Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Angie Harmon: I'm Not Racist Because I Disagree With Obama

"Angie Harmon is not afraid to come out and say she doesn’t like how President Obama is handling the job — but she’s sick of having to defend herself from being deemed a racist.

"'Here's my problem with this, I'm just going to come out and say it. If I have anything to say against Obama it's not because I'm a racist, it's because I don't like what he's doing as President and anybody should be able to feel that way, but what I find now is that if you say anything against him you're called a racist,' Harmon told Tarts at Thursday’s Los Angeles launch of the new eyelash-growing formula, Latisse. 'But it has nothing to do with it, I don’t care what color he is. I’m just not crazy about what he's doing and I heard all about this, and he’s gonna do that and change and change, so okay … I'm still dressing for a recession over here buddy and we've got unemployment at an all-time high and that was his number one thing and that's the thing I really don't appreciate. If I'm going to disagree with my President, that doesn't make me a racist. If I was to disagree with W, that doesn't make me racist. It has nothing to do with it, it is ridiculous.'"

You people who love the play the race card, find a casino and play Blackjack and win a few dollars.

RON PAUL: WHAT IF... The American People Learn Truth!

obama for america rep confesses all

"Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to enlist others who share Obama's vision and to stay away from trying to convert naysayers. - 'We're looking for supporters,' said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. 'We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.' - The volunteers are part of Organizing for America, the same grassroots, national network credited in large part with Obama's quick rise from obscurity to president. Birmingham and 11 other sites statewide were part of a national push this weekend by Organizing for America to trumpet Obama's spending proposal."

Investigate Organizing for America and see who are their financial supporters.

"This is Not The Change I Voted For"

"I'm very concerned about the news that GM's Rick Wagoner will step down, because the White House asked him to. This should concern every American, when the Government starts deciding who runs a Business, who is hired and fired, we need to stand up and say, NO THANK YOU.

"I know President Obama wants to fix this Economy, but it is not his place to decide Business decisions. I would also like to say how hypocritical it is that our Government will bend over backwards for Banks, but GM has to get on their knees just to get any help.

"Government take over is Socialism, which I stand firmly against. If this is what President Obama is about, no thanks, you can keep the change!"

Broken promises

"Obama said the American people would have a chance to read any legislation before he would sign it by posting it on the Internet. The 'Give Away Bill' as I will call it was not even read by him or any of the representatives or senators. The American people should be up in arms how it was rammed through Congress. I am concerned Congressional Democrats have so little regard for the people who, along with future generations, will be paying through the nose for this boondoggle. It is a payoff to the Democrats' special interests.

"Obama said his administration would be the most ethical ever. I guess his definition of ethical excludes not paying your taxes. He also said no one is above the law, except the people he wants in his administration. He also said he would not have any lobbyists in his administration. Ha! Obama said we could not afford the mistakes of the last eight years. How can he correct them when the Democrats are not willing to acknowledge they were to a large extent responsible for the housing crisis, which led to the financial crisis? Check what Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Maxine Waters and even Obama said about the subprime loans and government-sponsored lenders."

RNC's Michael Steele On President "I'm Done"

Geithner's Plan Will Tax Main Street to Make Wall Street Richer

"For some reason, every plan the EMHB have developed so far involves using taxpayer dollars to subsidize the bankrupt banks and keep them breathing a little bit longer, while offering opportunities for other Wall Street actors to get hugely wealthy. Some people say that the EMHB keep coming up with plans that enrich the Wall Street crew because they are so closely tied to the Wall Street financial interests."

This is from the Huffington Post. Obama's halo tarnishes.

Swing Low, Sweet Cadillac GM is Dead

Peter Schiff Get out of The Dollar

Congress can't see Martial Law plan

Dobbs: Obama setting up New World Order

Max Keiser: U.S. Will Use Military Action if China Moves Toward Global Currency

Morgan Stanley: "SELL U.S. STOCKS NOW!!!"

Change? Not For the Better

"If you are right that change has come, where is that change? What is the sign of that change? Make it clear for us what has changed," Khamenei said.

HOPE for Homeowners Prevents 1 Foreclosure

"HOPE for Homeowners has been a failure. But Congress thinks some tweaks will revive it.

"If HOPE for Homeowners, the foreclosure-prevention plan passed last summer, was a soft drink, it would be New Coke. If it was an automobile, it would be an Edsel. A movie? Howard the Duck.

"In the five months since it has been in effect, HOPE has helped exactly one homeowner to avoid foreclosure. This despite Congress having made $300 billion available to back these loans and estimating that the program would benefit as many as 400,000 families."

Another Satisfied Voter

"Democrat that believes in Democracy
And yes - I voted for Obama and am very sorry for it.

"He has lied to me - when he said Change I didn't think he was talking about the authority to take over any and all private companies. Thats NOT DEMOCRACY

"You are defending it - that can only mean that you are a marxist or worse - but not a real democrat.

"Democracy is not bigger government with unlimited power.

"Please, stop defending Obama by saying how much like Bush he is. You are only making my point."

Obama Bumper Stickers...

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Have You Obama Voters Done to Us?

This is probably the gravest posting yet. We tried to tell you this would happen but you would not believe us:

"In the last 48 hours, we've witnessed a presidential pretender fire the chief executive officer of General Motors and put a gun to the head of the Chrysler Corp., demanding that this U.S. business begin the process of selling out to a foreign automaker.

"What do you call it when Obama makes moves to take over the auto industry? A coupe d'etat.

"But it is hardly a joking matter.

"Do you realize what just happened?

"How does a president fire a CEO?

"If Obama can fire the head of a troubled, but legendary corporation like GM and then order its business plan to be rewritten according to his wishes, presidential power has become unlimited. We no longer live in the United States of America that is guided by a Constitution based on the limited power of government. We live in a tyranny, and we're all subject to the whims of one man.

"I have news for you, though: If Obama calls for my resignation as CEO of WND, he needs to know he can have my business when he pries it from my cold, dead fingers.

"What's going on in this country? Has everyone gone mad? Are we all suffering from a new form of collective Alzheimer's disease? Have we forgotten our roots, our heritage of freedom, our constitutional foundations?

"Obama said he has 'no intention' of running General Motors. But he fired the CEO and demanded a 'better business plan.' Has he ever written a business plan? Has he ever seen one?

"Of course, this is the trouble with bailouts. Would it not have been better to permit GM to die a dignified death than to be placed in the hands of community organizers?

"Obama went on to say he doesn't want GM and Chrysler to become 'wards of the state.' When someone or something becomes a 'ward of the state,' by definition, the state gets custody. That's exactly where these automakers are now. They are in the custody of the state. Where exactly can they go from here? Does anyone really believe the government will ever let go and allow these businesses to operate as businesses?

