Sunday, April 26, 2009


"The so-called 'anti-war' groups that popped up before the Iraq War were never anti-war. Many of their founders and leaders cheered on BJ Clinton’s wars in the Balkans and in Haiti. They were not completely anti-American or merely 'on the other side' as some conservative and neo-libertarian bloggers accused them either. The 'anti-war' movement was simply a rallying point for leftists and Democrat party hacks who needed to gain traction against a popular (at the time) President Bush. They needed to sow doubt about the Iraq War (the mismanagement of the war by the Bush administration helped as well) in order to have a wedge issue against President Bush. Naturally, they rooted for more American deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq and for American objectives to go unfulfilled, at least while Bush was president.

"Now their Messiah has been elected and he wants to expand the Afghan War, possibly into Pakistan. What’s a leftist posing a peace activist supposed to do. Well, what all good leftists do, follow their leader, in this case the Messiah. He wants to send 17,000 more Americans into Afghanistan to bring democracy, destroy the Taliban, and put in chicken in every Afghan pot. He has not defined what 'victory' is in Afghanistan, nor does he have a plan, short of nuclear war, to combat the Talibanization of Pakistan. If George W. Bush planned this, the so-called peace activists would have been the ones having Tea Parties on April 15.

"Aren’t the so-called 'peace activists' being just a tad bit hypocritical now that their Messiah is in the Oval Office and wants his little war?

(Let me jump in here. As a former antiwar organizer myself who protested both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, I can say with authority that these poseurs are very HYPOCRITICAL. That is me at the podium in the above photo at an antiwar event in 1990. -- Robert)

"Finally, I just want to point out, I do not intend to attack sincere opponents of US foreign policy and interventionism, like Justin Raitmando. I disagree with some of Justin’s positions and lot of his rhetoric. However I can respect Justin and most paleoconservatives and paleolibertarians as principled noninterventionists who oppose most if not all US military campaigns over the past two decades and longer.

"It is the unprincipled hacks on the left who adopt the phony cause of 'anti-war' when they’re out of power that need to be condemned."

A Real President, Does That Exist Anymore?: Republican Vs. Democrat Seems Like a Wasted Argument at This Point

"'I am writing in response to the lady that wrote about our President Obama. In her words. We voted him in. And she thinks the people voted a boy into the White House to do a man's job? Well, he is doing a very good job. She should think of the two presidents in before President Obama. No. 1 Bush and No. 2 Bush got us in this mess, and now we have a real president in office.'--Virginia Shisler Springfield, Missouri

"What is real when it comes to President? I guess if you like the idea that he reads his words off a teleprompter, panders to third-world dictators and terrorists, makes moves to take over large sections of the American economy, and continues to trample the Constitution with illegal wire taps and is pushing to make his government immune from law suits from wiretapping, then you obviously have a warped view of the Presidency.

"Shisler brings up the Bush’s, who many claimed were power hungry and to be frank with you George H.W. Bush’s ‘New World Order’ speech still upsets me. I am amazed at how many people are blinded by the fact that the new boss is looking a lot like the old boss and then some. George W. Bush looks like he set up the fast track for Obama branded socialism, communism, fascism or whatever you want to call it, Bush set it up for Obama to move on it. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, it doesn’t seem like it’s Republican versus Democrat anymore in this country, and that may be the divide they put up to keep each other against each other. It’s about the vision of our forefathers against the radical agenda of whatever Obama believes or whoever pulls Obama’s strings. It’s hard to believe that puppeteer has changed seeing Obama’s administration is about meaningless pathos to cover up his continuance of Bush ideas he was once against.

"We need to stop thinking about Republican vs. Democrat and start looking it this as do you want to keep your freedom and liberties or do you want the government to consume them. It’s hard for me to believe at this time, the more that I look at it, that there is one man with a few associates called cabinet members that is leading this nation. Why do I say this? Because Obama was strongly opposed to Bush policies like wiretapping and the war on terror. Obama has reversed his stand on both of these and has increased both. Ms. Shisler, are you really that blind that you can’t see how Obama has betrayed your support?

"Is there such a thing as a real president anymore? Obama is obviously a product of Wall Street. He is bought and paid for by people like Jeffrey Immelt, who will benefit greatly from the government’s push towards alternative energy. Obama is bought and paid for by a strong centralized world banking organization. Look at what happened under Bush’s watch to weaken the banks, and look at how the government has bullied themselves upon the banks. I wanted to believe against these things, but the more I see how W set this up and Obama has continued the more I think I would be fool to deny it.

"For most of my adult life, I have fought the notion that the office of the presidency was free from this type of control, but anymore I wonder. We are losing our freedoms to something that I fear is much greater than the office of the Presidency. I used to laugh at Ron Paul. Now I read what he has warned about in the past, and I see he sent a clear warning. I read what Barry Goldwater wrote nearly forty years ago, and I know now he warned us of what was coming.

