Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shepherds leading the sheep to the slaughter

"What does this mean to you, my Brothers? Essentially, if something isn't done to stop this madness, the flock you have been commissioned by God to protect and nurture, will live, by your actions of endorsement, with the increased danger of being victimized by the scourge of abortion. For the illusion of 'Change' you have endorsed the predatory practices of the leading abortion provider that targets your community and made a covenant with death ignoring the cries of our most vulnerable.

"The Philadelphia Clergy stated one of the reasons why they choose Obama was his early opposition to the war. How ironic it is that this endorsement of Obama, for his opposition to the war in Iraq, only escalates the war waged against babies in the womb of their mothers in their own city. In Iraq 6% of the casualties are African-American. In the Abortion War in Pennsylvania, over 55% of the casualties of abortion are African American."

Black leadership owes Don Imus an apology

"The truth is, Al Sharpton wouldn't dare raise his voice due to his own proclivity to support the abortion ideology. Rev. Sharpton has the same sentiment about this incident as Senator Obama has about Rev. Wright. 'Please go away! If this "discussion" continues, everyone will know I have heard all your sermons, known all about your attitude on race and have sat under your tutelage!' Rev. Sharpton yesterday obstructed the Brooklyn Bridge and was arrested for Sean Bell but has been absolutely and utterly silent on the racism of Planned Parenthood and the execution of over 15 million African-American children under the watch of those who took a vow to preserve their lives.

"Has anyone noted the silence of the NAACP on the racism of Planned Parenthood? Of Imus, Julian Bond, current Chairman of the NAACP said, 'It's past time employers take Don Imus off the air.' Interim President & CEO Dennis C. Haynes said, 'We will now move from Imus to "I Must," because we each must play a part in attacking racial defamation no matter its author.' The NAACP, once the vanguard and protector of the Black Community, has become the personification of liberal thinking and has also refused to condemn the racism at Planned Parenthood. This should not surprise anyone since the NAACP censored the Macon chapter in Georgia due to a resolution submitted that had abortion content. They refused to read it to the body, a clear violation of their own by laws. No, there will be no discussion on race here either as long as Planned Parenthood is in the discussion. It is obvious that the 'author of racism' does matter with the NAACP."

Margaret Sanger would have loved Barack Obama

"Another quote from Dr. Martin Luther King that would be so appropriate here is, 'The Negro cannot win if he chooses to sacrifice the future of his children for immediate comfort and safety.' It is now imperative we all hear the words of this great Prophet of God. It is obvious we must reject the 'Barack Obamas' who have placed us in great danger by their ideologies, a position Martin Luther King warned us we cannot expect to win! Can we trust Barack Obama's judgment? I think not."

When is a racist a racist?

"This is an organization that gets $337,000,000 of tax payer's blood and sweat to kill babies. Last year Planned Parenthood reported a $114,000,000 profit, yet has repeatedly been charged of shielding Child Rapists, fraudulent Title Ten reporting, of targeting minorities for abortions, and purposely defrauding the citizens of California of millions in State and Federal Tax Dollars.

"Will anyone hold them accountable? Why doesn't Congress call for a Congressional Investigation? Could it be because of the promise of Planned Parenthood to spend $10,000,000 on Congressional races in the fall? Has Planned Parenthood successfully bribed Congress into continuing to give them a pass so as not to investigate? America should look very carefully into the silence and compliance of those in Congress who refuse to hold Planned Parenthood accountable."

Obama nation: What would an Obama presidency mean?

"There is no candidate running for the office of the presidency with a worse record than Sen. Barack Obama. His hands have aided and abetted the abortion industry's slaughter of the innocent and no other community is affected by it more than the African American community. It's an industry that targets Afro-Americans for profit at the expense of our children's lives and the pain of Black women."

Delusion in Denver

"Obama said, 'We can find common ground on abortion, gay marriage and education.' It would be important to note here most African-Americans have sadly forgotten the essence of The Dream. Recollection of the messages of Dr. King would undoubtedly cause us to vigorously reject the 'content of character' Obama's platform represents."

Black America's hope for a president -- at what price?

