Friday, March 13, 2009

We Get The Money, You Keep The Change Presents: Maxine Waters, The Poor Black People Advocate

"Such potential conflicts of interest are more serious as the banking system's crisis has led the government to take an increasingly active role in overseeing financial institutions, including OneUnited. The financial-services committee on which Ms. Waters sits oversees banking issues, and the lawmaker is a potential future chairman."

Obama's stimulus package

"Obama , Obama, say it isn't so. You signed this 'imperfect' stimulus bill loaded with 8-9 thousand earmarks because you didn't have the guts to veto it? Yea, yea,yea, you didn't want to pick a fight with Congress because you might need their good will later on? Please give me a break. This Congress? The one who got us where we are today? And who clearly doesn't want anything to do with your change. Most of them are only interested in staying in power. Truth be told, we would be better off without most of them anyway. But once in, they'll do what it takes to hang on, like padding this bill with all their pork to buy themselves back into office in the next election. We all know that this is how it has worked for them for years. And so do you. So why not keep your promise? Let them earn their re-election by really serving their constituents. Now it looks like the same old same old to me. So congratulations, you're part of the club now. Thanks for nothing."

If Bush Had Done What Obama Is Doing..

"Would they be lamenting a flawed vetting process related to the embarrassing tax problems and quirky (dis)qualifications -- and withdrawals from consideration -- of nominees to top administration posts?

"How would they react to polls giving the president a 60 percent job-approval rating, yet finding 44 percent groaning that the nation is 'off on the wrong track'?

"Speaking of polls, would they be responding sarcastically to a president named Bush -- as Obama has -- talking up price-earnings ratios and ruminating that the stock market 'is sort of like a tracking poll in politics. It bobs up and down every day. . . . If you spend your time worrying abut that, you're probably going to get the long-term strategy wrong.'?

"Would they ridicule the president for urging Americans to go out and buy stocks, just as they ridiculed his predecessor following 9/11 (and properly so), for urging Americans to conduct their lives as though nothing had happened -- and to go out and shop?

"If Obama were Bush, what would they be saying about how his ascendancy has affected a Dow Jones Industrial Average that has declined more than 30 percent since Election Day?

"Would they be arguing -- shouting? -- about the implicit lessons of, e.g., Citibank at $1.03 per share, of General Motors at $1.45, of General Electric at $7.06?

"Would there be outrage when the new attorney general termed this a 'nation of cowards' on the subject of race?

"Would there be anything positive cited about a secretary of state who journeyed to China -- a country still overseen by Communists and building its military at light-speed -- where she (a) declined even to mention China's human rights abuses while (b) begging it to buy greatly more American debt?

"Oh, and on the subject of debt, how would they react to an incumbent president named Bush, suddenly positioned insistently before star-spangled backdrops, mimicking failed New Deal policies wherein FDR warred on the corporate class and sought to spend the nation out of the Depression? (Consider this, from FDR's Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau in 1939, a decade after the crash: 'We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. We have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . and an enormous debt to boot!')"

Obama Racks Up List of Broken Promises

"The White House declined to respond to WND’s request for comment on Obama’s promises."

Victoria Jackson Steals The Show (Hannity)