Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why socialism is evil

"The bottom line is that we've become a nation of thieves, a value rejected by our founders. James Madison, the father of our Constitution, was horrified when Congress appropriated $15,000 to help French refugees. He said, 'I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.' Tragically, today's Americans would run Madison out of town on a rail."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The abortion president

"Matt Bowman, an attorney with pro-life Alliance Defense Fund, projects that if FOCA is passed into law (, Sept. 24), there will be an increase in abortion 'by 125,000 per year' in the United States because of the abolition of laws in states that have parental involvement, informed-consent laws and funding restrictions.

"'Even with this minimum,' Bowman adds, 'that's 125,000 children that were not killed this year because we (still) have these laws, and 125,000 (added to the existing 1.3 million abortions) who will be killed in 2009' and beyond.

"On Jan. 22, 2008, the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Obama said with pride: 'Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice and have consistently had a 100 percent pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America."

Why Obama will veer left in a hurry


"If Obama does take the true-believer route, there is a good chance he will try to declare emergency powers for himself as the economy continues to spin rapidly out of control. Which means those of us who understand what is happening will have to move quickly to expose the truth to as many people as possible."

Ex-Hitler youth's warning to America

"'Democratic procedures can be subverted and dishonest politicians are like sand in the gearbox, abundant, everywhere and destructive,' he writes. 'What I see in America today is people painting their cabins while the ship goes down. Today in America we are witnessing a repeat performance of the tragedy of 1933 when an entire nation let itself be led like a lamb to the Socialist slaughterhouse. This time, the end of freedom is inevitable unless America rises to her mission and destiny.'"

The enemy within

"The real question is whether Obama and his radical national and international friends and teachers are also enemies within. There was no serious investigation of quite a number of doubtful issues, including his birth certificate. He is getting endorsed by terrorists and communists. 'We were in contact with a number of Obama's aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza,' Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser, told the leading Al-Hayat Arabic language newspaper, according to a WorldNetDaily report of Nov. 11. The terrorist group was asked to keep the contacts secret. An old saying advises me and I follow its line: 'Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.' America is in mortal danger."


"Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado, described 'a secret plan to destroy America.' In a speech to a stunned audience in Washington at a conference about immigration reform in 2004, he described how an enemy within could destroy his own country:

  1. Make America a bilingual-bicultural country.
  2. Invent multiculturalism and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture.
  3. Make the United States a 'Hispanic Quebec.' Celebrate diversity rather than unity.
  4. Make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
  5. Get big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money.
  6. Establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.
  7. Place these entire subjects off-limits, make it taboo to talk about them. Use words like 'racist' and 'xenophobe.' Make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws.

"Enemies within are more dangerous than terrorists. People and nations living in moral defeat are blind and therefore cannot detect them and believe their lies. To use other people's money to bribe your own potential voters makes matters worse."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ron Paul is No Obama Mama

"The global crisis was orchestrated in order to bring forth more socialism, intervention, and bondage. Now Obama, the establishment's man, will use the financial crisis to take control over everything that is left somewhat free from government intervention. He will intensify and grow the Bush security state, military state, and police state. His main goals will be to take control of natural resources and money. This will be the purpose of the New World Establishment. Paul also suggested that 'any escalation could be facilitated by false flag events such as Gulf of Tonkin style incidents.'"

Some good things about Obama's victory

"The Obama victory poses a serious challenge to liberalism and to the doctrine of black victimhood.

"If fewer and fewer blacks perceive white Americans as racist, a major reason for black support for liberalism could lose its appeal to blacks. On the other hand, if liberalism continues to portray blacks as victims of white racism, more white Americans will regard liberalism as phony – or worse, as stirring up racial tensions for political gain.

"Most whites are tired of racial tension, tired of being portrayed as racist, tired of their children being taught in college that they are either consciously or unconsciously racist, tired of lowering standards for blacks or anyone else.

"So the Obama victory puts liberals in a bind. They either acknowledge the reality of an essentially non-racist America and thereby alienate black and white liberals still committed to this proposition, or they continue to play the 'America is racist' card and alienate many whites.

"The challenge the Obama victory poses to many blacks is that they will have to abandon ascribing black problems – such as disproportionate amounts of violent crime and the highest rate of out-of-wedlock births in America – to racism. Fewer and fewer white Americans will tolerate being blamed for problems within black life."

Barack Obama: The CFR's man

"Barack Obama was chosen because he can control the masses with his personal, charismatic charm and his messianic promise to save this country from its profligate ways. And since the conservative movement is in shambles, it will take quite a few years before it can re-emerge as a vital political force. But if the Democrats make an even bigger mess than the one we now have, the conservative comeback may occur sooner than we think."

Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

"A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.

"'It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force,' Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. 'I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism.'

Monday, November 10, 2008

How America Has Changed

"Antonio Gramsci, a dedicated communist, wrote a book setting out a strategy for taking over strong Western democracies by infiltrating their churches and educational system, as well as a nation’s media. Communism could be imposed by turning churches into ideologically-driven political clubs. Educational systems had to be dumbed down and offer a politically correct curriculum. Mass media had to discredit traditional institutions such as marriage and commonly shared moral values.

"If any of this looks like America today, consider yourself warned."

Obama: A Euphoric Feeling that Change will Occur

"Obama is no different. He will soon be exposed the person he really is; just another wolf in sheep clothing. Obama’s promises to protect the middle class are just empty promises. This was obvious after he approved the $700 billion (plus interest) bailout to give more tax money to corrupt bankers, who will use that money to buy weaker banks. The money should have been used to pay portions of the mortgages the middle class owe to the banks, so they could keep their homes. His acclaimed tax cut promise to the middle class means nothing to its unemployed members. The official unemployment rate is 6.5% not counting those, who are not receiving unemployment benefits and are thus not counted. In 2008 alone Americans have lost 1.2 million jobs to outsourcing. Obama’s solution to outsourcing is offering corporations tax cuts as incentives to keep the jobs in the US. Such incentive is nothing compared to the huge savings, in the forms of benefits and retirement funds the corporations are saving by employing very cheap labor force unprotected by any labor laws in third world countries lacking any environmental laws. Obama never talked about the poor Americans. For him they don’t exist."

Obama: return to elite status quo

"Those who opposed Bush-Cheney must now refuse to drink the Obama Kool-Aid, and face the new challenge of battling a retrenched empire, a newly pacified population, and a naïve, hopeful and easily manipulated population that will be lost in even thicker denial; one that believes that 'the bad guys are gone,' the worst is over, and that its salvation has been delivered."

