Sunday, October 19, 2008


“Obama … has co-sponsored a bill-strongly opposed by McCain-that would authorize the large-scale industrial production of human embryos for use in biomedical research in which they would be killed. In fact, the bill Obama co-sponsored would effectively require the killing of human beings in the embryonic stage that were produced by cloning. It would make it a federal crime for a woman to save an embryo by agreeing to have the tiny developing human being implanted in her womb so that he or she could be brought to term. This 'clone and kill' bill would, if enacted, bring something to America that has heretofore existed only in China-the equivalent of legally mandated abortion. In an audacious act of deceit, Obama and his co-sponsors misleadingly call this an anti-cloning bill. But it is nothing of the kind. What it bans is not cloning, but allowing the embryonic children produced by cloning to survive.”

I mean, it is only a human life. Disposable.


"Many Protestants are no different from Catholics in the way they view abortion. They’ve hardened their hearts. In order for them to achieve a 'peace about it' they must cast the Bible aside, which is a Christian’s guide for living, and make up rules they’re comfortable with. Liberal Christians detest hearing that God condemns their unholy lifestyle choices, so they deal with it by ridiculing anyone who quotes the scriptures to shore up an argument. The sad thing is, pro-abort Christians have been taken in by the radical feminist’s lie that 'every child should be a wanted child.' Those are the words of the Destroyer!"

Suffer the little children or let the little children suffer?

The Real Threat of Censorship

"Now, the Obama campaign has taken the next logical step. Obama troops openly seek to censor campaign ads critical of Obama by threatening private lawsuits and, much more dangerously, punitive actions by public prosecutors against anyone who, in their partisan opinion, does not tell the truth about Obama. The Left now seeks openly to shut up not only those voices who operate on the public airways, like talk radio, but it seeks to shut up any voices who challenge their positions.

"It is impossible to overstate the danger of this sort of militancy. Even the pretense of freedom has been shoved aside. The notion of open discussion is in the garbage can. Only one opinion counts, and that is the opinion of the Leader – Barack Obama. We witnessed a bit of this within the Democrat Party earlier: When Republicans crossed over to vote for Obama, Democrats openly menaced this free exercise of a constitutional prerogative of expression. Opposing Obama has, almost, become a crime to some Leftists."

They would probably give me a life sentence for doing this blog and


"More frighteningly, speech codes and the very term 'politically incorrect' (This blog is shamelessly "politically incorrect" and proud to be so -- Ed.) have been formally adopted by college administrations as the proper way to speak, to write, and to think. Coercion, not persuasion, has become the preferred means of advancing Leftism. Why then should we be so surprised that partisans in political campaigns now find the Left menacing them for politically incorrect versions of truth?

"What will prevent the Left from enforcing censorship on America? Scruples? The Left already lies without remorse. Justice? The Duke Lacrosse Team and Scooter Libby can tell you how little justice means to the Left when politics is at issue. Freedom? The ugly reality is that the Left does not believe in any kind of freedom - the socialism of Leftism always presupposed that economic 'security' trumped economic freedom, but Leftism cannot and does not try to limit its hatred of freedom to only one sphere of life. All the Left does, really, is punish those who challenge it.

"Now that Leftist lust for control, that will to enslave, that intention to crush any rival to Leftist power is dangerously brazen and critically close to becoming real. If that happens, if an Obama Administration led by a lockstep Leftist Congress could wield federal power to genuinely stifle the voice of oppression. An assumption that people who have shown no restraint at all in their pursuit of power would not take the last, bitter, necessary step toward the sort of control which the Left once exercised is an error. Perhaps, for us, it may be the most tragic error in the history of our republic."

Obama: This Battle Is Not Over!

"Today, people are caught up with the fervor of a charismatic leader in Obama who tried to emulate Preachers in the Black tradition. But his followers don’t understand that he has no idea where he is headed or what he’ll do once he gets there. You see, it is all about power and control and the lack of accountability for the responsibility. And, in the hands of the inexperienced and uncaring, that is a deadly combination."


"What do you suppose Obama will do as the President? How would you like to wake up and hear that the TV and radio and all forms of communication had been taken over by our government and that all of those American government agencies that have names like alphabet soup have been taken over by the Obama Administration and shut down. And, in their place there would be an imposed, nationally closed Communal Party? And, all of the people who would need to be helped would first have to pledge their allegiance to Obama. So overwhelming would be the power placed into the hands of a man who cannot even be entrusted with his own character much less with the protection and defense of an entire nation that it must not be granted.

