Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Black America's hope for a president -- at what price?
"The Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, is not only the most liberal (anti-Bible) candidate in the Senate, but is also perhaps the most pro-abortion candidate in our nation's history. So we see that CNN (Communist Nation Now), MSNBC, and much of the other mainstream media has decided to manipulate the public into laying down their values and belief of, 'In God We Trust.' We hear their clarion call to bow down at Baal's altar of wealth; bow down to killing babies in and outside the womb; bow down to men marrying men, women marrying women — to a place where marriage is no longer a sacred vow between a man and a woman; bow down to the Teacher's Unions abandoning our inner-city children to an inept educational system which has absolutely and utterly failed them. And to top it all off, we hear this same media then seductively whispering in our ears, '... and oh, by the way, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...' We soon find out this 'Wizard of OZ' is more of the same old smoke and mirrors which has cashiered us before."