Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bruce Walker's The Swastika against the Cross

"Walker explains in context of the abandonment of Christianity how Weimar Germany was a society in moral free-fall. Millions of people officially renounced their Christianity. Rampant premarital sex among high school students and the common place occurrence of abortion, proliferation of pornography, general embracing of hedonism, with the attendant degradation of art and the emergence of atonal music reflected a society without traditional moorings, primed for the rise of the cult of personality which became Hitler worship as replacement of traditional religious expression."

Obama, Oprah, and the Guru: Malignant Narcissism

"Tony Blankley refers to Obama's posturing as the 'height of hubris.' Jeffrey Kuhner writes that Obama 'is a self-absorbed narcissist who portrays himself as a political messiah -- the anointed one.' David Limbaugh writes of the 'unspeakably presumptuous extravaganzas as those [that] feted Mr. Obama at Berlin and Invesco Field.'

"In reference to Obama's narcissism, Charles Krauthammer asks, '[H]as there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?' Sam Vaknin, Ph.D., author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited, writes that 'Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist,' and offers a detailed explanation.

The Financial Mess: How We Got Here

"'How can you vote Republican when they so messed up the economy?' a liberal friend screams at me with such vehemence that I had to put the phone a full arms length from my ear. Of course, my friend never heard of the Community Reinvestment Act. He is one of those mindless liberals who thinks that George Bush and the Republicans are responsible for everything from Global Warming to Hurricane Katrina to the attempted genocide of the entire black population of New Orleans.

"He claims to be informed but he doesn't remember those dire warnings going back nine years ago that the Community Reinvestment Act would eventually cause a major financial and banking crisis in this country."

The Unspoken Campaign Message of Obama

"There is a theme to the political campaign of Barack Obama. It follows the teachings of Saul Alinksy, and it can be summed up easily: I will do anything to win. That was the theory of Alinsky, whose radicalism was simply radicalism for power, not for the powerless. Obama, like Alinsky, is not so much an ideologue as a power fanatic. 'Give me power, then trust me to do something good' both men seem to say."

Ayers Has Not Left Radicalism Behind

"The reality is, either Obama is naive or he doesn't care that Ayers remains an anti-American radical who would hurt his country."

Federal court declares Ohio registration practices illegal

"Ohio's Secretary of State, the partisan Democrat Jennifer Brunner, is breaking the law by failing to give local officials the opportunity to check newly-registered voters against outside databases."

Farrakhan calls Obama 'the messiah'

"Complete with fancy production values like a camera mounted on a crane, The leader of the Nation of Islam refers to Barrack Obama as 'the messiah' before a crowd of Black Muslims. See it yourself. But of course, do not judge Obama because he went to the Million Man March, or because his pastor of 20 years was a good pal of Farrakhan. And don't suppose that Farrakhan is more than just another guy in Barrack Obama's neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago."

Obama the Facilitator

"A great facilitator is one who influences a group from the outside, not the inside. Facilitators shepherd and guide the process of completing a task, but are never accountable for the work itself; something like a consultant, if you like. They are never personally accountable for work and deliverables produced by those actually accountable, where executives stake their lives every day. This is where Candidate Obama's 'It's not about me!' nonsense comes from. Candidate Obama has never held an executive position over anything much grander than a Senate staff (and that only recently), until this campaign. But he is never at a loss for words about process and direction and potential and hope and change and facilitator-speak."

Mr. Obama: Don't Betray My People

"Mr. Obama, if you get elected as president, don't you even think of doing anything that would further whet the insatiable appetite of the Islamists. Your mentor and idol, Carter, helped the Islamists and an untold number of my people died and are still dying. And by 'my people,' I include both innocent people of my native birthplace Iran, as well as many noble compatriots of my adopted homeland, America."

Can America Afford Another Jimmy Carter?

"Americans, out of resentment, made a huge mistake in electing an inexperienced idealist, Jimmy Carter, simply because they were unhappy with the Nixon scandal and the Republican Party in general. That naïve decision lead us to where we are today. Mr. Carter's belief that every crisis can be resolved with diplomacy -- now permeates the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, Carter was wrong. There are times when evil must be openly confronted and defeated.

"Jimmy Carter, the self-appointed touring ambassador of bad-mouthing America, must be rejoicing at the prospect of Mr. Obama's presidency. Mr. Obama holds the promise of not only carrying on the Carterian misguided policies, but also taking them to their very ruinous end. Most liberal Democrats live in a delusional reality based on denial. "

Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines

"That total failure to remind and understand means that Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history."