"The Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, is not only the most liberal (anti-Bible) candidate in the Senate, but is also perhaps the most pro-abortion candidate in our nation's history. So we see that CNN (Communist Nation Now), MSNBC, and much of the other mainstream media has decided to manipulate the public into laying down their values and belief of, 'In God We Trust.' We hear their clarion call to bow down at Baal's altar of wealth; bow down to killing babies in and outside the womb; bow down to men marrying men, women marrying women — to a place where marriage is no longer a sacred vow between a man and a woman; bow down to the Teacher's Unions abandoning our inner-city children to an inept educational system which has absolutely and utterly failed them. And to top it all off, we hear this same media then seductively whispering in our ears, '... and oh, by the way, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...' We soon find out this 'Wizard of OZ' is more of the same old smoke and mirrors which has cashiered us before."

Voter fraud by illegal aliens ignored by government and media

"'While the liberal media and the liberal establishment ignore what is a huge scandal, American voters are having their rights violated. When an illegal aliens or felon or other person prohibited by law to vote, their votes cancels out those of American citizens,' warns Baker."

Obama directly tied to voting fraud group

"The voter-fraud group is working almost non-stop — except when its members are arrested and taken into custody — to get Obama elected POTUS. If Obama is elected, we could actually have the least experienced, most corrupt and first Socialist/Communist POTUS in world history. And the other Obama direct ties to corruption and anti-Americanism? Let's take another look — shall we?"

Obama Stalinist police state already taking form

"Reminiscent of the beginning of the Stalin purges, the Obama 'Truth Squads' seem to be the beginning of Obama's plan to end free speech and create a police state that is beholden only to its secular messiah. Note: Stalin's purges were affected by his country-wide police forces to silence political opponents. The Obama campaign has also advised Missouri law enforcement throughout the state to look for anything that the Obama campaign determines a lie. Any mistruths said about Presidential Candidate McCain are to be ignored. Note: In Democrat-speak this means 'Shut up anyone who doesn't swear allegiance to Obama — our messiah!'"

Addendum: I actually heard on radio a policeman in Austin, Texas who intended to arrest an Obama opponent who was on the air. The charge? Lying about Obama.

Obama voter fraud reaches fever pitch

"ACORN has been caught presenting falsified voter registration cards. This goes on and on throughout multiple states."

Congress Encouraged Irresponsibility

"But the threat was not unknown. While president, Bill Clinton realized that Freddie and Fannie were out of control - but the Democrats in congress blocked action. Every year since he took office, including 17 times in 2008, President Bush echoed Bill Clinton's warnings on Freddie and Fannie. But congress ignored Bush like they did Clinton.

"Why did congress ignore the warning from both President Clinton and President Bush? The answer is simple - MONEY. Freddie and Fannie acted like a piggy bank for politicians. Some of the same politicians that caused this financial crisis are advisors/supporters to Barack Obama and control both the House and Senate committees. In 2005 the Democrats blocked legislation that would have prevented this crisis. But Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, 'This came out of no where, this is all about the Republicans. We had nothing to do with this.' Pelosi should talk to fellow Democrats Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters, Charles Schumer and Jamie Gorelick who are just a few of the Democrat politios that raked in millions in this scam while encouraging irresponsibility."

Obama’s Marxism steps out of the shadows and into the public realm

"Meanwhile, the fawning mainstream media can add another first to what they consider their precedent-setting candidate: Obama is the first presidential candidate in history to resort to Marxism to get ahead."

Psycho Pastor or Killer Clown?

"Despite being white, Pfleger is a proponent of Black Liberation Theology and has a long history of gratuitous civil rights activism in the tradition of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and others. The ultimate useful white idiot, he has called Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan 'my brother' and has had him speak at St. Sabina’s. Yes, Farrakhan – one of the most odious racists and anti-Semites in America.

"It’s a sad state of affairs when in 2008, a white man feels he has to adopt the diction of 'The Kingfish' from Amos’n’Andy to relate to black people. It’s even sadder when such techniques are successful. All Pfleger needed was some black greasepaint for his face and white for his lips and he’d really have been set."

