Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama's Nasty Habit of Blaming Subordinates

"One of the marks of a truly lousy leader is publicly placing blame on their subordinates. In most cases the subordinate is being blamed unfairly, and even when the staff is at fault, publicly shifting the blame reflects an unwillingness to shoulder any responsibility.

"According To ABC's Jake Tapper, Obama Has Blamed His Staff On At Least 14 Occasions. 'So, for those keeping track at home, that's ten instances of Obama publicly blaming his staff for various screw-ups. ... (You of course could also add Austan Goolsbee, Samantha Power, Gordon Fischer, and retired Gen. Tony McPeak.) That would be 14. We will continue to keep track.' (Jake Tapper, "Obama's Inability To Hire Good Help Rears Its Head ... Again," ABC's 'Political Punch' Blog,, 5/12/08)

"Senator Barack Obama has a bad habit of shifting the blame. How does he intend to bear the burden of the leadership of the free world, if he is to weak to shoulder any responsibility."

Skinfolk ain't my kinfolk

"Unfortunately, most black Americans view this election from a single lens, that of race. If you don't support Barack Obama, you're a racist. If you don't support Barack Obama and you're black, you're a self-loathing, Stephin Fechit Uncle Tom - and those are the nice things they'll say about you. Just ask James T. Harris who Heidi Thiess saluted as 'a black man who dares to be a Republican in the Age of Obama.' Because he publicly implored Senator McCain to 'take it to Obama,' he has been under constant attack.

"Just ask Huntley Brown, a black Christian pianist who wrote a personal e-mail to friends expressing why he wasn't going to vote for Barack Obama ( That e-mail made it into the blogosphere and before long he was under attack. 'I am not a politician. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I am a Christian independent who just loves the Lord,' he said. 'The sad part is I have been getting hate mail and my family is being harassed. As you can imagine, not everyone is happy with my e-mail. God bless you richly.' I presume he's speaking of the one true God, not the god of Rev. Jeremiah Wright who hates America and white people."


"As a conservative who just happens to be black, I've learned first-hand that identity politics in the black community only goes so far. Here in Maryland we had an opportunity in 2006 to elect the first black U.S. Senator in our state's history, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele. Pennsylvania and Ohio could have elected their first black governors, Republicans Lynn Swann and Ken Blackwell respectively. I was a Republican candidate for the Maryland Senate running against a white 30+ year incumbent who was ambivalent at best to black interests. Blacks voted against their own in droves that year, however, with one black pastor in our state declaring from the pulpit that 'your skinfolk ain't necessarily your kinfolk.' Funny that the IRS let him off the hook since it was clearly an endorsement of Michael Steele's opponent, who was white. Seems the race card has only one side to it. When my black friends say I should support Barack Obama because he's black, perhaps my response should be 'my skinfolk ain't necessarily my kinfolk.'

"Who are my kinfolk? My kinfolk are people who believe what's on the inside matters more than what's on the outside. My kinfolk put their relationship with God before their race. My kinfolk believe in forgiveness and reconciliation, following the example of Christ, rather than carrying grudges and looking for payback. My kinfolk believe in the dignity of every human being, born and unborn, and would never consider the killing of innocent children a sacred right. My kinfolk believe we have an equal right to pursue happiness, not a right to have it guaranteed by taking from some and giving to others. My kinfolk believe our nation's success comes from its people, not its government.

"The great thing about my kinfolk is there's no ethnic or racial litmus test to be included. It's really all about character. Here, the dream still lives."

Obama Camp Continues to Fight the Smears Until They Become Truths

Let's cut the corn and get to the real facts:

"When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the livingroom of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They were launching him–introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread."

Here is the archived link:

The Left's War on Truth

"On October 1, former Republican congressional candidate Tan Nguyen was indicted over his involvement in a letter that the California Coalition for Immigration Reform mailed to Latinos, warning them that they should not vote if they were illegal immigrants because ‘voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time’ and for which they could be deported.'

