Friday, April 17, 2009

The Big Lie

"'You need us,' the Fourth Estate claims. 'Because we are professionals and we will tell you what is true.'

"Except when they don't. Except when what really happens does not fit into their predominantly east-coast understanding of what the people of this diverse country value and want. Except when reporting gets in the way of being opinion-shapers, vetters of presidential appointees, and those running for office. (For more on the media's extremely rude and virulent attacks on certain presidential candidates, see the film Media Malpractice). And this is, I believe, the main reason that many ordinary Americans find the so-called Fourth Estate increasingly irrelevant.

"Consider the stunningly incompetent reporting of CNN 'reporter' Susan Roesgen, who interrupted a man at the Chicago Tea Party who was discussing Lincoln, telling him (and her viewers) what to think: 'Do you know that the 'state of Lincoln' gets 50 billion dollars . . .' She did not let the man finish, and she ended her confrontation with Tea Party goers by saying that they were all anti-government and anti-CNN. At the end, you hear the crowd chanting at her: 'You are not a reporter.' And this is true. She moved from reporting to confronting, from telling viewers what was happening, to telling them what to think about it. She ended that particular discussion by becoming a salesperson for the 'stimulus' package.

(For a better, if not "professional" look at the Chicago Tea Party, see The Chicago Tea Party that Susan Roesgen Missed, by the guy who wants her job).

"It was clear that Ms. Roesgen went to Chicago with an agenda, and that agenda was not to report on what was actually happening (good, bad and ugly), but rather to obtain footage for a particular point of view: that the Tea Parties were 'anti-government and anti-CNN.' Whether this was her own agenda or that of her bosses, she is nevertheless responsible for her unethical behavior. She was not reporting on news, she was, rather, creating propaganda.

"This is incompetent reporting. It was also clear that Ms. Roesgen went to Chicago, the largest city in the 'Land of Lincoln' in complete ignorance of that great president's economic views. Any Illiniois school child could have educated her about this, since she failed to prepare herself for her day's work. This is stunningly incompetent.

"FYI Ms. Roesgen: The man you interviewed--the one whose child was 'already in debt'--was refering to this statement made by Abraham Lincoln:

"'Property is the fruit of is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.' Reply to New York Workingmen's Democratic Republican Association (March 21, 1864).

"It took this former Illiniois schoolgirl exactly 40 seconds to pull it up on the Internet. I simply googled the italicized phrase along with the word 'Lincoln.' Susan, the next time you go to Chicago, and you are dealing with real people--those who can both walk and chew gum at the same time (unlike the Pols) and who (unlike the Pols), do not tell you exactly what you want to hear--be sure to do your homework.

"I suppose one could argue that neither CNN nor Fox are real news outlets because they have to foment controversy in order to produce 24 hours of nonstop "news" every day. So, should we consider 'responsible' newspapers, like the Los Angeles Times? In an editorial in that paper, Marc Cooper had already labeled the Tea Parties this way: 'Anti-Obama Taxpayer Tea Parties steeped in insanity.' That was before the Tea Parties had even happened.

"And then there's my hometown paper, The Albuquerque Journal. I tend to be partial to it because it is independent and published right here. But they have gotten a new breed of reporters lately, ones who are so lazy that they go out to an event for 15 minutes, quote liberally from the AP, and believe they have a story. Thus they told us that 'a few thousand'attended the Albuquerque Tea Party, even though there were official numbers that could have been obtained with one phone call to the police. From the AP, they got the idea that all of these Tea Parties were anti-Obama rallies promoted by Dick Army. With a few phone calls and some additional leg work (there's that word again, the one that the lazy reporters avoid), the reporters could have interviewed the five housewives who organized the Tea Party here, and they could have found out that none of them had even talked to Senator Army, and that all funding was local and private, and all the work was done by volunteers.

"Instead the Journal has piled on to the Big Lie: The Tea Parties were partisan, about taxes, and poorly attended. And therefore not very important. In fact, they were so unimportant that the President of the United States had a press release put out saying that he didn't know about them. (Consider the logic of that!) Because according to Janet Napolitano of DHS, Tea Party goers are all insane nutjobs that are a threat to the United States. Right up there with war veterans and those of us who understand that the Constitution limits the powers of the Federal government in the 9th and 10th amendments.

"This is the strategy of the Big Lie. It is a propaganda technique first defined in Nazi Germany, but it has been in use since Pericles. It means to keep repeating an untruth over and over again, baldly, and without evidence, until it is believed by most people."

Where were my fellow blacks?

"The crowd was exuberant with shouts of no taxation without representation. All around me were people who were fed up with big government. This was our moment to corporately express our dissatisfaction with a runaway big spending and overtaxing government. Americans from all walks of life joined together in one great voice … I wish!

"Missing from this crowd was my fellow black Americans along with Hispanic Americans. In a crowd of a thousand or more, I could only count 10 or less black and brown people … WHY?

"This tea party was not about the current president, any political party, or ethnic group. It was about the right of all Americans to be taxed fairly and governed justly under the Constitution of our Founding Fathers. A call for sanity; a call for our representatives in Washington to hear the voice of the people and stop the madness, stop the spending!

"Where were our fellow Americans of color? Surely you feel the same sting of Big Government that the Anglo-Americans feel. This is not about color! We are all Americans and must stand shoulder to shoulder against the insanity of the past administration and this present administration – or we shall all fall.

"I missed you today. How I would have loved to stand in a sea of diverse Americans with one purpose: save this country from socialism, fascism and a one-world government. God will judge us by our loyalty to Him, not by our loyalty to color. God is no respecter of man. We must stand together as fellow Americans or face the chaos of division.

"One Nation under God. United we stand, divided we fall!"

Rev. Lucian L. Thompson

Rev. Thompson, I will tell you why. Many blacks have been bamboozled into thinking that your tea party was tantamount to a KKK rally. They thought the tea parties were opportunities for "white folks" to bash the "black president." They thought the tea parties were Obama "hate fests." Media is mainly to blame on casting dispersions on those events. I heard a black caller on Michael Savage calling the the attendees of the tea parties "idiots." He was happy to see the white people angry because they had a black president. Dimwit.

Another Obama sham event

"Now comes this report about Obama's recent surprise foray into Iraq:

"According to an e-mail from a sergeant in Iraq:

We were pre-screened, asked by officials "Who voted for Obama?", and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up.

Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models. Coincidence? I think not.

"Though in the blogosphere this contrivance has received the attention and outraged criticism it deserves, Obama's media claque has portrayed the sham as though it were an authentic display of respect and enthusiasm from the front lines. To me, however, the fake enthusiasm is in reality far less repugnant than the open abuse of our troops – officially asking that they declare their political allegiance and giving preferential treatment to those who declare their support for Obama. Whatever the complexities of life at the higher echelons where politics and personal relations must inevitably play their role, inviting and exploiting open displays of political loyalty in the ranks, and even worse at the front lines, shows reprehensible disrespect for a tradition important not only to the integrity of our troops but of our military and our nation as a whole. Whatever show Obama's people wanted to put on, what their reported actions show beyond doubt is their ruthless disregard for the honorable tradition of non-partisan service that has helped America to avoid the shabby fate of so-called 'banana republics' whose constitutions proved as susceptible to rot as the fruit for which they are named."