Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome to global governance

Before he left office, President Bush called a meeting of the G20 to set the agenda for an April meeting in London. They hope to create a global system to finally control the global economy. Whatever the structure that comes out of the meeting, it will likely be empowered to control the global economy and to connect economic actions with ecological and social justice issues as well – just as prescribed by the Commission on Global Governance.

"The creation of the World Trade Organization went a long way toward giving a 'world body' power to regulate trade. The United States ceded significant sovereignty when it agreed to conform its rules and laws to the dictates of this U.N. agency."


"Throughout the Clinton years, and the Bush years, members of the Council on Foreign Relations have pushed to advance global governance. Opposition in the House and Senate, and sometimes, an obstinate President Bush, blocked U.S. participation in the Kyoto Protocol, the International Criminal Court, the Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the imposition of a U.N. tax on international currency exchange.

"Today, opposition to global governance has diminished in Congress and has vanished from the White House. With eyes wide open, the United States is welcoming global governance. This administration, with approval of the majority of Congress, will cede our sovereignty to an international system that is beyond accountability and devoid of morality. The U.N. is eager to fund its nefarious adventures with money placed under its care by those who bought the promise of hope and blindly voted for change.

"Once the U.N. has an independent revenue stream to fund its 'peacekeeping' forces, which can enforce treaties and the decrees of the International Criminal Court, there will be no force on earth with the power to overthrow it. When the United States realizes the true cost global governance, it will be much too late. The U.N. will control the flow of both money and energy available to the U.S."

Lies in plain sight

"The establishment press gives no airtime to experts with a pragmatic sense of economics. They don't report the lavish soirees the Obamas have been throwing, or the harridan Nancy Pelosi's squandering of taxpayer money on military jets to ferry her family and friends around the country. Not a word has been spoken with respect to Obama lying about banning earmarks and curtailing the influence of lobbyists. Most Americans would be amazed to learn that aggressor nations such as North Korea and Iran – which were supposed to have changed their tunes as soon as Obama was sworn in – have stepped up their anti-American rhetoric."


"So, what does the press think ought to be important to Americans? An unbalanced baby machine with an Angelina Jolie complex, Rihanna's Stockholm Syndrome, Miley Cyrus and, of course, global warming."


"If the far left learned anything from the collapse of the Soviet Union – which literally spent itself out of existence – no doubt it was that the best way to bring a powerful nation down was to break it economically.

"When the government has appropriated or sufficiently devalued all private resources (read steals all our money):

    a. We won't have the means to resist.
    b. We will be destitute.
    c. We will be beholden to anyone who has the means to provide us aid.

"And guess what? That very government will be the only entity capable of providing that aid. They will declare that the system (capitalism) has failed us, and that state control is our only hope.

"We will be slaves."

Why we elect liars as leaders

If we fail to find this inner fidelity to the One who created and sustains us and directs our paths, then we automatically designate someone or something else to fill that necessary role: We will worship another god. Moreover, when we are in rebellion against the true God, we need lies and deception to keep our pursuing conscience at bay – and people who enjoy power are all too eager to step up and play that role for us.

That's right: We elect liars as leaders because we actually need lies if we're rebelling against God's inward leading. Lies do a great job of "serving" us with an illusion of worth and righteousness (that's why we believe them compulsively), as we rebel against the real God, Who is always revealing our faults to us – except that most of us don't want to hear it.

Since bad government relies so totally on persuasive lying, let's take a look at that phenomenon. There's more to it than you might think.


Lest we forget.....

Explosive Audio Found Obama arguing against BAIPA