Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Will Obama’s “International Crisis” Be?

Joe Biden, you have a big mouth. Thanks for spilling the beans.

"Will the military assault on Iran occur not under the highly unpopular Bush administration, as many had predicted, but under an Obama presidency? Riding into office on a wave of popular approval and support, Obama will have the political capital to get the country behind the attack if the threat of imminent danger is cited - or at least stand by and allow Israel to do the dirty work."


"What will Obama’s crisis be that enables him to offer his contribution to building the American police state?

"- A terror attack, or a series of attacks, on major American cities, possibly involving crudely designed nuclear bombs or dirty bombs?

"- A complete economic collapse and a new great depression leading to food riots and the imposition of martial law?

"- A military showdown with Russia should Russia attempt to invade Georgia or another pro-U.S. Russian satellite country?

"- A nuclear showdown with Russia should Russia start a nuclear war with Ukraine, as has been threatened?

"- The necessity for another military attack on Afghanistan should the Taliban continue to regain control of the country?

"- A confrontation with Venezuela should it be revealed that Hugo Chavez is receiving nuclear bomb technology from Russia or Iran?

"- A new escalation in the Middle East should Israel deploy its nuclear arsenal to attack Iran, Syria Lebanon, or even Egypt?"

I PREDICT -- If, and I say if, there is some military attack by the U.S. under Obama's command, there will be protests as many honest people on the Left protested Bill Clinton's bombing of Yugoslavia. Those protests will include unlikely allies such as Republicans, "PUMA" Democrats who opposed Obama, and other former supporters of Obama who hate more American military adventures.

I also predict that a majority Democratic Congress and the compliant media such as Joy Behar of ABC's "The View," will support Obama in any military action. It will be the exact opposite of Bush in 2003 when we went into Iraq. The Republicans will cry foul. However many of Obama's supporters will be disillusioned, especially his black supporters. They will discover he was not "their" president after all. They will say "He is no better than Bush" and "I'm sorry I voted for him. I'm disappointed." And Pastor James David Manning of Harlem, New York (www.atlah.org) will say "I told yall black folks last year that Long-Legged Mack Daddy Obama is a devil! You all loved your blackness more than you loved Jesus and this is what you got!"

Also many of the people, especially celebrities, who hated Bush for invading Iraq will be quiet about Obama's military actions as the National Organization of Woman (NOW) were quiet about Bill Clinton's sexual escapades. (I will have a good time pointing out their hypocrisy.) I also predict there will be celebrities, like Alec Baldwin, and media people, such as Lou Dobbs of CNN, who will speak out against Obama. (If Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball was honest he would say "The thrill is gone.") Obama will become rapidly unpopular with common people. There may be even some wienies who would blame George W. Bush for that crisis.

But it is too late. We wanted the "Messiah-Savior" to be our leader. We got suckered. Democrats can say "We got suckered again. We should have voted for a Coke machine for change."

Just a Thought

Don't let anyone convince you that your captivity is good for you.

Joe Biden's ominous comments - major crisis "guaranteed"

"But, if we have something akin to the Cuban missile crisis coming down the pike and either or both candidates are aware of it, I would hope they'd have the good sense to make the relevant information available to the public, rather than to surprise us with a proposed solution the same day they make us aware of the problem, as was done with the $700 billion bail out. "

"Surprise, surprise, surprise!" -- Private Gomer Pyle, United States Marine Corps

What is the coming attraction from the Surprise Party wing of the Obama Administration?

Will an Obama Nation be an abomination?




a Random Rant

Handicapped Man "Assisted" To Vote For Obama -- Against His Will

"Jack Justice has been voting since he turned 18. Typically his family takes him to their neighborhood precinct. This time Primus Industries, his adult day rehab program, took him to vote. His family was shocked, but what shocked them more was that Jack claims that his aide commandeered his vote.

"'They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain,' said Jack Justice, a voter.