"Don’t scoff. We are dealing with an inexperienced young man in Obama. He has street smarts and book knowledge, but he has an aversion to the truth, either hearing it or telling it. He does not seem to understand how much he will be the pawn and the puppet in the hands of those same community organizations he helped to develop and train. And he lacks the will and the strength to hold them back as a force to be reckoned with. What’s more, we must not forget that with the help of another possible term for Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid and all of their leftist new democratic socialist party, they will be able to succeed in having this entire nation placed in the same dismal shape of our economy and banks. And, they will maintain deniability for any downfall, if any." (It's Bush's fault.)

Power elite in New York began to reform the financial market in May, 2007

"Geithner’s description of the financial elite in crisis mode came many months before the recent meltdown of Bear Stearns, yet foreshadowed [it] in an uncanny way. The people ... described by Geithner, plus a few thousand more like them, not only in business and finance, but also politics, the arts, the nonprofit world and other realms, are part of a new global elite that has emerged over the past several decades. I call it the 'superclass.' They have vastly more power than any other group on the planet. Each of the members is set apart by his ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide. Each actively exercises this power, and often amplifies it through the development of relationships with other superclass members. "

It’s Americanism vs. Socialism on November 4th

Wealth redistribution is one of the core tenets of Socialism: 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.' Expressing a desire to 'spread the wealth around,' indicates that Sen. Obama favors the Socialist dogma of income or wealth redistribution. This means he favors social/economic engineering; where those who possess less are afforded more at the demise of those who dedicated themselves to earning more."


"Simply put, it is naïve to believe that giving someone something for nothing – or something simply because he doesn’t have it – instills a desire to strive for attaining anything. In fact, it demonstrates to him that he will be taken care of – by his fellow citizens through taxation and the subsequent redistribution of wealth – even if he contributes nothing to society; especially if he contributes nothing to society.

"Additionally, taking something away from someone after they have worked to acquire it – especially when it is given to someone who did nothing to earn it – diminishes the desire to be productive. Eventually you are left with an apathetic populace constantly looking to feed from the public trough; you end up with a situation where government must provide for all because those who earn have ceased to exist. This is the sad, albeit prophetic irony of Ayn Rand’s work Atlas Shrugged.

"This end game – socially engineering a society to create dependency under the guise of 'giving those "without" a chance at success' – feeds directly into Mr. Obama’s vision of what government should be; the provider. It creates a power-base more potent than any military force the world has ever known. It succeeds by killing the strength of independence and the Right of the individual, and eradicating the American entrepreneurial spirit while placing government at the center of society, as the mother, the father, the provider.

"Make no mistake, 'my friends,' the ideology of the Progressive-Left is rooted in Socialism and right now their candidate, Barack Obama, is slightly ahead in the polls."

So America wants Socialism, eh?

"In the mid-sixties, Union activists started visiting my Dad’s shop, pressuring [harassing] him to hire Union Employees and pay Union Wages. As Ohio was a 'right to work' state at that time [as I recall]. Dad told them that this was his business and that if they wanted to set the rules that they should go start their own business. This was unacceptable to these organizers. I remember the resulting vandalism, a slashed tire the following night on the family’s only vehicle. Our vehicle served as family car and business vehicle. This was that taste of the kind of 'thugocracy' that columnist Michael Barone warned of recently. I have always retained a bad taste in my mouth for Union Organizers because of this. Calls to the police never resulted in any arrests. Telephone threats persisted. Today, forty years later, ACORN has shown that nothing has changed."


"Believe me, I have lived in Socialist Western Europe for six years and spent a lot of time in Communist East Berlin in the 1980s. If the crushing taxes, restrictive regulations and the endless state propaganda in these societies do not crush your spirit, the utter boredom due to living in the collective conformity of ideas and attitudes will. If we allow another four to eight years of Liberal Super Majorities to rule over America, we will not recognize our county once that transformation is complete."

John Stossel Politically Incorrect

"John Stossel on 20/20 examines why Americans idolize political candidates when season after election season they make outlandish promises they never keep and we worship them for it.

"This six part series reveals the psychology of American politics and the fallacy of believing in a national leadership."

Behold his mighty hand!

Iraqi protest: America please leave now - VIDEO

"Thousands of followers of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have marched through Baghdad in protest at a pact that would allow U.S. forces to stay in Iraq for three more years."

A Democratic controlled Washington will rule by fear

"Some people want to argue with me that Barack Obama will end the wars in the Middle East. I don’t see that happening when the Democrats in Congress are so eager to expand funding and have not made a peep about reducing the US force commitment over seas. The Democratic Congress quietly passed a $615 billion defense spending bill during the $700 billion bailout package last month and not a word from the so called liberal press."

$615 billion? Not a dime to homeowners in trouble? Hmmm....

Obama: Springing a “Leak?”