Sunday, November 9, 2008


"Yes, God had a role in Obama's ascendancy, Gadsden said. God raised up George W. Bush to create 'a time like this' and then raised up Obama to take the reins, Gadsden said."

The night we waved goodbye to America... our last best hope on Earth

In the words of that great urban transportation specialist of New York City Ralph Kramden: "Oh, you are so right!":

"The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of the United States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-deception and swirling fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced civilisation. At least Mandela-worship – its nearest equivalent – is focused on a man who actually did something.

"I really don’t see how the Obama devotees can ever in future mock the Moonies, the Scientologists or people who claim to have been abducted in flying saucers. This is a cult like the one which grew up around Princess Diana, bereft of reason and hostile to facts.

"It already has all the signs of such a thing. The newspapers which recorded Obama’s victory have become valuable relics. You may buy Obama picture books and Obama calendars and if there isn’t yet a children’s picture version of his story, there soon will be.

"Proper books, recording his sordid associates, his cowardly voting record, his astonishingly militant commitment to unrestricted abortion and his blundering trip to Africa, are little-read and hard to find.

"If you can believe that this undistinguished and conventionally Left-wing machine politician is a sort of secular saviour, then you can believe anything. He plainly doesn’t believe it himself. His cliche-stuffed, PC clunker of an acceptance speech suffered badly from nerves. It was what you would expect from someone who knew he’d promised too much and that from now on the easy bit was over.

"He needn’t worry too much. From now on, the rough boys and girls of America’s Democratic Party apparatus, many recycled from Bill Clinton’s stained and crumpled entourage, will crowd round him, to collect the rich spoils of his victory and also tell him what to do, which is what he is used to."


"And it was interesting how the President-elect failed to lift his admiring audience by repeated – but rather hesitant – invocations of the brainless slogan he was forced by his minders to adopt against his will – ‘Yes, we can’. They were supposed to thunder ‘Yes, we can!’ back at him, but they just wouldn’t join in. No wonder. Yes we can what exactly? Go home and keep a close eye on the tax rate, is my advice. He’d have been better off bursting into ‘I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony’ which contains roughly the same message and might have attracted some valuable commercial sponsorship.

"Perhaps, being a Chicago crowd, they knew some of the things that 52.5 per cent of America prefers not to know. They know Obama is the obedient servant of one of the most squalid and unshakeable political machines in America. They know that one of his alarmingly close associates, a state-subsidised slum landlord called Tony Rezko, has been convicted on fraud and corruption charges.

"They also know the US is just as segregated as it was before Martin Luther King – in schools, streets, neighbourhoods, holidays, even in its TV-watching habits and its choice of fast-food joint. The difference is that it is now done by unspoken agreement rather than by law.

"If Mr Obama’s election had threatened any of that, his feel-good white supporters would have scuttled off and voted for John McCain, or practically anyone. But it doesn’t. Mr Obama, thanks mainly to the now-departed grandmother he alternately praised as a saint and denounced as a racial bigot, has the huge advantages of an expensive private education. He did not have to grow up in the badlands of useless schools, shattered families and gangs which are the lot of so many young black men of his generation."

Saturday, November 8, 2008


"'An Obama Administration will accelerate the rush toward the New-World Order: first, by confiscating privately owned weapons, followed by creating a military force that would have jurisdiction within the US mainland. It will happen sooner than we believed,' said the decorated former New York police officer."

Friday, November 7, 2008


Not Martin Luther King.

"...God says in 1 Samuel 1:9 "Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do."Then God says 1st Samuel 1:18 "When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day.19, But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us. 20, then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." 2, When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22, The LORD answered, "Listen to them and give them a king."

Brutal realities may dim Obama's fire

"And then we will see Obama start to sweat. Because the public is impatient. People want to see America change right now, this very instant. They want to see how poverty shrinks, the homeless get housing, the blacks and Hispanics become middle-class, the losses on Wall Street are erased, the strangulating mortgages disappear, the lay-offs stop and recession turns into growth.

"But these are miracles that even the super-charismatic Obama cannot perform. Oratory, however brilliant, will not suffice. A very frustrating era thus lies ahead, as the American idol of today becomes tomorrow's punching bag.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life will not go on

"Altogether, this means we are fooling ourselves if we think the United States is still a Christian nation. Its people just elected a barbarian as president, authorized the killing of both its youngest and sickest, rejected scientific fact that human life begins at conception, blocked parental intervention of abortions of young girls, and voted down the wording of an abortion ban they said only two years ago they would support."


"It is your responsibility, pastor and church leaders, to teach your people that abortion is abominable, and before that to teach chaste living. And before that, at the risk of making my Protestant friends flip, to teach that the contraceptive/sterilization mentality, which considers children bad, not blessings, is also a component of the sexual demise of our country.

"This election may have prompted a turning point on the Catholic front. We had in Obama a pro-abortion presidential candidate set apart from Clinton or Kerry, who both expressed reticence about their abortion support – 'safe, legal and rare,' and all that.

"Obama was confident, categorically supporting unfettered abortion for all nine months of pregnancy and beyond."

What Now, Barack?

"You have inherited a down economy, which means that you really can’t implement the platform of tax increases for 'the rich' or the tax cuts for the suffering middle class or the handouts to those who don’t pay income taxes without making the economy worse.

"You’ve got to be very careful, Mr. President-Elect, because the people you must depend upon to help you with the economic problem—the liberals in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and the rest—are the ones whose idiotic philosophy is most responsible for getting us into this mess to begin with.

"You can’t really implement the cap and trade system for greenhouse gas emissions that will so dramatically punish the coal industry upon which we depend for so much of our electricity without sending energy prices through the roof, hurting the middle class that you say you want so badly to help, and damaging the economy of coal-producing states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Wyoming, Texas and Montana that depend to such a large degree on coal mining.

"And that’s just the beginning. More potholes remain in the road to fame or infamy.

"Proceed cautiously."

Tavis Smiley vows to hold Obama accountable

"You can critique people and want the best for them. You don't get a pass with me just because you're black, but it doesn't mean I'm opposed to you. It doesn't mean I'm a hater, or a traitor. or a sellout, or an Uncle Tom, or that I'm jealous of Obama. I want the guy to do well, but I want to hold him accountable."

Hymn to Hitler

Yet with my last breaths I warn every Christian and Jew now in the name of the Lord, Unless your course of the church in America is spiritually changed now, returning to the Lord, there are new horrors yet to come.

I trembled last night when I heard the voices of American children raised in song, praising the name of Obama, the charismatic fellow who claims he is the American Messiah.

Yet I have heard what this man Obama says about abortion and the 'mercy killing' of tiny babies who are not wanted.

There are so few of us left to warn you. I have heard that there are 69 million Catholics in America and 70 million Evangelical Christians.

