Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Case Against Obama - In His Own Words

"Another example of actions speaking louder than words can be found when we listen to Obama’s money talk. According to Obama’s tax returns from 2000-2006, the Obamas have given far less to charity than John McCain has. In all but the two most recent years reported, the Obamas gave around 1% or less of their income to charity. Their contributions increased in 2005 and 2006 to 4.7% and 6.1% respectively, but still are far short of those of McCain who gave 28.6% in 2006 and 27.3% in 2007. But if you listen to Obama’s words you will hear that he is very concerned about the least among us."

Factors that Could Lead to Obama's Downfall

"It should be obvious to voters that an Obama presidency along with a Democrat-controlled Congress would result in the most liberal policies many of us have seen in our lifetimes or imagined in our wildest nightmares. Add to that the very real possibility that a President Obama would appoint two or three Supreme Court judges. There would be virtually no check on the power held by liberal Democrats and they would feel emboldened by the election to claim a mandate for anything they proposed.

"This is a scenario that should frighten all but those in the most extreme left wing of the Democrat Party, but I don’t think it is a scenario that most voters have really considered. Those in the media are not going to write or talk about Obama’s extreme liberal voting record, just as they have not, and will not, investigate his associations with the likes of domestic terrorists, slumlords, and fat cats that fleeced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

Obama Advisor Pledged $1 Trillion in Sub-Prime Loans As Fannie Mae CEO

"James A. Johnson--the man chosen by Sen. Barack Obama to lead his vice presidential search committee---served as head of the Federal National Mortgage Association, or 'Fannie Mae,' from 1991 to 1998, receiving a reported $21 million in compensation upon his departure.

"As CEO of Fannie Mae, Johnson set a goal of buying up $1 trillion in low-income mortgage loans, a move that eventually helped trigger what would become the sub-prime mortgage crisis."

Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign

"In a letter dated June 25, 2008, the FEC asked the Obama campaign to verify a series of $25 donations from a contributor identified as 'Will, Good' from Austin, Texas.

"Mr. Good Will listed his employer as 'Loving' and his profession as 'You.'

"A Newsmax analysis of the 1.4 million individual contributions in the latest master file for the Obama campaign discovered 1,000 separate entries for Mr. Good Will, most of them for $25.

"In total, Mr. Good Will gave $17,375....

"Similarly, a donor identified as 'Pro, Doodad,' from 'Nando, NY,' gave $19,500 in 786 separate donations, most of them for $25. For most of these donations, Mr. Doodad Pro listed his employer as 'Loving' and his profession as 'You,' just as Good Will had done."

Obama's Leftism

"The details of Obama’s association with Ayers remain somewhat shrouded because both Ayers and Dohrn have refused to discuss it, while Obama and his spokesmen have prevaricated about it. When, during one of the televised primary debates, George Stephanopoulos asked about his connection to Ayers, Obama replied:

This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was eight years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn’t make much sense.

"Later, Obama’s campaign manager, David Axelrod, added: 'Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school.” If this is true, Ayers’s children must be slow learners, since they are thirty-one and twenty-eight while Obama’s are nine and six. But Obama’s own reply, though less bald-faced than Axelrod’s, was thoroughly disingenuous. Thanks to the meticulous investigations of the Left-leaning blogger Steven Diamond (, the story of Obama and Ayers’s collaboration has been seeping into the public record despite extraordinary efforts to seal it."

Three Fundamental Economic Questions for Senator Obama

'Senator Obama has declared the rich to be those who make over $250,000, and pledges only to raise taxes on the top 5% of Americans. Using 2005 figures, there were roughly 6,630,000 filers out of over 132,000,000 in the top 5% who made 36% of all adjusted gross income, but paid 60% of federal taxes. Expanding the analysis to the top 25% of Americans would capture 33,152,909 filers. Those Americans made 68% of all adjusted gross income, but paid 85% of federal taxes, which left only 15% of federal taxes to be paid by the remaining 99,000,000 filers.

"In fact, the bottom 50% is comprised of 66,000,000 filers who made 13% of all adjusted gross income, but only paid 3% of federal taxes. Even more troubling, the bottom 20% of Americans who paid .8% of federal taxes will see their share of federal taxes drop to a negative .12% under Senator Obama’s tax plan. That means they will get money from the federal government even though they paid no federal taxes.

"These incontrovertible facts lead to the one very simply question posed above that Senator Obama should answer. Does he think the top 25% should pay 100% of federal taxes? Should the entire burden be paid for by the top 5% of Americans? Who should pay and how much should they pay? He should tell us. As Barry Goldwater stated in The Conscience of a Conservative, 'Government does not have an unlimited claim on the earnings of individuals.'”