"The Civil Rights Division of the DOJ looked upon this letter as an example of voter 'suppression.' Yet because the Civil Rights Division could not prosecute Nguyen over the exercise of free speech alone, they sent FBI agents to his door and intimidated him until he denied involvement with the letter. Then they were able to use his denial against him and indict him for obstruction of justice.

"Former ACLU attorney Mark Kappelhoff taught his underlings in the Civil Rights Division how to carry out such jack-boot measures in speeches he gave in various conferences, like a recent one where he spoke in a panel titled: 'Standing up Against Hate Speech.' In this conference Kappelhoff’s panel went beyond the tactics used against Nguyen and dealt instead with how the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ will have to defend legislation like the 'fairness doctrine,' should Obama win the election. The panel focused on the way an 'increasing number of radio and television stations and networks have allowed DJs, talk show hosts and their favorite organized hate groups to spew hatred of immigrants, gays, lesbians, and people of color over the public airwaves.'”


"Let’s face it. The Left hates Nguyen, Limbaugh, Joe the Plumber, and others like them, because they speak truth in a climate which the Left is crafting to deny the truth. By doing this, such men enter into the arena of ideas and challenge the worldview and mental constructs of the Left. In response, the Left denounces them for spewing hatred, or even worse, working in the plumbing trade without joining a union. And when these tactics don’t work, they resort to the gavel.

"Taken in total, these various assaults on the First Amendment remind us that we are up against people who want power at any price. And if the election of Obama allows individuals like Joyce and Kappelhoff to attain a level of power greater than they already possess, the exercise of rights such as those protected in the First Amendment will be integral to our defense of truth and of this nation."

Obama Moves to Silence All ACORN Critics

"The Obama campaign’s Stalinist-style demand that a special prosecutor at the Department of Justice criminally prosecute any candidates, party officials or congressmen who discussed their concerns over voter fraud is an outrageous attempt to use the power of the federal government to intimidate and persecute political opponents. It is almost as if Senator Obama wants to reinstitute the Alien and Sedition Acts and it brings into sharp focus the issue of whether he understands the protections of the First Amendment and the importance of fair and secure elections."

Tell Obama that if he needs a shredder to destroy the Constitution, buy a good one because our Constitution will not go down without a fight.

Obama Robbing the Cradle for Votes

"This really is new ground for a Presidential campaign: specifically targeting children, to get them to influence their parents. I’m sure the leftists will try to make excuses for it, but this is one of the most disgusting, unethical tactics I’ve ever seen in politics. And that’s saying plenty."

From "Mom I want a Barbie Doll and Dad I want a G.I. Joe to Mom and Dad I want you to vote for a liberal president, whatever that means."

Eugenics: A plan has been unfolding for centuries to direct human breeding


Obama is much more dangerous to economic freedom than FDR.

"But if the coming wave of new regulation from an Obama administration is harmful to the economy, Mr. Obama will take a page from FDR's playbook. He'll blame Republicans for having caused the market crash in the first place, and so escape blame for the consequences of his policies. It worked for FDR and, so far in this campaign, blaming Republicans and George W. Bush has worked for Mr. Obama."

Obama’s Hawaii Trips Cost More Than Palin’s Clothes

But of course Democrats walk on water, or even clouds:

"Barack Obama’s trips to Hawaii on a chartered Boeing 757 each cost more than twice the price of Sarah Palin’s new clothes.

"Brad Blakeman, who was in charge of scheduling for President Bush, says a Boeing 757 costs about $20,000 an hour for fuel, crew, and maintenance. Since a trip to Hawaii entails 10 hours of flying time from Chicago, the total cost for each round-trip comes to about $400,000.

"Obama used the Boeing 757 for trips to Hawaii over the summer for a vacation and again last week to see his failing grandmother. Admirable though that visit was, 'By Obama using a private jet to go on a purely personal visit to see his grandma, he’s wasting not only energy, but he’s using the money that his supporters have given him for campaign purposes,' Blakeman says. 'It’s a purely personal visit paid for with campaign funds.'”

Obama wants U.S. troop surge in Afghanistan

Hey you antiwar activists. Why are you not protesting Afghanistan?