Where are your voices? Where is your outrage? Where is passion and your vote? Do you vote based on an abortionist's empty promises and economics? Or do you vote according to the Bible? Thus says the Lord about every living child still in the womb,

"'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.'

"I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth. I see them again now.

"Christians! Unless you stand up now, you will lose your freedom of religion. In America priests and preachers have already lost their freedom to speak openly from their pulpits of moral danger in political candidates. They cannot legally instruct you of which candidate holds fast to the precepts of scripture! American law forbids this freedom of speech to conservative pastors or they will lose their 'tax exempt' status.

"And yet I have heard the words of Obama's pastor Damning America! I have heard the words of Obama damning and mocking all of you in small towns because you 'Cling to your religion.'

"But I am a woman whose name is unknown. My life is recorded as a work of fiction. I have no fear of reprisal when I speak truth to you from the pages of a book. (Though the Zion Covenant books are mocked and condemned by the Left in America.)

"I am an old woman and will soon go to be with my Lord. I have no fear for myself, but for all of you and for your children, I tremble.

"I tremble at the hymns to a political leaders which your children will sing at school. (Though even now a hymn or a prayer to God and our Lord Jesus is against the law in public school!)

"Your vote must put a stop to what will come upon America if Barrack Obama is elected. I pray you will personally heed this warning for the sake of your children and your grandchildren. Do not be deceived.

"The Lord in Jeremiah 1:7-8 commands every believer to speak up!

"'Do not say, "I am only a youth," for to all whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them for I am with you, declares the Lord!'

"I am in Prayer for you, and for the Church! Spoken to you in the authority of Jesus the Christ, the Name Above All Names,
Lori Kalner"


"It's easy to get depressed over last Tuesday. Don't. That's what the shadow government wants. We are warriors, not cry babies. I know the rage is blowing out there like a hot furnace, but the fight is not over. We're entering the next phase: the electors. We're also entering the most dangerous time in this nation's history since Lexington and Concord. Now isn't the time to throw in the towel. Now is the time to fight."

A Hater

Sent to Radarsite:

"I'm sending this via email because it's obvious that most of you conduct your love chats here instead of out in the open where the light shines. The election is over (thank God!) and our citizens have spoken in volumes by the way they voted. Your time is now over - after 28 years or more if we count the destruction Reagan did to our middle class.

"The god with a small 'g' that you pretend to follow doesn't exist. The real God never had any interest in politics or countries or bestowing special blessings to any one country as most of you, especially Roger, believe. John 3:16 begins by saying 'for God so loved the WORLD'. That's the entire world and not just the white anglo saxon part of it in America.

"You people are an embodiment of pure evil. I know this probably shocks you just like the Nazis were surprised at the hatred expressed towards their deeds but I can't say it any other way. God, country, and flag have always been the ingredients of despots living in fear and hate. You feed off of hate. You require hate in order to justify your own pitiful lives. Your blogs speak for themselves along with everything you've written concerning President-Elect Obama, Muslims, victims of our torture techniques, the illegal invasion of Iraq, victims of the Katrina flood, et. al.

"I grew up around evil so I believe I can speak on a little bit of authority regarding how true evil works. It hides behind religiousity, patriotism, individualism without any social programs, hatred of anyone who is different, and a host of other facades. Evil will always have a crusade or burning issue to raise in order to hide from reality and the real issues that face mankind. You people fit the definition of 'evil' perfectly.

"Well, your time is over so I think it's only proper for you to slink back into your caves or wherever else you dwell. Rational Americans like me do, however, owe you a debt of thanks. You've taught us a very valuable lesson. The lesson is that right wing religionists will NEVER take over this country again! You've been exposed for what you really represent - a parasitic host. To put it more bluntly, you're a boil on the ass of history. And, the American electorate has lanced that boil!

"I can now say unabashedly, God bless America! This country will NEVER be the same again and I say thank God! Now that the racial divide has been breached with Barack Obama's election, some day the gender divide or perhaps the sexual orientation divide or any other man made divide will finally be eliminated.

"One last thing - concerning your blogs. I think it would be a good idea if you closed your blogs down since you'll have nothing to write about any more. If you decide to keep them active I have to tell you that I, and others, will be monitoring your blogs. Any threats or seditious comments will be turned over to the proper authorities. This shouldn't surprise you because you ought to know by now that when Mark Harvey threatened to 'slit the throat' of any war protestor he met in Washington during his trip there, I turned the comments along with the blog site over to the FBI who checked it out.

"But, it's up to you. This will be my last direct comment to you. I have to admit that every time I've ever encountered anything you've written I've gotten the urge to take a scalding shower. You are the most vile group of people I've ever known. I think that deep down inside you 're aware of this sad fact. We, on the Left, have been vindicated. America will finally heed the real teachings of Christ who said we should feed the hungry and take care of the poor. (Translation: America will be forced to give their money to others, and let the abortions continue -- Ed.)

"graciously yours,

When Character Is No Longer King

"The worst scenario would be to find ourselves with a man who tries to fulfill the image of Obama-as-Savior. With a 'righteous wind' at his back, and fanatically adoring enthusiasts in both the United States and around the world, it isn’t hard to envision the rise of The One who has the uncanny ability to persuade people to get lockstep behind him, turning voters into followers and followers into worshippers. There is no need to list historical examples that should serve as constant warnings against this sort of thing, is there? Any major disaster can push a popular leader toward authoritarianism or worse. It would be naïve to pretend it can’t happen again, or can’t happen in America."

Geeze, I Miss Hillary

Don't you?

Big-City Socialist Voters Now Own America

"Watch as more legislation to stop drilling for oil anywhere in the U. S., including offshore, is passed into law. Watch as huge government subsidies are applied to alternative energy, like inefficient wind, solar power or biofuels. Watch as more limits are placed on coal, natural gas, hydro and nuclear power plants, such that none will get built and others currently operating will be forced out of business by increased regulations. Watch as more limits will be heaped on the car companies to get better fuel standards, when the trade-off for better fuel standards will be more dead people from smaller, weaker cars.

"Watch as unions gain greater power and a larger foothold in American businesses. Watch as the dollar shrinks and prices rise. Watch as your assets in the markets evaporate or go up in smoke. Watch the national debt soar into the stratosphere with no chance of ever paying it off. Foreign countries will own our debt and thus own us. Our collateral for those loans could very well be our national heritages and land that government has been locking up for many, many years. Our government will have to sell off America a little piece at a time, just to satisfy the national debt.

