Sunday, November 16, 2008

The enemy within

"The real question is whether Obama and his radical national and international friends and teachers are also enemies within. There was no serious investigation of quite a number of doubtful issues, including his birth certificate. He is getting endorsed by terrorists and communists. 'We were in contact with a number of Obama's aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza,' Ahmed Yousef, Hamas' chief political adviser, told the leading Al-Hayat Arabic language newspaper, according to a WorldNetDaily report of Nov. 11. The terrorist group was asked to keep the contacts secret. An old saying advises me and I follow its line: 'Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.' America is in mortal danger."


"Richard D. Lamm, former governor of Colorado, described 'a secret plan to destroy America.' In a speech to a stunned audience in Washington at a conference about immigration reform in 2004, he described how an enemy within could destroy his own country:

  1. Make America a bilingual-bicultural country.
  2. Invent multiculturalism and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture.
  3. Make the United States a 'Hispanic Quebec.' Celebrate diversity rather than unity.
  4. Make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
  5. Get big foundations and big business to give these efforts lots of money.
  6. Establish dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.
  7. Place these entire subjects off-limits, make it taboo to talk about them. Use words like 'racist' and 'xenophobe.' Make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws.

"Enemies within are more dangerous than terrorists. People and nations living in moral defeat are blind and therefore cannot detect them and believe their lies. To use other people's money to bribe your own potential voters makes matters worse."