"Sounding presidential, Senator Barack Obama said Wednesday he would order a surge of U.S. troops – perhaps 15,000 or more – to Afghanistan as soon as he reached the White House.

“'We’re confronting an urgent crisis in Afghanistan,' Mr. Obama, the Democratic contender and now clear front-runner to replace George W. Bush, said Wednesday.

“'It’s time to heed the call … for more troops. That’s why I’d send at least two or three additional brigades to Afghanistan,' he said in his most hawkish promise to date.

"A U.S. army brigade includes about 5,000 soldiers along with tanks, armoured personnel carriers and helicopter gunships."

Are the antiwar activists on Afghanistan Missing in Action (MIA)? Afterall, this was Bush's war too. Hit him on Iraq but not on Afghanistan?

Where are the "OBAMA = BUSH" or "NO CHANGE IN AFGHANISTAN" signs?

Could Barack Obama be a Fabian Socialist?

"Instead, Fabians would speak of benefits for the people such as Welfare, Medical Care, Higher Wages, and Better Working Conditions. In this way, they planned to accomplish their objective without bloodshed and even without serious opposition.

"Does any of this sound familiar so far?"


"By contrast, when Social Engineers gain control of government and restrict people from being rewarded by the fruits of their labor, productivity falls, and scarcity becomes the norm."

Biden Lets It All Hang Out

"I thought they were espousing Hope and Change and here they are doing what a good socialist does in order to win...lie, cheat and steal."

Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?

"Obama has long been an adherent of Marxism and—as well as having befriended and worked with Marxist terrorists William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn—one of his earliest mentors was Saul Alinsky; Marxist and the American founder of 'community organizing' in Chicago. In his book 'Rules for Radicals'—which he dedicated to Satan—Alinsky outlines how to create radicals and take over impoverished communities and then extend into the larger suburban areas by lulling the middle class into a false sense of comfort with the organizers’ ideas. Alinsky advises that by the time the 'educated' middle class realizes the radicals were lying, it’s too late.

"Note: After Obama is elected, all of his programs and people to keep him in power indefinitely—and to rid him of any and all opposition—will be firmly in place. You will not be able to vote him out of office. By the time he assumes the position of President of the United States it will already be too late. A democratic republic will last only so long as people of good will allow and fight for it. After they are gone—or removed—it is ended."

Campaign (or) Coup d’état The Obamessiah Movement

"The 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama is a case of truth being stranger than fiction and conspiracy being more than just theory. Hollywood couldn’t write a more intriguing script of crime, corruption, deceit, cover-ups and international intrigue. Obama’s cultish grip on his young ill-educated minions makes Jim Jones and David Koresh look like beginners."

Obama.... an awakening that will destroy Blacks...

Watch the videos.

Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered


Voting blind – or not

"Does it bother Obama that leaders in countries and groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaida, Iran, Syria, North Korea, China and others which hate us praise the possibility of an Obama presidency?"

Is there is a new TV sitcom in the works -- "I Love A Weak U.S. President"? Think about it. If you hated the U.S., would you want a strong or weak president?


"Joe the Plumber gained instant notoriety. Media investigated his entire life, and almost everything was dragged into the spotlight – from his divorce to travel to employment details."

You would think Joe was running for president as a Republican with such media scrutiny.

Obama's 'authoritarian media practices' slammed

"All freedom-loving Americans and independent-minded journalists must be concerned about the authoritarian actions practiced in recent days by Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, which cut off future interviews to a local news network after its anchor dared to ask legitimate but pressing questions to Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden.

"The boycott move is a direct threat to what little is left of America's free press, highlighting to reporters the ramifications of questioning the Obama campaign on issues it doesn't want to talk about.

"As a Mideast reporter, I've seen this kind of action before. It's routinely practiced by Middle East dictators and has resulted in an intimidated press corps which toes the jihadist line, in part out of fear of having their contacts cut off."

Democrats target your 401(k)

"The Miller/McDermott plan creates a new government-guaranteed retirement plan to begin the scam all over again."