"Watch as further attempts are made by government to blend America into multi-culturalism and the one world order, or perhaps even the North American Union, or worse, a European model of socialism. Watch as 12 to 20 million illegal aliens will be given amnesty and then vote for the party that gave it to them. More votes purchased with our money, with the price being our freedom, liberty and higher taxes.

"Watch as more legislation is passed to further corrupt the public school curriculum for the sole purpose of brainwashing and indoctrinating our children into the ways of socialism and collectivism. Watch as our foreign policy will become one of appeasement, instead of from a position of strength. Watch as our military power is stripped to the bone to pay for social programs, leaving us vulnerable to foreign invasion."

Reparations Movement RIP

Many supporters of reparations for American slavery who supported Barack Obama might as well talk about the "good old days."

In 2004, Obama publicly stated that he was against reparations. He still has not changed that stance.

Now when you ask for reparations from the U.S. Government, in which your president is black and said he does not support it, what do you think you will get?

Jesse Wept

"I was wondering if Jesse wasn’t weeping because he knew that Obama’s election put an end to his ability to blackmail corporations to support his Operation PUSH while claiming that blacks in America needed special treatment and extra help to get ahead and succeed.

"This suspicion was confirmed as I talked to an assistant to a high ranking Wall Street financial consultant. She is black and an immigrant from Haiti who came to America believing that 'hard work' was all it would take to achieve the American dream. She was disdainful of American blacks 'who used the excuse of racism.' As far as she was concerned, her skin color had been neither an obstacle nor a limitation."


"Lastly, there is something blacks have to fear. It is the backlash that is sure to come when President Obama does not make good on his promises. He is, after all, a politician no matter the color of his skin.

"Worse for blacks will be an economy in free-fall where jobs disappear, investment dries up, and other troubles are laid at the feet of The One who says he intends to change America and the world. When that happens, they will have cause to think something has gone terribly wrong."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Outrage over the computer game which glorifies suicide bombing

This is how far society as degenerated:

"A computer game in which players assume the role of a suicide bomber and try to kill as many men, women and children as possible has provoked outrage.

"A senior Labour MP said Kaboom: The Suicide Bombing Game, which is freely available to all age groups on the internet, ‘devalues human life’ and should be banned.

"Players move a terrorist of Arab appearance along a busy street to get as close as possible to the most civilians."

The First Sista

It is official now.

Obama Wins - Rev. Wright's Injunctions Become A Dark Reality: "God Damn America! Hallelujah!"

"We have witnessed today the fruit of forty years of insidious communist infiltration of our country come to bear. Today, the aging, white-haired, 'Fifth Columnist' Marxist radicals that waved Viet-Cong flags in front of our Capitol - who protested the Vietnam War, and brought so much divisiveness, social turmoil, and upheaval to our nation during the sixties, and who, realizing soon that a violent overthrow of our Republic was not feasible, but that to accomplish their Marxist goals they had to follow Marx's admonition of becoming unnoticed, 'underground moles' working stealthily towards their socialist ends, mingling with the rest of the populace, while like termites, they tunneled, and chewed out, weakened, and ultimately would destroy the established societal order from within the system - have won."

Ron Paul Warns Of Great Shift Toward Global Government Under Obama

"Commenting on the much touted 'International crisis' that luminaries such as Colin Powell, Joe Biden and Zbigniew Brzezinski have all guaranteed will occur within weeks of Obama entering the White House, the Congressman stated that he believes it may be a catalyst for a shift toward world government:

"'I think it's going to be an announcement of a new monetary order, and they'll probably make it sound very limited, they're not going to say this is world government, even though it is if you control the world's money and you control the military, which they do indirectly.

"'A world central bank, worldwide regulation and world control of the whole system, of all the commodities and all the natural resources, what else can you call it other than world government?

"'Obama wouldn't be there if he didn't toe the line, and when the meeting starts on November 15th for the new monetary system, this could be the beginning of the end of what's left of our national sovereignty.' Paul said, also warning that the global media are already hailing Obama as the world's leader."

Antichrist or the devil's red herring?

Fox News Angrily Smears Nader For Daring To Criticize Obama

Am I in another dimension?

"A Fox News host and his panel angrily proclaimed that Ralph Nader’s career was finished after the Independent Party candidate dared to criticize Barack Obama’s record of toadying up to corporate interests, as top liberal websites applauded Fox News for their aggressive defense of the president elect.

"The corporate media’s frightening obsession with maintaining Obama’s messianic complex now apparently extends to the so-called 'right-wing' Fox News, who have eagerly picked up the baton and are right behind the mindless fervor of Obamamania - acting in lock step with the establishment left."

Once upon a time, there was a novel but archaic concept called Freedom of Speech....

Let's Hope Obama Doesn't Keep His Promises

"Obama wants to expand the number who pay nothing by millions and enormously boost the earned income tax credit _ a form of welfare _ on top of still other tax credits. Put it all together and you’re giving up $80 billion in revenues a year while getting maybe $50 billion from new taxes on the high-income crowd, meaning an overall loss of $30 billion. How’s he going to make that up? Hard to say, hard to say."

Ron Paul: Obama won’t pull troops out of Iraq

"And, quite frankly, I am not expecting the troops, regardless of whether Obama wins, to be home in 16 months. That is just pure political talk."

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

"But Barack Obama will ride into office with a gigantic approval rating to rival that of Bush after 9/11, along with a complete power monopoly over the executive, the legislative, the judicial as well as widespread media support.

"This makes Obama more dangerous than Bush and certainly a damn site more dangerous than a McCain administration, because his policies for at least a year or two will enjoy universal acclaim and voices of dissent will be drowned out by a wave of droning acquiescence.

"Obama has all the political capital he needs to implement the terrifying policies that he has already announced and beef the architecture of the police state crafted by Bush."

Obama Victory Means ‘Stronger Support for Sensible Gun Laws’

"The NRA said Obama’s judgment is as bad as his Second Amendment record."

Obama Foreign Policy May Keep Some Bush Initiatives

"In a number of areas, there is likely to be continuity with the policies of President George W. Bush."

The President We Deserve

"We elected the president we deserve because he is cool. But also because he is black. That makes us feel good. Take a look at the slouching, grinning guitarist on the Moosejaw show (Jay Leno). Seeing him strum, seeing them defiant…seeing Obama trotting up the steps…makes us feel so tolerant, filled with a smarmy hypocritical version of brotherly love to replace morals. Obama’s church was involved in only two absolutes: hate whitey and where’s the largesse for us? But media have made us forget that. Now we all feel so good about ourselves-because of him."