"There's a name for this kind of government direction of what have traditionally been private corporations. It's called 'fascism.' (That is Fascism with a capital FAC and a capital CISM -- Robert) Look it up. This is what Mussolini did. It's what Hitler did with what had been a 'private sector' in Germany. Just think Volkswagen

. Hitler personally designed what we call 'the bug.' Volkswagen literally means 'people's car.'

"But what does the community organizer in chief know about the car business? What does he know about any kind of business, for that matter? The arrogance of these actions is mind-boggling.

"He's even sending mixed signals – suggesting he does not even know or care about the ultimate outcome. For instance, he said the companies involved and the government might have to consider 'using our bankruptcy code' to help in the restructuring he demands. At the same time, he says he will not require the companies to immediately repay government loan money that would force them into Chapter 11.

"It's like directed chaos – which is why I say it is becoming more obvious all the time that the goal is to destroy rather than save or build a viable economy.

"He's not a commander in chief. He's a destroyer in chief.

"I really believe he wants to bring on a depression.

"Remember what his chief of staff said: 'You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.'

"It seems like Obama is determined to make the most of the nation's serious crisis – perhaps by making it even more serious, thereby expanding the opportunity."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Disarmed German Jews and the Holocaust

Dick Armey: 'For the First Time I Have a President That Scares Me'

Peter Schiff The Dollar is Gonna Drop Like a Stone

Peter Schiff Keynesianism is Witchcraft

An Obama Election Sing-Along


Federal Criminal Complaint Contends Obama Ineligible for Presidency

Reid Tells Far Left Wing Democrats To Back Off Moderates

"For quite a while we have brought news of the far left wing of the Democratic party targeting moderate Democrats, usually referred to as Blue Dog Democrats. We have shown example after example of liberal bloggers starting whole campaigns to get these Blue Dog Democrats out of office.

"Most Blue Dogs represent conservative districts, some that used to be offices held by Republicans, and the reason they were voted in was because they were moderates that represent the constituency, rather than just a liberal agenda.

"Despite that, groups like MoveOn.org and blogs like Open Left, with a variety of others have made it a goal to hinder the moderates chances of reelection."

Seems the Democratic Party has an enemy within itself. Sounds like cancer....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Outrage Over Oakland Cop Killer In Larger Context

"Of course, the Chronicle and most of the rest of the media most definitely don’t want to tell you the full story: for example, it’s NOT the 'Uhuru Movement' who marched in the street praising a cop murdering rapist career dirtbag; it’s the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement. Wouldn’t want anyone to in any way be able to connect this 'movement' (as in ‘bowel movement’) to Democrats, would we?

"We also learn that Mixon’s cousin, Dolores Darnell, 26, called Mixon 'a true hero, a soldier.' (We love our criminal element, right? -- Robert) And DEMOCRATIC Uhuru Movement member Kihad Deen argued, 'I don’t condone what he did, but it’s bringing to light the frustrations between the community and the police. This gives people a chance to speak their minds.'

"If one person - just one - in that march voted for or in any way supported John McCain, I will eat my underwear. This is a hard-core liberal movement supporting hard-core leftist causes - and the left deserves full 'credit' for the DEMOCRATIC Uhuru Movement’s 'contributions.'”

The Increasingly Shocking Parallels Between Obama And Hitler Youth

"If this footage doesn’t disturb you to your very core, I don’t even know what to say. We have here a militarized group of young men being steeped in not only political ideology, but in literal cult worship of Barack Obama.

"This was going on before the election. I still remember the video featuring a glassy-eyed girl singing, 'We’re gonna spread happiness! We’re gonna spread freeeeedom! Obama’s gonna change it, Obama’s gonna lead ‘em…' The cult mindset continued into his inauguration, with a creepy 'Kids’ Inaugural.' That article also contains embedded video of a public school teacher - in a frightening version of any political re-education center in Moscow or Beijing - using public pressure, guilt, and every other tactic she could think of to browbeat a little child into supporting Obama. It wasn’t enough that most of the children supported Obama; every child had to, with particular emphasis on the 'had to' part.

"I remember Louis Farrakhan saying:

'You are the instruments that God is gonna use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.'

"And I remember Spike Lee saying:

'It means that this is a whole new world. I think…I’ve been saying this before. You can divide history. BB Before Barack. AB After Barack.'

"And I remember countless other gushing affirmations of Obama as messiah in the media.

"The only thing that was missing from all this was that it was not mandatory. But that is being fixed as we speak.

"And now it is picking up momentum and heading into a new stratosphere of weirdness.

"The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act (GIVE) will massively increase the Americorps program to the tune of $6 billion. The money quote:

'But the bill’s opponents — and there are only a few in Congress — say it could cram ideology down the throats of young “volunteers,” many of whom could be forced into service since the bill creates a 'Congressional Commission on Civic Service.'

"Quite a shame that only a few opposed this in Congress, given the fact that the model this new 'Obama Youth' program is based upon - Americorps - qualifies as 'number one' in Heritage.org’s list of political slush funds. Heritage describes the Americorps program - then receiving a 'paltry' $427 million - as follows:

"In 1993-1994, AmeriCorps employed about 20,000 'volunteers' described as'“working all over America, helping people ­­ person to person.'2 In reality, a significant number of these paid volunteers work in federal or state bureaucracies, government-funded programs, or political action organizations3. Moreover, ignoring the Corporation’s mission statement to address the nation’s problems through direct community service, several AmeriCorps programs have engaged in advocacy and direct partisan politics at the expense of the taxpayers.'

"The Heritage article goes on to document several abuses. Author Charles Griffin concludes by submitting that, 'Subsidizing political activism does not qualify as responsible behavior.'

"Which is another way of saying that the writer of the Heritage article was not a Democrat. Because Democrats adore taxpayer-funded vehicles to advance their liberal ideology.

"Get ready for ACORN on steroids.

"The Gateway Pundit offered this:

"The House passed the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act on Monday. The bill includes language indicating young people will be forced to participate in mandatory national service programs. The bill also states that 'service learning' will be a mandatory part of the youth curriculum.
That doesn’t sound much like 'volunteerism' does it?

"…The mandatory youth plan also forbids members from attending religious services and forbids youth from witnessing their religious beliefs. The Voice Magazine reported, via Free Republic:

'This bill’s title is called “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education” (GIVE). It forms what some are calling “Obama’s Youth Brigade.” Obama’s plan is require anyone receiving school loans and others to serve at least three months as part of the brigade. His goal is one million youth! This has serious Nazi Germany overtones to it.

'The Bill would forbid any student in the brigade to participate in “engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.” That means no church attendance or witnessing.'"

"One of Adolf Hitler’s contributions to the relationship between parents, children, and the state was this: 'When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”'

"Which is precisely Obama’s and liberals’ goal as well.

