Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our president's purposeful plan to ruin us

"Also over the weekend, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei shot down Obama's overtures toward forging 'constructive ties' with the rogue Islamic theocracy. Now, we've certainly seen enough fruits of the soft, squishy diplomacy we tend to get from Democratic presidents to have known what to expect. Given Obama's early upbringing and affinity for America-hating individuals and entities, it ought to be no surprise that he is proceeding with such apparent carelessness.

"Brigitte Gabriel, the Lebanese-born former news anchor and expert on the Islamic world and global terrorism, analyzed Obama's appeal to Iran, applying insights that spoke volumes. The appearance of the Farsi-subtitled video he sent to the ayatollah was bereft of any display of his office. The language he used and the manner in which the video was presented evidenced acquiescence, and contained cues that only one familiar with the nuances of Islamic sensibilities would recognize.

"Gabriel noted that in the Islamic world, negotiation is only proposed when a party is prepared to admit defeat, or is stalling in order to regroup. We've seen this countless times in the dealings between Palestinian terrorist organizations and Israel. It is unlikely that White House experts on diplomatic protocol were unaware of these facts; when one considers Obama's unique understanding of the Muslim world, it becomes clear that his comportment and the message of weakness and deference he sent were deliberate.

"While Jimmy Carter's abysmal foreign policy was rooted in an immature view of the world combined with his grandiose self-image, and Bill Clinton's in an aversion to taking risks, it is all but apparent that Obama's is geared toward sabotaging American preeminence."