Friday, April 17, 2009

Where were my fellow blacks?

"The crowd was exuberant with shouts of no taxation without representation. All around me were people who were fed up with big government. This was our moment to corporately express our dissatisfaction with a runaway big spending and overtaxing government. Americans from all walks of life joined together in one great voice … I wish!

"Missing from this crowd was my fellow black Americans along with Hispanic Americans. In a crowd of a thousand or more, I could only count 10 or less black and brown people … WHY?

"This tea party was not about the current president, any political party, or ethnic group. It was about the right of all Americans to be taxed fairly and governed justly under the Constitution of our Founding Fathers. A call for sanity; a call for our representatives in Washington to hear the voice of the people and stop the madness, stop the spending!

"Where were our fellow Americans of color? Surely you feel the same sting of Big Government that the Anglo-Americans feel. This is not about color! We are all Americans and must stand shoulder to shoulder against the insanity of the past administration and this present administration – or we shall all fall.

"I missed you today. How I would have loved to stand in a sea of diverse Americans with one purpose: save this country from socialism, fascism and a one-world government. God will judge us by our loyalty to Him, not by our loyalty to color. God is no respecter of man. We must stand together as fellow Americans or face the chaos of division.

"One Nation under God. United we stand, divided we fall!"

Rev. Lucian L. Thompson

Rev. Thompson, I will tell you why. Many blacks have been bamboozled into thinking that your tea party was tantamount to a KKK rally. They thought the tea parties were opportunities for "white folks" to bash the "black president." They thought the tea parties were Obama "hate fests." Media is mainly to blame on casting dispersions on those events. I heard a black caller on Michael Savage calling the the attendees of the tea parties "idiots." He was happy to see the white people angry because they had a black president. Dimwit.