Obama the Messiah is going to produce profound disillusion

"There is a video clip running on YouTube at the moment which shows a black woman moved nearly to tears at an Obama rally, telling a television interviewer that all her problems will be at an end when he is elected president. She won't have to worry anymore about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage because 'he will help me.' It would be easy to find this absurd - the blind faith of an unsophisticated voter who has clearly mistaken Barack Obama for Jesus (or a boyfriend -- Ed.) - but in truth it is both sad and alarming."


"What will this mean for the future? What if, as will almost certainly be the case, the great deliverance fails to deliver? The disillusion and sense of betrayal may create divisions in American society that will be greater and deeper than any we have seen for a generation. The sense of hopelessness and bitter disappointment may well be - as Americans say - toxic. Then again, maybe American politics will simply get the grown-up message that no one mortal is the final answer: that the fulfilment of the American dream must always lie within the individual and not with the government. To be fair, Obama himself suggests this when he tells the crowds, 'It's not about me - it's about you.'"

Will Obama “Change” The Bush Police State Or Expand It?

"That’s it folks, the puppet has been rotated. Sorry to be so cynical, but the 'change' you thought you were electing is already over and done with. The color of his skin matters about as much as whether he has an R or a D next to his name. The egregious spending will continue, government will balloon in size, American soldiers will be used as cannon fodder for more interventionist wars of the military-industrial complex, U.S. citizens will continue to have their phone calls tapped and their rights curtailed, and the Federal Reserve will continue to rule the financial system with an iron fist while the middle class is squeezed out of existence.

"How can Obama claim that 'change has come to America' when he hasn’t even set foot in the White House? What specifically has Obama promised to change beside his plan to redecorate the White House?"


"Obama is no messiah, he is a representative, a public servant, for those that elected him into office. Will those that voted for him in the name of changing eight years of Bush administration malfeasance hold his feet to the fire and demand the repeal of the American police state that Bush has crafted, or will they simply go back to sleep and consider their work done simply because another Democrat is in office?

"The majority of liberals gleefully supported or simply ignored the bombing of Serbia and the genocidal sanctions against Iraq because of the cult of personality built up around Bill Clinton. Will Obama be another ideologue for the left to associate their power with or will they actually demand that he restore America to the Constitution? Will the left ninny and obsess about non-issues like gay marriage and welfare programs while allowing the Bush police state to remain in place?

"Remember, the Democrats were handed the Congress and the Senate in 2006 with a mandate for change. What has changed since that time? Nothing whatsoever. American troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Patriot Act is still in place, phone calls are still being tapped and war criminals who committed impeachable offences still go free.

"But in an attempt to avoid being labeled 'right-wing racists' and all manner of spurious labels now being carelessly heaped upon anyone who doesn’t follow the herd and bow down at the feet of Lord Obama, we’re going to remain constructive and set Obama, and by extension those that voted for him, some challenges to bring real 'change' to America and restore the country to the Constitution and the ideals of the Founders that Obama mentioned in his speech last night.

"Let’s be generous and give Obama the whole four years of his initial term to make significant progress on the following issues. Here are some questions about 'change' that we are going to be keeping track of until 2012.

- Will Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II as well as reversing Bush’s signing statement and acknowledging the repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?

- Will Obama support Dennis Kucinich’s efforts to bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for deceiving the country into a war or will he protect them against such charges like Nancy Pelosi has done?

- Will Obama bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for authorizing torture and will the torture of suspects under U.S. detention, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, cease under an Obama administration?

- Will Obama withdraw American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan without sending them away again to bomb another broken-backed third world country in the name of a UN-supported “humanitarian” war?

- Will Obama end the warrantless secret surveillance and phone-taps of American citizens?

- Will Obama follow through on his rhetorical support for the second amendment or will he seek to ban guns as he did in Illinois?

- Will Obama cease his support for the Bush-administration backed banker bailouts, hated by the majority of Americans, and target the real cause of the problem - the Federal Reserve - or will he continue to give taxpayers’ money to banks who are merely hoarding it all for themselves?

- Will Obama seek to continue the militarization of America and preparations for martial law through Northcom and the secret government or will he dismantle the police state that has been constructed over the last eight years by the Bush administration?

"There can be no excuses - either Obama will be proven to be a liar or he will, backed by Democratic control of Congress and the Senate, follow through on his mandate for 'change.'”

Barack Obama: the Banker’s Choice

"Obama, who controls nothing and is merely a front man for our enslavement, will naturally fill his administration with insiders. Others have speculated that instead of Corzine, Obama will pick former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker to head up the Treasury. Rockefeller minion Volcker is a CFR member, Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove attendee, and a founding member of the Trilateral Commission.

"As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of the banking families and their minions consists of 'nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.'”

Experts Predict Obama Supporters May Feel Let Down If He Wins

"Participants at a weekend gathering of intellectuals here predicted victory for Barack Obama but also warned that he might disappoint supporters once he becomes president."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I lost my country tonight.


"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence; from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage."


A caller to the Glenn Beck show told about an elderly woman receiving a phone call in South Bend, Indiana telling her she was allowed to cast her vote by phone. “For whom was she voting,” she was asked? She replied “John McCain” The caller thanked her and said, “Your vote has been cast. You do not have to go to the polls.”

"A military man and a Florida resident said he was cleaning his gun with the Bible at his side as he waited for Glenn to take his call. He said number 8 on the instruction sheet for his absentee voting says 'It is a felony under Florida law to accept any gift, payment or gratuity in exchange for your vote for a candidate.' He said he heard vouchers were being given out for a Jimmy Buffet concert if they voted for Obama. All they had to do was pick it up at the Obama campaign booth.

"The fact that millions of voters will be voting for a virtual unknown mystery man that came out of nowhere, gave a great speech at the Democrat convention four years ago and soon declared he was running for the presidency is frightening indeed. Once again, the Bible says in the end times God will send a spirit of delusion and it seems the highly educated who have sat in college under communist sympathetic professors and the brainwashed children that have been forced to attend public schools for their indoctrination will be the deceived in this election. In my last article I mentioned the 1919 Communist slogan, 'Give us one generation…'

"Two steps forward, one step backward has long been the mantra of the Communist Party. Whether we call it gradualism, incrementalism, encroachment, licenses, regulations or other creeping crud, we must ask is this truly the end of America as some have suggested or is it simply an extension of what has been going on since the election of Democrat FDR in 1932? For years I expressed wonderment, “How could the German people have been so stupid as to put Adolph Hitler in charge of their nation?” He came to power in a 'national emergency' – the burning of the Reichstag, the parliament building in the center of Berlin, on February 27, 1933. 'Nazi' was gutter slang for the verb “to nationalize” and what did our elected traitors recently do with our banks? Under the guise of helping out foreclosed homeowners, they nationalized the banks."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

(The white man made Obama contradict himself time and time again! Them white folks didn't make him contradict himself time and time again!)

