Saturday, March 7, 2009

George W. Obama?

"That brings us to the first weeks of the Obama administration, set against the background of a scary and steadily deepening global economic crisis. Last month, in his first address to Congress, Obama warned the country that fixing the huge problems in the financial markets and housing and auto industries would require a historic effort. 'None of this will come without cost, nor will it be easy,' he said. 'But this is America. We don’t do what’s easy. We do what is necessary to move this country forward.

"Minutes later, Obama spelled out what he proposes this to mean for 98 percent of Americans: 'You will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime. In fact, the recovery plan provides a tax cut . . . and these checks are on the way.'

"So much for summoning the country to sacrifice. Obama has been no more willing to ask average Americans to pitch in, even once the recession is over, than Bush."

Obama To Make Your Oil, Gasoline More Expensive

"He’s couching this policy move in more taxes on the evil oil industry, but the reality is that big new taxes on any industry simply get passed on to that industry’s patrons. Meaning me and you, the average citizen.

"Just another way in which Obama has broken his promise about no new federal taxes for Americans making under $250,000/year."

What Were You Black Folks Thinking?

"A black woman quit paying her rent after Obama became president. She said 'We have a new president and things are going to change.' A young black man stole a bag of chips from a store on the night of November 4, 2008, election night. He felt since we had a black president, he did not have to pay. A relative of comedian Kevin Craft said 'F___ white people! Black folks ain't gotta do s___.' A woman in Texas thinks that Obama is going to make black people all 'rich.' I wonder if that woman in Florida is waiting for a check from the White House so that her mortgage gets paid. Look for cobwebs around her as she waits.

"What were these black folks thinking?"

Conspiracy of the Lemmings: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis; Part II

Cloward and Piven focused on welfare, voting, housing and immigration 'rights.' But leftist positions on any issue, whether championing equal 'rights,' abortion 'rights,' education 'rights,' rights to health care, housing, legal protections of antisocial or even criminal behavior, to the point of absurdity, are intentionally divisive. They add new fiscal and regulatory burdens on government, and set new precedents that undermine the limited government concepts embedded in our Constitution, while conferring discriminatory special benefits on legally defined groups the rest of us are forced to pay for. They deliberately put our society at war with itself. And as Cloward and Piven made clear, the true purpose is not even to help those groups, but rather to duplicitously enlist them as part of an offensive to collapse our society from within!

"Democrats embrace the rhetoric of 'compassion,' but look past the rhetoric to the results. This country is polarized as never before because of their relentless agitation for extremist positions on every issue, and the outrageous tactics they use to promote them. But while Radical Saul Alinsky’s tactics guide today’s Democrat electoral game plan, the Cloward-Piven Strategy describes the overarching goal of almost every leftwing organization/movement/ideal today."

Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

"One of two things must be true. Either the Democrats are unfathomable idiots, who ignorantly pursue ever more destructive policies despite decades of contrary evidence, or they understand the consequences of their actions and relentlessly carry on anyway because they somehow benefit.

"I submit to you they understand the consequences. For many it is simply a practical matter of eliciting votes from a targeted constituency at taxpayer expense; we lose a little, they gain a lot, and the politician keeps his job. But for others, the goal is more malevolent – the failure is deliberate. Don’t laugh. This method not only has its proponents, it has a name: the Cloward-Piven Strategy. It animates their agenda, tactics, and long-term strategy."