No Shame, No Blame

"Forget that Fannie and Freddie became the adopted brainchildren of congressional Democrats and the Clinton White House. Forget their quasi-Marxist social engineering that extended credit to millions of people who couldn't afford it. Forget former White House Budget Director Franklin Raines raking in over $90 million running Fannie as it failed, Jamie Gorelick taking $30 million, Senator (and Democrat presidential nominee Barack) Obama staffer Jim Johnson taking millions from Fannie Mae, as well as several others who collectively pocketed tens of millions as well. Given the failures of these entities, there isn’t even the argument of stellar performance to justify these payouts.

"Yet, Americans aren’t calling for their heads."

Jackson & Obama: Unfortunate Words?

"It was surprising to see how many people were puzzled that Jackson would have animas toward Obama. I would have been astounded if he did not. The perception of Jackson as a person of prominence and power in the eyes of black Americans is his very life. Suddenly, this was threatened by an upstart, just-add-water sage who captured the Democrat presidential nomination after a half-hour or so in the U.S. Senate. He is more articulate and far easier on the eyes than Jackson, he usurps Jackson’s message, his audience, and then has the nerve to remind him of the credibility he lost (with the 2001 revelation of his love child with a Rainbow Coalition staffer) by chastising black men who don’t raise their children."

Pond Scum for Obama

"With Obama in office, it will be easier for far Left and black activists to blame the past actions of evil, faceless whites for blacks’ social ills than ever before. How long that song will play, with resentment festering on the part of both whites and blacks, before widespread social unrest rears its head will be anyone’s guess."

Pimp This, Senator Obama

"While the candidate has adopted some of the 'tough love' rhetoric proffered by legendary comedian Bill Cosby (the sort of thing that prompted corporate blackmailer and poverty pimp Jesse Jackson to declare that he wanted to castrate Obama), the expected sagacious proposals for rousing black Americans to greater participation in the American Dream are as elusive as his grand design for 'Change' in America. If inspiring talk was all that blacks needed, Jesse would have accomplished this decades ago.

"Unfortunately – as is not surprising to many of us – Obama’s vision for American blacks doesn’t seem any more, well, visionary than was Bill Clinton’s or any other Democrat’s over the last 40 years. This might seem a tad strange considering that we’re dealing with a person steeped in a theology which teaches that being black is the black man’s 'ultimate reality' (James Cone, Black Theology, Black Power, Orbis, 1997.). Judging from his nebulous, boilerplate far Left oratory, which includes such things as taxing corporations, the evil, faceless 'rich' and cyclopean spending proposals for domestic and foreign poverty programs, it doesn’t appear that blacks can expect any more from Barack Obama than his perpetuating the institutions and cultural subversions that have kept so many black Americans poor and ignorant while incrementally degrading the spirit of those who aren’t as yet in that position."

The Stockholm Curve

"With the economy struggling, at least some people are urging a pro-growth tax cut. Too bad they live in Stockholm. As a recent headline in Agence France-Presse put it: 'Sweden Announces Income Tax Cuts to Boost Jobs.' The government is planning to cut business taxes and the personal income and payroll tax."

Does Obama have NPD?

"To a narcissist, reality and fantasy are intertwined. He does not just pretend to be omnipotent, omniscient and superior to others; he actually believes it to be so. His delusions of grandiosity are real to him. That is why Obama acts presidential, despite his nugatory life achievements, lack of experience and complete ignorance in economic, political and military matters, as his flip-flopping shows. Obama is a cipher, but in his mind and those of his worshipers, such as Oprah Winfrey, he is 'the One,' the messiah who holds the key to all human sufferings."

Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer

"When cheering for someone turns into adulation, something is wrong. Excessive adulation is indicative of a personality cult. The cult of personality is often created when the general population is discontent. A charismatic leader can seize the opportunity and project himself as an agent of change and a revolutionary leader. Often, people, tired of the status quo, do not have the patience to examine the nature of the proposed change. All they want is change. During 1979, when the Iranians were tired of the dictatorial regime of the late Shah, they embraced Khomeini, not because they wanted Islam, but because he promised them change. The word in the street was, “anything is better than the Shah.” They found their error when it was too late."