Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shepherds leading the sheep to the slaughter
"The Philadelphia Clergy stated one of the reasons why they choose Obama was his early opposition to the war. How ironic it is that this endorsement of Obama, for his opposition to the war in Iraq, only escalates the war waged against babies in the womb of their mothers in their own city. In Iraq 6% of the casualties are African-American. In the Abortion War in Pennsylvania, over 55% of the casualties of abortion are African American."
Black leadership owes Don Imus an apology
"Has anyone noted the silence of the NAACP on the racism of Planned Parenthood? Of Imus, Julian Bond, current Chairman of the NAACP said, 'It's past time employers take Don Imus off the air.' Interim President & CEO Dennis C. Haynes said, 'We will now move from Imus to "I Must," because we each must play a part in attacking racial defamation no matter its author.' The NAACP, once the vanguard and protector of the Black Community, has become the personification of liberal thinking and has also refused to condemn the racism at Planned Parenthood. This should not surprise anyone since the NAACP censored the Macon chapter in Georgia due to a resolution submitted that had abortion content. They refused to read it to the body, a clear violation of their own by laws. No, there will be no discussion on race here either as long as Planned Parenthood is in the discussion. It is obvious that the 'author of racism' does matter with the NAACP."
Margaret Sanger would have loved Barack Obama
When is a racist a racist?
"Will anyone hold them accountable? Why doesn't Congress call for a Congressional Investigation? Could it be because of the promise of Planned Parenthood to spend $10,000,000 on Congressional races in the fall? Has Planned Parenthood successfully bribed Congress into continuing to give them a pass so as not to investigate? America should look very carefully into the silence and compliance of those in Congress who refuse to hold Planned Parenthood accountable."
Obama nation: What would an Obama presidency mean?
Delusion in Denver
Black America's hope for a president -- at what price?
Voter fraud by illegal aliens ignored by government and media
Obama directly tied to voting fraud group
Obama Stalinist police state already taking form
Addendum: I actually heard on radio a policeman in Austin, Texas who intended to arrest an Obama opponent who was on the air. The charge? Lying about Obama.
Obama voter fraud reaches fever pitch
Congress Encouraged Irresponsibility
"Why did congress ignore the warning from both President Clinton and President Bush? The answer is simple - MONEY. Freddie and Fannie acted like a piggy bank for politicians. Some of the same politicians that caused this financial crisis are advisors/supporters to Barack Obama and control both the House and Senate committees. In 2005 the Democrats blocked legislation that would have prevented this crisis. But Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, 'This came out of no where, this is all about the Republicans. We had nothing to do with this.' Pelosi should talk to fellow Democrats Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Charles Schumer and Jamie Gorelick who are just a few of the Democrat politios that raked in millions in this scam while encouraging irresponsibility."
Obama’s Marxism steps out of the shadows and into the public realm
Psycho Pastor or Killer Clown?
"It’s a sad state of affairs when in 2008, a white man feels he has to adopt the diction of 'The Kingfish' from Amos’n’Andy to relate to black people. It’s even sadder when such techniques are successful. All Pfleger needed was some black greasepaint for his face and white for his lips and he’d really have been set."
No Shame, No Blame
"Yet, Americans aren’t calling for their heads."
Jackson & Obama: Unfortunate Words?
Pond Scum for Obama
Pimp This, Senator Obama
"Unfortunately – as is not surprising to many of us – Obama’s vision for American blacks doesn’t seem any more, well, visionary than was Bill Clinton’s or any other Democrat’s over the last 40 years. This might seem a tad strange considering that we’re dealing with a person steeped in a theology which teaches that being black is the black man’s 'ultimate reality' (James Cone, Black Theology, Black Power, Orbis, 1997.). Judging from his nebulous, boilerplate far Left oratory, which includes such things as taxing corporations, the evil, faceless 'rich' and cyclopean spending proposals for domestic and foreign poverty programs, it doesn’t appear that blacks can expect any more from Barack Obama than his perpetuating the institutions and cultural subversions that have kept so many black Americans poor and ignorant while incrementally degrading the spirit of those who aren’t as yet in that position."