Fannie Mae in Bed with Obama

"Why didn't we hear that Fannie Mae gave millions of dollars to Democrats...and who was in the top two candidates who received donations? Sen. Barack Obama. Why didn't we hear about the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act "that requires bank and savings and loan associations to offer credit throughout their entire market area" which basically means that for the past 35 years, banks have been required to give loans to people who they knew (from day one) could never repay the loans?"

The Death of Common Sense in America

"Just to name a few examples, when you borrow money, it does eventually have to be paid back. You shouldn't buy a house you can't afford. Nobody owes you a living. It's not justice when the rulings of judges depend on ideology and personal preferences, not the Constitution. If we set up a tax system that puts all the taxes on the people at the top, they'll eventually, one way or the other, find a way to stop paying the check -- whether it be through loopholes, deliberately earning less money, or just leaving the country. Families are the building block of our society and the government should be extremely careful when it passes legislation that could negatively impact the family structure. People come before animals. You reap what you sow. It's good for America to have a patriotic populace. Many other countries aren't 'nice' and don't 'wish us well.' There is no such thing as a 'free' lunch. People who do a bad job shouldn't be rewarded for it. When you deliberately lie, your credibility should suffer for it. You don't have a 'right' to other people's property. You are the person primarily responsible for taking care of yourself."

The Blame Game

"When Speaker Nancy Pelosi took to the floor of the House on Monday to blame Republicans for the financial turmoil and charge them with a laissez-fare attitude toward regulation, it seemed like a calculated effort to shift attention and accountability from what Democrats have done to create the current conditions. Fortunately, we have YouTube so Democrats can run from their records, but they can't hide."

America's move toward tyranny

"Americans demand that Congress spend trillions of dollars on farm subsidies, business bailouts, education subsidies, Social Security, Medicare and prescription drugs and other elements of a welfare state. The problem is that Congress produces nothing. Whatever Congress wishes to give, it first has to take other people's money. Thus, at the root of the welfare state is the immorality of intimidation, threats and coercion backed up with the threat of violence by the agents of the U.S. Congress. In order for Congress to do what some Americans deem as good, it must first do evil. It must do that which if done privately would mean a jail sentence; namely, take the property of one American to give to another.

"According to a Washington Post article (June 22, 2005), there were nearly 35,000 highly paid registered lobbyists in Washington in 2004 who spent $2.1 billion lobbying the White House, Congress and various agencies on behalf of various interest groups. Political action committees, private donors and companies give billions of dollars to political campaigns. My question to you: Do you think that these people are spending billions of dollars to assist presidents and congressmen to better perform their sworn oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution? If you do, you're a fine candidate for a straitjacket. For the most part, the money is being spent to get politicians and government officials to use their coercive power to create a favor or special privilege for one American at the expense of some other American."

Revolution You Can Believe In

"Alinsky viewed as supremely important the role of the organizer, or master manipulator, whose guidance was responsible for setting the agendas of the People’s Organization... Alinsky laid out a set of basic principles to guide the actions and decisions of radical organizers and the People’s Organizations they established. The organizer, he said, ‘must first rub raw the resentments of the people; fan the latent hostilities to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act.’[40] The organizer’s function, he added, was ‘to agitate to the point of conflict’[41] and ‘to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a 'dangerous enemy.' ‘[42] ‘The word ‘enemy,’ said Alinsky, ‘is sufficient to put the organizer on the side of the people’;[43] i.e., to convince members of the community that he is so eager to advocate on their behalf, that he has willingly opened himself up to condemnation and derision."

How Obama Applies Alinsky's Rules

"Barack Obama's mocking of John McCain, while urging his followers to 'get in their face,' are tactics right out of his radical hero Saul Alinsky's playbook: ridicule and agitation."

Why the Debates Don’t Matter

"There are no present or future revelations, no matter how powerful, no matter how damning, that will derail this speeding train. 57% of America approves. 57% of America has spoken, and they have said that nothing, absolutely nothing that we have uncovered, or may uncover in the future, makes a damn bit of difference to them. 57% of America will not be dissuaded from their choice. 57% of America approves."

Saul Alinsky’s son: “Obama learned his lesson well”

"In Artful Dodger style, Barack Obama, plays down his mentorship with Communist author Saul Alinsky. But Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, credits Obama for 'learning his lesson well' from the Communist guru."

"'Alinsky considered himself a realist above all, the ultimate pragmatist.' (American Thinker, Aug. 30, 2008). 'As a confirmed atheist, Alinsky believed that the here and now is all there is, and therefore had no qualms about assorted versions of morality in the pursuit of worldly power. He didn’t coddle his radical acolytes or encourage their bourgeois distinctions between good and evil when it came to transferring power from the Haves to the Have Nots. Alinsky saw the already formed church communities as being the perfect springboards for agitation and creating bonds for demanding goods and services.'”

