Saturday, March 28, 2009

Were you duped by the mind-game called Obama

"Thus, their man, Obama, sells ‘hope’ as a diversion technique, a holding position, to keep the masses from truly rebelling. We have no job, no food on the table and our home has been foreclosed, but at least we have ‘hope’. Phew, thank goodness for that.

"‘I’m hungry, mum, can I have some hope, please?’

"‘I’m so sorry, darling, you can’t have hope today, only tomorrow - hope is always tomorrow.’

"‘So will I eat tomorrow, mum?’

‘We can hope so now, dear, but when we get to tomorrow, we can only hope it’s the next day.’

"On and on it goes. That’s how ‘hope’ works. Or rather doesn’t.

"Obama’s predominant mantra has been ‘change’. Indeed, his massively-funded, record-breaking campaign was based on that one word - change. This is a technique used by Bill Clinton and many others and it is highly effective because, at any point, the system ensures that most people are not happy with the way life is. So, when you don’t like the status quo, ‘change’ can be a potent message, even if, like Obama, you don’t say what it means.

"It has been vital to his success, and that of his controllers, that he has never specified what his ‘hope’, ‘change’, and that other mind-control trigger-word, ‘believe’, were referring to in terms of policy and the way society in general will be affected. Hope for what? Change what? Believe in what? To answer those questions with specifics would have been fatal to Obama’s appeal."