Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins - Rev. Wright's Injunctions Become A Dark Reality: "God Damn America! Hallelujah!"

"We have witnessed today the fruit of forty years of insidious communist infiltration of our country come to bear. Today, the aging, white-haired, 'Fifth Columnist' Marxist radicals that waved Viet-Cong flags in front of our Capitol - who protested the Vietnam War, and brought so much divisiveness, social turmoil, and upheaval to our nation during the sixties, and who, realizing soon that a violent overthrow of our Republic was not feasible, but that to accomplish their Marxist goals they had to follow Marx's admonition of becoming unnoticed, 'underground moles' working stealthily towards their socialist ends, mingling with the rest of the populace, while like termites, they tunneled, and chewed out, weakened, and ultimately would destroy the established societal order from within the system - have won."