"In a world full radical Islamic terrorists and third-world dictators who wish to destroy our way of life, it is average Americans who are becoming the enemy in our country. If you are critical of the government and capable of independent thought, you are dangerous to whatever it is our government has been sacrificed for. Laws like Posse Comitatus has been revoked to allow federal troops to police us. Ms. Shisler, you better realize the demagogue you support provides very little difference from those who have come before him since January 20, 1989. You may want to wake up and realize the danger your narrow-minded view poses to all of us."

Wayne Root: ‘Why Obama Now Has Big Business Trained like the New White House Puppy Bo!’

"Obama now controls freedom of the press. It has been widely reported that NBC CEO Jeffrey Zucker called a dinner for top CNBC executives and asked his on-air anchors and hosts to tone down their criticism of Obama. Worse, on MSNBC (also owned by GE and NBC), a radical leftist Hollywood celebrity (is there any other kind?) Janeane Garofalo (read "Garbageflow" -- Robert) slandered Tax Day Tea Party protestors by calling them all 'white racist rednecks… who hate a black man (Obama) and don’t understand a thing about taxes or the Boston Tea Party.' In other words everyone at those Tea Parties (including me) is ignorant and hates Obama only because he is black. The MSNBC host interviewing her (Keith Olbermann) said nothing. Not a word of protest, debate, or disagreement. Can you imagine a fiscal conservative capitalist going on NBC or CNBC or MSNBC and calling Obama a racist who hates wealthy white businessmen, and not being viciously attacked, denounced and hounded into an apology or clarification by the host?

"Yet anti-tax protestors can be slandered as racists with nary a word of disagreement by hosts at networks owned by GE- who happens to get billion dollar bailouts from Obama. Why? Because Obama now has GE (the parent company of NBC) squeezed by the private parts. The CEO is Obama’s personal pet. Forget those wonderful images of the new White House puppy Bo. If the media was honest, they’d show Obama taking GE CEO Jefrrey Immelt and NBC CEO Zucker for a walk on the White House lawn."

Democrats Distancing Themselves From Murtha

"A few months ago, the FBI raided the offices of the PMA group, founded by a Murtha aide, and one of the Pork King's favorite Lobbying firm. What they found out is that Murtha and his buddies at PMA Group operated their own little Earmark Factory. A recent report, the FBI may be zeroing in on the relationship between Murtha and PMA. But that hasn't slowed the Pork King down. He posted on his site a list of $134 Million Dollars of earmarks that he is requesting, $20 Million of it to clients of PMA, the very firm that is being investigated.

"This is making the Democrats a bit nervous. Among the defense projects being cut from the budget are many championed by Murtha."

Obama On, “Putting Children First”

"I sometimes wonder why there is not more outrage within the Black and Hispanic communities at Barack Obama for his betrayal of these two ethnic groups who voted overwhelmingly for him. I would think that this is an issue that would be of real importance to both those communities, as well as the American community as a whole. Maybe they are still under the influence of the Obama Cool Aid … and still chanting …..

"The simple truth is that this Hope and Change president has destroyed the chances of a good education for minority children in high risk areas like Washington, D.C. Barack Obama’s administration has ended the Hope for Washington, D.C. area children who were able to attend private schools, some on the verge of graduating. The Change is that they will now be back in the failed public school system.

"Some of these fortunate children who had recieved vouchers were even able to attend the Sidwell Friends School, a D.C. area private school where Obama sends his own children. Form his campaing speeches, one might have thought Obama would break the mold … step up … and maybe even lead by example by enrolling his children into the same public schools he is now condemning these children to … since those vouchers, which allowed some families to make up the difference and send their children to this $29000 per year private school, are now history.

"When Obama signed that Omnibus Spending Bill several weeks back, he put into effect legislation that had been included by several congressional democrats that will effectively end the school voucher program, and consign almost 2000 mainly Black and Hispanic school children back to the failed, violent, and poorly-performing D.C. public schools. He has, in effect, ended one of the rare federal programs which has actually achieved some success."

Obama Follows Bush Policy on Detainee Access to Courts

"The Obama administration yesterday appealed a judge's decision granting three detainees at a U.S. military prison in Afghanistan the right to challenge their detention in U.S. courts, arguing partly that compliance would inhibit the future capture of Pakistani citizens for detention by U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

"The appeal makes clear that, despite the ruling this month by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, the Obama administration for now wants to stick with a policy set by President George W. Bush that those incarcerated by U.S. troops in foreign prisons have no U.S. legal rights. But officials said that did not foreclose a change of heart after the completion in July of a comprehensive review of detainee policy."

Like I always said, you could have voted for a Coke machine and gotten better change.

Is Obama's War Strategy a Wise One or a Betrayal?

March 1, 2009

"During the presidential campaign red and white anti-war signs dotted the countryside. In some towns, they lined the streets.