"Jack Justice says the person helping him, selected Obama's name. His sister says the family is often asked to sign a permission slips for trips, but for this they were never notified."

This is an interesting comment:

Watch it , Jack. You'd better get with the program. There are some out there on the Left who'd be more than happy to bring back Eugenics. If they start to get the idea that you're thinking independently and not with the bloc, things could get ugly under Barack "infanticide" Obama.

And you WILL be under him. It is ordained.

To paraphrase an old bumper sticker:

"Barack is coming...and boy, is he pissed."

Operation Northwoods

Will a manufactured crisis happen within the next 6 months to make Obama look good?


"The simple answer is that Obama's revolutionary values match those of the mainstream media and the power brokers behind it. Contrary voices are ignored or ridiculed. Perceptions are swayed by suggestions and exciting images, while facts become increasingly irrelevant. And as discernment drowns in this postmodern muddle, illusion reigns -- and few even care!

"Without facts we'll lose our freedom! A sobering 1970 prediction by Professor Raymond Houghton, a spokesman for 'progressive education,' may soon be reality:

"'...absolute behavior control is imminent.... The critical point of behavior control, in effect, is sneaking up on mankind without his self-conscious realization that a crisis is at hand. Man will... never self-consciously know that it has happened.'"


"This is spiritual war! Unthinkable lies are now accepted by blinded masses who have forgotten the foundations of our freedom! Dialectic groups (led by trained facilitators) -- no matter how nice or 'Christian' they sound -- are prompting people to shift their trust from God to the group. In that context, even the Bible is conformed to the group's changing visions.

"In contrast, our sovereign God calls each of us to take a stand, resist compromise, and follow His unchanging Truth. Those who choose His way will walk together with Him. He will strengthen us for the battle and enable us to stand firm on the solid rock of His Word -- no matter how fierce the battle."

Operation Northwoods

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.


"Last year, the ACLU and People for the American Way sued a Texas school district for offering high school electives in New and Old Testament-era history and literature. It mattered not that the curriculum neither advances nor undermines religious belief. In contrast, the Excelsior public school in Byron, California requires seventh graders to study Islam by 'becoming' Muslims. Students are given Muslim names; they recite Muslim prayers and get 'extra credit' for fasting at Ramadan."

Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights?

"The goal of this rule change was to help the poor — which especially would help members of minority groups. But how does it help these people to give them a loan that they can't repay? They get into a house, yes, but when they can't make the payments, they lose the house — along with their credit rating.

"They end up worse off than before."


"These are facts. This financial crisis was completely preventable. The party that blocked any attempt to prevent it was ... the Democratic Party. The party that tried to prevent it was ... the Republican Party.

"Yet when Nancy Pelosi accused the Bush administration and Republican deregulation of causing the crisis, you in the press did not hold her to account for her lie. Instead, you criticized Republicans who took offense at this lie and refused to vote for the bailout!

"What? It's not the liar, but the victims of the lie who are to blame?"


"If you who produce our local daily paper actually had any principles, you would be pounding this story, because the prosperity of all Americans was put at risk by the foolish, short-sighted, politically selfish, and possibly corrupt actions of leading Democrats, including Obama.

"If you who produce our local daily paper had any personal honor, you would find it unbearable to let the American people believe that somehow Republicans were to blame for this crisis."

For Conservatives, Obama's Changes Would Be Permanent and Devastating

"Of course the Democrats will push such changes, knowing that they can thereby claim sole 'credit' for welcoming millions of new citizens to the voting roles, and with the expectation that such freshly minted Americans will vote Democratic for the rest of their lives. The Democrats will also cut back immediately on the workplace immigration raids and enhanced border security that has enabled the Bush administration to sharply cut back on illegal entries in the last year --- Obama has specifically condemned these efforts and might even halt or slow ongoing work on the border fence.

"In any event, we’ve been down this road before: the Republicans claimed credit for the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924, all but eliminating the flow of humanity from Eastern and Southern Europe, and as a result vast numbers of ethnic voters (Italians, Poles, Jews, Greeks and more) became loyal Democrats for a generation or more.

