Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stem Cell Research & Barack Obama

"A reader wrote in recently to explain why people needn't worry when President Barack Obama glibly dismisses the destruction of ordinary Americans' finances, insults a key ally's visiting prime minister, makes clumsy overtures to Russia that get leaked and laughed off, grows federal power exponentially -- that sort of thing.

"'Has anyone considered,' the reader asks, 'that President Barack Obama is very good both at multitasking and at seeing things as a system and interconnected? I think that's why he is doing so many things at the same time. Most of us do not have these skills and are lost by his process and speed.'

"I'll be darned. And all this time, I thought he was trying to keep us from guessing which shell the pea was under."

Obama too sunny?

"Having defended Obama's candidacy largely on his economic team, I'm having serious buyer's remorse. Geithner, who is rapidly starting to look like the weakest link, is rattling around by himself in Treasury. Meanwhile, the administration is clearly prioritized a stimulus package that will not work without fixing the banks over, um, fixing the banking system. Unlike most fiscal conservatives, I'm not mad at him for trying to increase the size of the government; that's, after all, what he got elected promising to do. But he also promised to be non-partisan and accountable, and the size and composition stimulus package looks like just one more attempt to ram through his ideological agenda without much scrutiny, with the heaviest focus on programs that will be especially hard to cut."

America -- what have you done?

"And how did the 44th President react to the growing public dismay over the mess he was making? He threw his toys out of the pram -- or perhaps that should read, he got into the pram. For he fled the scene of the disaster and sought the company of seven year-olds instead. As the Telegraph reported:

‘We were just tired of being in the White House,’ he told a group of excited seven-year-olds before discussing Batman and reading them a book.

"Tired of being President – after two weeks!

"Tax cheats, pork-barrel politics, ancillary child abuse, incompetence, chaos, treachery and infantilism. America – what have you done?!"

Ted Hayes

Obama's 'change' looks like communism

"People have forgotten that the only thing the government can give you is something they have taken away from somebody else. That lesson is on the blackboard right now, so you better pay attention.As for me, you can keep the change, 'cause it doesn't look like it is going to be good for us."

Obama's Confidence Game

"I don´t care what excuses Capitol Hill throws out there to deflect attention away from the President on this one. Do you mean to tell me that Obama could not take a stand and send that bill back for some trimming? At least make a show of living up to his campaign promises? Of course he could! So why won´t he? Politics as usual, knowing that one hand washes the other. I do this for you this time, and you owe me a solid next time."

False Promises: Obama Won’t Veto Pork Spending


'The worthless Obama promise to stop earmarks will soon be broken …True to Chicago style, Obama will break his no-earmarks pledge and sign the $409.6 billion earmark laden omnibus…Obama can’t be trusted….'"

I love their sidebar:


"Over 4 Months since Obama elected... has anything changed besides the date?"

'What is Obama ashamed of?'

America's third largest party asked Wednesday why President Obama enacted the $490 billion FY09 omnibus spending and its over 8,500 earmarks behind closed doors, and despite campaign promises to end earmark abuse.

"President Obama's decision to hide from the media while signing this bill isn't just a violation of his promise of transparency, it's an attempt to avoid questions about breaking another promise to end earmark abuse," said Libertarian National Committee Communications Director Donny Ferguson.

"He promised to end earmarks. He promised transparency. He promised fiscal responsibility. He didn't mean a word of it. More and more Americans realize his crippling taxes and crushing debt are prescriptions for prolonged economic suffering. Now he has to hide behind closed doors to sign his pork-stuffed plan to explode wasteful spending," said Ferguson.

Libertarians support an economic renewal plan centered on tax and regulatory relief for employers, preserving the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts that blunted previous recessions and greatly simplifying the tax code for employers and taxpayers. Polls such as Rasmussen show voters prefer the Libertarian approach over the Republican and Democrat plans to increase government spending.

