Wealth redistribution is one of the core tenets of Socialism: '
From each according to his ability,
to each according to his need.' Expressing a desire to 'spread the wealth around,' indicates that Sen. Obama favors the Socialist dogma of
income or wealth redistribution. This means he favors social/economic engineering; where those who possess less are afforded more at the demise of those who dedicated themselves to earning more."
"Simply put, it is naïve to believe that giving someone something for nothing – or something simply because he doesn’t have it – instills a desire to strive for attaining
anything. In fact, it demonstrates to him that he will be taken care of – by his fellow citizens through taxation and the subsequent redistribution of wealth – even if he contributes nothing to society;
especially if he contributes nothing to society.
"Additionally, taking something away from someone after they have worked to acquire it –
especially when it is given to someone who did
nothing to earn it – diminishes the desire to be productive. Eventually you are left with an apathetic populace constantly looking to feed from the public trough; you end up with a situation where government
must provide for all because those who earn have ceased to exist. This is the sad, albeit prophetic irony of Ayn Rand’s work
Atlas Shrugged.
"This end game – socially engineering a society to create dependency under the guise of 'giving those "without" a chance at success' – feeds directly into Mr. Obama’s vision of what government should be; the
provider. It creates a power-base more potent than any military force the world has ever known. It succeeds by killing the strength of independence and the Right of the individual, and eradicating the American entrepreneurial spirit while placing government at the center of society, as the mother, the father, the
"Make no mistake, 'my friends,' the ideology of the Progressive-Left is rooted in Socialism and right now their candidate, Barack Obama, is slightly ahead in the polls."