"And the element of mandating religion out of the lives of young people is a cherished goal of atheists, as the following conclusively demonstrates:

'How can we ever know how many children had their psychological and physical lives irreparably maimed by the compulsory inculcation of faith? Religion … has always hoped to practice upon the unformed and undefended minds of the young… If religious instruction were not allowed until the child had attained the age of reason, we would be living in a quite different world.' - Christopher Hitchens

'If scientists can destroy the influence of religion on young people, then I think it may be the most important contribution we can make.' - Steven Weinberg

'How much do we regard children as being the property of their parents? it’s one thing to say people should be free to believe whatever they like, but should they be free to impose their beliefs on their children? Is there something to be said for society stepping in? What about bringing up children to beleive manifest falsehoods? Isn’t it always a form of child abuse to label children as possessors of beliefs that they are too young to have thought out?' - Richard Dawkins

'[S]ome children are raised in such an ideological prison that they willingly become their own jailers… Parents don’t literally own their children the way slaveowners once owned slaves, but are, rather, their stewards and guardians and ought to be held accountable by outsiders for their guardianship, which does imply that outsiders have a right to interfere.' - Daniel Dennett

'Parents, correspondingly, have no god-given license to enculcate their children in whatever ways they personally choose: no right to limit the horizons of their children’s knowledge, to bring them up in an atmosphere of dogma and superstitition, or to insist they follow the straight and narrow paths of their own faith.' - Nicholas Humphrey

'And philosopher Richard Rorty argued that secular professors in the universities ought “to arrange things so that students who enter as bigoted, homophobic religious fundamentalists will leave college with views more like their own.” He noted that students are fortunate to find themselves “under the benevolent Herrschaft of people like me, and to have escaped the grip of their frightening, vicious, dangerous parents.” He said to parents who send their children to college, “we are going to go right on trying to discredit you in the eyes of your children, trying to strip your fundamentalist religious community of dignity, trying to make your views seem silly rather than reasonable.”'

"And I say this: 'Spoken just as the true fascist, totalitarian Nazis these people at heart are.' Parents don’t have a right to teach their children their religious and moral values. No, the state alone should have that right, and the values of the state should be Darwinian values. And in the interest and under the power of the state, parents should have their values undermined, mocked, and discarded by the imposition of the new American religion under the new socialist system. Nazism and Marxism are both quintessentially socialist, so pick your favorite brand of poison and drink deeply.

"Don’t think that this new Brownshirt program would have been embraced any less favorably by Adolf Hitler than it would have been by Joseph Stalin. A great read on the subject is 'The Nazis and Christianity' by Bruce Walker in the American Thinker.

"As G.K. Chesterton put it so magnificently, 'When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing - they believe in anything.'

"Kiss your dear children goodbye, parents. Because very soon they are going to hate you and everything you stand for. Very soon they are going to be jackbooted little Obama robots marching around and shouting in cadence, 'Because of Obama I’m inspired to be the next X, Y, and Z!' and of course, the new American version of 'Seig Heil': 'Yes, we can!'

Our president's purposeful plan to ruin us

"Also over the weekend, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei shot down Obama's overtures toward forging 'constructive ties' with the rogue Islamic theocracy. Now, we've certainly seen enough fruits of the soft, squishy diplomacy we tend to get from Democratic presidents to have known what to expect. Given Obama's early upbringing and affinity for America-hating individuals and entities, it ought to be no surprise that he is proceeding with such apparent carelessness.

"Brigitte Gabriel, the Lebanese-born former news anchor and expert on the Islamic world and global terrorism, analyzed Obama's appeal to Iran, applying insights that spoke volumes. The appearance of the Farsi-subtitled video he sent to the ayatollah was bereft of any display of his office. The language he used and the manner in which the video was presented evidenced acquiescence, and contained cues that only one familiar with the nuances of Islamic sensibilities would recognize.

"Gabriel noted that in the Islamic world, negotiation is only proposed when a party is prepared to admit defeat, or is stalling in order to regroup. We've seen this countless times in the dealings between Palestinian terrorist organizations and Israel. It is unlikely that White House experts on diplomatic protocol were unaware of these facts; when one considers Obama's unique understanding of the Muslim world, it becomes clear that his comportment and the message of weakness and deference he sent were deliberate.

"While Jimmy Carter's abysmal foreign policy was rooted in an immature view of the world combined with his grandiose self-image, and Bill Clinton's in an aversion to taking risks, it is all but apparent that Obama's is geared toward sabotaging American preeminence."

Oldstream Media No Longer Concerned With The Anti-War Movement

"It was almost as though a switch was thrown on November 4, 2008. Suddenly, overnight, all the stories that most concerned the Oldstream Media for the past seven years ceased to have meaning. Take, for instance, the Anti-War Movement."


"'Many elements of the anti-war movement have stood down 'cause Obama is President, and that shows me that some elements in the anti-war movement are more concerned with the Democratic Party than really bringing true peace,' said Cindy Sheehan, the forgotten anti-war activist who camped out on President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch in protest in 2005."

Audit the Federal Reserve - HR 1207- We need your help!

How to talk to an Obamabot

"You take it one step at a time… First explain to them that this isn’t a Dem, Rep, thing.

"Then you explain to them that the Bad Cop, Good Cop experiement works… Bush was the Bad Cop, and Obama swooped in as the good cop… Makes one believe that hope is alive, and well, when in fact, it was the ’same’ cop with the same agenda.

"Then point them to 'The Obama Deception' documentary. Tell them to watch it, and tell them to research it for themselves…. Go to look at the fema camps themselves, check out the stories if they don’t believe you…. It’s only their lives they are going to risk if they don’t - and is that a risk they are willing to take…

"You can’t make someone believe in something, but you can point them in the right direction, and let them research it themselves… Truth is always hard to swallow, and sometimes it takes a long time to figure what is, or isn’t the truth. We’d rather believe false stuff because it’s always easier on the nerves, or our lives…

"Most importantly, if you didn’t care about them, you wouldn’t bother trying to let them know.. Explain to them that your motives are based solely on wanting to the be informed, and nothing more…

"Above all… just be truthful to them…"

Were you duped by the mind-game called Obama

"Thus, their man, Obama, sells ‘hope’ as a diversion technique, a holding position, to keep the masses from truly rebelling. We have no job, no food on the table and our home has been foreclosed, but at least we have ‘hope’. Phew, thank goodness for that.

"‘I’m hungry, mum, can I have some hope, please?’

"‘I’m so sorry, darling, you can’t have hope today, only tomorrow - hope is always tomorrow.’

"‘So will I eat tomorrow, mum?’

‘We can hope so now, dear, but when we get to tomorrow, we can only hope it’s the next day.’

"On and on it goes. That’s how ‘hope’ works. Or rather doesn’t.