Abortion: The robbing of a heritage

Abortion: The robbing of a heritage

By Rev. Johnny Hunter
Life Education and Resource Network

Abortion is racism in its ugliest form. Because of some very suave planning by abortion supporters and providers, abortionists have eliminated more African American children than the KKK ever lynched. This is one truth that is very disturbing. Think about it. From 1973 to 1992, abortionists have snuffed out the lives of over nine million African American children before their first birthday. Over nine million beautiful black children were prevented from ever having the opportunity to become artists, musicians, doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges, taxi drivers, ambulance drivers, nurses, secretaries, senators, representatives, salesmen, sales clerks, computer programmers, analysts, managers, waitresses, waiters, tellers, leaders, followers, ordinary people, extraordinary people, parents, grandparents, and ancestors. They were robbed of the most essential of all rights--the right to life. They were robbed of their opportunities, and those of us who remain are robbed of their contributions to humanity.

When liberal racists defend abortion as a way to help blacks, I challenge them to show me the bodies of the dead African American children the abortionists have helped.

When a plantation Negro says he supports abortion because he cares about the sisters, mothers and daughters, he is a hypocrite of the lowest order. To deny the next generation of brothers and sisters the right to exist is the ultimate self-destructing mechanism in the African American community.

When two out of every three minority babies are aborted, it doesn't take a mathematical genius to understand the effect this will have on the minority race in the United States of America.

I find it dangerous the way abortion is promoted today. In the July 1992 issue of Life magazine, you will read an attempt by white media to be objective. It amazes me that objectivity means printing and showing both sides of abortion, which kills babies, but avoids showing the victims the effect of violence on the abortion table.

I am glad the media are not being objective about hard drugs. If they covered it like abortion, they would have to let the drug dealers get equal time to show the good side of the business (high salaries for teens) but avoid showing victims of overdose and the effect of violence in the drug world.

In the article titled "The Great Divide," a young black woman getting an abortion is pictured twice and quoted several times. The black man, who is a pro-life leader and supports the right to life for all children, was only pictured once and never quoted. Also, two young white women are both comforting the black woman while she is getting an abortion. What the reader does not know is that the white woman holding the hand of the black woman treats black women who attempt to offer help to their sisters before they enter a clinic in a much different way. She curses and body-checks them.

I suspect that the editors of Life magazine made a calculated decision with total disregard for the racist implications of this "objective" article. Of course they almost showed Tia, who according to a pathologist was a victim of an induced abortion. However, to be objective, they did refer to the child as a fetus and mentioned a county coroner's opinion that the fetus was a stillborn. They did not mention that the reputable medical sources believed the child was a child of color. Was Life magazine supporting racism and annihilation of the black race? I believe so. Was it intentional? For some on their staff, no; for others, yes; although they will not admit it. The most liberal white (person), while supporting abortion, does not want to be exposed for encouraging abortion of black children.

The saddest crisis of all is the ignorance and indifference displayed by prominent black people and black magazines. The September 1992 issue of Ebony magazine contains a full-page advertisement favoring abortion, produced by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. The ad smacks of the racist overtones of Margaret Sanger's "Negro Project." Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood, implemented the "Negro Project" in 1939 to eliminate those she called "human weeds." Her recommendation to the steering committee was, "let's attempt to let the colored run it."

From her grave, this prejudiced woman is still using ignorant colored (people) to keep the "Negro Project" in operation.

The men featured in the ad, entitled "African American Men for Choice," are totally uninformed or indifferent to the fate of the millions of African American children who will be painfully destroyed because African American women respected their opinion. These are some of the dumbest smart men on earth.

Please examine a few of the lines in this ad. The title says, "African American Men for Choice," which means they have believed the great lie. The great lie being the one where Planned Parenthood changed the question to one concerning a woman's reproductive rights instead of concerning a baby safely snuggled in his/her mother's womb. The ad's first statement is "Today, we are taking a stand side by side with women to guard their most fundamental right. The right to choose."

