Saturday, November 1, 2008

As President, Obama Would Be Unchecked

"What frightens many of us about the possibility that Sen. Barack Obama could be elected president Tuesday is that he will be an unchecked, unbalanced ruler with almost no limits on his power.

"If you doubt this, then ask yourself what could prevent Obama from becoming a dictator.

"Could the Congress stop him? In theory, yes, but in practice, both houses of Congress are controlled by left-liberal Democrats who are Obama's ideological allies. Their grip on power will become even stronger as more Democrats win, pollsters say.

"If Democrats win 60 U.S. Senate seats, this ruling party can block even the Mr.-Smith-Goes-To-Washington last chance for minority Republicans to prevent bad legislation from becoming law: the filibuster.

"Oh, and forget about any televised congressional hearings into suspicious activities of the Democrat-allied shock troops of ACORN, organized labor, and fat-cat Democratic donors."


"Could the press, our Fourth Estate, stop Obama from exercising dictatorial power? Again, in theory, yes. But the mainstream press is liberal by ideology and has slanted its coverage to help elect Obama."


"When reporters talk among themselves, they describe Obama as secretive and authoritarian, a control freak. He has refused to let journalists see papers he wrote in college, his health records, and even his original sealed birth certificate. (In this latter case, one of his grandmothers says she witnessed his birth in Africa, which might make him constitutionally ineligible to be president.)

"Could talk radio or the Internet deter an Obama dictatorship by taking on the government watchdog role that partisan mainstream journalists, Obama's lapdogs, refuse to do?

"Obama has left no doubt that he will work with the Democratic bosses in Congress to impose a new 'Fairness Doctrine' on talk radio. McCain-Feingold set a legal precedent for restricting political speech on the Internet, and a new doctrine might be imposed on the Web, too."


"After radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania aired a National Rifle Association ad critical of Obama's shifting positions on gun control, Obama's lawyer warned the stations: 'For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.'

"Obama's campaign urged followers to disrupt a Chicago talk show appearance by a reporter who has investigated his past. This is one more sign of what author Michael Barone calls the coming 'Obama thugocracy.'"


"One gets the feeling that Obama would be delighted to remove his harshest critics from America's airwaves by intimidating and killing talk radio itself. This government requirement of' 'fairness' would not be used to control liberal-dominated media: major newspapers, magazines, and almost all network television.

"Could the people themselves bring a power-craving President Obama to heel?

"After one ordinary citizen, Joe the plumber, asked Obama about business taxes and Obama replied by saying that we should 'spread the wealth around,' Joe Wurzelbacher came under media and political attack. Journalists who never had the time to investigate Obama's ideology and allies suddenly found ample time and resources to dig deeply into Wurzelbacher 's past.

"His confidential, personal information was retrieved from government computers, apparently in violation of privacy laws. The government office where this happened is run by a Democratic appointee who contributed $2,000 to Obama's campaign.

In 2005, Obama wrote on the far-left Daily Kos Web site that, once he is in power, he would be able to 'enforce a more clearly progressive [read: socialist] agenda' and 'usher in a new progressive era.'”

Enforce? Without consulting you or me?

Learning history's lesson the hard way

"History is filled with the dismal lessons of nations where law was turned into molding clay and citizens abdicated personal responsibility for their lives to messianic-sounding demagogues. But when we stop reading, thinking and taking seriously the eternal truths of tradition, the only thing left is to re-learn through experience what history has already taught.

"Apparently, this is where much of America stands today."

What we need? Or what we deserve?

"But, now, there's also Capitulation Highway – a wide open, mythical new road that millions seem ready to travel. Though no one has yet traveled on it, they've been told it leads to an enchanted new place called CHANGE. Its extravagant advertising promises great education and total health care for every American, and even 12 to 14 million illegal aliens. Taxes? What taxes? Except for the evil rich, of course. Oh – and corporations! Why should 90 percent of the people have to pay taxes, especially if people don't choose to work, since the rich obviously can and should pick up the tab for everybody else?

"In this exciting new destination, laws are loose and easily changed or abandoned if they get in the way of popular trends and desires. 'Marriage' and "family" have only vague, fuzzy definitions, applicable to virtually any combination or variation. Pregnancy and childbearing? Sure, it's necessary for a continuing population, but nobody should be obligated or 'punished' with an unwanted child as a result of sexual escapades. Abortion will be available to all, including the youngest – and, best of all, it's tax supported. Religion, for the few simple-minded or old-fashioned folks who still want it, is permitted, but only in the privacy of homes and some churches. And under no circumstances is any religious babble or judgmental talk allowed in the halls of government or on the airwaves.

"The architects of this superhighway say that all will travel at such a happy speed that they'll have virtually no worries, every need met by a benevolent Big Brother government, with wealth evenly distributed, and any potential enemies diplomatically sweet talked into waving cheerily as the 'New Americans' sweep by. At last, the nation will be just like Europe, with a socialistic way of life where everybody is just like everybody else, anything goes, and any sort of moral absolutes are just quaint notions from the past.

"Yes, this road and its destination sound so appealing to so many now. There's no apparent toll, either, but all who travel this road must be willing to capitulate, to surrender all outmoded ideals like independence, obedience to annoying laws, earning advancement by hard work and dedication, and resisting absorption into the greater brotherhood of nations, the New World of The Future.