"Obama’s predominant mantra has been ‘change’. Indeed, his massively-funded, record-breaking campaign was based on that one word - change. This is a technique used by Bill Clinton and many others and it is highly effective because, at any point, the system ensures that most people are not happy with the way life is. So, when you don’t like the status quo, ‘change’ can be a potent message, even if, like Obama, you don’t say what it means.

"It has been vital to his success, and that of his controllers, that he has never specified what his ‘hope’, ‘change’, and that other mind-control trigger-word, ‘believe’, were referring to in terms of policy and the way society in general will be affected. Hope for what? Change what? Believe in what? To answer those questions with specifics would have been fatal to Obama’s appeal."

MUST READ: Thou shalt have no other gods before me

"In America, we are currently witnessing a modern version of political idolatry with President Barack Obama, or as I like to call him, 'Obama the messiah.' So gargantuan is this man's ego and his insatiable lust for absolute power that in just two months the Obama administration is already projected to spend over the next 10 years more money than all 43 of his predecessors combined. As if this weren't outrageous enough, Obama and his socialist minions aren't finished with constructing his grand utopian agenda, which I predict will even eclipse FDR's 'New Deal' in the 1930s or LBJ's 'Great Society' in the 1960s.

"Recall an earlier article I wrote, 'Obama: Manchild in the Promised Land,' where I quoted a great man whom I consider the true intellectual voice of the conservative movement, Dr. Michael Savage. He did a masterful Freudian analysis of the motives behind Obama's naked power grabs and his narcissistic desire to be deified. Dr. Savage wrote:

'No one has ever said no to Obama. From his childhood, through his early career, until now, no authority figure has said, "Stop, you can't do that." So he has developed a sense of self-righteousness and political invincibility ... until someone is willing to stand up to him and say, "Stop! Enough! You will not drain the Treasury! You will not socialize this country," he will continue to steamroll our freedoms.'

"The prophet Daniel, confronting another megalomaniac during the sixth century B.C., the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, refused to bow down to this tyrant, but instead glorified God with a magnificent apologetic condemning man-worship and ending with a rhetorical question worthy of Socrates:

'And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?'

"It is impossible to understand Barack Obama unless you understand that he is indelibly shaped by his pampered and perverted childhood. Since no one ever told the Manchild, 'No!' Obama has developed an infantile, overarching and all-consuming sense of entitlement. It's like Obama is saying, 'I am the president of the United States. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, to whomever I want,' and paraphrasing the words of the prophet Daniel, and none can stay MY hand, or say unto ME, What doest thou?

"The first commandment demands we put all faith in God. This frees humanity from pursuing lesser gods – wealth, sex, power, popularity. In the 20th century, we have repeatedly seen naked tyranny, shameless power grabs and unconstitutional behavior from a Lenin, a Stalin, a Mussolini, a Robert Mugabe, an Idi Amin, an Ayatollah Khomeini, or some tin-pot dictator from a banana republic in South America, but would we have expected these totalitarian acts (e.g., taxation without representation) from a president of the United States?

"For President Obama, admittedly a certified socialist with fascist tendencies, to have arisen so far, so fast, so meteorically in just over two years is simply amazing to me. However, I cannot overstate the fact that Obama could not have achieved what he has done without being enabled by his following co-conspirators:

  • A slavish, propaganda media whose fawning coverage (and obfuscation) belies any pretense of journalistic ethics;

  • The Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, overruling bipartisanship and constitutional checks and balances while bowing to Obama the messiah's every unlawful whim;

  • A Supreme Court that, despite overwhelming evidence that Obama isn't a 'natural born' U.S. citizen according to Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, so far has refused to grant certiorari to any of the dozens of cases that have come before it on this most vital issue of our Republic;

  • An uninformed, uneducated, apathetic public who have for decades been beguiled by fascist leaders and the cult of celebrity (JFK, Oprah, Hollywood). It's difficult to live as a liberated thinker when most of us are products of the Stalinist public schools that have for decades taught us to hate America and to believe in an educational system that forbids God, the Bible and morality in favor of Marxist 'social studies,' teaching 'Daddy's Roommate' and putting condoms on cucumbers.

"Now we return to our initial inquiry – Why does America treat President Obama like a demigod and worship him as god? As Dr. Savage told us, no one ever told Obama no, combined with his own megalomania, acute narcissism and radical political background rooted in infantile entitlement liberalism, Marxism, the racist rhetoric of liberation theology (Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger), the Marxist community activism (Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, ACORN) and his most diabolical subterfuge, Statolatry – the worship of the State.

"National Review commentator Jonah Goldberg, in his timely book 'Liberal Fascism,' (I wonderful book -- Robert) wrote eloquently of statism, saying, '[President Woodrow] Wilson's view of politics could be summarized by the word, "statolatry," or state worship. … Wilson wrote approvingly in 'The State,' [that it] "does now whatever experience permits or the times demand."'

"Goldberg continued his apologetic analyzing America's growing love affair with fascism. Starting with President Wilson (1913-21) and continuing in earnest with Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-45), Goldberg said of the progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th century that:

'The progressives viewed the traditional system of constitutional checks and balances as an outdated impediment to progress because such horse-and-buggy institutions were a barrier to their own ambitions. Dogmatic attachment to constitutions, democratic practices, and antiquated laws was the enemy of progress. ...'

"America, whom will you choose? Obama, whose worldview appears to follow an old school hip hop lyric by 'Eric B. & Rakim' – Cause my strategy has to be tragedy, catastrophe and after this you'll call me 'Your Majesty.' Or will America throw all the bums out, repent and return to God who plainly mandated in the first commandment …

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

PREDICTION: The USS Obama will sustain damage in Europe

"Despite his immense popularity around the world, Mr. Obama will confront resentment over American-style capitalism and resistance to his economic prescriptions when he lands in London on Tuesday for the Group of 20 summit meeting of industrial and emerging market nations plus the European Union."

Obama order worries speech groups

"Free speech advocates from across the political spectrum are accusing President Barack Obama of impinging on First Amendment rights and are gearing up to take their case public."

What did you expect?

Black leaders' gospel of dependence

"Please, hold the hate mail telling me that I only want to show the ugly side of black America. No, I want to show the side of black America for which we ourselves are responsible and which really point to where our problems lie.

"The National Urban League report talks about black poverty, but it does not bother to point out that hand in hand with poverty are single-parent homes. That black households with two married parents are not living in poverty, and their household incomes are on par with those of white households.

"Breakdown in family and values is at the root of poor education, unemployment and crime as well.

"Blacks have the highest church attendance in the country. If we paid attention to the Gospel heard on Sunday, we wouldn't think that extorting welfare from taxpayers was the answer to our problems the other six days of the week.