Obama's Hypocrisy

"They found George Hussein Onyango Obama, living in Huruma, a slum on the outskirts of Nairobi Kenya. Huruma is a lawless area and would make the south side of Chicago look like a peaceful sanctuary. The youngest of the Obama clan lives in a 6 by 9 foot corrugated metal shack. An open sewer runs down the middle of the dirt street in front of his house but George said, 'I've pretty much had a good life. I think I've lived OK.' George was embarrassed by the Vanity Fair article, but his lifestyle is a far cry from his brother's opulent lifestyle.

"Barack has met his youngest half brother a couple of times and even mentioned him in his autobiography, so it isn't like Barack doesn't know about his half brother. Barack parrots the passage from Mathew when he wants to embarrass the U.S. but he seems to ignore the passage when it comes to caring for his siblings. If someone like George wasn't the intended subject of the passage in Mathew - who was? Who does Obama think should take care of the least of his brothers? Obama's answer is someone else - namely you."


"The US Democratic Party maintains illiteracy in the black community by control of public education through the teachers unions (in turn controlled by the Local Dem. Party)."

Obama & Live Birth Abortion / Induced Labor Abortions / Infanticide Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Video

Watch the video...

Obamanomics 101: For Useful Idiots

"Would 2% of Americans paying 70% of the federal tab be enough? Would 80% be enough? Or are we simply working our way towards the top 2-5% paying 100% of the federal tab?

"This is Obamanomics 101 in a nutshell. It isn’t new, so it isn’t a change. It is more of the same."

Obama has Issues and He’s Wrong on All of Them

"This is the problem with blindly entrusting your future to an individual who has accomplished nothing of any consequence in his past. It’s not hope you’re feeling, its euphoric blind faith.

"As is always the case with career rabble rousers (aka community organizers), the fact that they have never been in the game does not hamper their ability to talk a good game. Obama says that words mean something and without any deeds to talk about, he’s right. However, compared to action and real experience, or in his case a complete lack thereof, empty words mean damn little."

Barack Obama & Government-Mandated Infantcide

"In 1977, six justices of the Supreme Court of the United States (Powell, Burger [Chief Justice], Stewart, White, Rehnquist, Stevens) subscribed to this monstrous proposition by tacitly accepting Powell’s example that excess population growth might be a sufficiently legitimate government interest to allow a state to compel abortion. "

Featuring Frank: Symbol of failure

"In 2002, shortly before accounting irregularities were exposed at both companies, Frank said, 'I do not regard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as problems,' The Wall Street Journal reported. After the Freddie Mac accounting scandal in 2003, Frank said, 'I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis.'

The Media & Race: Getting It Wrong

"Black America is an indelible part of the American soul, a part that a majority of Americans respect and even admire. The push polls on racial attitudes aside, urban problems are American problems and they respond to American solutions, not welfare handouts. Yet entitlement politics are the political heart of most Democrat run cities in this nation. They never succeed in alleviating the problems they adopt as causes and their populist campaigns hit the same themes election after election. You would think that the problems of education in Chicago, employment in Michigan, and crime in St Louis would have made great strides forward after all the enlightened leftist advocacy and billions of tax payer dollars. Not so. Most of the money is funneled to corrupt politicians and leftist groups whose activity is disguised as social work; Obama’s participation in Bill Ayers Annenberg Challenge is a case in point. Five hundred million of taxpayer dollars down the Chicago rat hole with no appreciable improvement in education."

Socialism Is Coming to America

"There is a bipartisan note: both sides agree that there should be a new government board assigned to monitor America’s transition into a socialist economy."

Myths about Roe v. Wade; don't let them dictate how you vote

"Before Roe v. Wade in 1973 each state decided how to deal with the issue of abortion; so all a reversal of the Roe decision would do would be to return it to the states as it was before Roe where people - pro-life and abortion advocates alike – have an opportunity to decide how their state deals with abortion.

"All the hysteria about the possibility that a Republican elected to the White House will “take away a women’s right to choose” is nothing more than Democrat hyperbole to win the presidency and keep Democrat majorities in the House and Senate because the facts are otherwise."

Search: Women's shelter cuts Bernhard after gang-rape line

"A women's shelter on Wednesday cut headliner Sandra Bernhard from its annual benefit after she said Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin would be gang-raped if she ever visited New York.

"Bernhard's made the remarks last month during her one-woman show in Washington before Palin visited New York to campaign. Bernhard said Palin would be 'gang-raped by my big black brothers' during a diatribe in which she also criticized Palin for opposing abortion rights."