted by Newsmax said that they had not been contacted by the Obama campaign and that they had not received refunds.

"But these are relatively minor infractions compared to 66,383 highly suspicious contributions, from 37,265 donors, whose contributions were not rounded to even dollar amounts. For example, Timmerman tells us that John Atkinson, an insurance agent in Burr Ridge, Illinois, gave a total of $8,724.26. He gave in odd amounts such as $188.67, $1,542.06, $876.09, $388.67, $282.20, $195.66, $118.15, and one of $2,300.

"Sandra Daneshinia, a self-employed caregiver of Los Angeles, made 36 separate contributions totaling $7,051.12. Thirteen of her contributions were later refunded. However, in an odd coincidence those 13 refunds, in amounts such as $233.88 and $201.44, came to an even $2,300, the maximum amount allowable in any one election.

"One contributor interviewed by Newsmax, Ronald J. Sharpe, Jr., a retired schoolteacher from Rockledge, Florida, is reported to have given $13,800... $9,200 over his limit. However, Mr. Sharpe does not remember giving that much money to Obama, nor has anyone from the campaign ever contacted him about a refund.

"Of the 66,383 contributions in odd amounts, 44,410 were in unrounded amounts of less than $100, 15,269 contributions were in unrounded amounts of between $101 and $999, and 704 contributions were in odd amounts greater than $1,000.

"Lest anyone suggest that these 37,265 donors either emptied their piggy banks or emptied their pockets and purses periodically and just sent it all to Obama, pennies and all, allow me to suggest something a tiny bit more Macheavellian. Those 66,383 contributions are the proceeds of conversions of foreign currency, smuggled into the country in foreign credit card receipts, and converted to U.S. dollars."