Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Obama sows seeds of demise
For Americans to conclude that they disapprove of their president in the midst of an earth-shaking crisis is very difficult. But as Obama’s daily line moves from 'I inherited this mess' to 'There are faint signs of light,' the clock starts ticking. If there is no recovery for the next six months — and I don’t think there will be — Obama will inevitably become part of the problem, not part of the solution.
"And then will come his heavy lifting. He has yet to raise taxes, regiment healthcare or provide amnesty for illegal immigrants. He hasn’t closed down the car companies he now runs and he has not yet forced a 50 percent hike in utility bills with his cap-and-trade legislation. These are all the goodies he has in store for us all.
"Obama’s very activism these days arrogates to himself the blame for the success or failure of his policies. Their outcome will determine his outcome, and there is no way it will be positive.
• You can’t borrow as much as he will need to without raising interest rates that hurt the economy;
• The massive amount of spending will trigger runaway inflation once the economy starts to recover;
• His overhaul of the tax code (still in the planning phases) and his intervention in corporate management will create such business uncertainty that nobody will invest in anything until they see the lay of the land;
• His bank program is designed to help banks, but not to catalyze consumer lending. And his proposal for securitization of consumer loans won’t work and is just what got us into this situation.
"So Mr. Obama should enjoy his poll numbers while he may."
Notes from a lapsed Democrat
"Obama has also proven himself to be a liar of such proportions that if he had started out life like Pinocchio, his nose by this time would stretch from sea to shining sea. He has fibbed about everything from barely knowing Bill Ayers to never listening to a Jeremiah Wright screed, from banishing pork and lobbyists to providing transparency and change we can all believe in. On top of all that, while spouting the usual political piffle about economizing and saving the environment, he hosted the largest, most expensive inauguration in history, and from the way he and his posse jet around on the fuel-guzzling Air Force One, you'd think he was a rock star.
"All of that would be no more or less than business as usual, Washington style, if he weren't also working overtime to simultaneously bankrupt the country and turn America into a socialist state patterned after Castro's Cuba.
"The scariest part of all this is that so many Americans continue to root him on. Those of us who are opposed to his agenda are accused, like Rush Limbaugh, of hoping America fails. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. What we're hoping for is that America can somehow survive this frontal assault on our freedoms, and that our economic system can remain basically intact in spite of the combined efforts of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd and Geithner to destroy it.
"When I hear people in and out of the media who should get down on their knees and thank God or at least their ancestors that they were lucky enough to be born in America, instead parrot left-wing insults about this country, I want to slap them silly. I sometimes wonder if those folks who, in the 1950s, nattered incessantly about the Communist-inspired fluoride conspiracy were right. Perhaps there was something in the water that turned so many brains to mush. I mean, why else would so many of my fellow Jews be so utterly convinced that Barack Obama is the messiah we've been waiting for?
"For what it's worth, now that the president has fired CEO Rick Wagoner and taken over General Motors, do you suppose it will henceforth be called Commander in Chief Motors, and that Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet
How laws have replaced civility
"During the 1940s, my family lived in North Philadelphia's Richard Allen housing project. Many families didn't lock doors until late at night, if ever. No one ever thought of installing bars on their windows. Hot, humid summer nights found many people sleeping outside on balconies or lawn chairs. Starting in the '60s and '70s, doing the same in some neighborhoods would have been tantamount to committing suicide. Keep in mind that the 1940s and '50s were a time of gross racial discrimination, high black poverty and few opportunities compared to today. The fact that black neighborhoods were far more civilized at that time should give pause to the excuses of today that blames today's pathology on poverty and discrimination.
"Policemen and laws can never replace customs, traditions and moral values as a means for regulating human behavior. At best, the police and criminal justice system are the last desperate line of defense for a civilized society. Our increased reliance on laws to regulate behavior is a measure of how uncivilized we've become."
Miss California is right
"Since when did denying what you think simply to appease others to get what you want become a celebrated virtue? Homosexual activists constantly promote tolerance and 'being true to yourself' – except when you oppose their views. That is hypocrisy, and it has some dangerous ramifications.
"The fact is that in a few years, Miss California's words could not only cost her a beauty pageant title but could place her behind bars. Congress is again considering a bill to make it a federal 'hate crime' to commit certain acts because of the victim's 'gender identity' or 'sexual orientation.' Although Democrats have tried to assure the public that mere speech would not be impinged under such 'thought crimes,' just last week on April 23, Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, let it slip that the 'hate crimes' bill was designed to 'protect those potential victims who may be the recipients of hateful words or hateful acts.'
"At the same time, Perez Hilton's venomous response to Miss California's statement has really done us a favor: It has shown us that liberals and homosexual activists will not rest until America accepts their redefinition of marriage as the next step in our cultural 'evolution.' It has also emphasized their harbored belief that any who refuse to toe that politically correct line deserve hatred, discrimination and perhaps prison.
"Liberal judges and radical homosexuals alike want everybody else to think and do as they say, even as they call 'evil good, and good evil' (Isaiah 5:20). They protect freedom of expression for their opinions only, and they are prepared to bully, judge or jail any dissenters.
"If you are not yet concerned, then you are not paying attention."