"Regarding discrimination, you have to wonder what it will take to get off this convenient excuse. "Forty million white Americans voted for Barack Obama for president. That is 2 million more white Americans than voted for John Kerry in 2004.

"As the civil rights movement transformed into a government dependency movement, the original focus on law and the U.S. Constitution as the vehicles to protect all citizens has been lost.

"My friend Pastor Walter Hoye sits in jail in Oakland, Calif., for violating a clearly unconstitutional city ordinance prohibiting him from peacefully standing in front of an abortion clinic offering life literature to the mostly black clientele.

"A black pastor's civil rights have been violated as he tried to save black babies. It happened in the district of Rep. Barbara Lee, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Yet, she could care less and has done nothing. The National Urban League could care less. The NAACP could care less.

(Those who celebrate Lovelle Mixon who killed those four policemen in Oakland could care less too -- Robert)

"What's wrong in black America? You won't find the answer in the National Urban League's report."

Message to Certain Blacks in Oakland: I’m Tired of Your Lame Excuses

(Sent to the Uhuru group in Oakland.)

By Robert Oliver

Yes, that’s right. You love your blackness more than you love common sense, sometimes even more than your own people.

I’m black. I grew up in Chicago, the most segregated city in the North. I’m from “da hood” too. There was a time I experienced racism every day for 4 years there. So I know what racism is about.

But yet, you scream, yell and protest because of a CRIMINAL who murdered four cops. They did not shoot him first. He shot them first. Is that an act of Black bravery, qualifying for the El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) Peace Prize? Is a hero now? (Remember Malcolm had to protect his family, not from white folks, not from cops, but from his own people who eventually killed him.)

You all claim you are like Palestinians in Gaza, in an “occupied territory” as if you are shut in a “prison” with nowhere to go. You are the occupiers. Who took you from Africa and put you in Oakland? Who is keeping you in slavery there? If you don’t like the “oppression,” you should do what you can to leave if you were serious. You are in a prison with unlocked jail cells. You are free to go anywhere, even to Africa, the Motherland, if you wanted to. I don’t hear about oppression in San Francisco. I don’t even hear about oppression in Los Angeles. Even blacks in Chicago don’t scream about oppression as you are doing as bad as things are there.

The whole world watches, and I’m tired of your lame excuses.

Your guy Mixon shot the cops, not even in self-defense. He pulled the trigger first, killing those four cops doing their jobs, and that makes him a Black hero, right? They did not shoot him until he had to be killed because he was killing others. This is what the Los Angeles Times says:

“In October 2007, Lovelle Mixon was released on parole after serving five years of a six-year sentence for assault with a firearm. Within months the 26-year-old Oakland resident was in trouble again, authorities said.

“In February, Mixon was placed on a parole hold as a possible suspect in a homicide in Alameda County, according to Scott Kernan, undersecretary of operations for the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Prosecutors declined to file charges in that case, saying there was not sufficient evidence, but Mixon was detained on various parole violations and sent back to prison for nine months, Kernan said.

“Here is a look at Mixon's interactions with the parole department since his Nov. 1 release from the California Correctional Center in Susanville, as reported by the department :

“Nov. 3: Mixon reports to his parole agent for an initial interview and undergoes his first mandatory drug test.

“Nov. 5: Mixon reports to Parole and Community Team, a state program that offers a broad range of services to parolees. The agency provides job placement, drug treatment and other services. During the visit, he met with his parole agent and again was tested for drugs.
“Nov. 7: Mixon's parole agent makes an initial residential visit, meeting with Mixon at his mother's home in Oakland. The agent also met with relatives of Mixon to evaluate his living conditions and who he was interacting with while on parole. During the visit, Mixon is referred by the agent to America Work, an employment service.

“Dec. 17: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit, also meeting with one of Mixon's cousins as part of their continuing effort to assess his family situation.

“Dec. 19: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

“Jan. 6: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

“Jan. 23: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit and refers Mixon to another employment service, Project Choice Employment.

“Feb. 6: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

“Feb. 18: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit but cannot locate him.

“Feb. 24: Mixon's parole agent makes another residential visit but Mixon cannot be located. The agent talks with his mother.

“Feb. 26: After another residential visit, the agent still cannot locate Mixon.

“Feb. 27: The parole agent prepares a parolee-at-large report and a warrant is issued for Mixon's arrest. The state Board of Parole Hearings suspends Mixon's parole effective Feb. 19, the day after his parole officer first failed to find him. The case is referred to the corrections department's Fugitive Apprehension Team.

“March 6: The Fugitive Apprehension Team and members of the Oakland Police Department visit three Oakland addresses, including Mixon's mother's home, his address of record. The following week, they distribute a bulletin to the Oakland Police Department. The case is also referred to the U.S. Marshals Service to check on reports that Mixon might have been in the Auburn, Wash., area. They are unable to locate him.

“March 21: Mixon is pulled over by Oakland motorcycle officers for a traffic violation shortly after 1 p.m. Authorities said he began shooting at the officers, killing Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and fatally wounding Officer John Hege, 41. After trying to hide in a nearby apartment building where his sister lives, Mixon kills Oakland SWAT sergeants Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, before he is shot and killed by police.”

I’m really disgusted at your lame excuses. I’m tired of your “wolf cookies.”

I could understand anger if he was shot by a cop for no reason. I could understand if he was not threatening anyone. But this man was a convicted felon on parole (assault with a handgun). He shot the cops first. Get a clue, please. Why do you all want to celebrate a criminal? I remember the good old days when we would celebrate people like Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Adam Clayton Powell and Martin Luther King, Jr. But we black people have evolved. We are more enlightened now. We have to celebrate our criminal element too, especially our cop-killas. Al Sharpton and the NAACP did that last year for black thugs who tortured, sexually assaulted, and robbed a BLACK woman in Florida. They had no pity for the victim, just for the thugs who tortured her. Are you giving the whole world the impression that blacks seem to care more about criminals than law-abiding people. This is my “I’m-embarrassed-to-be-Black” moment. I understand there a "Stop Snitching" campaign in Oakland? Why? Is it a black thing and I don’t understand? When blacks do crap to other blacks, don't tell the police, right? We have to protect our beloved criminals, right. It is the law-abiding black citizens, especially senior citizens, who live in terror of the black criminals who should go to hell right? It is your own black neighbors who live in oppression because of black thugs, not because of cops.

Why is it we do in each other in when we celebrate our own criminals?

This is what a friend wrote:

“Hi, Robert. This makes me sick to my stomach. I seriously need to plan to move from these United States of America. Some blacks are idiots, and they make me ashamed of my race with this madness. I feel for all the families involved. But he shot the cops first so they were just protecting themselves from this dangerous criminal. What is wrong with black people? He was a criminal not an advocate of any community. Black people wake up please before it’s too late.”