Ego and Mouth

"The kind of self-righteous self-confidence that has become Obama's trademark is usually found in sophomores in Ivy League colleges-- very bright and articulate students, utterly untempered by experience in real world.

"The signs of Barack Obama's self-centered immaturity are painfully obvious, though ignored by true believers who have poured their hopes into him, and by the media who just want the symbolism and the ideology that Obama represents.

"The triumphal tour of world capitals and photo-op meetings with world leaders by someone who, after all, was still merely a candidate, is just one sign of this self-centered immaturity.

"'This is our time!' he proclaimed. And '(we) will change the world.' But ultimately this election is not about him, but about the fate of this nation, at a time of both domestic and international peril, with a major financial crisis still unresolved and a nuclear Iran looming on the horizon.

"For someone who has actually accomplished nothing to blithely talk about taking away what has been earned by those who have accomplished something, and give it to whomever he chooses in the name of 'spreading the wealth,' is the kind of casual arrogance that has led to many economic catastrophes in many countries.

"The equally casual ease with which Barack Obama has talked about appointing judges on the basis of their empathies with various segments of the population makes a mockery of the very concept of law.

"After this man has wrecked the economy and destroyed constitutional law with his judicial appointments, what can he do for an encore? He can cripple the military and gamble America's future on his ability to sit down with enemy nations and talk them out of causing trouble."

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Barack Obama warned that terror attacks could soon test mettle

"The US intelligence briefings to the Obama campaign have focused on international threats rather than his personal safety. They cover three main dangers: major strikes against US allies - Israel would be the likely top target - that might lead to a dangerous world crisis; attacks on US forces or targets such as embassies; co-operation between unnamed enemy states and terrorist groups to mount the attacks.

"Mr Biden embarrassed his own campaign when an audio tape of his comments to the fundraiser in Seattle were made public. John McCain has regularly referred to the remarks to bolster his argument that Americans should elect him president rather than his inexperienced rival.

"'Mark my words,' Mr Biden said. 'It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate.'

"The military source told The Sunday Telegraph: 'Biden had received those briefings and dropped a real clanger when he revealed the conclusions.'"


Learn from the past to prevent it from happening again:

"The power of propaganda increases as its control becomes more centralized, as the trend to monopoly increases. In democratic countries this takes place when competing propagandists resolve their differences and agree upon one propaganda. This maneuver can be seen in amalgamations or agreements within political, economic, educational, and religious groups. As various groups come to collaborate in terms of common interests, their propaganda programs tend to coincide and to increase in power. This process is stimulated by the centralization of the control of the economic structure of a country. A tendency toward a monopoly of wealth is accompanied by a corresponding tendency toward a monopoly of propaganda.

"Contrasted with the relative freedom for the dissemination of propaganda in democracies is the complete or nearly complete elimination of this freedom in totalitarian countries. Fascist Germany illustrates how propaganda is used both to bring a dictator into power and to aid him in maintaining that power. In Germany the propaganda which helped convince the people of the efficiency of the National Socialist(4) solution for the country's political and economic problems was reinforced by an army of storm troops that weakened opposition through terrorism. Such methods made difficult and dangerous the promulgation of competing propagandas. The power of the Nazi propaganda was increased further by the financial support of certain business men and by the political intrigues of Colonel Franz von Papen and other officials of the Weimar Republic.

"With the establishment of the National Socialist régime its monopoly of propaganda was rapidly achieved. Suppression of opposition was thorough. Every source of public information and nearly every instrument capable of affecting public opinion came under its control. Although some of the church groups were difficult to dominate, in general the National Socialist propaganda drive went forward with a thoroughness which exceeded that of World War propaganda."


"Sometimes a demagogue is sincere in his propaganda; usually he is confused. Typically, a demagogic clique is corrupt in whole or in part. The corrupt elements are usually successful in proportion to their astuteness and unscrupulousness. They will agitate for a fee; they will exact for their services all that the traffic will bear; they will serve or pretend to serve many interests. The extent to which Hitler and his Nazi clique were sincere, astute, or unscrupulous may never be fully known. At the critical moment the NSDAP did receive the secret financial backing of a small group of Germans who wanted a government which would abolish freedom of speech, press, and assembly; which would eliminate labor unions; and which would deal effectively with expressed opposition. Such a government was established in Germany in 1933 under the leadership of Adolf Hitler."


"To win their way to power the National Socialists used all the techniques of propaganda, all the avenues for its dissemination which modern science and invention have made possible, and all the old appeals and shibboleths. Professor Schuman(10) gives a vivid picture of one of the thousands of carefully planned great mass meetings: the waiting, the expectancy, the late hour when people's resistance is low, the decorations, the company of storm troopers drilling, the dramatic torchlight parade, the bands, the singing, finally the hush, a crash of drums and trumpets, the slow solemn entrance of a well disciplined procession to stirring martial music or perhaps Richard Wagner's 'Entry of the Gods into Valhalla'; at the end a special bodyguard, the uniformed party leaders, and then, 'the centre of all eyes, Der Führer—in his tan raincoat, hatless, smiling, and affably greeting those to right and left. A man of the people! Germany's Savior!' 'Heil! Heil!' and the third 'HEIL!' swells into a great ovation. Speeches, spotlights, cheers, waving of arms. The audience responds at the end with an overwhelming chorus, 'Heil! Heil! Heil! Hitler!' The bands blare forth, and the multitude chants the 'Horst Wessel Lied."


"A Canadian friend who has heard Hitler speak many times expresses succinctly the power of the Leader's eloquence or demagogy, whatever you may call it.

'I could listen to Hitler talk for an hour on one side of a subject,' he says, 'and then if he turned around and for the next hour directly contradicted everything he had previously said, I would follow him and believe him. That is what I think of Hitler's persuasive powers! If he can get me that way, how much more can he get the German audiences?
'This evening Hitler . . . swayed that audience as I have never seen any audience swayed before or since. He did not mention Hindenburg by name, but one of his perorations went something like this:
'"Certain parties are contending for the right to guide the destinies of the German people. Certain leaders . . . one of them is eighty-six; the other is forty-three. Which do you think is likely to survive to guide the destinies of our race?"
'. . . He could play with that audience just as he wished. As I looked down at the sea of faces from the platform, the 30,000 in the auditorium seemed to be subjects of mass hypnotism.'