"The initial impetus for Barack Obama's candidacy came from the anti-war movement and his promise to bring the troops home.

"At first, Obama argued that U.S. involvement in the war would end quickly after he became president. As the campaign wore on that urgency migrated to getting the troops out in 16 months.

"On Friday, President Obama finally made it official. United States troops will be out of Iraq by the end of 2011 - the timetable worked out with the Iraqi government under former President George Bush.

"But what of the 16-month timetable?

The newest version of the Obama plan - on its face - has the United States withdrawing combat troops in 19 months. However, his plan calls for leaving upward of 50,000 of the current 142,000 troops in support positions. This smaller number is carefully being referred to by those in the administration as anything but advisers, a term made politically incorrect by the Vietnam War.

"And what if the war goes badly between now and 19 months down the road?

"According to statements coming out of the White House, it appears all bets could be off for withdrawing United States troops.

"So what did the anti-war movement get with their "agent of change," President Barack Obama?

"Little or nothing, it would appear.

"Obama has, for all practical purposes, signed onto the Bush Doctrine in Iraq.

"But Obama's betrayal doesn't end there.

"Obama isn't really bringing troops home. He is moving the numbers to Afghanistan. For those outside the anti-war movement who may have forgotten, Afghanistan is where Russia lost devastating numbers of its troops. So badly was the Kremlin defeated that the experience has been referred to as Russia's Vietnam.

"So where is the anti-war movement now that it has been betrayed? Will those 'Support Our Troops - End The War' signs remount front yards and line streets again? "

Letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

I am greatly disappointed, hurt and betrayed by you. When I cast my vote for you as the next president of the United States, I legitimately thought I was making the right choice. After following your campaign for almost a year, and even neglecting my girl Hillary, I was confident that you were the only person capable of moving our country in a new direction that would take us out of the dark hole we were in for eight years.

However, it is with great sorrow that I must say that you proved me wrong. Out of all the campaign promises you made, there was one that stuck out to me more than the rest. You said that once you were elected you would acknowledge the atrocities committed upon the Armenian people during the beginning of the 20th century as an act of genocide.

When I heard this statement, I thought I was finally going to have a president who would have my people’s best interest at heart. Unfortunately, on the day of the 94th anniversary of the genocide you disappointed me in a way I never thought you would.

As a first generation Armenian American, I was raised with stories from the genocide and photographic documentation that will stay with me forever. During my 13 years at a private Armenian school, the motivation was fostered in me to always keep fighting so the United States and Turkish governments would one day recognize the horrible acts committed on my people.

It has been 94 years since the beginning of the atrocities and Armenians, myself included, are still carrying on the fight for recognition. As a small nation, more prominent in the Diaspora, it is up to the young generation to make sure our ancestor’s deaths receive the recognition they deserve.

As I am writing this letter to you Mr. President I cannot help but shed a tear. You weren’t just any presidential candidate to me. I felt there was something special about you and that you didn’t possess the characteristics of the heartless politicians that have come through Washington in the past.

It pains me to say this, but I was wrong. When your politically correct statement about the Armenian Genocide was released on Friday, Armenians all over the world were remembering the 1.5 million massacred. Instead of finding the word genocide next to the word Armenian, as you vowed during your campaign, what we found was a broken promise.

Mr. President, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were praised by the people of this country during your campaign as the ultimate agent for hope and on the night of Nov. 4 you were given the opportunity to make good on the promises you made. But ever since you took office in January you haven’t been the president I hoped you would be.

Mr. President, you failed the people of this country by not sticking to your word and acknowledging the actions committed by the Ottoman Empire as genocide. You failed Armenian Americans and Armenians all over the world. Particularly, you failed me. Now you’re just another politician among the rest of the corrupt people in Washington that can’t keep their promises.

Eileen Mansoorian,
Opinion Editor

The Lessons of the Savings-and-Loan Crisis

"The current bank scandal dwarfs the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis -- and could destroy the Obama presidency."

Cara's Commentary & Community Chat, Sat., Apr. 25, 2009

"Alas, I have no confidence that the Obama Administration will treat this problem any differently than previous administrations. After 100 days in power, I can see no change as promised. I can see that the same people operate inside the White House and in the shadows, surrounding whoever is elected President.

"So, until that dynamic is changed, there will be no change with respect to the lack of fairness and the extent of fraud within the financial services and capital market arenas. That’s most unfortunate. It’s also the reason I no longer listen to the grand oratory of the current President, and spend all my time with my head down, doing what I do best, trading options, and making profit. "


"That's why the much-hyped 'federal slapdown' of the credit card was so boring that Economic Advisor Lawrence Summers found time during the Obama "berating of the interest-gougers" to take a nap."

China Shows Who the Real Boss Is at USA Inc.

"With its huge ownership stake in the American economy, China is beginning to extract concessions from a humbled U.S."