"Best of all, it seems, our guide on this Capitulation Highway is an articulate young man who – though he's never traveled the road before nor been to whatever is at the end of it – claims to know exactly how to get there and to lead us all there safely.

"He's cast a spell over much of the populace, wooing them with dreams of happy unity, a restored environment, new sources of energy, a bustling economy with affordable everything for everybody, the approval and admiration of all other nations, Supreme Court justices with whom he has no 'ideological differences' – and subsequently a revamped constitutional order that can accommodate just about anything anybody wants to do.

"Sounds like Paradise, doesn't it? A real Shangri-La. Everything Karl Marx imagined, and more! And really, all it requires is total capitulation, a giving in to the baser instincts of mankind, a relinquishing of those old ideas of the sanctity of all life, even the unborn, and all those needless restrictions on behavior and instant gratification. Fifty million abortions since 1973? Hey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! With Planned Parenthood and increased government funding, no young girl ever has to have a baby if she doesn't want to!

"Why, this young guide to CHANGE can even make the wholesale slaughter of innocent children sound like a laudable right of women; and to placate those who still oppose abortion, he and his religious advisers promise to promote adoption, letting some babies live, and provide prenatal and postnatal care to young mothers who keep their children alive. He hopes we'll forget that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision opened the legal door to a national holocaust unequaled in mankind's history, and he's determined to appoint judges to see it stays in place. And he and his sold-out advisers ask if reducing the number of child murders to maybe only a half million a year won't suffice.

"This guide with the Muslim name and several longtime Muslim extremist friends

supports allowing same-sex marriage, socialistic plans for the economy and toning down military response to just about anything, favoring dialogue as our primary defense. And he makes it sound reasonable and appealing! And all we have to do, to acquire all he promises on the superhighway, is to surrender every last shred of moral restraint … to capitulate."

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Beg

Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy America....

"Obama's platform – and yes, to a lesser extent McCain's – is based in socialism, pure and simple. Our wealth will be spread around, our housing and medical care will be taken out of the private sector and nationalized, thus becoming (ahem) 'free.' Our right to bear arms will be severely infringed, and in all other respects our constitutionally guaranteed American rights will go to hell in a handbasket.

"Throughout history, people have spent lifetimes trying to break free from the chains of bondage. Here in the U.S., for the first time in the course of human events, our Founding Fathers achieved that concept – first through the Declaration of Independence, later supplemented with the 13th Amendment. And now, 232 years later, we are happily and voluntarily fettering ourselves with chains much thicker, heavier and oppressive than England ever imposed upon us in the height of King George's insanity.

"All because we've become dogs. We roll over in submission for someone to scratch our bellies. We cower when we're smacked with a newspaper. We beg for treats. Our world implodes when our masters are angry with us.

"We have lost the ability and, apparently, the interest in maintaining our independence. Cherished concepts such as personal liberty, individual responsibility, success through hard work, and other high and admirable standards are no longer desired. If this is truly the case, we are doomed as a nation.

"Now we watch as the U.S. economy tanks, due in large part to government intervention in private-market banking. This offers an unprecedented opportunity for the government cavalry to come sweeping in to save the day, seizing private assets and businesses left and right and sinking us further into socialism and away from free-market capitalism.

"Things can only go downhill from here."


"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.

"I think we're just about ready to fulfill the last line of this prediction, don't you?'

Planned Parenthood Nurse Talks Infanticide

"Students for Life of America (SFLA) has gone undercover again, this time to record a Planned Parenthood 'nurse' talking about the killing procedure for an unborn baby close to 22 weeks. The woman asks whether the baby could be born alive, and the nurse says 'it does happen, but it wouldn’t be able to survive on its own so eventually the baby does die.' The nurse calls the procedure 'an actual delivery.'”

An actual delivery = baby. Baby dies = infanticide.

Al-Qaida sites show support for Obama: Monitor says terrorists wants Democrat to pull troops so they can 'claim victory'


"The call this week by an al-Qaida leader for Allah to 'humiliate' President Bush and the Republican Party in Tuesday's election was not the first tacit endorsement of Democrat Barack Obama by the terrorist network.

"A contributor to a major al-Qaida website last week said the terrorist group will 'let the Democrats win the presidential elections, and Obama will take it,' according to Joseph Shahda, an Arabic translator

who monitors radical Islamic websites.

"Obama's 'goal is to withdraw from Iraq' over a period of time, but 'he will be forced to withdraw his forces from Iraq at a much earlier time,' said the Oct. 23 post, written under the name 'Wissam' on the Al-Hesbah website. Shahda first posted his translation on the popular forum"

Officials shouldn't be snooping for private records on Ohioans who are thrust into public eye

"Gov. Ted Strickland should order his agency directors not to snoop on private citizens who land in the campaign spotlight. Such scrutiny could have a chilling effect on the willingness of people to stand up and be counted prior to elections.

"It also undermines the confidence of all Ohioans that their state government is serious about protecting sensitive information."


"Unauthorized and unjustified dredging of restricted government databases to find possibly embarrassing information on Americans simply for participating in democracy is unacceptable.

"At the very least, Jones-Kelley should be reproved, and anyone who conducted an illegal search of Wurzelbacher's records should be prosecuted."

Don't mess with our Messiah!