"The evidence of Mr. McKenzie's Canadian friend is borne out by comments of American newspaper correspondents who point out that Hitler's addresses are often unintelligible. Large numbers of his listeners apparently listen with their emotions. When their tension becomes high, they intercept the speech by emotional outbursts at seemingly inappropriate times. Here we see the force of language with or without meaning as a molder of public opinion. Only intelligent citizens skilled in analysis of propaganda and immunized against the wiles of the orator were unaffected by Hitler. Among such doubtless were editors, writers, teachers, clergymen, and others who later were to be killed, imprisoned, or forced to acquiesce in silence to a régime they disapproved."


From an email:

About the time our original thirteen states adopted the new
constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a history professor at the
University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian
Republic some 2,500 years earlier:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature. It simply cannot exist as
a permanent form of government.

"A democracy will exist only until the Voters discover they can vote
themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.

"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who
promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that
every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which
is always followed by a dictatorship.'

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the
beginning of history, has been about 200 years'. 'During those 200
years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From oppression by the government to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence on the government; and
8. From dependence back to oppression."

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul,
Minnesota, studied the 2000 Presidential election and came up with the
following statistics:

Number of States won by Gore: 20
Number of States won by Bush: 30

Square miles of land won by Gore: 580,000
Square miles of land won by Bush: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by Gore: 127 million
Population of counties won by Bush: 143 million

Professor Olson observed that the map showed that the counties won by
Bush were mostly the rural and smaller city land owned by hard working,
tax-paying citizens with few residents living on welfare.

Most of the counties won by Gore had big cities in which a
significant percentage, if not a majority, of the residents were living
in government-owned tenements and were dependent on various forms of
government welfare.

Olson believes the United States is now in the "complacency and
apathy" stage of Professor Tyler's description of democracy. By 2002,
some forty percent of the nation's population had already reached the
"dependence on the government" stage.

The government is now talking about granting amnesty and citizenship
to twenty million foreign invaders called "illegal immigrants". When they
start voting we can say goodbye to our American democracy.

Pass this along to help everyone realize just how much is at
stake, knowing that apathy is the greatest danger to our freedom.

Australia to implement mandatory internet censorship

Coming to a country near you....

Majority of Allegheny prostitutes are on the Democratic side

No comment.

Twas the Night Before the Election

From an email:

'Twas the night before the election
And all through the town
Peoples' tempers were flaring
And high emotions abound!

Sitting in my bathrobe
With my dog on my lap
I had just shut down the TV
As it spewed so much crap.

When all of a sudden
I heard such a noise
I peered out my frosted window
to see Obama and his boys

Yes, they had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To "spread the wealth around"
For those who hadn't worked that day!

Well, he snatched up my earnings
And as quick as a flash
He'd jumped back on his bandwagon
And was off with my cash

Rallying his many henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To rip our country apart!

On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden, On Ayers,
On Acorn, On Pelosi
he screamed at each pair!

They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at our nation
That wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to ponder
this one final note --

Saturday, November 1, 2008

As President, Obama Would Be Unchecked

"What frightens many of us about the possibility that Sen. Barack Obama could be elected president Tuesday is that he will be an unchecked, unbalanced ruler with almost no limits on his power.

"If you doubt this, then ask yourself what could prevent Obama from becoming a dictator.

"Could the Congress stop him? In theory, yes, but in practice, both houses of Congress are controlled by left-liberal Democrats who are Obama's ideological allies. Their grip on power will become even stronger as more Democrats win, pollsters say.

"If Democrats win 60 U.S. Senate seats, this ruling party can block even the Mr.-Smith-Goes-To-Washington last chance for minority Republicans to prevent bad legislation from becoming law: the filibuster.

"Oh, and forget about any televised congressional hearings into suspicious activities of the Democrat-allied shock troops of ACORN, organized labor, and fat-cat Democratic donors."


"Could the press, our Fourth Estate, stop Obama from exercising dictatorial power? Again, in theory, yes. But the mainstream press is liberal by ideology and has slanted its coverage to help elect Obama."


"When reporters talk among themselves, they describe Obama as secretive and authoritarian, a control freak. He has refused to let journalists see papers he wrote in college, his health records, and even his original sealed birth certificate. (In this latter case, one of his grandmothers says she witnessed his birth in Africa, which might make him constitutionally ineligible to be president.)

"Could talk radio or the Internet deter an Obama dictatorship by taking on the government watchdog role that partisan mainstream journalists, Obama's lapdogs, refuse to do?

"Obama has left no doubt that he will work with the Democratic bosses in Congress to impose a new 'Fairness Doctrine' on talk radio. McCain-Feingold set a legal precedent for restricting political speech on the Internet, and a new doctrine might be imposed on the Web, too."


"After radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania aired a National Rifle Association ad critical of Obama's shifting positions on gun control, Obama's lawyer warned the stations: 'For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.'

"Obama's campaign urged followers to disrupt a Chicago talk show appearance by a reporter who has investigated his past. This is one more sign of what author Michael Barone calls the coming 'Obama thugocracy.'"


"One gets the feeling that Obama would be delighted to remove his harshest critics from America's airwaves by intimidating and killing talk radio itself. This government requirement of' 'fairness' would not be used to control liberal-dominated media: major newspapers, magazines, and almost all network television.

"Could the people themselves bring a power-craving President Obama to heel?

"After one ordinary citizen, Joe the plumber, asked Obama about business taxes and Obama replied by saying that we should 'spread the wealth around,' Joe Wurzelbacher came under media and political attack. Journalists who never had the time to investigate Obama's ideology and allies suddenly found ample time and resources to dig deeply into Wurzelbacher 's past.

"His confidential, personal information was retrieved from government computers, apparently in violation of privacy laws. The government office where this happened is run by a Democratic appointee who contributed $2,000 to Obama's campaign.

In 2005, Obama wrote on the far-left Daily Kos Web site that, once he is in power, he would be able to 'enforce a more clearly progressive [read: socialist] agenda' and 'usher in a new progressive era.'”

Enforce? Without consulting you or me?

Learning history's lesson the hard way

"History is filled with the dismal lessons of nations where law was turned into molding clay and citizens abdicated personal responsibility for their lives to messianic-sounding demagogues. But when we stop reading, thinking and taking seriously the eternal truths of tradition, the only thing left is to re-learn through experience what history has already taught.

"Apparently, this is where much of America stands today."

What we need? Or what we deserve?

"But, now, there's also Capitulation Highway – a wide open, mythical new road that millions seem ready to travel. Though no one has yet traveled on it, they've been told it leads to an enchanted new place called CHANGE. Its extravagant advertising promises great education and total health care for every American, and even 12 to 14 million illegal aliens. Taxes? What taxes? Except for the evil rich, of course. Oh – and corporations! Why should 90 percent of the people have to pay taxes, especially if people don't choose to work, since the rich obviously can and should pick up the tab for everybody else?

