Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Janeane Garafalo on Racism -- Why She is Way off Base

A black woman on the HUFFINGTON POST sets things straight about Janeane Garafalo:

"She is wrong and she knows nothing about true racism-having never spent a day of her life being black in America. I do know something about racism as I and millions of other people of color have endured and experienced its ugly insidiousness. It is not a word that should be thrown around lightly or recklessly. If we dare not stand in defense of our fellow citizens right to protest peacefully against our/their government then we are giving into a sneaky form of Tyranny. Race has nothing to do with the hardworking, decent American citizens who simply got sick and tired of being overtaxed and outspent by their government and showed up to do something about it."

My point exactly in a previous post.

The following is what I posted on that site because many of the white "progressive," may I say, Garofalo crackers who made pro-Garofalo comments just did not get it.

This is what I had to say there:

"Until you have walked in my black skin, you are completely clueless about racism.

"Over 95% of racism in my life was from WHITE DEMOCRATS and not Republicans. What does that say about you?

"You all sit with Garofalo in the bleacher's nosebleed section, safe and secure, while I was on the field taking the blows. You have the gall to talk about who is racist and who is not. You white Garofalo fans would not trade places with me. You criticize white Republicans and conservatives but just like Garofalo, you also benefit from white privilege and you would not give that up yourselves.

"I have the utmost authority to say who is racist and who is not. You have no authority whatsoever to flippantly call people racist.

"Also you are not highly thought about with black Democrats if you are thought about at all. You are NEVER praised or discussed in black conversation no matter how 'pro-civil rights' you claim to be. The vast majority of Blacks do not even listen to Air America. I have never heard any black person, including the most rabid Republican/Bush haters, say they have heard Air America even once! They would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, people they despise, than listen to you who claim to love blacks so much. We sense your phoniness. Blacks cannot relate to you at all so don't do us any favors with your phony outrage.

"Just sit down and shut up."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

100 days and Obama is a man who loves to be loved

"People had expectations for change. You are friendlier with the world on a personal basis than your predecessor.

"However, your actions in office appear to be coinciding too much along the lines your predecessor established.

"There is no 'change'.

“'Hope' is disappearing.

"One of the 'changes' that Americans voted you in for was an end to the 'occupation' of Iraq.

"There is widespread concern about the economy and the billions thrown at the pit of a privileged few and benefiting who?

"All the faces in your administration who had tax problems and were involved in previous administrations are not 'change'.