What's more, aside from failing to instruct their students in the crass facts about communism's unprecedented destruction -- its purges, mass famines, show trials, killing fields, concentration camps -- these educators are negligent in failing to teach the essential, non-emotional, but crucial Econ 101 basics that contrast capitalism and communism and, thus, that get at the heart of how and why command economies simply do not work. Each semester in my Comparative Politics course at Grove City College, it takes no more than 50 minutes to matter-of-factly lay out the rudimentary differences. Whereas capitalist systems are based on the market forces of supply and demand, which dictate prices and production levels and targets, communist systems are based on central planning, by which a government bureau attempts to manage such things. Capitalism is based on private ownership; communism on public ownership. Capitalism thrives on small government and taxes; communism on large government and taxes, typically progressive income-tax rates and estate taxes -- both advocated explicitly by Marx -- and much more."

Dirty tricks for a higher cause?

"Even more remarkably, the Republicans have abstained from the dirty tricks that Obama campaigners now use routinely -- such as flooding conservative radio stations with hostile phone calls, threatening McCain campaign donors, widespread voter registration fraud, and quasi-terrorist tactics at the Republican convention."

Here comes the race card

"Any GOP attack from now until the election that can hurt Obama will be answered with the race card. The question is; will it backfire? Will the American people see it for what it is and rebel against becoming pawns in Obama's attempt to shame them into voting for him?"

The Coming Counterrevolution To Hush The Alternative Media

"Signs of what the new environment will be like for the right are already evident:

"• When the National Rifle Association recently released television and radio ads in Pennsylvania targeting Obama's history of anti-gun votes, the Obama campaign's general counsel fired off bullying letters to stations that ran the spots, implying that they may have violated public-interest obligations.

"• When the 527 group, the American Issues Project, came out with a commercial linking Obama to former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, the campaign (unsuccessfully) complained to the Department of Justice that AIP had broken campaign finance laws, and managed to spook some stations away from the ad.

"• When two different conservative writers looking into Obama's background appeared on Chicago's WGN-AM Radio, the campaign's 'action wire' energized its activists to bombard the station with rage-filled phone calls and e-mails, making the program more difficult to conduct.

"(The show, hosted by the eminently reasonable Milt Rosenberg, had on both occasions invited the Obama campaign to send a representative to respond; the campaign preferred to answer with digital brownshirts.)

"These crude efforts are only a start."

I ain't shuttin' up.

Archives prove Obama was a New Party member (updated)

"J. Brown of Politically Drunk on Power has dug up multiple documentary sources (with hyperlinks) proving that Barack Obama was a member of the New Party, despite alleged attempts to cover up his tracks by scrubbing evidence. He or she deserves tremendous praise for doing this detective work.

"Obama's career bears many signs of being helped along by the radical left. At the critical moment when he entered electoral politics, he was part of a movement to take over an established political party and direct it to the task of building a socialist America."

The Real Obama: Part III

"The education situation in Obama's home base of Chicago is one of the worst in the nation for the children-- and one of the best for the unionized teachers.

"Fewer than one-third of Chicago's high-school juniors meet the statewide standards on tests. Only 6 percent of the youngsters who enter Chicago high schools become college graduates by the time they are 25 years old.

"The problem is not money: Chicago spends more than $10,000 per student.

"Chicago teachers are doing well. A beginning teacher, fresh out of college, earns more than the city's median income and that can rise to more than $100,000 over the years"


"When a bill was introduced into the Illinois state legislature that would put more teeth into suspensions of misbehaving students, Barack Obama voted against that bill."


"'Basically they gave Congress a ransom note: 'We've got your 401(k) and if you want to see your 401(k) alive again, give us $700 billion in unmarked bills,' Sherman said."


"Silence isn’t golden, it’s yellow. We are a nation of liars, following liars, believing liars, and celebrating liars. "

"The situation is now so bad that Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, tried to move to the left of the Democrat, Barack Obama, during Tuesday night’s debate by proposing that he would 'order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America…' McCain didn’t explain where this authority would come from. But this proposal, which is estimated to cost $300 billion, followed his statement that 'We obviously have to stop this spending spree that’s going on in Washington.'

"On top of this monumental gaffe, in a tragic but humorous example of Washington doublespeak, the McCain campaign issued a statement calling this socialist proposal the 'American Homeownership Resurgence Plan.'”


“'It claimed that two to four percent of votes in the 2000 presidential election were cast by non-citizens, and in some Florida counties 10 to 15 percent of votes were cast by non-citizens,' Simcox said. 'To bring this number into perspective, in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, over half the population is foreign born and nearly a third of the voting age population is non-citizen.

“'The U.S. Border Control found that between 1994 and 1998, Hispanic voter registration in Florida soared by 557 percent, from less than 100,000 to 655,000. In Miami-Dade County in the same period the number of Hispanic registered voters increased twenty fold.'

"Simcox found in 2004 that naturalized citizens make up 61.4 percent of voter registration while non-citizens account for 300,000 of those registrations. That’s a lot of fraud!"

Why everyone in America has the right to vote, citizen or not. They have the right to vote early and the right to vote often in an election, as long as it is the "right" party.