The black editor of the Oakland Tribune Chauncey Bailey was shot dead by a Black Muslim in 2007 in broad daylight. How many of these blacks of you marched and protested that? Were you all demanding justice? Were you all outraged when one of your own gunned down one of your own? Those who knew Bailey were outraged. I did not see outrage from you. I understand “Stop Snitching” was going on there in Oakland about that murder. Again, it is your own black neighbors who live in oppression because of black thugs, not because of cops. Or did you decide it was not really a tragedy since a white man or a cop did not shoot Bailey?

He was down for your community. Were you down for him? Bailey was a strong advocate for the black community, even for those same people who are celebrating Mixon. Yet the outrage in the black community in Oakland was very little. Mixon was not an advocate for the black community at all, a convicted criminal and murderer, and people march and protest and this criminal gets celebrated. He is a role model for all young Black children in Oakland right?

Is not something wrong with that picture? Keep your lame excuses because they won’t fly, even out of Oakland International Airport.

New Ice Cream Flavor

New Ice Cream flavor

In honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins

Ice Cream has introduced a new flavor; "Barocky Road".

Barocky Road is a blend of half-Vanilla, half-Chocolate, and

surrounded by Nuts and Flakes. The Vanilla portion of the mix is

not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient.

The Nuts and Flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.

The cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased it will be presented to you in a large beautiful

cone, but then the Ice Cream is taken away and given to the

person in line behind you.

Thus, you are left with an empty Wallet, no change, holding

an empty cone, with no hope of getting any Ice Cream.

Are you feeling stimulated?

Congresswoman Bachmann Moves To Block One World Currency!

March for Lovelle Mixon who shot four Oakland cops before being murdered

This is an email I wrote to a friend:

Bev, this is the same Uhuru movement that demands $500,000 per black person for reparations.

This is another "I'm-embarassed-to-be-black-moment." These are not my "brothers" and "sisters." They claim they are like Palestinians in Gaza, as if they don't have anyplace to go. Who took them from Africa and put them in Oakland? If they did not like oppression, they should do whatever to leave. I don't hear about cops "oppressing" anyone in San Diego. They can pack up and drive 10 hours and come down here. Who is stopping them?

Mixon shot the cops. They did not shoot him. This is what the Los Angeles Times says:

In October 2007, Lovelle Mixon was released on parole after serving five years of a six-year sentence for assault with a firearm. Within months the 26-year-old Oakland resident was in trouble again, authorities said.

In February, Mixon was placed on a parole hold as a possible suspect in a homicide in Alameda County, according to Scott Kernan, undersecretary of operations for the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Prosecutors declined to file charges in that case, saying there was not sufficient evidence, but Mixon was detained on various parole violations and sent back to prison for nine months, Kernan said.

Here is a look at Mixon's interactions with the parole department since his Nov. 1 release from the California Correctional Center in Susanville, as reported by the department :

Nov. 3: Mixon reports to his parole agent for an initial interview and undergoes his first mandatory drug test.

Nov. 5: Mixon reports to Parole and Community Team, a state program that offers a broad range of services to parolees. The agency provides job placement, drug treatment and other services. During the visit, he met with his parole agent and again was tested for drugs.

Nov. 7: Mixon's parole agent makes an initial residential visit, meeting with Mixon at his mother's home in Oakland. The agent also met with relatives of Mixon to evaluate his living conditions and who he was interacting with while on parole. During the visit, Mixon is referred by the agent to America Work, an employment service.

Dec. 17: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit, also meeting with one of Mixon's cousins as part of their continuing effort to assess his family situation.

Dec. 19: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

Jan. 6: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

Jan. 23: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit and refers Mixon to another employment service, Project Choice Employment.

Feb. 6: Mixon reports to the parole office and takes a drug test.

Feb. 18: Mixon's parole agent makes a residential visit but cannot locate him.

Feb. 24: Mixon's parole agent makes another residential visit but Mixon cannot be located. The agent talks with his mother.

Feb. 26: After another residential visit, the agent still cannot locate Mixon.

Feb. 27: The parole agent prepares a parolee-at-large report and a warrant is issued for Mixon's arrest. The state Board of Parole Hearings suspends Mixon's parole effective Feb. 19, the day after his parole officer first failed to find him. The case is referred to the corrections department's Fugitive Apprehension Team.

March 6: The Fugitive Apprehension Team and members of the Oakland Police Department visit three Oakland addresses, including Mixon's mother's home, his address of record. The following week, they distribute a bulletin to the Oakland Police Department. The case is also referred to the U.S. Marshals Service to check on reports that Mixon might have been in the Auburn, Wash., area. They are unable to locate him.

March 21: Mixon is pulled over by Oakland motorcycle officers for a traffic violation shortly after 1 p.m. Authorities said he began shooting at the officers, killing Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and fatally wounding Officer John Hege, 41. After trying to hide in a nearby apartment building where his sister lives, Mixon kills Oakland SWAT sergeants Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, before he is shot and killed by police.

Bev, I can understand their anger if a black man was shot by a cop for no reason. But this man was a convicted felon on parole. He shot the cops first. And these idiotic black people, yes I said it and I will say it again, idiotic black people want to take up for a criminal. Al Sharpton and the NAACP did that last year for black thugs who tortured, sexually assaulted, and robbed a BLACK woman in Florida. They had no pity for the victim. I told you that there are blacks seem to care more about criminals than law-abiding people. Remember the "Stop Snitching" campaign? When blacks do crap to other blacks, don't tell the police. We do each other in when we celebrate our criminals.

The black editor of the Oakland Tribune Chauncey Bailey was shot dead by a Black Muslim in 2007 in broad daylight. How many of these blacks marched and protested that?

Bailey was an strong advocate for the black community, even for those same people who are marching, and I did not hear about any protests over his death in Oakland. Mixon was not an advocate for the black community at all, a convicted criminal and murderer, and people march and protest and this criminal gets celebrated.

Is not something wrong with that picture?


Hillary Says N Korean Missile Launch Will Provoke U.S. Action

BET Host Jeff Johnson: Like Jesus, 'If You Just Say Obama People Will Shout.'

NBC Mocks Obama's Renaming 'War On Terror'

The Obama Deception Extras:Interviews with, Professor Griff, KRS-One

Peter Schiff Vlog Report 18 March 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Government Intervention, Regulatory Policy, and the Financial Crisis

Barack W. Bush?

Welcome to Obama's Amerika

"In my post-election analysis of what kind of president King Obama, Lord and Savior of Big Media (the BM for short) might be, I postulated that the worst scenario would be for Obama to turn out to be the next Woodrow Wilson. Well, hello Mr. Wilson!"

Democrats vs. Democrats

"House Minority Leader John A. Boehner snarled at moderate Democrats Wednesday, but the real bite came from liberal groups frustrated by centrist opposition to Barack Obama’s budget priorities.