"This shift in immigrant voters played a huge role in the establishment of the New Deal Coalition that won five Presidential elections in a row (1932 through 1948) and totally dominated Congress for an appalling fifty years (1930-1980)."


"That’s the biggest threat of an Obama presidency: the creation of vast new groups of dependent Americans who will comprise an unassailable new coalition that will enjoy iron control of our politics for a generation or more. If you start with newly legalized immigrant voters (with as many as 10 million new Democrats totally beholden to Obama and company) and then add the beneficiaries of government pre-school, the new nursery school teachers, the recipients and administrators of federal health insurance, federal college grants, the businesses who’ll enjoy the $150 billion in promised subsidies for 'alternative energy,' the companies and employees of the vast increases in “infra-structure” spending (lots more bridges to nowhere), the non-tax payers who will suddenly receive a $1,000 per household check (under the guise of “refundable tax credit,” and many, many more.

"In his first years in office, a President Obama could easily succeed in buying so many interest groups and constituencies with expensive new governmental favors, that conservative dreams of rebuilding a small government majority will go absolutely nowhere."

Neo-Socialism: A Decomposition of the Liberal Mind

"Fundamentally, Socialism is the complete discarding of the institution of private property by transforming it to public property. The resulting public income is to be, then, equally and indiscriminately distributed to the population (Liberals strive toward this end through the levying of taxes and tight governmental controls). In Socialism, private property is anathema to this objective."

An Open Letter to Michelle Obama

  • To: Michelle Obama,
  • Wife to the Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, US Senator

I have decided to write this open letter and to refer you to our telephone conversation the day your husband was having a debate with his opponent in New York. This has to be an open letter because the story is already out there and many Americans are crying for the truth about what we discussed.

I know our discussion was not meant to harm your husband’s candidacy nor was it meant to derail the US Presidential elections in any way. We both know that our talk was - a sister to brother talk - black to black person talk - in the African perspective. The problem came later when we listened to the taped recording of our talk. API thought it wise to publish some of the contents that are not inflammatory. API did the best to select that which could not cause any chaos and we in API did not expect that waht (sic) we chose to publish would have the impact it now has had in the last five days.

Many Americans have surprised us in the way they take the interview very seriously. We want to respect them - as we have promised from day one - to let them know the truth in what transpired between yourself and us. We have realised that the American people want to know you well before you probably become their first Lady.

The intention of writing to you this open letter is to appeal to you to confirm that we had a talk because it is the only right thing to do now, so that we avoid any embarrassment should the whole tape be aired unedited. You are well aware of our discussions touching on thorny issues like Iran’s good trade relationship with Kenya and the fact Kenya may play a role in mending the relationship between Iran and the US so that healthy trade relationship may be achieved if your husband gets the presidency. Remember the length and the depth of our talk on other issues of importance in this hotly contested election where as you have stated - is an opportunity for the black people to start being proud of America and to be patriotic.

API was disappointed that one of your husband’s spokespersons rushed to the press to deny that you had called API. It is best that they check with you first before jumping to conclusions as if they control your private calls everyday.

API is interested in handling this matter in a good and reasonable way so that we may not be forced to release the tapes in its entirety. We do not want to be party to causing unnecessary chaos before the elections. If you just come forward and confirm that there was a call you placed to API, that will enable API to be out of it and nobody will continue to demand that we air unedited tape, but that we can release the one with information that is already known to the public.

We will appreciate solving this matter this way in order to avoid unnecessary law suits that may come about.

It is my apology to you that we did not let you know that the conversation was being taped, and yet I expect you to know that being a public figure, such may happen.

We have decided to write to you after our discussion today with a US CIA official in Oslo.


Chief Editor Korir/ African Press International - API

Important Update: US Law firm enters into agreement to represent API in The Michelle Obama tapes to be released soon in the US

"The touchy interview tapes of Michelle Obama, the wife of the US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is soon ready for release in the US and will be aired unedited."