This is the great abominable lie. The most fundamental right every human being has is life. If a child is not allowed to live, all other rights become moot. This is what bothers me most about so-called social leaders. There are leaders who fight for better health care, better housing, better job opportunities, better education and safer playgrounds. All these things, including the safe playgrounds mean nothing to dead African American babies. An aborted baby needs no health care. An aborted child needs no place to live. The dead baby will never have a career. You cannot educate an aborted child, which is sad, hearing them say, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." The African American Men for Choice believe it is O.K. to waste a mind and a body as long as the woman agrees. My eleven-year-old son called them "The African American Men for Death"!

Ebony should know better, since many who would have been readers are now dead! They died at the hands of abortionists.

The legacy and heritage we are leaving are the most important treasure we can give our children. As African Americans, it is our responsibility to leave a legacy to the next generation, one upon which they may build a better life for themselves. Many great men and women have left us a heritage, but much of our heritage was robbed by slave owners. Two hundred years ago our African American heritage was robbed by a group of elitist individuals who intentionally kept us ignorant concerning the devastating effect of slavery. Today, our heritage is being robbed by elitist individuals who have intentionally kept us ignorant concerning the devastating effect of abortion on our race. They are robbing us to profit from the deaths of our sons and daughters.

The time has come for people of all races, religions, creeds and nations to stand up on behalf of the next generation of children. It is time to reclaim what is left of a broken legacy of enduring love and strength through faith in God. It is time to no longer use excuses of poverty. Who knows whether or not this is the child who will bring his family out of poverty.

It is time to no longer use the excuse of having this child later. No man and woman can ever conceive the same child twice.

It is time to no longer use the excuse of a more convenient time, after the promotion. Many first sons who should have been the recipients of their parents' heritage and wealth were robbed by an untimely death. It is time to insist that no child ever face discrimination because of race and/or place or residence. It is time that African American men and women insist that their children and their children's neighbors no longer be denied the inalienable right to life and the opportunity to appreciate their heritage. There is an old African proverb which says, "No one knows whose womb holds the chief." Have they killed the chief? I hope not, but I do know that many of the chief's people have been destroyed in a war directed at them in their most defenseless moments.

Great Quote by James David Manning

"We cannot have a great nation if we undermine its laws."

Obama Signs 'Imperfect' Spending Bill Away From Cameras

"'I've pledged to slash earmarks by more than half when I am president of the United States,' he said in Green Bay, Wis., last September."

Just words.

She has seen the light....

"I am ashamed that I voted for Obama, at the time it seemed as though he was the better choice. But now that he has taken office it seems that there is no Change comming (sic) our way. Well except that we are taking on more and more debt. I think that even though I was not a Palin fan I should have voted for McCain. It would have made me feel better even if he didn't win. Now I just feel like I voted for a good public speaker without a plan."


"Why is that the media is not pointing out many of the failed promises Obama has made? Why is the media not appalled at the excessive spending policies? Why are they not questioning his leadership in regard to this?

"I voted for Obama because I really thought he would change things. I gave him to much credit for being new. Now I'm kicking myself in the rear for not going for the tried and true fighter that McCain is. Maybe I didn't agree with all of his policies but for the most part he did what he said he'd do and has fought very hard for what he believed to be in the best interest of those he served."



BREAKING: Obama has blown it!

"Their assessment stands in stark contrast with Mr. Obama's popularity with the public, with a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll giving him a 60% approval rating. But a majority of the 49 economists polled is dissatisfied with the administration's economic policies.

"On average, they gave the president a mark of 59 out of 100, and although there was a broad range of marks, 42% of respondents graded Mr. Obama below 60. Mr. Geithner fared even worse, with an average grade of 51. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke scored better, with an average 71."

Obama’s promise of change not what we hoped

"What our country has seen not even 100 days into this administration is the movement to a socialistic government. Our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is now and will be forever challenged while President Obama and his henchmen are in power. Things have to change with the 2010 elections, and those who believe in those freedoms and the sovereignty of this nation must come forward and make your voices heard. To steal President Obama’s line, 'Yes, we can and we will!'”

The Obama Rosetta Stone

"The White House says its goal is simple 'fairness.' That may be, as they understand fairness. But Figure 9 makes it clear that for the top earners, there will be blood. This presidency is going to be an act of retribution. In the words of the third book from Mr. Obama, 'it is our duty to change it.'"