"What do liberals fear the most? Having their true agenda revealed prior to an election. That is precisely why the Obama campaign and its media echo chamber have attempted to destroy Joe Wurzelbacher, aka 'Joe the Plumber.'"It is ironic that liberals, who consider themselves intellectually superior to ordinary Americans, have completely missed the point regarding Mr. Wurzelbacher. It is not the man himself who resonates. He is nothing more than a symbol for millions of 'Joe Plumber Americans' sick to death at the prospect of having their hard-earned wealth 'spread around' by the self-professed arbiters of fairness. And their concern is only heightened as they watch an ordinary guy like Mr. Wurzelbacher having his life dragged through the media mud–for no other reason than asking the Anointed One a question that blew the cover off his carefully crafted image."Memo to the libs: It wasn’t the question Mr. Wurzelbacher asked that snapped a lot of Americans back to reality. It was Barack Obama’s answer to it."


"The coordinated attempt to ruin Mr. Wurzelbacher is a damning indication of what Americans can expect from an Obama administration: there will be no toleration of dissenting viewpoints. Those that dare to challenge Mr. Obama’s 'vision' will have their entire lives subjected to an exhaustive investigation–the sole purpose of which will be to assassinate the dissenter’s character and subject him or her to national ridicule."

Let's watch that new game show "Who Wants to be a Political Target?"

The Video Every Undecided Voter Needs to See

Watch the video.

'Joe' wildly received on Fox News show

"'It actually upsets me,' Mr. Wurzelbacher said. 'I am a plumber, and just a plumber, and here Barack Obama or John McCain, I mean these guys are going to deal with some serious issues coming up shortly. The media's worried about whether I paid my taxes, they're worried about any number of silly things that have nothing to do with America. They really don't. I asked a question. When you can't ask a question to your leaders anymore, that gets scary. That bothers me.'"

Lesson: If you are a coward, do not approach Democratic presidential candidates with your questions. You will be sliced, diced, carved, and served at a media barbeque.

Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama for president

Game over.

"Powell says both Obama and Republican John McCain are qualified to be commander in chief. But, in an interview Sunday on NBC's 'Meet the Press," he said Obama is better suited to handle the nation's economic problems as well as help improve it's standing in the world. "

Please do not tell me that since Powell was four-star general and a war veteran, he should know know Obama is qualified to be commander in chief, Powell having an unbiased opinion.


"For forty years there has been unfettered immigration (legal and illegal) into the United States. The social costs and detriment to U.S. culture has been enormous. Today there is great media play on the illegal 'immigrants' who have come to America and opened businesses, became “successful” and raised children. There has been no mention of the vast majority who have bankrupted hospitals, knocked-up underage girls, joined gangs, killed others while driving drunk, formed drug cartels, smuggled other aliens and drugs across the border, and generally wrecked havoc in American society. For the first time in American history you can go for emergency medical treatment and have to wait behind a line of illegal aliens receiving treatment for free. For the first time in the history of the USA, our prisons have 30% illegal aliens."

and a sobering thought:

"The Bolshevik revolution was brought about by less than 1% of the population while 99% of the people stood by and watched. What are you doing? Will you sit by and watch while we turn into a huge global 'International Park'?"


"While officials from many states point their fingers at the conservatives for America's economic woes, they fail to mention that providing free healthcare, free education, and other benefits once reserved for bona fide US citizens contributed to the current economic crisis.

"'Currently, organizations such as the Center for Immigration Studies are looking at how many of the housing foreclosures are connected to illegal aliens buying homes they could not afford. Hell, groups such as ACORN encourage illegal aliens to vote, buy homes, support liberal-left candidates and other activities,' said Mike Baker."


"If everyone ACORN/Project Vote registered in Virginia this year votes, the Democrats will take Virginia with a margin of 43,784 votes. Virginia is one of the few States in which Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin will have an impact. In 2004, Baldwin and Michael Peroutka took 10,161 votes in Virginia. If Baldwin doubles his showing, the Republican numbers drop by 10 thousand, and the margin of victory for the Democrats becomes approximately 54 thousand votes. The Democrats—and their allies in the liberal media—will claim the voters were hard hit by the economy, and showed their disdain for the Republican banking collapse by voting for Obama (who, together with Sen. Chris Dodd, the Congressional Black Caucus and Carter-era and Clinton-era laws which forced US banks to loan money to minority buyers without the credit standing to merit the loans. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac intensified the problem by guaranteeing millions of bad loans, as favors to politicians, that ultimately collapsed)."

Why The Left Always Resorts To Brute Force

"Only two days later Obama, Biden, the DNC, and many in the mainstream leftist establishment (you call them the media) go wall to wall on the attack against... the man who asked the question, not the one who gave the answer."


"One lesson learned from this week: when the left feel weakened they will level you with brute force, if necessary, to keep their stranglehold on the lifeline to our pocketbooks."