"As Boehner accused Blue Dog Democrats of being 'lap dogs' for Obama, MoveOn.org and Americans United for Change, the labor-backed organization that serves as the White House’s chief third-party operation, began airing ads Wednesday urging moderate Democrats in both the House and the Senate to get on board with the president’s budget.

"Among the targets of Americans United for Change is Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), who declared the ads 'not very helpful.'”

Thursday, March 26, 2009

WJC blasts UNHRC religious criticism resolution

"'The World Jewish Congress, long a leader in the effort to champion human rights and freedom of religion, has for many years defended the rights of the members of all faiths, including the Muslim faith,' said WJC President Ronald S. Lauder. 'However, we strongly oppose the issue of "defamation of religions" being cast as a human rights violation at the United Nations. We see it as weakening the rights of individuals to express their views and criticize other religions, and, in the case of this specific resolution, particularly Islam.'

"Lauder went on to say that the resolution was an attempt to bring blasphemy laws prevalent in some Muslim countries to the UN, stressing that in accordance with human rights laws, the rights of individuals to express their views should be protected and not restricted or punished by the state."

Constitution, Schmonstitution — What Gov’t Wants it Takes Law or No

"No, I am not saying that the country is like a slack-jawed southerner, but is instead like an inbred, uneducated fool. I am not talking about genetic inbreeding here, either. I am saying this country has become like a dumbed-down, socially and historically illiterate, inbred, incurious, fool, one that understands one thing and one thing only: entertainment. We can thank our putrefying 'education' establishment for this as well as the coarsening culture about us.

"The reason I am drawn to this sad conclusion is the complete ignorance of the people of this country to the rule of law. Not just the ignorance evinced by the self-empowering politicians and the activist judges, but the bulk of the population. The Constitution has at last become a document that has no meaning to the largest number of Americans."

Speaking of doom, what if Obama only makes it worse?

"U.S. financial analyst Martin Weiss, in a white paper he released last week, believes that a second Great Depression is already under way. If his and similar analyses are correct, then the Obama administration is doing everything wrong. Throwing billions at trying to remove and resell the toxic assets that banks accumulated is a waste of time, because those assets are worthless and should be written off.

"Worse, according to some, Mr. Obama's $3.6-trillion budget, with its emphasis on health care, education and energy reform, wastes money that is needed to combat the coming depression. It robs the economy of future growth by piling on debt. And it depletes the President's political capital."

Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government

PETA Kills More Animals Than Ever

"In the past, PETA has been exposed for killing animals transferred from shelters to its headquarters in Norfolk. Some, perhaps many, of these euthanasia deaths may well have been necessary due to the poor condition of the animals. But the number of kills versus adoptions may indicate something else is at work, particularly since its kill to adopt ratio is widening."

Poverty is the Answer: Radical Environmentalism Leading Us to a New Form of Human Sacrifice

"The environmental benefits of economic decline, though real, are fragile, because they are vulnerable to intervention by governments, which, understandably, want to put people back to work and get them buying non-necessities again--through programs intended to revive ordinary consumer spending (which has a big carbon footprint), and through public-investment projects to build new roads and airports (ditto)."

First decriminalization, then plural marriages

"If plural marriage is decriminalized by court decision, polygamists will be in the same legal vacuum as gays were after legislative change in 1969. Polygamy will no longer be a criminal offence, but no legal category of plural marriage will exist. Polygamy will simply be a voluntary social practice. But that won't last long, because common-law relationships are now virtually equivalent to marriage in Canadian law.

"Small-scale legal issues will immediately present themselves. Will polygamous immigrants be able to get Canadian divorces from a marriage performed in countries, such as Saudi Arabia, that recognize plural marriages? Will a polygamous man be able to include all his wives and their children as beneficiaries in his employment benefit plans? What happens to his pension after his death? Does it go only to the woman with whom he has been legally married in Canada, or must it be divided among his other common-law wives? These real-world questions cannot be avoided as the numbers of polygamists grow after decriminalization.

"Given the impact on dependent children, it will not be long until plural marriage is fully legalized, either by statute or by the cumulative weight of court decisions dealing with the practical issues arising from polygamy. It took almost four decades to move from the decriminalization of homosexuality to the legalization of same-sex marriage. I doubt it would take a decade for polygamy to follow the same path."

Making war on the African child

"Will Nigeria be the first country to be bought with Obama’s funding for abortion groups?"

Obama Used ‘Invest’ or ‘Investment’ 18 Times in Press Conference to Describe Government Deficit Spending

"In his prime-time Tuesday press conference, however, President Barack Obama used the words 'invest' or 'investment' 18 different times to describe the deficit spending he wants the federal government to undertake in pursuit of his budget plan.

"When the government engages in deficit spending it has to borrow money—part of it from foreign sources—and then charge future taxpayers to pay the interest on the borrowed money. As long as the government’s loans are not paid off, the taxpayers must continue paying interest on the debt year after year—just as an individual citizen would need to pay interest year after year on a credit card whose principal is never paid down.

"The money that goes each year to pay the growing interest on the federal government’s credit card cannot be 'invested' by private citizens and businesses to create jobs and grow the economy."

Imagine if Lucy Ricardo told Ricky she wanted to "invest" in a new hat.

With a budget proposal, Obama's governing philosophy comes fully into view

"Though all of this is readily seen in the budget's revenue and spending figures, the Obama administration nonetheless tried to couch it in the soothing language of fiscal conservatism. In his speech before Congress, the president said his team had found '$2 trillion in savings' over ten years with their sharp, budget-cutting pencils. But, even before the budget's official release just two days later, it was clear that this claim was a mirage. The 'savings' stemmed mainly from the assumption that, in a status quo scenario, war-fighting costs in Iraq would remain at essentially 'surge' levels in perpetuity, which no one has ever thought would be the case. That false assumption alone added $1.4 trillion to the 'baseline' against which the Obama team measured itself.

"But it didn't matter anyway. This budgetary sleight of hand couldn't disguise what even the mainstream press recognized: The Obama budget, if adopted, would run up the nation's debt at an unprecedented pace -- some $7 trillion between 2009 and 2019. No matter what baseline it's measured against, that's a lot of borrowing. At the end of 2008, before the full force of the financial crisis had hit government tax collections, the entire debt, accumulated over more than two centuries, stood at only $5.8 trillion. In 2007, at the end of the government expansion that marked much of the Bush era, the federal budget deficit fell to a comparatively insignificant $161 billion, or just 1.2 percent of GDP. By contrast, the lowest annual budget deficit in the Obama plan would be $533 billion in 2013, or 3 percent of GDP.