CITI...Redefining Profit

Bailout Schmailout: Welcome to the New Socialist Republic

"For all the talk of US government bailouts, the 1300 page economic stimulus bills that are so heavily laiden (sic) with pork that the actual bailout portion is but a small percentage of the document, and getting America working again, has there been any mention of repealing the ridiculous, congressional mandates that require lending institutions to knowingly make bad loans? As I recall, that's how we got in this mess in the first place.

"Sure, the federal government is on the hook to solve all this, because the federal government put in place the inane legislation that caused it. But can't we go about righting a wrong by ensuring that it does not happen again? Where is the CHANGE, Mr. Obama? What happened to, 'No more pork barrel spending,'- Senator McCain?

"The truth is, there is no change. If you were to read every exhaustive page of the bailout and stimulus documents floating around the federal city, this morning, it would be so very clear that there is no change: the basic goal is to start the same pyramid scheme economy back up again. Same as it ever was."

Newsweek: Is the honeymoon over?

"The rest of the article is an equal mix of propaganda (the people still love Obama!) and rehash of what many have been saying for some time: that the Trillion Dollar Spending Bill will not in fact create immediate jobs, that Obama’s budgets and additional spending bills are larded up with wasteful pork barrel projects for people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, and that Obama is failing to provide the sensible leadership we need (which is tough) and instead prefers to sit on the sidelines enjoy the fact that he’s President (which is easy, and makes Michelle proud for the very first time in her adult life).

"But, what it fails to address is the central question we ask every day: where is the change we were waiting for?

"Obama promised to solve all of our problems, and deliver all of our hopes and dreams.

"He swore he was going to change the way things are done in Washington. Dumping trillions of dollars of taxpayer money into wasteful pork barrel projects is not change.

"So, Newsweek claims the public still loves Obama — but what they don’t talk about is how many of these people believe 'stimulus checks' are in the mail, headed their way to solve all of their problems? What happens when those checks never come? What happens when people see Obama has no intention, or ability, to deliver on all of his promises?

"If the honeymoon’s already over now, what marriage related metaphor will be used when people realize just how empty all of those campaign promises really were? It’s only been 50 days. The grace period’s 100.

"That gives Obama until April 29th to deliver some of the magic he promised on a daily basis for the last two years.

"We desperately want to be wrong about this man, who Oprah swore was 'The One', the Lightbringer, the Deliverer from All Evil. So, start delivering us from economic disaster, get your Treasury Secretary whipped into shape, and stop dithering while the nation burns. "

Glenn Beck: Obama gift gaffe

"GLENN: We mentioned it last week. Nobody in America is upset about this. You remember last week we told you that Barack Obama, when Gordon Brown came into town, he decided that he wasn't going to have a press conference. He also decided that there wouldn't be any British flags in the press conference, when they met, there wouldn't be a British flag. What are you even thinking? So there's no British flags. They met in the oval office. This set, the diplomatic core for the English back, the press corps and they didn't know what to do. They didn't know how to spend this. What does that mean? And Barack Obama just said, I'm not going to have a joint press conference. Well, you don't do that. I mean, I've seen him with the president-elect Iceland. Hello, it's Great Britain, our greatest ally. But then he also gave a gift. He gave a gift of a bunch of videos. Well, okay. That's usually not what the president gives. Usually it is a gift to the head of state of something of significance, something of real importance, something that signifies how deep our friendship goes and also says something about our country and our resources and, you know, our heritage. To me it's appropriate that Barack Obama, when he looks to what could be a statement gift that I can give the leader of our greatest ally, what is something that says everything you need to know about America, he goes and gets a bunch of DVDs from movies that we've made. I mean, it's -- and he didn't even get the movies that they can watch over in England. It's not the same technology. So all of the movies that Gordon Brown was given as a gift from our president he can't even watch. And what did we receive as a gift? Barack Obama was given a pen made from the wood of the HMS Resolute. The Resolute was one of their big warships and it went -- these two ships went up and they were going up into I think it was the Arctic Circle, I'm not sure. They went up to the Arctic Circle. The Resolute gets stuck in the ice. So does the other one, but the Resolute never gets out, and the captain of the Resolute says, "Get out of the ship, get onto the other one; we're going home." When he gets home, he's court-martialed because he's left the HMS Resolute, a perfectly good ship, and he abandoned. And so he is court-martialed for it. Well, eventually the ice breaks and America goes up and we pull that thing out of the ice and we sail it over to England and we return her in, like, 1850 something or other as a gift. Well, the Resolute is in service for England and, you know, it signifies our gift to England and we say, please forgive us for everything that we've gone through in the past 50, 75 years. We are brothers. The Resolute is a big deal. So when the Resolute is decommissioned, Queen Elizabeth decides, I'm going to take the wood and I'm going to make two desks. I'm going to make one for me and one for the president. This is as significant as France giving us the Statue of Liberty. So she takes this and she makes it into two desks. It's the desk that -- remember little JFK, Jr., he opens up the trap door and he looks, you know, through it? That's the USS Resolute desk. There's only two of them: One with the queen, one with us. FDR put that door there. This is such a historic desk. He put that door there so it would hide his wheelchair so nobody could see his wheelchair. The door is the only place where the seal has the eagle looking down at the arrows instead of the olive branches, okay?

