Thursday, October 30, 2008
Obama and the Politics of Crowds
We will see.
Obama's 30-minute ads bought not only with broken promises, but also with broken laws
"The McCain-Palin campaign correctly points out that Sen. Barack Obama's '30-minute prime-time address [tonight will be] a "gauzy, feel-good commercial" that was "paid for with broken promises."' But for Obama's undisputed and indisputable violation of his solemn oath to accept public campaign financing, there's no way he could have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, including this hugely expensive cross-network TV buy.
But 'paid for with broken promises' is the most charitable characterization. The Obama-Biden campaign deliberately has solicited and received hundreds of thousands of credit card transactions of $250 or less, whose details the campaign won't make available for outside review even though in the aggregate they amount to hundreds of millions of dollars — via a fraud-friendly credit card system (a) which accepts transfers from untraceable pre-paid credit cards, and (b) whose basic anti-fraud measures have been deliberately crippled. The Obama-Biden campaign might just as well have set up dumpsters all over the world into which illegal donors could dump shopping bags full of cash donations made in unmarked small bills."
Just suppose you had over $25,000 and bought lots of pre-paid credit cards. Your cards would be untraceable. "Basic anti-fraud measures have been deliberately crippled."
We're hiring an employee, not a savior
Choosing servitude, reaping tyranny
"How is it possible that an entire race of Americans seem to be willing to turn a blind eye to the murder of an entire segment of population who are the most defenseless, voiceless and vulnerable – most dramatically because they are disproportionately targeted; are willing to accept the promotion of amorality and perversion that is destroying their own families; are willing to choose leaders who will openly take from others by force what they have honestly produced to give to those who have not and will not; repeatedly accept an educational system that has and is destroying the minds of their children? Americans who have not known slavery, oppression and dehumanization as a class are without excuse simply because God has revealed – but black Americans who as a race have experienced all of those have no defensible basis to inflict the same suffering on others of this and future generations simply because 'it is our time.'
Any citizen – most particularly any Christian citizen – who bases their vote in any way on skin color at any time for any reason is a racist, regardless of the color. In addition, those who vote based on race and an ideology that so clearly violates basic Judeo-Christian and American principles of sanctity of life, strong moral values, freedom, free enterprise and personal responsibility have given up their standing of the persecuted to take the whip in hand. That certainly may be temporarily gratifying; however, both Scripture and history reveal that coveting and vengeance do not bring about healing and restoration but rather fan flames of division and anger.
"The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God" we are told in James 1:20 – from neither the right nor the left. American Christian blacks have an opportunity to "seek the peace of the city" by rising above racial identity and standing on timeless principles preached and believed by most of them rather than violating everything they know to be right to achieve a milestone that, because done with wrong motives, will serve as a bitter pill when the natural consequences of socialism/Marxism/communism once again destroy a nation.
Stalin in blackface?
"Nor will they hear about certain parties illegally gleaning information on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (aka 'Joe the Plumber') after Wurzelbacher asked Obama on camera if he was going to raise his taxes. This resulted in instant notoriety for Wurzelbacher and renewed fears over Obama's tax policies. Last week, it was revealed that information on Wurzelbacher was accessed via computers belonging to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the Ohio Attorney General, the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.
"'That's just kind of wrong,' Wurzelbacher was quoted as saying vis-à-vis the invasion of his privacy.
"Wrong? It's Stalinist. One wonders what tactics an Obama administration will employ if the man actually becomes president. Several readers have already offered this columnist the use of uncomfy accommodations in root cellars and foreign countries for four to eight years. Postulation that the Obama campaign is the only organization that stood to gain by investigating or discrediting the Ohio plumber is unlikely to be discussed on the airwaves to any significant degree.
"The 'Joe the Plumber' indiscretions are not the only instances of quasi-Stalinist machinations on the part of the Obama campaign. Obama has sought to quash advertising that has addressed some of the more potentially damaging controversial aspects of his history and policies, from gun control to his association with former terrorist William Ayers. In August, the Obama campaign attempted to bully WGN-AM radio in Chicago into canceling an appearance of conservative writer Stanley Kurtz, a vocal Obama critic. Last week, the campaign cut access for Florida television station WFTV after an interviewer asked Sen. Joe Biden, Obama's running mate, pointed questions about some of the more challenging criticism the candidate has had to face.
"Much of the honest analysis of Obama has generally been regarded by his campaign as something to be neutralized through legal action, activist pressure or accusations of racism."
David Kupelian David Kupelian Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate
"As Election Day
"Doesn't make much sense, does it?"
"As a teacher, I found myself ‘encouraged’ by administrators to pass kids no matter their failing work in class. Soon, those kids discovered that ‘affirmative action grading’ allowed them to pass to the next grade by doing nothing. Once they ‘graduated’ from high school functionally illiterate with an ‘affirmative action’ diploma—they enjoyed jobs where they didn’t do much more than answer a phone, security guard or hold a DOT flag. Our government, made up of men like Obama, dumbed down America’s educational systems that now employ millions in indolent governmental jobs—that accomplish nothing more than not much at all."
“Once in the restaurant my server wore an "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference--just imagine the coincidence.
“When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.
“I went outside, gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.
“At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient needed money more.
“I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.”
"In addition, received complaints from rank-and-file police officers that they are being forced to help the Obama campaign by providing men and women in uniform to stand with the Senator during campaign stops.
"'This is going on in cities and towns where the mayors or city managers are Democrats or weak Republicans,' said former NYPD detective and US Marine Sidney Francis.
"While Obama uses cops as props and goon squads, the truth of the matter is that the vast majority of police officers in the US does not endorse or support Barack Obama.
"In one incident Senator Obama's campaign attempted to silence a sheriff in Florida who dared to utter Obama's middle name:
"Lee County, FL Sheriff Mike Scott never expected to create a firestorm when he used the full name of the Democrat Party's presidential candidate 'Barack Hussein Obama.'
"At a rally in Estero, Florida, for GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the highly decorated law enforcement executive was the pre-rally speaker for the Palin appearance. As with most political rallies, the job of pre-rally speakers is to warm-up the audience.
"According to GOPUSA's Bobby Eberle whether the audience is cheering wildly or booing loudly, the pre-rally speakers are there to wake them up and get them going. So Sheriff Scott stepped to the podium and said, 'On November 4, let's leave Barack Hussein Obama wondering what happened.'
"Apparently, saying 'Barak Hussein Obama' in public might just get you a visit from the FBI. Just ask Sheriff Mike Scott who is under investigation for referring to Obama at a campaign rally by his full name.
"Sheriff Scott responded to Obama's goon squad by saying: 'I absolutely, unequivocally don’t regret saying it,' Scott told the News-Press on Monday. 'In order to be a speaker at this event, I had to give my full name — Michael Joseph Scott — to the Secret Service, even though I’m the sheriff of Lee County. So why would I apologize? Is there some kind of double standard here where I have to give my full name, but I can’t use his?'"