"This massive run-up of debt cannot be explained away with a continuing weak economy. In the run-up to the passage of the so-called stimulus bill, the president spoke incessantly of the financial crisis and the likely economic troubles that lie ahead. We won't dig ourselves out of the problem easily or quickly, he warned. But the budget he submitted to Congress now predicts otherwise. Robust economic growth is expected to resume in 2010 for good. Indeed, in 2012, the administration projects real GDP will increase an astonishing 4.6 percent, three years into a recovery.

"If anemic growth isn't to blame for the Obama deficits, what is? It's simple: spending. For all the talk of combing through the budget for savings, President Obama is planning an unprecedented expansion of government, with just about every agency and program in line for a major bump-up in funding. In 2008, total federal spending was $3 trillion. In 2013, after the financial crisis is expected to have subsided and economic growth to be in full swing, the president's budget, including his health-care plan, forecasts spending of about $4 trillion -- a $1 trillion, or 33 percent, increase in the size of government in just five years.

"And the spending is pretty much for anything and everything. Child-nutrition programs, Pell Grants (an 80 percent increase by 2014), national-service scholarships, state welfare grants, job training, disease prevention, research, agency overhead, and on and on. The State Department (and related international funding) would nearly double in size in five years; the Education Department would grow by more than 60 percent. Overall, annual appropriations spending would increase by $780 billion over the coming decade. "

The ethics of allowing babies to die

"The committee might also have considered the precedent withholding life-sustaining treatment from a disabled baby would mean for other disabled people.

"Phebe's case is likely to deliver very important messages about the ethical and legal rights of disabled babies and disabled people, in general, to medical treatment and to the 'necessities of life,' hydration and nutrition."


"Let me review the events of the last few weeks so as to help readers familiarize themselves with this historic--and I do mean historic--episode.

"On February 20, 2009, the State of Missouri, via its Department of Public Safety, issued what was called 'MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement.' In this report, people who supported Presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and yours truly were referenced as being connected to potentially dangerous 'militia members.' But the inference did not stop there. People of conservative ideology were also identified in the State Police report as being potentially dangerous. People who held political opinions opposing abortion, illegal immigration, the New World Order, the North American Union, the Income Tax, the U.N., etc., were profiled in the MIAC report.

"Interestingly enough, no left-leaning political ideologies were identified. No Islamic extremists. No environmental extremists. Only people holding 'conservative' or 'right-wing' philosophies were identified in the MIAC report.

"The MIAC report was categorized as 'Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive,' meaning the report was intended for law enforcement personnel only. Fortunately, an unidentified (for obvious reasons) Missouri law enforcement officer, who was extremely disturbed by this report, sent a copy to nationally syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones. Of course, Jones immediately 'blew the whistle' on the story. This was on March 11.

"On March 14, the Columbia (Missouri) Daily Tribune ran a story on the subject, and on March 17, I wrote my first column about it. From that point, the story went viral.

"Internet sites, radio talk show hosts, and bloggers all over America picked up the story, and thousands of outraged citizens began bombarding the appropriate officials in Missouri with protests. Even Fox News Channel talk show host Glenn Beck ran a feature on the story on Friday, March 20, and again on Monday, March 23. The Constitution Party issued a 'Travel Advisory' for the State of Missouri, warning tourists and residents about the possibility of being profiled by State Police for such things as having bumper stickers with political statements on their vehicles, etc. All of this commotion was not lost on several Missouri State legislators and executive officers, either.

"Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder called on Governor Jay Nixon (who had previously stood by and defended the MIAC report) to place Department of Public Safety Director John Britt on administrative leave pending an investigation into the report. In addition, several Missouri State legislators said they would introduce an amendment to the Department of Public Safety's budget barring the agency from using 'state or federal funds for political profiling.'

"On March 23, DPS Director John Britt sent an apology letter to Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and me stating, 'I have ordered that the offending report be edited so as to excise all reference to Ron Paul, Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin and to any third-party political organizations.'

"While Ron, Bob, and I appreciated the apology and retraction from Mr. Britt, the overriding offense of the report still lingered: namely, the report, with a very broad brush, linked people holding conservative political opinions to dangerous and violence-prone 'militias,' which Missouri law enforcement personnel were instructed to be on guard against. Therefore, public outcry against the MIAC report continued, Mr. Britt's apology notwithstanding.

"Then, on Wednesday, March 25, the head of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Col. James F. Keathley, ordered the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) to 'permanently cease distribution' of this abysmal report. Keathley said that neither he nor Britt had read the report before it was distributed.

"Keathley also noted that the report was filled with numerous spelling and grammatical errors and did not cite any sources for its broad statements about 'right-wing' militias. He further said that his department would now review how the MIAC distributes intelligence reports to police officers. He said the process 'needs improvement.'"

Appalachian Coalminers To Lose Jobs Thanks To Obama

"President Obama has stated that he is going to save or create up to 4 million jobs, but it seems to me that more and more jobs are being lost. IBM announced yesterday that they would be laying off 5,000 people. And now, thanks to the climate change freaks and President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency, 77,000 Appalachian coalminers are in danger of losing their jobs. Expressing 'serious concerns' about our environment, the EPA announced it was putting mountaintop mining permits on hold. The National Mining Association (NMA) has said that this action may eliminate high-paying jobs in what is already a relatively poor area of the country.

Despite Obama's Vow, Combat Brigades Will Stay in Iraq

"Despite President Barack Obama's statement at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina Feb. 27 that he had 'chosen a timeline that will remove our combat brigades over the next 18 months,' a number of Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs), which have been the basic U.S. Army combat unit in Iraq for six years, will remain in Iraq after that date under a new non-combat label.

"A spokesman for Defence Secretary Robert M. Gates, Lt. Col. Patrick S. Ryder, told IPS Tuesday that 'several advisory and assistance brigades' would be part of a U.S. command in Iraq that will be 're-designated' as a 'transition force headquarters' after August 2010."

Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe

Is there anyway the Republicans can be blamed for the sun acting that way?

I knew this would happen: Gordon Brown is frustrated by 'Psycho' in No 10

"Alas, when the PM settled down to begin watching them the other night, he found there was a problem.

"The films only worked in DVD players made in North America and the words "wrong region" came up on his screen. Although he mournfully had to put the popcorn away, he is unlikely to jeopardise the special relationship – or "special partnership", as we are now supposed to call it – by registering a complaint."

If he or any of his team could get it right on DVD's or even proper gifts to foreign dignitaries, how confident can I be about how Obama handles foreign policy? I'm not a diplomat, nor a college graduate. Yet I knew about North American DVD's not working in European players.

Obama Warns North Korea

I wonder what they said after they got up from the floor from dying with laughter.

Obama and his Binky

My Obama Update : Obamaconomy

Paul Ryan: Dems' budget worse than what Europe allows

Wednesday, March 25, 2009