"So what does Gordon Brown do? He comes to meet with the president and he gives him a set of pens made from the wood of the USS Resolute to match the desk that should be in a museum. He gives him a matching set of pens. Barack Obama hands him a basket -- I'm not kidding you, hands him a basket of DVDs that he can't play. Mrs. Brown has children's clothing from, like, the best designer in England, you know, all fit the kids. Michelle Obama goes downstairs, grabs a couple of boxes of Marine One helicopter models and gives them to Mrs. Brown: 'Here, this is for you.' As bad as this is -- because what this shows is either the disdain of the Obamas for England, and I don't know which one's worse, the disdain of England from the Obamas, and you should see -- Michelle Obama, what she has written about England, you know, they were just, they were the linchpin of the slave trade. She has real disdain for them, at least she did when she wrote her term paper. It may be just that, that she hates white England. I'm not sure. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt and let's say they don't hate England. It shows the arrogance. We have people in the State Department, this is all they do is come up with gifts. The arrogance of this administration. They are obviously not listening to the State Department on something this important as a gift. And the worst part of it is the bust of Winston Churchill, there are two of these. England's working in twos: The HMS Resolute desk and the bust of Winston Churchill. This is the most famous bust of Winston Churchill. England gave this bust to the president for the White House right after 9/11 as a sign of standing together: We will stand together united as one. They gave us this historic bust of Churchill. It has been sitting in the oval office since 9/11. Barack Obama says we're going to box this back up and you guys can take it home with you. Gordon Brown says, 'No, no, no. Mr. President, that was a gift from the people of England after 9/11. If you want to keep that in one of your museums, you may keep it in one of your museums but please, no, no, that was a gift. That wasn't to borrow. We didn't just lend that out to you. That's a gift from us.' He said, 'No, that's okay. We don't want it.' And he's sending the bust of Winston Churchill back to England. The people of England are going crazy and they're going crazy because our press hasn't even reported on this. What is this guy doing? What is he doing?"

Obama breaks his 'No Lobbyist' vow -- again

"Well, as you may have heard Obama is President of the United States. And, no surprise, lobbyists funded his campaign and, with Obama's active help, they are drowning out the voices of the American people as Obama quickly packs his administration with lobbyists.

"How does he do it? With a straight face--and a quick slight of hand--he rationalizes the lobbyist is absolutely, positively the best person for the job and is absolutely, positively indispensable. Unless, of course, the indispensable person has some embarrassing secret that the famed Obama vetters haven't discovered. The latest indispensable lobbyists , brought to the attention of the US by lobbying waivers, are Jocelyn Frye who will be director of policy and projects for Michelle Obama's office and Cecilia Munoz who will be director of intergovernmental affairs in the president's executive office."