"In this exciting new destination, laws are loose and easily changed or abandoned if they get in the way of popular trends and desires. 'Marriage' and "family" have only vague, fuzzy definitions, applicable to virtually any combination or variation. Pregnancy and childbearing? Sure, it's necessary for a continuing population, but nobody should be obligated or 'punished' with an unwanted child as a result of sexual escapades. Abortion will be available to all, including the youngest – and, best of all, it's tax supported. Religion, for the few simple-minded or old-fashioned folks who still want it, is permitted, but only in the privacy of homes and some churches. And under no circumstances is any religious babble or judgmental talk allowed in the halls of government or on the airwaves.

"The architects of this superhighway say that all will travel at such a happy speed that they'll have virtually no worries, every need met by a benevolent Big Brother government, with wealth evenly distributed, and any potential enemies diplomatically sweet talked into waving cheerily as the 'New Americans' sweep by. At last, the nation will be just like Europe, with a socialistic way of life where everybody is just like everybody else, anything goes, and any sort of moral absolutes are just quaint notions from the past.

"Yes, this road and its destination sound so appealing to so many now. There's no apparent toll, either, but all who travel this road must be willing to capitulate, to surrender all outmoded ideals like independence, obedience to annoying laws, earning advancement by hard work and dedication, and resisting absorption into the greater brotherhood of nations, the New World of The Future.

"Best of all, it seems, our guide on this Capitulation Highway is an articulate young man who – though he's never traveled the road before nor been to whatever is at the end of it – claims to know exactly how to get there and to lead us all there safely.

"He's cast a spell over much of the populace, wooing them with dreams of happy unity, a restored environment, new sources of energy, a bustling economy with affordable everything for everybody, the approval and admiration of all other nations, Supreme Court justices with whom he has no 'ideological differences' – and subsequently a revamped constitutional order that can accommodate just about anything anybody wants to do.

"Sounds like Paradise, doesn't it? A real Shangri-La. Everything Karl Marx imagined, and more! And really, all it requires is total capitulation, a giving in to the baser instincts of mankind, a relinquishing of those old ideas of the sanctity of all life, even the unborn, and all those needless restrictions on behavior and instant gratification. Fifty million abortions since 1973? Hey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! With Planned Parenthood and increased government funding, no young girl ever has to have a baby if she doesn't want to!

"Why, this young guide to CHANGE can even make the wholesale slaughter of innocent children sound like a laudable right of women; and to placate those who still oppose abortion, he and his religious advisers promise to promote adoption, letting some babies live, and provide prenatal and postnatal care to young mothers who keep their children alive. He hopes we'll forget that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision opened the legal door to a national holocaust unequaled in mankind's history, and he's determined to appoint judges to see it stays in place. And he and his sold-out advisers ask if reducing the number of child murders to maybe only a half million a year won't suffice.

"This guide with the Muslim name and several longtime Muslim extremist friends

supports allowing same-sex marriage, socialistic plans for the economy and toning down military response to just about anything, favoring dialogue as our primary defense. And he makes it sound reasonable and appealing! And all we have to do, to acquire all he promises on the superhighway, is to surrender every last shred of moral restraint … to capitulate."

Sit. Stay. Roll over. Beg

Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy America....

"Obama's platform – and yes, to a lesser extent McCain's – is based in socialism, pure and simple. Our wealth will be spread around, our housing and medical care will be taken out of the private sector and nationalized, thus becoming (ahem) 'free.' Our right to bear arms will be severely infringed, and in all other respects our constitutionally guaranteed American rights will go to hell in a handbasket.

"Throughout history, people have spent lifetimes trying to break free from the chains of bondage. Here in the U.S., for the first time in the course of human events, our Founding Fathers achieved that concept – first through the Declaration of Independence, later supplemented with the 13th Amendment. And now, 232 years later, we are happily and voluntarily fettering ourselves with chains much thicker, heavier and oppressive than England ever imposed upon us in the height of King George's insanity.

"All because we've become dogs. We roll over in submission for someone to scratch our bellies. We cower when we're smacked with a newspaper. We beg for treats. Our world implodes when our masters are angry with us.

"We have lost the ability and, apparently, the interest in maintaining our independence. Cherished concepts such as personal liberty, individual responsibility, success through hard work, and other high and admirable standards are no longer desired. If this is truly the case, we are doomed as a nation.

"Now we watch as the U.S. economy tanks, due in large part to government intervention in private-market banking. This offers an unprecedented opportunity for the government cavalry to come sweeping in to save the day, seizing private assets and businesses left and right and sinking us further into socialism and away from free-market capitalism.

"Things can only go downhill from here."


"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.

"I think we're just about ready to fulfill the last line of this prediction, don't you?'

Planned Parenthood Nurse Talks Infanticide

"Students for Life of America (SFLA) has gone undercover again, this time to record a Planned Parenthood 'nurse' talking about the killing procedure for an unborn baby close to 22 weeks. The woman asks whether the baby could be born alive, and the nurse says 'it does happen, but it wouldn’t be able to survive on its own so eventually the baby does die.' The nurse calls the procedure 'an actual delivery.'”

An actual delivery = baby. Baby dies = infanticide.

Al-Qaida sites show support for Obama: Monitor says terrorists wants Democrat to pull troops so they can 'claim victory'


"The call this week by an al-Qaida leader for Allah to 'humiliate' President Bush and the Republican Party in Tuesday's election was not the first tacit endorsement of Democrat Barack Obama by the terrorist network.

"A contributor to a major al-Qaida website last week said the terrorist group will 'let the Democrats win the presidential elections, and Obama will take it,' according to Joseph Shahda, an Arabic translator

who monitors radical Islamic websites.

"Obama's 'goal is to withdraw from Iraq' over a period of time, but 'he will be forced to withdraw his forces from Iraq at a much earlier time,' said the Oct. 23 post, written under the name 'Wissam' on the Al-Hesbah website. Shahda first posted his translation on the popular forum"

Officials shouldn't be snooping for private records on Ohioans who are thrust into public eye

"Gov. Ted Strickland should order his agency directors not to snoop on private citizens who land in the campaign spotlight. Such scrutiny could have a chilling effect on the willingness of people to stand up and be counted prior to elections.

"It also undermines the confidence of all Ohioans that their state government is serious about protecting sensitive information."


"Unauthorized and unjustified dredging of restricted government databases to find possibly embarrassing information on Americans simply for participating in democracy is unacceptable.

"At the very least, Jones-Kelley should be reproved, and anyone who conducted an illegal search of Wurzelbacher's records should be prosecuted."

Don't mess with our Messiah!