Saturday, November 1, 2008

As President, Obama Would Be Unchecked

"What frightens many of us about the possibility that Sen. Barack Obama could be elected president Tuesday is that he will be an unchecked, unbalanced ruler with almost no limits on his power.

"If you doubt this, then ask yourself what could prevent Obama from becoming a dictator.

"Could the Congress stop him? In theory, yes, but in practice, both houses of Congress are controlled by left-liberal Democrats who are Obama's ideological allies. Their grip on power will become even stronger as more Democrats win, pollsters say.

"If Democrats win 60 U.S. Senate seats, this ruling party can block even the Mr.-Smith-Goes-To-Washington last chance for minority Republicans to prevent bad legislation from becoming law: the filibuster.

"Oh, and forget about any televised congressional hearings into suspicious activities of the Democrat-allied shock troops of ACORN, organized labor, and fat-cat Democratic donors."


"Could the press, our Fourth Estate, stop Obama from exercising dictatorial power? Again, in theory, yes. But the mainstream press is liberal by ideology and has slanted its coverage to help elect Obama."


"When reporters talk among themselves, they describe Obama as secretive and authoritarian, a control freak. He has refused to let journalists see papers he wrote in college, his health records, and even his original sealed birth certificate. (In this latter case, one of his grandmothers says she witnessed his birth in Africa, which might make him constitutionally ineligible to be president.)

"Could talk radio or the Internet deter an Obama dictatorship by taking on the government watchdog role that partisan mainstream journalists, Obama's lapdogs, refuse to do?

"Obama has left no doubt that he will work with the Democratic bosses in Congress to impose a new 'Fairness Doctrine' on talk radio. McCain-Feingold set a legal precedent for restricting political speech on the Internet, and a new doctrine might be imposed on the Web, too."


"After radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania aired a National Rifle Association ad critical of Obama's shifting positions on gun control, Obama's lawyer warned the stations: 'For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.'

"Obama's campaign urged followers to disrupt a Chicago talk show appearance by a reporter who has investigated his past. This is one more sign of what author Michael Barone calls the coming 'Obama thugocracy.'"


"One gets the feeling that Obama would be delighted to remove his harshest critics from America's airwaves by intimidating and killing talk radio itself. This government requirement of' 'fairness' would not be used to control liberal-dominated media: major newspapers, magazines, and almost all network television.

"Could the people themselves bring a power-craving President Obama to heel?

"After one ordinary citizen, Joe the plumber, asked Obama about business taxes and Obama replied by saying that we should 'spread the wealth around,' Joe Wurzelbacher came under media and political attack. Journalists who never had the time to investigate Obama's ideology and allies suddenly found ample time and resources to dig deeply into Wurzelbacher 's past.

"His confidential, personal information was retrieved from government computers, apparently in violation of privacy laws. The government office where this happened is run by a Democratic appointee who contributed $2,000 to Obama's campaign.

In 2005, Obama wrote on the far-left Daily Kos Web site that, once he is in power, he would be able to 'enforce a more clearly progressive [read: socialist] agenda' and 'usher in a new progressive era.'”

Enforce? Without consulting you or me?