Obama The Disaster That Americans Can Ill Afford

"In his haste to be the first black man to acquire that title and in his eagerness to assume the duties, he has begun to take on the demeanor of a man who is obsessed with power.

"In his haste he has become a man who is filled to overflowing with his own self-importance.

"Even if he were to become President, his self-importance would just be the start of how much America would be placed in a firestorm of misery."

There Lies Alinsky, The Man Obama Reveres

"As I see it, there is only one thing that we can be grateful to Barack Obama for, which is that he has introduced the term, community organizer, into the overall national dialogue. However, he may now believe he released that term too early; but, as it stands today, it still wasn't done soon enough.

"On balance, there's nothing wrong with people going in to help communities to help themselves. The problem is that there are people in America who are advocating that neighborhoods be legally mandated to serve as communes operating under the total control of our government. The way they see it, government is best when everybody will be equal pretty much in the same way that it is done in socialist countries.

"All of those organizations in partnership with Obama, his wife, and their elite friends use the same Alinsky model being espoused by Obama. They are all linked as partners with the same visions, missions, and goals, as his. And they are in operation right now all over this nation and the world to include billions. Their ultimate purpose is to overthrow the decent, orderly form of constitutional government in this nation. Therein is the difference. They are operating at cross purposes with all that this nation stands for, which is for all citizens to participate in our government through representative governance and not by their form of participatory mob rule used to intimidate elected leaders at all levels of government."

The Accusation Game

"It has long been a Democrat tactic to accuse Republicans of whatever unprincipled, illicit or deplorable act that they themselves are about to perpetrate. This tactic has been repeatedly employed with great success, and is about to pay off with the grand prize of the Presidency."

Obama's economic advisor a 'big gov't' proponent

"Kilgannon believes, since Volcker is tied in with the United Nations and the international finance community, his role in a future Obama administration would be troubling."

Is Barack Obama the ‘Manchurian Candidate’?

"Yet the mainstream media have embraced Obama as the Messiah, the Chosen One, the One Who Will Bring About Hope and Change. No matter that there is no voting record or even a clear history of Obama’s activities since graduation, save and except that he was a ‘community organizer’. Most candidates for political office including those running for dogcatcher of Gnarled Gulch, Montana face close scrutiny by the electorate and especially the media.

"But it appears that no amount of subterfuge and skullduggery with which Barack Obama is associated, is enough to raise any questions about his suitability to hold the highest office in the land. Call me paranoid, but suppose there is a vast left-wing conspiracy to take over the United States, there wouldn’t be a better time to do it than now and it seems that there’s no better candidate to do it than Barack Obama."

Biden Promises World Crisis Immediately after Obama Elected

"This is a chilling revelation from the man who is running with the Left’s secular messianic figure. Although one cannot be certain, perhaps Biden—unlike all too many of his colleagues—still retains some glimmer of care for and belief in the country. He knows what will happen if Barack Obama becomes president of the United States. He is simply the first Democrat—since Obama’s nomination—to realistically voice it. And Joe Biden is preparing the country for what will prove to be a nightmare scenario when Barack Obama is elected president of the United States. Apparently, Biden wants to ensure that—early on—he was able to get in his 'I told you so.'”

Joe Biden Guarantees “Disaster” If Obama Is Elected!

"Just what exactly did you have in mind, Senator? A terrorist attack? Further collapse of the U.S. economy? A violent outburst from a disgruntled Hillary Clinton?"

Joe Biden warns Barack Obama supporters of war and depression - “Gird your loins”

If I were Obama I would say, "Joe, I love you, but you have a really big mouth. Keep your trap shut. You're spilling the beans!"

"Believe me this is one of the few time Joe Biden has actually told the truth in public. America is just beginning a hellish ride orchestrated by the world banking elite and Biden is in on it and can’t wait to tell you about it."